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使用热线风速仪对扩压器内的非定常流场进行了测量,采用锁相采样—集平均技术对热膜测量的瞬时信号进行了处理,对离心压气机内扩压器势反冲效应和叶轮尾流的非定常影响进行了分离,采用"逆频谱分析"方法求解了不确定性非定常性,研究了离心压气机内不同非定常源的影响。结果表明,扩压器的势反冲效应同叶轮叶片的非定常影响处于同一数量级,扩压器的势反冲效应略小一些。扩压器的势反冲效应同叶轮叶片的非定常影响均是沿流向不断减小,且二者之间的差距沿流向也不断减小。叶轮叶片的非定常影响对扩压器叶片的位置较为敏感,靠近扩压器凸面侧的测点受叶轮叶片的非定常影响较大。径向间隙内不确定非定常度受扩压器叶片的反冲影响较大。 相似文献
高超声速飞行器流动特征分析 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4
在非流线型构件或突起物的扰动效应、高马赫数和低雷诺数极限效应、低湍流度环境效应和由激波或摩擦导致的气动加热效应等4个方面的影响下,未来高超声速飞行器涉及的流动主要表现出这样的特点:典型流动结构强度高、尺度大,如强激波和厚边界层;局部流动结构数量多;激波、膨胀波和边界层结构之间相互干扰十分严重;转捩、压力脉动和一些流动结构对细微因素非常敏感;压力、摩擦应力和热流峰值现象普遍;升阻比屏障难以突破;流场同时依赖大量无量纲参数和有量纲参数,导致实验模拟难度大。本文在回顾传统高超声速流动主要流动现象的基础上,对上述7个方面涉及的典型流动现象的基础研究现状、问题本质和因果关系进行综合描述,讨论如何更有效地面对基础研究和工程实际问题。该文既可为解决典型流动现象中尚未解决的基础研究提供帮助,也可为如何合理地利用有限的已知知识解决工程应用问题提供指导。 相似文献
进口导流叶片对转子叶片颤振特性的影响 总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4
上游静子叶片的尾迹扰动是下游转子叶片发生强迫响应问题的主要原因,但通常认为不会对颤振特性产生影响。运用CFD技术求解非定常流场,用能量法对典型涡轮风扇NASA Rotor 67进行了气动弹性分析。结果表明:不加进口导流叶片时其叶片最有可能在第二阶模态、60°叶间振动相角的情况下发生颤振;加上IGV(进口导流叶片)后,IGV的尾迹会显著改变转子叶片的颤振特性,当转子叶片的最危险颤振模态频率接近IGV尾迹的扰动频率时,即使单独转子叶片十分稳定,但在尾迹的激励下颤振仍然可能发生;当该频率远离IGV尾迹扰动频率时,尾迹扰动同样会使转子叶片气动阻尼降低。该结果意味着尽管IGV的引入不会明显改变压气机性能,但有可能会对其颤振特性带来明显的负面影响,需要在涡轮机设计中予以考虑。 相似文献
火工品安全性影响因素分析 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
针对目前国内外关于火工品安全性影响因素的研究较少且没有形成相关体系的不足,通过对各类火工品典型结构、作用原理及安全性因素进行的分析,提出了各类火工品的防护措施。分析结果表明:热能火工品和机械能火工品主要针对环境中的机械力作用及摩擦热进行防护;化学能火工品还需要注意防霉菌,控制储存环境的温、湿度以及防止化学药剂意外泄漏;光能火工品受外部影响最小,其防护措施主要针对储存环境温度进行控制;电能火工品主要防静电和射频的干扰。 相似文献
低压涡轮叶型边界层相互作用的数值模拟 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
基于Lantry-Menter转捩模型,应用商用流体计算软件求解非定常雷诺平均N-S方程组,对进口雷诺数为2.5×104,来流湍流度为2.5%,尾迹折合频率为0.92状态下的尾迹/PAK-B叶型边界层的相互作用进行了数值模拟。数值计算揭示的尾迹在叶栅通道中的输运特性、尾迹诱导卷起涡形成、尾迹诱导边界层转捩等物理机制大致符合相关实验定性描述。 相似文献
Experimental investigation of large amplitude yaw-roll coupled oscillations was conducted in a low-speed wind tunnel using an aircraft configuration model. A special test rig was designed and constructed to provide different coupled motions from low to high angles of attack.A parameter ‘‘coupling ratio\" was introduced to indicate the extent of yaw-roll coupling. At each pitch angle, seven coupling ratios were designed to study the yaw-roll coupling effects on the lateraldirectional aerodynamic characteristics systematically. At high angles of attack, the damping characteristics of yawing and rolling moments drastically varied with coupling ratios. In the coupled motions with the rotation taking place about the wind axis, the lateral-directional aerodynamic moments exhibited unsteady characteristics and were different from the ‘‘quasi-steady\" results of the rotary balance tests. The calculated results of the traditional aerodynamic derivative method were also compared with the experimental data. At low and very high angles of attack, the aerodynamic derivative method was applicative. However, within a wide range of angles of attack, the calculated results of aerodynamic derivative method were inconsistent with the experimental data, due to the drastic changes of damping characteristics of lateral-directional aerodynamic moments with yaw-roll coupling ratios. 相似文献
在定容弹中实验测试了初始压力分别为0.1、0.3 MPa、初始温度分别为390、400、420 K、当量比范围为0.8~1.5时RP-3航空煤油模拟替代燃料的层流燃烧特性,并对比分析了模拟替代燃料与RP-3航空煤油的层流燃烧速率。结果表明,模拟替代燃料层流燃烧火焰的马克斯坦长度随初始压力或当量比的降低逐渐增大,表明火焰稳定性逐步增强;初始温度对火焰稳定性的影响不明显;随初始温度的升高或初始压力的降低,模拟替代燃料的层流燃烧速率逐渐升高;随着当量比的逐渐增大,模拟替代燃料的层流燃烧速率先增大后降低,在当量比为1.2时达到最大;在相同工况下,模拟替代燃料与RP-3航空煤油的层流燃烧速率吻合较好。 相似文献
以航空发动机转静盘腔内非稳态流动为研究对象,基于用户自定义函数编程设置进口压力按斜坡函数变化时的非稳态边界条件,利用数值模拟方法,在滞后效应、流场演化和物性参数方面,研究了不同无量纲跃升幅值下转静盘腔流动瞬态响应机理。结果表明:无量纲跃升幅值由1.05增至1.2,盘腔内部的当地响应时间延长了81.1%,相对总温的超调量增加了157.0%,其峰值时间增加了31.3%,且进口压力波动的传播方向总是由进口指向出口;瞬态过程中,转静盘腔的容积效应和旋转效应共同作用使出口流量明显滞后进口流量,且其滞留质量流量与相对总温的超调现象密切相关;冲击射流、旋转贴壁射流和静子壁面侧的涡系构成了盘腔流场演化的主体,无量纲跃升幅值越大,流场演化过程越剧烈,响应时间越长;声速和热扩散率与盘腔响应速度密切相关。 相似文献
The experimental data obtained from yaw-roll coupled wind tunnel tests are used for lateral-directional departure prediction, by linearizing the_b model to extract nominal dynamic derivatives at each coupling ratio.The prediction results are compared with those of the existing engineering methods which are based on the conventional aerodynamic derivatives.The comparison shows that the yaw-roll coupling ratio has a great influence on the departure susceptibility.The departure resistance will loss in partial region of the coupling ratio when the angle of attack is higher than a critical value.According to the stable and unstable regions of coupling ratio, a two-segment stability augmentation system with two different feedback gain matrices is obtained by pole-placement method.The two-segment stability augmentation system is used in the simulations of straight and level flight, steady turn, spin recovery and Herbst maneuver.The simulation results are also compared with the applications of a fixed-gain stability augmentation system designed by the conventional aerodynamic derivatives.When the yaw-roll coupling effects are fully considered, the two-segment stability augmentation system is more effective for departure restraint and can provide a better flying quality with less control energy. 相似文献
压电振子激励流场的数值模拟 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0
为了得到多个压电振子的相干性和涡系之间相互干涉的流场信息,探索间距和相位差等因素对多个压电振子耦合流场的影响效果,本文对单个与多个压电振子的非定常流场特性进行了数值模拟研究.结果表明,压电振子振动时,流场中出现了速度涡区,单个振子的涡系发展最充分,流场中速度峰值达4m/s,三个振子的垂直方向作用范围最大,但速度峰值只有2.8m/s;振子振幅为A,振子间距在1A ~4A,流场掺混效果与振子间距成正比,有1/2相位差时流场掺混效果优于无相位差的情况;多个振子产生的耦合射流效果在适当的间距与相位差下好于单个振子产生的射流. 相似文献