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The two-stream instability as a fundamental process in a current-carrying plasma is reconsidered. Its well-established linear version, based on kinetic Landau theory, predicts a threshold for the drift velocity between both species below which the plasma should be stable. We report on simulations which, however, show that a plasma as a non-linearly responding medium can be destabilized well below this threshold. Responsible for this unexpected behaviour are coherent, electrostatic, trapped particle structures such as phase space vortices or holes which can grow non-linearly out of thermal noise receiving their energy from the net imbalance of loss of electron kinetic energy and gain of ion kinetic energy. The birth of predominantly zero-energy holes is shown numerically being associated with initial, non-topological fluctuations. The latter are not subject to Landau damping, as they lie outside the realm of linear wave theory. For a pair plasma a typical scenario is presented, which encompasses several regimes such as non-linear growth of multiple holes, saturation and fully developed structural turbulence as well as an asymptotic approach to a new collisionless equilibrium. During the transient, structural state the plasma transport appears to be highly anomalous.  相似文献   
Extraterrestrial organic matter may have been chemically altered into forms more ameanable for prebiotic chemistry in the wake of a meteor after ablation. We measured the rate of cooling of the plasma in the meteor wake from the intensity decay just behind a meteoroid by freezing its motion in high frame-rate 1000 frames/s video images, with an intensified camera that has a short phosphor decay time. Though the resulting cooling rate was found to be lower than theoretically predicted, our calculations indicated that there would have been insufficient collisions to break apart large organic compounds before most reactive radicals and electrons were lost from the air plasma. Organic molecules delivered from space to the early Earth via meteors might therefore have survived in a chemically altered form. In addition, we discovered that relatively small meteoroids generated far-ultraviolet emission that is absorbed in the immediate environment of the meteoroid, which may chemically alter the atmosphere over a much larger region than previously recognized.  相似文献   
We discuss steady-state transonic outflows obtained by direct numerical solution of the hydrodynamic and magnetohydrodynamic equations. We make use of the Versatile Advection Code, a software package for solving systems of (hyperbolic) partial differential equations. We model thermally and magneto-centrifugally driven stellar outflows as generalizations of the well-known Parker and Weber-Davis wind solutions. To obtain steady-state solutions efficiently, we exploit fully implicit time stepping. Wind solutions containing both a 'wind' and a 'dead' zone are presented. We emphasize the boundary conditions imposed at the stellar surface. For axisymmetric wind solutions, we use the knowledge of the flux functions to verify the numerical solutions. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
The United Nations Programme on Space Applications, implemented by the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs, promotes the benefits of space-based solutions for sustainable economic and social development. The Programme assists Member States of the United Nations to establish indigenous capacities for the use of space technology and its applications. In the past the Programme has primarily been focusing on the use of space applications and on basic space science activities. However, in recent years there has been a strong interest in a growing number of space-using countries to build space technology capacities, for example, the ability to develop and operate small satellites. In reaction to this development, the United Nations in cooperation with the International Academy of Astronautics has been organizing annual workshops on small satellites in the service of developing countries. Space technology related issues have also been addressed as part of various other activities of the Programme on Space Applications. Building on these experiences, the Office for Outer Space Affairs is now considering the launch of a new initiative, preliminarily titled the United Nations Basic Space Technology Initiative (UNBSTI), to promote basic space technology development. The initiative would be implemented in the framework of the Programme on Space Applications and its aim would be to help building sustainable capacities for basic space technology education and development, thereby advancing the operational use of space technology and its applications.  相似文献   
Since 1991 the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs has been conducting a series of workshops on basic space science under its United Nations Programme on Space Applications. Up to 2004 the workshops focussed on capacity building efforts in basic space science, in particular for the benefit of developing countries. From 2005 onwards the workshops and their related activities contributed to the celebration of the International Heliophysical Year 2007. Together these activities and workshops constitute the United Nations Basic Space Science Initiative of the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs. This paper reflects on the achievements and outcomes of the Initiative and informs about considerations for its future evolution.  相似文献   
AESA技术已达到了成熟的技术阶段,正被先进的雷达项目所采用。T/R模块是使之实现的关键技术,降低其成本的工作也正在进行。在未来应用方面,已经考虑了氮化镓(GaN)、微机电射频(MEMsRF)开关和瓦式T/R模块,它们将为共形和多功能AESA雷达系统铺平道路。  相似文献   
The COMPTEL telescope aboard the Compton Gamma Ray Observatory has put MeV -rays into the midst of astronomy. Among recent highlights are the discovery of intense MeV emission from blazar-type active galactic nuclei, the surprising non-detection of any Seyfert galaxy at MeV energies, the first image of the Milky Way in the light of the26Al line at 1.809 MeV (possibly including a detection of the Vela supernova remnant), the discovery of 3–7 MeV emission from the Orion complex, which can be identified with nuclear interaction lines of12C and16O at 4.44 and 6.13 MeV, the detection of the44Ti line at 1.15 MeV from the supernova remnant Cas A, and the first results on the spectrum and propagation of low-energy (1–100 MeV) cosmic-ray electrons.also Leiden Observatory  相似文献   
Culture is an organized group of learned responses of a particular society, or the total round of human activities, not due to heredity, shared by members of a group. This means that culture is a dynamic process and it is in tight relationship to the civilization as a tool to master their all day's tasks. Space science is a result of the shift from the mass production civilization to the knowledge civilization. The science had opened new ways of thinking into a new environment, space. The ability to develop thinking to new living areas is already a learned response to the environment and therefore an act of culture.

The next changes in culture are a result of the different view, mankind has from earth looking back out of the spacecraft window. We see now with other eyes the small and vulnerable living area of mankind. We see no political limits partitioning the surface. We understand time zones as systems properties of the regions. This has up to now influenced big groups of the societies. As this view has to be shared by all members of the societies in the same mode, space education has to organize this effect.  相似文献   

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