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M.D. Ngobeni M.S. Potgieter 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2010
Observations made with the two Voyager spacecraft confirmed that the solar wind decelerates to form the heliospheric termination shock and that it has begun its merger with the local interstellar medium. The compression ratio of this shock affects galactic cosmic rays when they enter the heliosphere. Hydrodynamic (HD) models show that the compression ratio can have a significant latitude dependence; with the largest value in the nose direction of the heliosphere, becoming significantly less towards the polar regions. The modulation effects of such large latitude dependence are studied, using a well-established numerical drift and shock modulation model. We focus on computing the modulated spectra for galactic protons with emphasis on the radial and polar gradients in the equatorial plane and at a polar angle of θ = 55°, corresponding to the heliolatitude of Voyager 1. Two sets of solutions are computed and compared each time; with and without a latitude dependence for the compression ratio. All computations are done for the two magnetic field polarity cycles assuming solar minimum conditions. Including the termination shock in the model allows the study of the re-acceleration of galactic protons in the outer heliosphere. We find that for the A < 0 polarity cycle the intensity between ∼200 MeV and ∼1 GeV in the vicinity of the shock in the heliospheric equatorial plane may exceed the local interstellar value specified at the heliopause. Unfortunately, at θ = 55°, the effect is reduced. This seems not possible during an A > 0 cycle because significant modulation is then predicted between the heliopause and the termination shock, depending on how strong global gradient and curvature drifts are in the heliosheath. The overall effect of the shock on galactic protons in the equatorial plane is to reduce the total modulation as a function of radial distance with respect to the interstellar spectrum. Making the compression ratio latitude dependent enhances these effects at energies E < 200 MeV in the equatorial plane. At larger heliolatitudes these effects are even more significant. The differences in the modulation between the two drift cycles are compelling when the compression ratio is made latitude dependent but at Earth this effect is insignificant. A general result is that the computed radial gradient changes for galactic protons at and close to the TS and that these changes are polarity dependent. In line with previous work, large polarity dependent effects are predicted for the inner heliosphere and also close to the shock’s position in the equatorial plane. In contrast, at θ = 55°, the largest polarity effect occurs in the middle heliosphere (50 AU), enhanced by the latitude dependence of the compression ratio. At this latitude, the amount of proton modulation between the heliopause and the termination shock is much reduced. If galactic cosmic rays were to experience some diffusive shock acceleration over the 100–1000 MeV range at the shock, the radial gradient should change its sign in the vicinity of the shock, how large, depends on the compression ratio and the amount of drifts taking place in the outer heliosphere. The effective polar gradient shows a strong polarity dependence at Earth but this dissipates at θ = 55°, especially with increasing radial distance. This tendency is enhanced by making the compression ratio latitude dependent. 相似文献
J. Dodion D. Fussen F. Vanhellemont C. Bingen N. Mateshvili K. Gilbert R. Skelton D. Turnbull S.D. McLeod C.D. Boone K.A. Walker P.F. Bernath 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008
Satellite-based limb occultation measurements are well suited for the detection and mapping of polar stratospheric clouds (PSCs) and cirrus clouds. PSCs are of fundamental importance for the formation of the Antarctic ozone hole that occurs every year since the early 1980s in Southern Hemisphere spring. Despite progress in the observation, modeling and understanding of PSCs in recent years, there are still important questions which remain to be resolved, e.g. PSC microphysics, composition, formation mechanisms and long-term changes in occurrence. In addition, it has recently become clear that cirrus clouds significantly affect the global energy balance and climate, due to their influence on atmospheric thermal structure. 相似文献
Charles S. Cockell 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008
In the coming decades the detection of Earth-like extrasolar planets, either apparently lifeless or exhibiting spectral signatures of life, will encourage design studies for craft to visit them. These missions will require the elaboration of an interstellar planetary protection protocol. Given a specific dose required to sterilize microorganisms on a spacecraft, a critical mean velocity can be determined below which a craft becomes self-sterilizing. This velocity is calculated to be below velocities previously projected for interstellar missions, suggesting that an active sterilization protocol prior to launch might be required. Given uncertainties in the surface conditions of a destination extrasolar planet, particularly at microscopic scales, the potential for unknown biochemistries and biologies elsewhere, or the possible inoculation of a lifeless planet that is habitable, then both lander and orbiter interstellar missions should be completely free of all viable organisms, necessitating a planetary protection approach applied to orbiters and landers bound for star systems with unknown local conditions for habitability. I discuss the case of existing craft on interstellar trajectories – Pioneer 10, 11 and Voyager 1 and 2. 相似文献
T. Aramaki S.E. Boggs W.W. Craig H. Fuke F. Gahbauer C.J. Hailey J.E. Koglin N. Madden K. Mori R.A. Ong T. Yoshida 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2010
The General AntiParticle Spectrometer (GAPS) is a novel approach for indirect dark matter searches that exploits cosmic antideuterons. GAPS complements existing and planned direct dark matter searches as well as other indirect techniques, probing a different and unique region of parameter space in a variety of proposed dark matter models. The GAPS method involves capturing antiparticles into a target material with the subsequent formation of an excited exotic atom. The exotic atom decays with the emission of atomic X-rays and pions from the nuclear annihilation, which uniquely identifies the captured antiparticle. This technique has been verified through the accelerator testing at KEK in 2004 and 2005. The prototype flight is scheduled from Hokkaido, Japan in 2011, preparatory for a long duration balloon flight from the Antarctic in 2014. 相似文献
Sachindra Naik U. Mukherjee B. Paul C.S. Choi 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2009
Our work focuses on a comprehensive orbital phase-dependent spectroscopy of the four High Mass X-ray Binary Pulsars (HMXBPs) 4U 1538-52, GX 301-2, OAO 1657-415 and Vela X-1. We hereby report the measurements of the variation of the absorption column density and iron-line flux along with other spectral parameters over the binary orbit for the above-mentioned HMXBPs in elliptical orbits, as observed with the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer (RXTE) and the BeppoSAX satellites. A spherically symmetric wind profile was used as a model to compare the observed column density variations. Out of the four pulsars, only in 4U 1538-52, we find the model having a reasonable corroboration with the observations, whereas in the remaining three the stellar wind seems to be clumpy and a smooth symmetric stellar wind model appears to be quite inadequate in explaining the data. Moreover, in GX 301-2, neither the presence of a disk nor a gas stream from the companion was validated. Furthermore, the spectral results obtained in the case of OAO 1657-415 and Vela X-1 were more or less similar to that of GX 301-2. 相似文献
The mass loss of spacecraft polyimide films under the action of atomic oxygen and vacuum ultraviolet radiation 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The threshold values of the annual fluence of atomic oxygen (F AO ≈ 1020 cm?2), as well as the ratios of the energy-flux density of vacuum ultraviolet radiation of the solar spectrum to the flux density of atomic oxygen (Φ ν /Φ AO ≈ 8 × 10?15 mJ) were determined, which are characterized the influence of the synergistic effect on the mass loss of Kapton-H, PM-A, and PM-1E polyimide films, which are spacecraft materials. 相似文献
S.W. Kahler B.R. Ragot 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2009
A current serious limitation on the studies of solar energetic particle (SEP) events is that their properties in the inner heliosphere are studied only through in situ spacecraft observations. Our understanding of spatial distributions and temporal variations of SEP events has come through statistical studies of many such events over several solar cycles. In contrast, flare SEPs in the solar corona can be imaged through their radiative and collisional interactions with solar fields and particles. We suggest that the heliospheric SEPs may also interact with heliospheric particles and fields to produce signatures which can be remotely observed and imaged. A challenge with any such candidate signature is to separate it from that of flare SEPs. The optimum case for imaging high-energy (E > 100 MeV) heliospheric protons may be the emission of π0-decay γ-rays following proton collisions with solar wind (SW) ions. In the case of E > 1 MeV electrons, gyrosynchrotron radio emission may be the most readily detectible remote signal. In both cases we may already have observed one or two such events. Another radiative signature from nonthermal particles may be resonant transition radiation, which has likely already been observed from solar flare electrons. We discuss energetic neutrons as another possible remote signature, but we rule out γ-ray line and 0.511 MeV positron annihilation emission as observable signatures of heliospheric energetic ions. We are already acquiring global signatures of large inner-heliospheric SW density features and of heliosheath interactions between the SW and interstellar neutral ions. By finding an appropriate observable signature of remote heliospheric SEPs, we could supplement the in situ observations with global maps of energetic SEP events to provide a comprehensive view of SEP events. 相似文献
Y.S. Ge C.T. RussellT.-S. Hsu 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2008,41(8):1243-1251
In 2001, 2002 and 2003, the Polar spacecraft probed the near equatorial plasma sheet at 9 RE near local midnight. Using the magnetic field observations, the signatures at substorm onsets are studied. Close to the flux pile-up region, the Polar spacecraft readily detects the dipolarization front, especially for pseudo onsets. An event with two distinct onsets has been examined. The signatures are found to be consistent with the multiple-onset model suggested by Russell [Russell, C.T. How northward turnings of the IMF can lead to substorm expansion onsets. Geophys. Res. Lett. 27, 3257–3259, 2000] which is a modified Near-Earth Neutral Line (NENL) model. Another similar event is also examined showing the effects of different Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF) conditions upon substorms. Moreover, ground effects can be very weak compared to in situ observations, especially for pseudo onsets, because these signatures appear to be localized and not global. 相似文献
These studies were designed and coordinated to evaluate specific aspects of man's immunologic and hematologic systems which might be altered by or respond to the space flight environment. The biochemical functions investigated included cytogenetic damage to blood cells, immune resistance to disease, regulation of plasma and red cell volumes, metabolic processes of the red blood cell, and physical chemical aspects of red blood cell functions. Only minor changes were observed in the functional capacity of erythrocytes as determined by measuring the concentrations of selected intracellular enzymes and metabolites. Tests of red cell osmotic regulation indicated some elevation in the activity of the metabolic dependent Na-K pump, with no significant alterations in the cellular Na and K concentrations or osmotic fragility. A transient shift in red cell specific-gravity profile was observed on recovery, possibly related to changes in cellular water content. Measurements of hemoconcentration (hematocrit, hemoglobin concentration, red cell count) indicated significant fluctuations postflight, reflecting observed changes in red cell mass and plasma volume. There was no apparent reticulocytosis during the 18 days following the first manned Skylab mission in spite of a significant loss in red cell mass. However, the reticulocyte count and index did increase significantly 5 to 7 days after completion of the second, longer duration, flight. There were no significant changes in either the while blood cell count or differential. However, the capacity of lymphocytes to respond to an in vitro mitogenic challenge was repressed postflight, and appeared to be related to mission duration. The cause of this repression is unknown at this time. Only minor differences were observed in plasma protein patterns. In the second mission there were changes in the proteins involved in the coagulation process which suggested a hypercoagulative condition. 相似文献
Q. Wang G. Xu S. Petrovic U. Schaefer U. Meyer T. Xu 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2011
A regional tropospheric model can be constructed using surveys from GPS ground networks. Using this model the tropospheric delays of a kinematic station within the region can be interpolated. However, such a model is generally not suitable for an airborne platform high above the ground networks. In this paper, a method of constructing a regional tropospheric model for airborne GPS applications is described. First, the kinematic station in the air is projected onto the ground. Then the tropospheric delays at projected point are interpolated from those of the ground networks. Finally, the tropospheric delays at projected point are extended upward to the airborne platform using pressure and temperature gradients and humidity exponential function. For validation of this method, the data of airborne campaign carried out by BKG in cooperation with GFZ and BGR 2008 in the northern Alps are used. The results show that GPS kinematic positioning precision in height component can be improved using this method. 相似文献