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载人小行星探测目标选择与轨道优化设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
针对2020-2040年载人小行星探测任务,研究了探测目标选择与轨道优化设计问题。首先,针对已编目的近地小行星,综合考虑绝对星等、燃料消耗等多方面因素与约束,给出了适合载人探测任务的候选小行星序列;然后,构建了载人小行星探测任务轨道的设计模型,采用参数优化算法对探测轨道进行了设计;进一步,为了获得最优探测轨道,利用主矢量原理对探测轨道进行了优化。该研究可为载人小行星探测任务设计提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

正编者按:随着人类太空探索的不断深入,国际上针对小行星的研究逐渐增多,小行星探测活动日益成为热点,美国和日本先后开展了多次针对小行星的探测任务,探测形式也由飞越探测发展为就位探测、采样返回等多种形式。其中,美国开展了数量最多、形式多样的小行星探测任务;日本成功实施了小行星采样返回任务,取得了小行星探测的领先地位;中国的嫦娥-2于2014年首次完成了近距离飞越近地小行星图塔蒂斯的任务。目前,加快小行星探测已经成为国内学者和专家的共识,深空探测被列入了"十三五"国家科技重大专  相似文献   

小行星探测科学目标进展与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
由于较好地保留了太阳系早期形成和演化历史的遗迹,小行星,尤其是近地小行星,已成为国际深空探测领域的研究热点。介绍了小行星的定义、分类和主要探测方式,指出目前小行星探测已进入空间探测的新时代;总结了国际小行星探测的现状,包括已实施和正在实施的小行星探测任务的科学目标、科学载荷配置,以及获取的主要科学数据等;探讨了未来小行星探测的发展趋势和主要科学问题,并对我国未来自主小行星探测任务科学目标的制定进行了展望。  相似文献   

针对高超声速滑翔飞行器再入飞行段,回顾了制导技术的发展历程和研究现状。建立了高超声速滑翔飞行器运动模型,并分析了再入段的路径约束、终端约束和地理约束。将再入制导方法分为三类:标准轨迹制导方法、预测-校正制导方法、混合制导方法,分别对研究现状进行了综述。然后,专门针对侧向平面制导方法进行了讨论和分类,根据飞行任务不同分为了常规约束的制导问题与附加地理约束的制导问题两类。最后,对再入制导方法进行了总结,并结合未来高超声速滑翔飞行器的任务需求,展望了再入制导技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

附着小行星的视线制导规律   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种航天器附着(软着陆)小行星的制导与控制规律。为了保证垂直软着陆,事先规划了满足约束的理想视线与视线角轨迹,通过设计滑模变结构控制器跟踪理想轨迹,实现了在小行星表面垂直软着陆;证明了制导与控制规律的鲁棒性;最后通过数学仿真验证了提出的制导与控制规律的可行性。  相似文献   

小天体附近的轨道动力学研究综述   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
小天体附近的轨道动力学是现代天体力学的一个重要研究方向,包含着丰富的物理现象和深刻的数学内涵;随着一系列小行星实地探测任务的深入开展,理解小天体附近的轨道运动规律也成为航天领域所面对的众多挑战之一。回顾了小天体研究和探测的历程,分析了小天体附近轨道动力学问题的基本特点和科学价值;详细介绍了航天动力学、行星学和非线性科学三个学科领域对该问题的讨论和研究进展,并列举了各领域中相关的热点问题;基于对上述研究现状的分析,尝试展望了该研究方向未来的发展趋势。  相似文献   

近地小行星威胁与防御研究现状   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
近地小行星与地球碰撞虽然罕见但可能会造成灾难性后果。近年来,各国加强了对近地小行星的监控、跟踪力度,并且实施了几次卓有成效的探测任务,如何防御近地小行星威胁的研究越来越多。总结了目前近地小行星的主要观测监视设施和现状,讨论了国际上对小行星威胁的评估情况,分析和评估了目前提出的防御手段的研究现状及其可行性。  相似文献   

研究不规则小行星附近的自然周期轨道,有助于更好地认识小行星附近的动力学特性。周期轨道的搜索过程需要频繁地进行轨道递推,其中绝大多数的计算时间消耗在不规则小行星附近的引力加速度计算中。为提高加速度计算效率,提出一种不规则小行星引力加速度快速估计方法;在此基础上,通过参数空间内随机化粗略搜索获得周期轨道的初值猜想;利用遗传算法在初值猜想附近区间进行精细搜索,找到周期轨道的初值。通过对不规则小行星433 Eros附近周期轨道的搜索,对其附近不同形状的周期轨道进行了分类,分析周期轨道在小行星附近的分布规律。  相似文献   

研究了太阳帆航天器在哑铃形小行星引力场内的悬停探测可行性问题。哑铃形小行星代表了一类细长形的小行星,文中首先建立哑铃形小行星的简化动力学模型。针对可变反射面积的太阳帆,给出其在小行星引力场内的悬停动力学方程,并仿真求解了哑铃形小行星附近的太阳帆可行悬停探测区域。  相似文献   

行星着陆自主导航与制导控制研究现状与趋势   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
行星着陆自主导航与制导控制技术是行星着陆过程的核心技术之一,关系到行星着陆任务的成败。本文基于未来火星和小天体着陆对自主导航与制导控制技术的发展需求,阐述了进一步开展自主导航与制导控制研究的必要性,围绕行星着陆过程环境特点,分析了自主导航与制导控制技术所遇到的挑战,随后概括了行星着陆自主导航与制导控制所涉及的关键技术,并综述了关键技术的研究现状。最后对我国未来行星着陆探测自主导航与制导控制技术的发展方向进行了展望。  相似文献   

Solar-photon sails can be useful for missions towards and about asteroids. Indeed, for the interplanetary transfer phase, missions to asteroids often require a large variation in inclination and solar-photon sails perform very well for such high energy missions. In the same way, solar-photon sails are also expected to perform well in the phase about the asteroid. This paper studies single and binary asteroids’ hovering regions by using a sailcraft. In order to consider a sailcraft with its own mass and shape, the mutual polyhedral method (usually used to study asteroid dynamics) is used; therefore, the sailcraft is designed by means of tetrahedra. The procedure to obtain the hovering regions about a single asteroid is presented and an accurate analysis of the control variables is carried out. Moreover, control torques required to maintain hovering orbits are obtained by considering the gravitational torques acting on the sailcraft due to the asteroid. In the end, the theory for hovering orbits is extended to binary-asteroid systems and applied to the binary system 1999 KW4.  相似文献   

Asteroid exploration provides a new approach to study the formation of the solar system and the planetary evolution. Choosing a suitable target and designing of feasible profile for asteroid mission are challenging due to constraints such as scientific value and technical feasibility. This paper investigates a feasible mission scenario among the potential candidates of multiple flybys and sample return missions. First, a group of potential candidates are selected by considering the physical properties and accessibility of asteroids, for the sample return missions. Second, the feasible mission scenarios for multiple flybys and sample return missions to various spectral-type asteroids are investigated. We present the optimized design of preliminary interplanetary transfer trajectory for two kinds of missions. One is the single sample return mission to asteroids with various spectral types. The other is the multiple flybys and sample return mission to several asteroids. In order to find the optimal profiles, the planetary swing-by technique and Differential Evolution algorithm are used.  相似文献   

Asteroids are coming to be a popular topic in the areas of astrophysical studies and deep space exploration recently. However, surface dynamics of asteroids is still a difficult problem. This paper aims at the motion analysis of surface particles for different asteroids. The dynamical analysis method of particles’ movement is given for three parts: global motion trend, local motion trend and static analysis. A dimensionless parameter ζ is defined to distinguish the predominant term to determine the distribution of effective potential. Three kinds of common asteroids: spheroidal asteroid, spindle-shaped asteroid and dumbbell-shaped asteroid are all discussed for those three parts with different parameter ζ. The motion trend of particles on the surface of each kind of asteroid is given. The static analysis of surface particles for different asteroids is also illustrated. Based on them, some common rules for different shaped asteroids are revealed. This paper could not only provide a reference for asteroid exploration missions but also be meaningful for the research of morphologic evolution of asteroids.  相似文献   

未来的月球着陆任务将着力于开发月球资源、建立月球基地,这些都离不开月球软着陆技术的支持;而要实现探测器在预选点安全精确地着陆,就离不开动力下降制导控制技术的支持。本文系统地总结了两种成功的月球软着陆及其制导方式,对已有的制导控制方案及其研究进展进行了详细的阐述和对比分析。以未来的月球采样返回和月球基地任务为潜在工程目标,对下一代的月球软着陆动力下降的制导控制及其所涉及的关键科学技术问题进行了比较全面的分析和展望。  相似文献   

Deep space environments for human exploration.   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Mission scenarios outside the Earth's protective magnetic shield are being studied. Included are high usage assets in the near-Earth environment for casual trips, for research, and for commercial/operational platforms, in which career exposures will be multi-mission determined over the astronaut's lifetime. The operational platforms will serve as launching points for deep space exploration missions, characterized by a single long-duration mission during the astronaut's career. The exploration beyond these operational platforms will include missions to planets, asteroids, and planetary satellites. The interplanetary environment is evaluated using convective diffusion theory. Local environments for each celestial body are modeled by using results from the most recent targeted spacecraft, and integrated into the design environments. Design scenarios are then evaluated for these missions. The underlying assumptions in arriving at the model environments and their impact on mission exposures within various shield materials will be discussed.  相似文献   

随着航天技术的发展,卫星的微型化对热控技术提出了挑战。可变发射率热控器件作为一种重要的航天器热控技术,对于航天器减小负载和体积,适应复杂多变的空间热环境具有重要的意义。基于热致变色技术的智能可变发射率热控器件可以根据环境温度实现智能热控,其结构简单,能最大限度地减小热控系统的体积和质量,是一种非常有潜力的航天器热控技术。概述了主动型和被动型两类可变发射率热控器件的基本原理和进展,并对钒氧化物基热致变色可变发射率热控器件的研究进展、存在问题予以了重点介绍,展望了未来航天器用可变发射率热控器件的发展趋势。  相似文献   

电磁帆是一类利用太阳风驱动的无工质或少工质新型推进技术,在需要推力器长时间工作的深空探测任务中具有非常广阔的应用前景。首先介绍了电磁帆的基本概念和主要分类,其次分别介绍了电帆、纯磁帆和磁等离子体帆三类推进方式的系统组成和工作原理,重点介绍了各自的研究现状,并梳理出了相关关键技术,同时介绍了等离子体磁罩技术。最后对电磁帆推进技术研究进展进行了总结,为国内开展此方面研究提供了研究方向和发展思路。  相似文献   

Asteroid mining has the potential to greatly reduce the cost of in-space manufacturing, production of propellant for space transportation and consumables for crewed spacecraft, compared to launching the required resources from the Earth’s deep gravity well. This paper discusses the top-level mission architecture and trajectory design for these resource-return missions, comparing high-thrust trajectories with continuous low-thrust solar-sail trajectories. The paper focuses on maximizing the economic Net Present Value, which takes the time-cost of finance into account and therefore balances the returned resource mass and mission duration. The different propulsion methods are compared in terms of maximum economic return and sets of attainable target asteroids. Results for transporting resources to geostationary orbit show that the orbital parameter hyperspace of suitable target asteroids is considerably larger for solar sails, allowing for more flexibility in selecting potential target asteroids. Also, results show that the Net Present Value that can be realized is larger when employing solar sailing instead of chemical propulsion. In addition, it is demonstrated that a higher Net Present Value can be realized when transporting volatiles to the Lunar Gateway instead of geostationary orbit. The paper provides one more step towards making commercial asteroid mining an economically viable reality by integrating trajectory design, propulsion technology and economic modelling.  相似文献   

计量保证工作是航天型号任务质量保障的基础,关系着型号任务的成败。主要介绍了航天型号任务中计量保证工作的现状和不足,结合航天型号任务的全流程工作,提出在型号任务各环节的计量保证工作建议。  相似文献   

Asteroid deflection techniques are essential in order to protect the Earth from catastrophic impacts by hazardous asteroids. Rapid design and optimization of low-thrust rendezvous/interception trajectories is considered as one of the key technologies to successfully deflect potentially hazardous asteroids. In this paper, we address a general framework for the rapid design and optimization of low-thrust rendezvous/interception trajectories for future asteroid deflection missions. The design and optimization process includes three closely associated steps. Firstly, shape-based approaches and genetic algorithm (GA) are adopted to perform preliminary design, which provides a reasonable initial guess for subsequent accurate optimization. Secondly, Radau pseudospectral method is utilized to transcribe the low-thrust trajectory optimization problem into a discrete nonlinear programming (NLP) problem. Finally, sequential quadratic programming (SQP) is used to efficiently solve the nonlinear programming problem and obtain the optimal low-thrust rendezvous/interception trajectories. The rapid design and optimization algorithms developed in this paper are validated by three simulation cases with different performance indexes and boundary constraints.  相似文献   

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