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A small, vibration- and shock-resistant thermoluminescent dosemeter /TLD/ system--named PILLE--was developed at the Health Physics Department of the Central Research Institute for Physics, Budapest, to measure the cosmic radiation dose on board orbital stations. The first on-board measurements with this system were performed /by B. Farkas, the Hungarian astronaut/, on the Salyut-6 space station in 1980. The same instrument was used by other crews in the following years. Doses measured at different sites in Salyut-6 are presented. The dose rates varied from 0.07 to 0.11 mGy.day-1. After the first cosmic measurements, the system was further developed. The minimum detectable dose of the new TLD system is 1 microGy, i.e. less by on order of magnitude than that of the former system. The self-irradiation dose rate of the TLD bulbs is also reduced--by more than one order of magnitude--to 10 nGy.h-1, by the use of potassium-free glass for the bulb envelope. This new type of PILLE TLD system is currently on-board Salyut-7. The dose rates /0.12-0.23 mGy.day-1/ measured in 1983 are presented in detail.  相似文献   
An electromagnetic furnace is being prepared for flights aboard the space shuttle. This apparatus is capable of melting metals and alloys up to 1400°C melting point by induction heating with subsequent solidification of the freely levitated melt without contact with any container. The solidification can be carried out with greatly reduced fields resulting in minimal heating and stirring of the free melt. Sequential specimens can be processed during flight. Several experiments are planned for a series of flights, beginning in 1985 with an undercooling experiment on NiSn alloys. These will be interspersed with detailed studies of fluid flow caused by low and high field levels in order to quantify the corresponding effect upon the solidification process.  相似文献   
本文总结了9项有关ISO9000认证的研究,主要论述了这套国际标准为实施者所带来之利益。这9项研究分别在英国、新西兰、澳大利亚、中国香港特区、美国、巴西、加拿大、法国、德国、日本、韩国、瑞典和荷兰等地进行。研究发现,ISO9000的主要优点有:令运作方式系统化、减少损耗、增加效率和减少顾客投诉。取得ISO9000认证的公司,大多采取较严格的方法去控制分供方。不少取得证书的公司还表示,他们会进一步采用其他的质量管理方法,例如全面优质管理,ISO9000,ISO14000和优质奖的规格。  相似文献   
The effects of galactic and solar cosmic rays (CR) in the middle atmosphere are considered in this work. A new analytical approach for CR ionization by protons and nuclei with charge Z in the lower ionosphere and middle atmosphere is developed in this paper. For this purpose the ionization losses (dE/dh) according to the Bohr–Bethe–Bloch formula for the energetic charged particles are approximated in three different energy intervals. More accurate expressions for energy decrease E(h) and electron production rate profiles q(h) are derived. The obtained formulas allow comparatively easy computer programming. The integrand in q(h) gives the possibility for application of adequate numerical methods – such as Romberg method or Gauss quadrature, for the solution of the mathematical problem. On this way the process of interaction of cosmic ray particles with the upper, middle and lower atmosphere will be described much more realistically. Computations for cosmic ray ionization in the middle atmosphere are made. The full CR composition is taken into account: protons, Helium (α-particles), light L, medium M, heavy H and very heavy VH group of nuclei.  相似文献   
The dried, fleshy stems of Cistanche deserticola (Orobanchaceae) are popular tonics in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) to treat the inability of kidney in expelling extra fluid in the body, causing fluid retention, and reform reproductive system. However, the wild plants of C. deserticola have become endangered due to habitat downsizing and over-harvesting for its medicinal usages. The present research was carried out for the following purposes: (1) promoting the space-breeding research; (2) providing molecular evidence for agricultural selective breeding; and (3) protecting this endangered herbal medicine and conserving its genetic resources.  相似文献   
This article sheds light on the key player needed for any space tourism adventure: the pilot who flies the spacecraft. The paper addresses the potential benefits of including a pilot at the controls when designing a space tourism spacecraft. It examines the basic qualifications and advanced skills required of space tourism pilots and discusses key training requirements for selected pilots and space pilots' pay and benefits. In addition, the research concludes that, just as the pioneers of passenger transport in aviation entertained and captured the interest of their passengers, the space pilot should have the skills of a tour guide.  相似文献   
We have used the radio occultation (RO) satellite data CHAMP/GPS (Challenging Minisatellite Payload/Global Positioning System) for studying the ionosphere of the Earth. A method for deriving the parameters of ionospheric structures is based upon an analysis of the RO signal variations in the phase path and intensity. This method allows one to estimate the spatial displacement of a plasma layer with respect to the ray perigee, and to determine the layer inclination and height correction values. In this paper, we focus on the case study of inclined sporadic E (Es) layers in the high-latitude ionosphere based on available CHAMP RO data. Assuming that the internal gravity waves (IGWs) with the phase-fronts parallel to the ionization layer surfaces are responsible for the tilt angles of sporadic plasma layers, we have developed a new technique for determining the parameters of IGWs linked with the inclined Es structures. A small-scale internal wave may be modulating initially horizontal Es layer in height and causing a direction of the plasma density gradient to be rotated and aligned with that of the wave propagation vector k. The results of determination of the intrinsic wave frequency and period, vertical and horizontal wavelengths, intrinsic vertical and horizontal phase speeds, and other characteristics of IGWs under study are presented and discussed.  相似文献   
无人机是当今世界先进技术的热门载体,针对无人驾驶直升机的特点提出了应用于无人直升机上的中继转发系统的方案,论述了该系统的设计方案、总体结构、工作过程以及实现时遇到的技术难点、解决方案.所描述的中继转发系统与通常意义的中继转发系统最大区别在于所转发的频带宽,达百兆赫兹;该系统具备对远距离信号的转发能力,动态范围达100dB;该系统具备对弱信号检测能力,灵敏度可达-100dBm;采用了多通道窄带传输抗干扰技术,提高了系统的抗干扰性能.该系统搭载在无人驾驶直升机上进行了大量实际飞行试验,试验数据表明,该中继转发系统具有频带宽、灵敏度高与抗干扰能力强的优点,满足项目需求指标.  相似文献   
Huber方法是一种基于l1/l2联合范数的估计方法,该方法可以实现估计的鲁棒性,同时尽量不损失滤波精度和效率.基于Huber估计的无味卡尔曼滤波虽提高了无味卡尔曼滤波的鲁棒性,但这种方法用统计线性回归模型来近似非线性的观测模型,损失了无味变换的精度.从Huber方法的数学意义出发,对观测信息(观测值或观测噪声)进行重新构造,然后对精确的非线性观测方程进行标准的无味卡尔曼滤波,这种新的基于Huber方法的无味卡尔曼滤波无需对非线性观测方程进行线性近似,在保持鲁棒性的前提下提高了滤波精度.通过一个具有混合高斯分布观测噪声的简明实例,验证了新算法在鲁棒性、滤波精度以及估计一致性方面的优势.  相似文献   
The Ca K line has been measured regularly nearly every month since 1974 at Kitt Peak. It is well known that the K1 component of the Ca K line is formed in the temperature minimum region (TMR) of the solar atmosphere. Our study of the data of CaII K profiles over two solar cycles indicates that both in full disc integrated spectra and in center disc spectra, the distance between the red K1 and the blue K1 of the profiles and its average intensity show periodic variations. But the variation for the full disc integrated spectra fluctuates in the same way as the sunspot number does, while that for the center disc spectra has a time delay with respect to sunspot number. Non-LTE computations yield a cyclic temperature variation of about 17 K of the TMR in the quiet-Sun atmosphere and a cyclic variation of about 15–20 km in the height position of the TMR.  相似文献   
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