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月球表面水冰的探测和意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了月表水冰的发现,探测技术,水资源的存在形式,分布,资源量,月表水的运移和利用前景,已有的探测表明,月球上的水资源主要分布在两极的永久阴影区内,储量约为66亿吨。月表水冰主要分布于两极永久阴影区中的原因,是月球上的水可以通过弹道式跳跃逐步迁移到温度低的地区所致。本文认为月球上是否存在水对于人类进行月球基地的建设没有根本性的影响,而利用月球玄武岩中钛铁矿的反应来获取水,是更为简便和经济的方法。  相似文献   

撞月地点位于月球南极卡比厄斯月坑的永久阴影区,科学家认为在月坑永久阴影区有可能存在水冰。水冰可能来自撞击月球的彗星。月球南极的卡比厄斯月坑大约位于南纬85度、东经310度。  相似文献   

地月L2点中继星环绕地月L2点飞行时,会经历由地球或月球遮挡太阳而产生的阴影,部分阴影时长较长,中继星进入长阴影,严重时会威胁卫星平台安全。基于月球背面软着陆探测工程目标和中继星绕飞地月L2点halo轨道特性,分析长阴影的分布特征,以及阴影时长与轨道相位、振幅、构型等因素的关系,进而对长阴影的规避方法和适用范围进行探讨。研究结果为地月L2点中继星长阴影问题提供了分析方法和应对方案。  相似文献   

月表磁异常区的分布是月球探测工程的重要内容. 但是由于月表电磁环境错综复 杂, 通常认为月球表面在特殊的空间天气条件下会带有数千伏电压. 以往的空间研究已经证实, 表面的带电与放电容易造成卫星仪器的异常或失联. 月表电场对电子 反射法有重要影响, 研究分析不同电磁条件下太阳风电子的运动轨迹,对月表环境 (电磁环境, 太阳风条件, 等离子体参数等)的研究可以更加深入细致. 通过模拟向月表运动的太阳风电子的运动轨迹, 分析了月表电磁环境的改变对太阳风电子反射 的影响, 并着重研究了月表电场对电子反射法遥感探测月表磁异常的影响, 为探测 月表电磁环境提供了重要的信息.   相似文献   

考虑热物性变化的月壤温度数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探月设备的热分析设计依赖于真实有效的月面热环境信息。借助于ANSYS热分析模块,建立了月壤导热系数随密度和温度变化、热容随温度变化的变热物性月壤温度求解模型,分别计算了月面纬度为26°和赤道地区的月表温度,探讨了赤道地区浅层月壤的温度分布。其中,月表温度计算结果与实测数据良好的一致性表明计算模型和所用计算参数适用可靠;而通过修正月壤导热系数来提高计算结果与实测数据的吻合程度则部分展示了月壤温度计算理论;在探讨赤道地区浅层月壤的温度分布时,文章给出了不同时刻对应的月壤温度剖面和热流剖面,并适度分析了月壤内部热流和导热系数对月壤温度剖面的影响,这些为利用月壤的温度剖面规律进行探月设备的热控设计提供了理论支持。  相似文献   

基于相干结构的大涡模拟壁面模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首先对湍流边界层近壁区相干结构群进行研究,根据共振三波理论使用沿流向周期性发展的多个三维波构造其初始结构,通过直接数值模拟得到该相干结构群的演化特性.在此基础上,提出了基于近壁区相干结构流动参数的新型大涡模拟壁面模型.确定了此壁面模型与主流大涡模拟衔接的原理方案.计算结果表明:该壁面模型在减少计算量的同时,能够为主流区大涡模拟提供重要的壁面大尺度结构信息,使计算取得准确的结果,实现了壁面模型的基本功能.   相似文献   

本文给出了计算中纬E层临界频率(f0E)和低电离层的电子密度分布与太阳天顶角、太阳黑子数、地方时之间关系的经验公式.由它对不同年、月、日以及午前、午后情况进行计算的结果与实验探测数据符合得较好;将该公式用于长波传播和吸收计算也得到了与实验一致的结果.此外, 它还能由实测的f0E值算出D区电子密度分布.   相似文献   

月球两极永久阴影区(Permanently Shadowed Regions,PSR)全年没有直接光照,搜寻PSR内的月球水冰是"嫦娥七号"的主要任务之一.人类至今没有在PSR着陆,中国的"嫦娥七号"任务计划在PSR附近的太阳直射区域登陆,着陆器上携带的飞跃器将进入PSR进行采样与分析.如何选择登月点和取样点是该项任务...  相似文献   

由于太阳紫外、X射线和太阳风粒子作用,近月表形成尘埃等离子体环境,而月表陨坑地形使得这种尘埃等离子体环境更为复杂.本文以位于嫦娥四号着陆区的织女陨坑为研究对象,基于高程数据构造了该陨坑的三维模型.根据太阳-月球关系和陨坑地理坐标信息,计算了陨坑白天任意时刻的有效太阳辐照度分布,探讨了不同时刻陨坑内外的光照面积占比,得到陨坑随地方时而发生的遮蔽效应特征.同时,基于月表充电方程计算了织女陨坑在不同地方时条件下的平衡表面电势、德拜鞘高度和电场强度分布,发现陨坑自身遮蔽效应对坑内电场环境影响十分明显.以坑底中心为例,讨论了地方时和纬度对类织女陨坑的平衡表面电势、德拜鞘高度及电场强度的影响,结果表明三者变化特征均以正午时刻及赤道为界呈对称分布,越接近12:00LT或者越接近赤道,坑底中心的平衡表面电势和电场强度越高,德拜鞘高度越低.   相似文献   

悬浮月尘的遮挡模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探月活动中,月表的尘埃会对太阳翼等光电器件的工作效率造成严重影响.基于附着月尘的遮挡模型,从立体空间的角度分析了悬浮月尘对工作器件的遮挡,提出了悬浮月尘的单粒度遮挡模型,利用月尘的平均粒度可计算在指定立体空间内,定量月尘造成的遮挡量;引入月尘的粒度分布函数,提出了悬浮月尘的多粒度遮挡模型,能够计算已知粒度分布函数的月尘在指定立体空间内造成的遮挡量;通过设计悬浮月尘遮挡的仿真实验,分别利用3种不同粒度大小的月尘进行实验,实验数据与悬浮月尘的单粒度、多粒度遮挡模型的理论计算值都较好吻合,实验结果证实了悬浮月尘遮挡模型的正确性与可靠性.   相似文献   

月尘环境效应及地面模拟技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了月球尘的特点及其对探月活动的影响。在分析月球尘环境及其对月面探测器污染、磨损、阻塞、静电效应的基础上,对月球尘环境模拟技术、月球尘扬尘及其运动学和动力学规律、月球尘效应防护及试验评价方法等研究方向和重点提出了一些初步看法。针对研究内容的需求,梳理出一台完整的月球尘地面模拟试验设备应具备真空、温度、太阳风、太阳紫外、月球尘、月面电场、月面磁场等环境因素。在此基础上,设计了一种月球尘地面模拟试验装置方案,并对月球尘环境效应试验方法进行了初步讨论。为月球探测后期任务条件保障建设及相关研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

准确的月球表面温度分布模型对于开展月球探测具有重要意义. 目前有关月球表面温 度模型还缺乏对完整月球表面温度分布的计算方法研究. 本文建立了一套计算完整月球表面温度的方法, 其中月球阳面温度采用Racca模型直接计算得到; 对于月球阴面, 将其沿纬度方向划分为若干区域, 每个区域的地表土壤采用一维非稳态热传导模型, 根据嫦娥三号着陆器太阳电池阵在轨环月阶段的温度数据, 修正得到月球表面土壤导热系数、密度及比热容, 通过数值计算求解一维非稳态热传导方程, 得出任意时刻月球阴面表面温度随时间的变化. 嫦娥三号着陆器太阳电池阵环月阶段热分析结果与在轨温度符合较好, 初步说明本文建立的完整月球表面温度计算方法正确可行. 基于本文方法计算得到整个月球表面温度分布, 进一步研究了极月轨道太阳电池阵外热流变化规律.   相似文献   

月尘/月壤环境效应地面模拟方法研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
月壤/月尘会附着并污染航天器、月球车的表面,如果不及时清除,还会进一步诱发部件过热、机械机构卡死、密封失效、材料磨损等一系列问题.本文综述了关于月尘特性、月尘与航天器系统的互相作用机理、月尘环境模拟方法等方面的研究成果,提出了一种小型月尘环境模拟系统的设计方案.该系统将使关于月尘特性的实验研究成为可能,并可作为登月飞船及月球车材料选择、机械机构可靠性试验、除尘策略试验的平台.   相似文献   

月面巡视探测器动力学建模   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
动力学模型是研究星球探测车运动的基础。以某月面巡视探测器原理样机为背景,建立了其动力学模型,并进行了数值仿真分析。在说明月壤机械特性的基础上,结合地面车辆力学的知识,分析了松散月壤上刚性车轮的受力,考虑了主动驱动和被动驱动的情形,利用数学拟合的方法得到了满足工程要求的简化模型。在一定假设条件下,以牛顿欧拉法建立了三自由度整车动力学模型,建模时同时考虑了驱动和转向的相互影响。最后,数值仿真结果定性地验证了月面巡视探测器动力学模型的正确性。  相似文献   

Lunar soil simulant is a geochemical reproduction of lunar regolith, and is needed for lunar science and engineering researches. This paper describes a new lunar soil simulant, CAS-1, prepared by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, to support lunar orbiter, soft-landing mission and sample return missions of China’s Lunar Exploration Program, which is scheduled for 2004–2020. Such simulants should match the samples returned from the Moon, all collected from the lunar regolith rather than outcrops. The average mineral and chemical composition of lunar soil sample returned from the Apollo 14 mission, which landed on the Fra Mauro Formation, is chosen as the model for the CAS-1 simulant. Source material for this simulant was a low-Ti basaltic scoria dated at 1600 years from the late Quaternary volcanic area in the Changbai Mountains of northeast China. The main minerals of this rock are pyroxene, olivine, and minor plagioclase, and about 20–40% modal glass. The scoria was analyzed by XRF and found to be chemically similar to Apollo 14 lunar sample 14163. It was crushed in an impact mill with a resulting median particle size 85.9 μm, similar to Apollo soils. Bulk density, shear resistance, complex permittivity, and reflectance spectra were also similar to Apollo 14 soil. We conclude that CAS-1 is an ideal lunar soil simulant for science and engineering research of future lunar exploration program.  相似文献   

Recent discoveries of water ice trapped within lunar topsoil (regolith) have placed a new emphasis on the recovery and utilization of water for future space exploration. Upon heating the lunar ice to sublimation, the resulting water vapor could theoretically transmit through the lunar regolith, to be captured on the surface. As the permeability of lunar regolith is essential to this process, this paper seeks to experimentally determine the permeability and flow characteristics of various gas species through simulated lunar regolith (SLR). Two different types of SLR were compacted and placed into the permeability setup to measure the flow-rate of transmitted gas through the sample. Darcy’s permeability constant was calculated for each sample and gas combination, and flow characteristics were determined from the results. The results show that Darcy’s permeability constant varies with SLR compaction density, and identified no major difference in permeable flow between the several tested gas species. Between the two tested SLR types, JSC-1A was shown to be more permeable than NU-LHT under similar conditions. In addition, a transition zone was identified in the flow when the gas pressure differential across the sample was less than ∼40 kPa.  相似文献   

We present a novel instrument concept to measure the energy and mass spectra of ions incident on the lunar surface, based on the E-parallel–B or Thomson-parabola device used extensively as a diagnostic in the plasma fusion community. The Apollo-era Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment (SIDE) was the first instrument package to perform in-situ measurements of ions incident on the lunar surface. The ions can originate from a variety of sources, including the solar wind, the Earth’s magnetotail, and photoionization of the thin lunar atmosphere. The species and energy distribution of ions arriving at the lunar surface depend in a complicated and poorly-understood fashion on the phase of the lunar day, the position of the Moon with respect to the Earth, and on the local plasma environment.  相似文献   

环月卫星成像敏感器对月姿态确定算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
紫外月球敏感器是大视场成像式敏感器,针对姿态确定算法,以MOSAIC可见光成像敏感器为例分析了传统圆拟合模式的适用性与不足;推证出在低轨道情况下曲线拟合出的月像几何中心与真实月心(nadir)不能等同;依据成像几何分析通过泰勒展开公式推导并提出了新的姿态角运算方法,保证了低轨道姿态运算精度;仿真结果显示新算法的姿态运算是非常有效的。  相似文献   

One of the highest-priority issues for a future human or robotic lunar exploration is the lunar dust. This problem should be studied in depth in order to develop an environment model for a future lunar exploration. A future ESA lunar lander mission requires the measurement of dust transport phenomena above the lunar surface. Here, we describe an instrument design concept to measure slow and fast moving charged lunar dust which is based on the principle of charge induction. LDX has a low mass and measures the speed and trajectory of individual dust particles with sizes below one micrometer. Furthermore, LDX has an impact ionization target to monitor the interplanetary dust background. The sensor consists of three planes of segmented grid electrodes and each electrode is connected to an individual charge sensitive amplifier. Numerical signals were computed using the Coulomb software package. The LDX sensitive area is approximately 400 cm2. Our simulations reveal trajectory uncertainties of better than 2° with an absolute position accuracy of better than 2 mm.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes and provides a critical analysis of the historical developments of lunar gravitational models from the earliest use of ground based tracking systems of the Lunar Orbiter to the Lunar Prospector mission. This encompasses a comprehensive and critical analysis of the various methods used in the estimation of the gravity coefficients and the processing of large batches of diverse measurements and data types. It has been shown that weakness exists in the current models of the lunar gravity field, which is primarily due to the lack of far side lunar tracking data information, which makes the lunar potential modeling difficult but expected to be overcome as data from SELENE satellite-to-satellite tracking becomes available. Comparisons of various lunar models reveal an agreement in the low order coefficients of the spherical harmonics. However, substantial differences in the models exist in the higher-order harmonics. A numerical comparison has been presented showing the performance of all the contemporary lunar gravitational models used within the astrodynamics community and available in public domain. Improvements to the current models are part of a continuing process and the recent model improvements and future possibilities in lunar gravity modeling are discussed. A brief review of the recent missions has been presented. It is hoped that this critical review will benefit the researchers by presenting the historical as well as state of the art in this field.  相似文献   

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