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本文提出了一种由射电爆发的频谱指数α去推求电子能谱指数δ的方法;并对质子事件能谱指数和爆发峰值时的射电频谱指数之间作了相关统计,得到相关系数为0.70.以1972年8月7日15h22mUT的大爆发为例,在不同频率上进行了计算.由不同时刻的α所算得的δ值表明,在爆发峰值之前,电子能谱近似地可用幂律分布来表示;而在峰值之后,则与幂律分布有所偏离.在爆发脉冲相的20分钟时间内,δ值的变动范围约为0.4—3.6.   相似文献   

本文详细列出1981年4月27日0808UT发生的日面边缘大爆发的射电观测特征,并作了有关射电爆发形态及微波频谱、非热电子能谱的初步分析。   相似文献   

本文根据近年来对太阳射电爆发与高能质子/γ射线谱线辐射等观测资料的统计分析,得出不同型别的太阳射电爆发中以微波爆发与γ射线辐射/质子事件发生过程中的高能质子共生率最高,趋近100%,这一结果,否定了以前认为米波Ⅱ型或米波Ⅳ型爆发拥有产生高能质子必要条件的看法;指出:上述微波爆发可以细分为脉冲型和微波Ⅳ型(Ⅳμ型),它们的物理条件不同,共生关系的表现特征也不尽相同;并且对上述共生现象的物理过程作了初步的解释和探讨.  相似文献   

同无黑子耀斑相协的微波爆发机制的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1980—1984年期间,我们在云南天文台9375MHz,3653MHz和2902 HHz三个波段的射电观测资料中,查到11组微波爆发与无黑子耀斑相伴随。本文研究了这些爆发与耀斑的大气层高度,射电爆发类型以及通过落进峰值流量-时间图的位置,确认出爆发机制是活动区中作麦克斯韦分布电子的热轫致辐射。  相似文献   

行星低频射电爆发的空间探测进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在低频电磁波频带,部分行星类天体不仅存在热辐射,还存在非热的爆发辐射。其中代表性的非热辐射是行星极光射电辐射爆发,包括千米波爆发、木星百米波爆发及10米波爆发。人类对太阳系的这些射电爆发已经开展了数十年的地面和空间探测,这些探测方法可以作为遥感手段拓展用于对木星磁场及其内部构造的探测。然而,关于行星射电爆发及其变化特性和机理尚未得到完全揭示,还有许多待解之谜。太阳系外其它行星系统极可能发生类似木星的低频射电爆发。随着空间探测技术的发展,射电天文学领域在低频波段的观测能力延展覆盖到了千米、10千米波长的电磁波。未来在空间采用大型低频射电阵列有可能在揭示行星爆发机理和探测系外行星方面做出贡献。已实施的"嫦娥四号"月球探测任务携带的低频射电探测设备,作为探路者有机会在地球和木星射电爆发探测方面进行探索,获得数据并积累更多的经验。  相似文献   

本文利用SMM卫星的X射线资料,以及云南天文台的光学观测资料,分析了1980年7月14日的3B级耀斑.求得X射线耀斑能谱随时间的变化;计算了耀斑爆发时加速的电子总数和电子的平均能量;并测量和比较了Hα耀斑和X射线爆源的位置.结果表明:(1)硬X射线爆由高能非热电子束引起;(2)软X射线爆基本上由高温等离子体的热韧致辐射所产生,但必须考虑非热电子轫致辐射的贡献;(3)确定X射线爆源的高度,有赖于耀斑模型及活动区磁场位形.所得结果支持耀斑过程的新浮磁流模型(EMF模型).  相似文献   

本文介绍了太阳L260°活动概况,并计算了黑子群的位置漂移及对应的射电缓变源.北京天文台2.84GHz射电望远镜在该活动区观测到8次特大的射电爆发(流量超过1000s.f.u.),其中4次(1991年5月16日,6月9日,6月11日,8月25日)射电爆发时变曲线十分相似而且这些微波爆发都与Ⅱ型Ⅲ型Ⅳ型米波爆发有良好的对应.可能说明该活动区所对应的日冕在长时间内存在一种磁场位形结构,这种磁场位形结构容易产生日冕物质抛射.   相似文献   

CME在产生和发展过程中与日冕和行星际介质相互作用并发出不同波长的射电辐射.在研究了无CME时空间等离子体的各种辐射机制基础上,统计分析了1999年2月至1999年8月期间有较大的CME发生情况下,在CME影响下L1拉格朗日点附近等离子体参数发生变化后的射电辐射机制.分析结果表明,其射电辐射机制主要是轫致辐射、微量的回旋辐射和更加微弱的复合辐射.此外,分析讨论了1999年2月至1999年8月期间与CME共生的太阳微波爆发.分析结果表明,与CME共生的是微波逐渐型爆发、尖峰爆发,其辐射机制主要是轫致辐射、回旋共振辐射、等离子体辐射及电子回旋脉泽辐射.  相似文献   

本文根据1981年HALE 17590 太阳活动区的观测资料,着重分析了它的射电辐射特性后发现:(1)在光学活动区发展的上升阶段,每串射电爆发的强度也有由弱到强的变化,其频谱由单调谱变成不规则谱和U型谱;(2)对大的耀斑爆发而言,射电爆发的先兆相比X射线爆早。在射电先兆相期间常伴有谱斑增亮和暗条激活等现象;(3)大耀斑爆发的脉冲极大时刻在射电8毫米波段到来最早。   相似文献   

CME在行星际空间传播时, 会导致强磁场、高密度等离子体云的出现. 回旋同步辐射是此类等离子体的一种主要的射电辐射机制, 且携带行星际磁场的重要信息. 本文重点探讨了光深τν ≤1时回旋同步辐射的发射、吸收及极化特性, 包括热电子、非热电子, 投掷角各向同性、投掷角各向异性等离子体云的回旋同步辐射过程的研究分析. 在此基础上, 推导了考虑折射指数情况下, 辐射强度、辐射亮温的表达式.   相似文献   

1988年12月16日云南天文台PhoenixⅠ日冕射电频谱仪观测到一次同日冕物质抛射相伴随的微波Ⅳ型大爆发。从0826—0941UT;三个波段的主峰间出现了121min的长周期振荡。在第一主峰的6个次峰间出现了1.2min的短周期振荡。根据北京怀柔磁场图,计算了爆发源区的亮温度,电子幂律分布等物理参量。采用慢波模式计算的短周期振荡与观测结果相符。初步解释了这次微波Ⅳ型大爆发,CME及其它伴生现象。   相似文献   

本文分析了北京天文台2840MHz射电望远镜,1989年1月-1993年12月期间观测到的太阳射电爆发的显着事件与米波Ⅱ型、Ⅳ型爆发的对应关系,从相关结果来看,爆发的峰值流量越高△T越短,这说明当太阳流量越大,高达500s.f.u.以上时,Ⅱ型爆发会在爆发的峰值前后很短时间内发生,可能与粒子的加速有关。   相似文献   

Two homologous solar bursts were recorded on May 29, 1980 at 1028 UT and at 1147 UT from the Hale region 16864. The measurements were done at 8 mm wavelength at the Metsähovi Radio Research Station using a 14 meter radio telescope. The time series of the bursts were similar even in the small details. The rise time of both bursts was about 10 seconds and the peak flux density was 3.3 sfu at 1028 UT and 1.2 sfu at 1147 UT. Both bursts were composed of several elementary spikes which were typically 3 seconds apart from each other. The maximum of the gyro-synchrotron type spectrum was close to 15 GHz. The time profile of the bursts, elementary spikes and the frequency spectrum indicated that the origin of these homologous microwave bursts was in a magnetic structure with several loops and that the same complex loop structure was producing energy during both bursts.  相似文献   

We report a Nobeyama Radioheliograph (NoRH) microwave observation of a propagating feature of non thermal emission in a solar flare. The flare had a very extended source well resolved by NoRH. In the rising phase of the microwave burst, a non-thermal gyrosynchrotron source was observed by the high-rate (10 images per second) observations to propagate from one end of the loop to the other with a speed of 9 × 104 km s−1. We interpret this non-thermal propagating source is emitted from streaming electrons.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes a Type U burst at 1.0 – 2.8 GHz which occurred between 12:36:26 – 12:36:32 UT on 1992 August 22, observed by Ond ejov Observatory, Czech Republic. This may be the first example of Type U bursts in the decimetric range, as far as we know. From analysis we came to the following conclusion: (1) The frequency drift rates of the ascending and descending branches are 1.25 and 0.225 GHz/s, respectively, and the velocities of the electron beam are 0.38 c and 0.26 c, respectively; (2) The burst decay of the ascending branch is larger than that of the descending branch; (3) The variations of the maximum frequencies of instantaneous spectra with time appear as from the highest (1.92 GHz) to the lowest (1.0 GHz), then toward higher frequency (1.53 GHz) (this is consistent with that predicted by plasma emission theory); (4) The bandwidths of the ascending branch are about twice that of the descending branch (this may be caused by the larger drift rates of the ascending branch); (5) The temperature of the coronal loop apex is 6.3 × 106 K; (6) The magnetic field at the top of the loop is greater than 9.2 G; (7) This U burst emission is plasma radiation at the second harmonic.  相似文献   

A complex radio burst associated with periodic (∼1 and 6 min) pulsations and several kinds fine structures, e.g., normal- and reverse-drifting type III bursts, zebra patterns, and slowly drifting structure was observed with the radio spectrometers (1.0–2.0, 2.6–3.8, 5.2–7.6, and 0.65–1.5 GHz) at the National Astronomical Observatories of China (NAOC) in Beijing and Yunnan on 19 October 2001. In combination with the images of 17 and 34 GHz from NoRH and the magnetograms from MDI we reveal the existence and evolution of preexisting and new emerging sources, and find the horseshoe-shaped structure of microwave sources intensity during the late phase of the burst. Through the detailed comparison of the evolution of each source with the time profiles of radio bursts corresponding to these sources we indicate that the intimate correlation between the microwave sources evolution and the generation of the radio burst associated fine structures. Some fine structures can be considered as the MHD turbulence and plasma emission mechanism, based on the anisotropic beam instability and hybrid waves generations. From the characteristics of observations we may presume that the coronal magnetic structures should contain an extended coronal loop system and multiple discrete electrons acceleration/injection sites. The mechanisms of this complex radio burst are deal with the incoherent gyrosynchrotron emission from the trapped electrons and the coherent plasma emission from the non trapped electrons.  相似文献   

Hard X-ray and high frequency decimetric type III radio bursts have been observed in association with the soft X-raysolar flare (GOES class M 6.1) on 4 April 2002 (1532 UT). The flare apparently occurred 6 degrees behind the east limb of the Sun in the active region NOAA 9898. Hard X-ray spectra and images were obtained by the X-ray imager on RHESSI during the impulsive phase of the flare. The Brazilian Solar Spectroscope and Ondrejov Radio Telescopes recorded type III bursts in 800–1400 MHz range in association with the flare. The images of the 3–6, 6–12, 12–25, and 25–50 keV X-ray sources, obtained simultaneously by RHESSI during the early impulsive phase of the flare, show that all the four X-ray sources were essentially at the same location well above the limb of the Sun. During the early impulsive phase, the X-ray spectrum over 8–30 keV range was consistent with a power law with a negative exponent of 6. The radio spectra show drifting radio structures with emission in a relatively narrow (Δf ≤ 200 MHz) frequency range indicating injection of energetic electrons into a plasmoid which is slowly drifting upwards in the corona.  相似文献   

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