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晓月 《国际太空》2007,(7):35-36
美国航空航天局(NASA)的“星座计划”月球着陆器项目办公室已开始组建队伍,设计用于在2020年之前让美国航天员往返月球的着陆器,据说该着陆器已经被命名为“阿特密斯”(Artemis)。着陆器将搭乘战神-5运载火箭发射,与战神-1火箭发射的位于低地球轨道的“猎户座”乘员探索飞行器对接。  相似文献   
美国航空公司成为全球首家在民用飞机的舱门、安定面、方向舵、升降舵等可更换结构部件上安装具有自动识别(AIT)功能的接触式记忆按钮的航空公司。这种接触式记忆按钮的几何外形只有美元的一角硬币那么大,具有大容量和自动化数据采集等特点,可以帮助航空公司高效地监控飞机可更换结构部件的运营历史,为航空公司节约运营成本、提高数据的精...  相似文献   
新一代Minimaster Plus小魔王诞生了,看起来更锋利且有很多新特性,它提高了精度和生产效率,能应用于钢件、铝合金以及难加工材料的铣削中。  相似文献   
铝合金是航空航天工业的主要工件材料之一,使用WalterPrototypSky·tecTM刀具可以高性能、高效率地进行加工。钛合金作为航空航天的难加工材料,其特点是重量轻、强度高并且具有极强的耐腐蚀性,现在很多刀具的研发目标就是更加自如地加工这一材料。  相似文献   
A cathode mandrel with translational and rotational motion, which was supposed to obtain uniform friction effect on surface, was employed in abrasive-assisted electroforming for revolving parts with complex profile. The effects of current density, translational speed and rotational speed on the deposit properties were studied by orthogonal test. The tensile strength, elongation and micro hardness value were measured to find out how the factors affected the properties. The optimized results show that changes of current density affect the tensile strength of nickel layer most, while translational speed has the most remarkable influences on both elonga-tion and micro hardness. The low rotational speed affects the properties least. In this experiment, a smooth nickel layer with tensile strength 581 MPa, elongation 17%and micro hardness 248HV is obtained by the orthogonal test.  相似文献   
Nickel-based superalloys are widely employed in modern aircraft engines because of their excellent material characteristics, particularly in the fabrication of film cooling holes. How-ever, the high machining requirement of a large number of film cooling holes can be extremely chal-lenging. The hybrid machining technique of tube electrode high-speed electrochemical discharge drilling (TEHECDD) has been considered as a promising method for the production of film cooling holes. Compared with any single machining process, this hybrid technique requires the removal of more complex machining by-products, including debris produced in the electrical discharge machin-ing process and hydroxide and bubbles generated in the electrochemical machining process. These by-products significantly affect the machining efficiency and surface quality of the machined prod-ucts. In this study, tube electrodes in different inner diameters are designed and fabricated, and the effects of inner diameter on the machining efficiency and surface quality of TEHECDD are inves-tigated. The results show that larger inner diameters could effectively improve the flushing condi-tion and facilitate the removal of machining by-products. Therefore, higher material removal efficiency, surface quality, and electrode wear rate could be achieved by increasing the inner diam-eter of the tube electrode.  相似文献   
张芳芳  小浪 《西南航空》2012,(11):102-106
在都江堰,我遇到了那个夏天最难忘的一场演出。千里迢迢从太湖畔来到岷江边,我没有把观看川剧表演列入行程。虽然在课堂上,我曾为年轻的学生们极力推荐这种经典的传统地方戏剧,梅花奖得主张智林担纲的《巴山秀才》也当堂把学生们震撼得眼泪婆娑,但我并不因此对川剧的状况感到乐观……下课铃声一响,孩子们转身就把刚才的感动化  相似文献   
我们生活的地球约有46亿岁了。在其漫长的地质历史演变过程中,由于内外力的地质作用,形成了千姿百态的地貌景观、地层剖面、地质构造、古人类遗址、古生物化石、矿物、岩石、水体和地质灾害等遗迹。我国地域辽阔,地理条件复杂,地质构造形式多样,地质遗迹丰富多彩,是世界上地质遗迹种类齐全的少数国家之一,有的地质遗迹甚至是世界上独一无二的。  相似文献   
谢懿 《太空探索》2012,(4):47-49
登陆小行星很可能是人类下一个最激动的创举:在“小王子”号宇宙飞船上,三名勇敢的航天员正在准备踏上一个新的星球。他们是第一批旅行到距离地球如此遥远的地方的人类,此时的地球已经缩成了他们身后的一个蓝色暗点。  相似文献   
李建 《西南航空》2012,(3):16-17
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