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环路热管是一种依靠毛细力驱动的高效两相传热装置,可解决高精度控温、大功率、远距离热传输等热控难题,广泛应用于各航天器。目前,大功率的航天器平台(例如新一代大功率通信卫星等)在存储或故障工况下,为维持辐射器生存温度需额外消耗能源,补偿较大的加热功率;木星系、太阳系边际等深空探测任务要求热控系统拓展其低温适应性。上述空间任务对具有低温适应性的丙烯环路热管技术提出了迫切需求。相比常用的氨工质,丙烯具有低冰点(–185℃)特性,丙烯工质环路热管可在低温下存储和运行,空间应用时不存在冻结风险(航天器辐射器温度一般不低于–150℃),无需额外补偿加热,提高了热控系统的低温适应性和可靠性。本文分析了丙烯环路热管的理论建模、稳态性能和动态特性实验研究现状及典型空间应用形式,对未来研究工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

采用并联蒸发器环路热管作为传热元件,并联冷却管辐射器作为散热部件,建立了包括热量收集、传递与排散的环路热管(LHP)集成试验系统,并进行了实验研究。实验结果表明:在并联蒸发器LHP系统中,蒸发器按顺序先后启动是其稳定的启动方式;在LHP运行过程中,当LHP工作在可变热导模式下,只有一个液体补偿器中保持汽液两相状态,并控制着LHP的运行温度,另一个液体补偿器则被充满液体,且处于过冷状态;在总热负荷不变的情况下,随着热负荷在蒸发器之间的分配不同,LHP的运行温度改变。当LHP工作在固定热导模式下,LHP的运行温度只与总热负荷有关,而与热负荷的分配情况无关。  相似文献   

首先介绍了热管辐射器的计算及优化设计的理论。制作了两个铝蜂窝板热管辐射器单元试件,一个是热管预埋的,一个是热管外贴的。通过试验比较了这两种形式辐射器,并验证了理论计算。还介绍了用于广播通信卫星行波管散热用热管辐射器的设计及太阳模拟热平衡试验结果。  相似文献   

高分辨率立体测绘相机的光学系统及探测器的温度稳定性影响测绘相机的测绘精度。针对透射式光学系统,采用多级外热流抑制技术,使星相机透镜的温度稳定性提高了6倍;针对反射式光学系统,采用间接辐射式控温等热控技术,使主镜、次镜的温度稳定性达到±0.3℃;针对大功率电荷耦合元件(CCD),采用基于环路热管(LHP)的节能型控温技术,在满足温度指标的前提下使环路热管驱动功率的周期平均值由60 W降低至33.8 W,同时节省约40%的主冷凝器面积及质量;针对CMOS,采用两级温度波动抑制技术,使其温度稳定性达到±0.3℃。研究了地面热试验的方法,报告了测绘相机系统关键部组件在极端空间环境下的在轨数据,全面验证了热控设计方法的正确性。  相似文献   

热管是GEO长寿命卫星热控设计大量使用的重要传热元件,其在轨等温传热性能是影响卫星安全可靠工作的关键因素。针对中国在轨长期稳定运行的GEO长寿命卫星热管,基于热管在轨温度遥测数据,采用数理统计方法分析热管在轨等温性能随时间的实际变化规律,分析表明:GEO长寿命卫星热管在轨等温性能稳定性良好,等温性受热管自身温度水平影响较大,年周期内呈现季节性变化,全寿命周期内随飞行时间推移呈现性能衰减下降趋势,寿命末期等温性优于1.6℃,并从热管设计、热负荷大小与分布、使用环境等方面进行等温性改进分析及应用建议。  相似文献   

<正> 兹定于1982年第四季度召开第三届中国空间热物理学术会议. 征文内容: 1.航天器的热设计:航天器的外热流计算;航天器轨道段温度计算和分析;各种温控机构:热管、百叶窗、热开关、旋转盘、相变材料、辐射器等;航天  相似文献   

针对两种典型的两相环路热控系统——毛细力驱动的平板型环路热管和机械泵驱动的两相环路热控系统(硅微条探测器控温系统, TTCS)展开讨论, 分析其工作原理, 介绍地面测试实验系统, 使用SINDA/FLUINT和Maltab/Simulink软件分别建立其动态模型. 研究结果表明, 平板型环路热管和TTCS均存在启动问题; 平板型环路热管运行时可能有较严重的稳定性问题, 而TTCS的稳定性相对较高; 重力对平板型环路热管的性能有较大影响, TTCS受重力的影响不大; 双通道平板型环路热管可以比单通道环路平板型环路热管有更优异的传热性能, 而TTCS的双辐射器结构可以有良好的流量和热量自调节能力. 在选择两相环路热控系统时, 需考虑热源的分布特点、寿命要求、控温要求以及系统尺寸和质量等因素, 这两种两相热控技术未来可交叉借鉴、优势互补.   相似文献   

采用蒙特卡罗法计算等截面圆管直肋式辐射器的肋片和外管壁相互间的辐射换热,数值模拟了第一类换热边界条件下散热器的散热过程。分析了辐射器的肋片数、肋片高度、肋片厚度及管壁温度对肋片散热性能的影响。结果发现,在肋片质量一定的条件下肋片数及肋片高度均存在一优值,在该值附近肋片的散热效率最高,且该值受管壁温度的影响,温度越高该值越小;在肋片外形不变的条件下,增加肋片的厚度来提高辐射器的散热性能并不是经济的途径;肋片的散热效率随管壁温度的升高而减小,壁温较高时安装肋片的必要性降低。  相似文献   

为解决高热流密度电子器件的散热问题,设计了一套负压式铜 甲醇环路热管,其蒸发器设计成平板型。研究表明,该平板型环路热管具有较高的散热能力,能够在无重力姿态和重力姿态下顺利启动。当重力倾角分别为0°、18°和30°,热负荷为160W时,蒸发器壁面温度分别达到85.8℃、66.3℃和64.6℃。按照环路热管启动状态,其启动过程可分为3个阶段:加热阶段、预启动阶段和后启动阶段。在低热负荷区域,环路热管会出现温度波动现象。增大重力倾角,有利于降低蒸发器壁面温度和热阻。当重力倾角为30°,热负荷从10W递增到160W时,环路热管的热阻从4.97℃/W降低到0.39℃/W。  相似文献   

热电阻测温系统广泛采用单向电流恒定激励,通过测量热电阻两端电势差获得热电阻阻值的方法进行温度测量。而此类测温系统受到测量引线热电势的影响,所测得热电阻的阻值往往与实际阻值存在一定的偏差,从而影响测温结果。对电路中热电势对热电阻测温结果产生影响的机理进行了分析,并通过实验验证了分析结果,提出了减小或消除热电势差对测温结果影响的建议。  相似文献   

Various aerial platforms intended for long endurance survey of the Titan surface are presented. A few novel concepts are introduced, including a heated methane balloon and a balloon with a tethered wind turbine. All the concept options are predicted to have lower scientific payload fractions than the Huygens probe. It is concluded that the selection of the best aerial platform option depends on more accurate mass estimates and a clear decision on whether, or not, in situ surface composition measurements are required in conjunction with aerial remote sensing.  相似文献   

To understand the evolution of organic molecules involved in extraterrestrial environments and with exobiological implications, many experimental programs in the laboratory are devoted to photochemical studies in the gaseous phase as well as in the solid state. The validity of such studies and their applications to extraterrestrial environments can be questioned as long as experiments conducted in space conditions, with the full solar spectrum, especially in the short wavelength domain, have not been implemented. The experiments that are described here will be carried out on a FOTON capsule, using the BIOPAN facility, and on the International Space Station, using the EXPOSE facility. Vented and sealed exposition cells will be used, which will allow us to study the chemical evolution in the gaseous phase as well as heterogeneous processes, such as the degradation of solid compounds and the release of gaseous fragments.  相似文献   

The ESA scientific programme has, so far, provided several significant astrophysics experiments and further important missions are scheduled for execution during the next decade. These missions are briefly summarised together with several astrophysics investigations presently under study.  相似文献   

对直尺反转组合法的测量原理进行了较为深入的理论分析,指出测量的准确性受测头误差、采样点定位误差、直尺尺面斜率、直尺再定位误差、直尺各点直线度误差的变化率等五个方面共同作用。其中,采样点定位误差和直尺安装斜率影响直线度测量准确度这一结论,将适用于其他的直尺直线度测量方法,因而具有普遍的指导意义。  相似文献   

一种提高螺栓联接强度的新方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据山本晃教授对螺栓,螺母,螺纹牙受力及其变形研究的成果,导出了该理论条件下受拉螺栓在等载荷受力状态下,当螺栓螺纹采用标准尺寸,螺母螺纹的螺旋线形状,并依据实用性,从螺母螺纹加工方便考虑,提出了近似等负荷螺纹。  相似文献   

Heliophysics is a new research field that explores the Sun–Solar System Connection; it requires the joint exploitation of solar, heliospheric, magnetospheric and ionospheric observations.  相似文献   

The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae has been proposed as an ideal model organism for clarifying the biological effects caused by spaceflight conditions. The postmitotic S. cerevisiae cells onboard Practice eight recoverable satellite were subjected to spaceflight for 15 days. After recovery, the viability, the glycogen content, the activities of carbohydrate metabolism enzymes, the DNA content and the lipid peroxidation level in yeast cells were analyzed. The viability of the postmitotic yeast cells after spaceflight showed a three-fold increase as compared with that of the ground control cells. Compared to the ground control cells, the lipid peroxidation level in the spaceflight yeast cells markedly decreased. The spaceflight yeast cells also showed an increase in G2/M cell population and a decrease in Sub-G1 cell population. The glycogen content and the activities of hexokinase and succinate dehydrogenase significantly decreased in the yeast cells after spaceflight. In contrast, the activity of malate dehydrogenase showed an obvious increase after spaceflight. These results suggested that microgravity or spaceflight could promote the survival of postmitotic S. cerevisiae cells through regulating carbohydrate metabolism, ROS level and cell cycle progression.  相似文献   

The effects of real and simulated microgravity on the eye tissue regeneration of newts were investigated. For the first time changes in Müller glial cells in the retina of eyes regenerating after retinal detachment were detected in newts exposed to clinorotation. The cells divided, were hypertrophied, and their processes were thickened. Such changes suggested reactive gliosis and were more significant in animals exposed to rotation when compared with desk-top controls. Later experiments onboard the Russian biosatellite Bion-11 showed similar changes in the retinas that were regenerating in a two-week spaceflight. In the Bion-11 animals, GFAP, the major structural protein of retinal macroglial cells, was found to be upregulated. In a more recent experiment onboard Foton-M3 (2007), GFAP expression in retinas of space-flown, ground control (kept at 1 g), and basal control (sacrificed on launch day) newts was quantified, using microscopy, immunohistochemistry, and digital image analysis. A low level of immunoreactivity was observed in basal controls. In contrast, retinas of space-flown animals showed greater GFAP immunoreactivity associated with both an increased cell number and a higher thickness of intermediate filaments. This, in turn, was accompanied by up-regulation of stress protein (HSP90) and growth factor (FGF2) expressions. It can be postulated that such a response of Müller cells was to mitigate the retinal stress in newts exposed to microgravity. Taken together, the data suggest that the retinal population of macroglial cells could be sensitive to gravity changes and that in space it can react by enhancing its neuroprotective function.  相似文献   

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