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本文研究了磁尾等离子体片边界层宽频带静电噪声的产生机制.模型等离子体由暖的背景电子、暖的向地球方向的离子束流和较冷的向尾方向的离子束流组成.结果表明,静电离子束流-密度漂移不稳定性可以在比较宽的频率范围内激发,在低频区大传播角方向上增长率最大,在高频区小传播角方向上增长率也比较大。最大增长率的方向取决于离子束流和密度漂移的速度比值.这些结果与磁尾观测到的宽频带静电噪声特征符合一致.   相似文献   

本文给出在太阳风超声速流动条件下,离子静电孤波的传播特性,结果与Helios1,2卫星观测的静电离子噪声做了比较。离子声波扰动的非线性发展使太阳风等离子体呈规则的小尺度起伏,离子声波在马赫锥外传播,因此理论预言密度起伏不沿着太阳风速度方向,而是在横向方向.   相似文献   

快磁声波是空间等离子体中一种接近垂直传播的右旋极化电磁波,能够在等离子体层内外传播.快磁声波与带电粒子的回旋共振相互作用能够导致高能电子随机加速和投掷角扩散、能量质子投掷角扩散等,从而影响辐射带高能带电粒子的动态过程.分别基于完整的色散关系和高密度近似的色散关系,在不同空间等离子体条件下研究多离子空间等离子体中不同传播角的快磁声波色散曲线,并计算了快磁声波与H+,He+和O+离子的最小共振能量.结果表明,当传播角较小时,采用高密度近似与采用完整色散关系计算的离子最小共振能量没有太大差别.在中低密度中强磁场空间等离子体中,传播角≥ 88°时高密度近似色散关系会带来很大的误差,因此应利用完整色散关系计算最小共振能量.   相似文献   

亚暴偶极化过程中离子加速是亚暴粒子注入的重要产生机制. 通过试验粒子的方法模拟研究了亚暴偶极化期间磁尾等离子体片-8Re~-5Re处超低频电磁波对质子的加速过程. 研究表明, 质子在大尺度偶极化电磁场的作用下向内磁层注入, 与质子回旋频率相近的超低频电磁波能够引起低能质子发生非绝热加速. 质子在偶极化前后的能量变化与质子的初始能量密切相关, 初始能量远小于截止能量的质子, 末能量要比初始能量显著增加, 其值与扰动波频率相关, 且量级与偶极化造成的低能氧离子能量增加量级基本相当; 初始能量在截止能量以上的质子受超低频电磁波影响不大, 注入过程能量基本保持不变.   相似文献   

热离子质谱分析是空间等离子体探测的核心技术之一.热离子质谱分析仪采用了半球形静电分析器结合基于碳膜的飞行时间系统方案,是目前应用最广泛、最成熟的空间热离子质谱分析技术.热离子质谱分析仪解决了三项关键技术,即5mV高分辨扫描高压,10~20nm超薄碳膜处理以及30kV超高加速电压.分析仪原理样机在瑞士伯尔尼大学完成了定标试验,实现指标参数如下:能量范围为0.499eV~29.94keV,能量分辨率为10.5%;能够实现离子成分H+,He+,O+的分辨;视场范围为360°×8.4°,角度分辨率为22.5°×8.4°.基于热离子质谱分析仪的研制基础,可以进一步开发出更高质谱分辨、更大探测视场以及小型化的等离子体探测载荷.   相似文献   

本文介绍了非均匀等离子体片外边缘离子束流-密度梯度漂移不稳定性的二级理论。二级动量交换率的计算表明, 模型等离子体中冷、暖束流离子的场向动量以及暖束流离子的横向动量可以被静电波来减小。这些波是由离子束流-密度梯度漂移不稳定性产生的。这些结果对于理解等离子体片外边缘等离子体的各向同性化和热化是很有用的。   相似文献   

以美国X-43A飞行器为研究对象,基于有限元与统计能量分析混合法FE-SEA,建立飞行器结构声振耦合动力学模型. 着重研究飞行器噪声致振的性质及规律,得到飞行器空腔结构在宽频外噪声场激励下的结构振动响应及舱内噪声场响应,并对FE-SEA在宽频区间中段的计算结果进行分析. 通过噪声试验验证了理论与数值计算的可靠性.   相似文献   

离子漂移计用于探测离子垂直轨道方向的漂移速度.离子漂移计的定标实验包括电子学定标和等离子体环境定标.通过对自行研制的电磁监测试验卫星离子漂移计的电子学定标方法研究,测试得到离子漂移计的噪声、电流测量范围、增益和修正系数以及温漂等电子学定标参数.测试结果表明,离子漂移计的电子学性能优于设计要求,满足科学探测需求.此外,借助于意大利INAF-IAPS等离子体测试实验设备模拟电离层等离子体环境,对离子漂移计的等离子体环境定标问题进行了分析研究.等离子体环境下的测试结果表明,该离子漂移计在特征点处测量结果满足仪器指标要求,能够正确探测离子横向速度,且其相对精度满足设计要求.   相似文献   

利用二维混合数值模拟研究了有速度驱动、低等离子体β值情况下的磁场重联过程,结果表明磁重联过程可以产生Alfven波,该Alfven波动对重新区中的新生离子作用,使得新生离子经历投掷角散射方程,具有球壳分布特征,部分新生离子得到加速,其获得的最大能量约为4(miVA0^2/2),此加速过程所需的加速时间在100/Ωi量级,是一个极快的加速机制,加速粒子能谱为双幂律谱。  相似文献   

通过Cluster卫星在2005年3月16日观测到的一个准平行激波观测事例,研究了准平行激波上游低频等离子体波动与能量离子之间的关系.卫星观测结果表明,在准平行激波上游,离子微分能通量受到了非线性波动的调制.在磁场强度较小区域,离子微分能通量较高.产生这种现象的可能原因是准平行激波上游的非线性波动可以捕获离子,被捕获的离子在波动中来回弹跳并被电场加速,从而导致磁场强度较小区域离子微分能通量较高.这一观测结果与已有的混合模拟结果相吻合.   相似文献   

考虑到等离子体片和等离子体幔的存在,我们从Vlasov方程出发得出一个自洽的二维磁尾平衡模式。在这个模式中,假设等离子体处于平衡状态,压强是各向同性的,还假设沿磁尾方向各种参数的变化率较垂直于等离子体片方向的变化率要小得多。晨昏方向的变化则完全忽略不计。这个模式体现出磁尾的一些主要结构要素:(ⅰ)高温等离子体组成的等离子片;(ⅱ)等离子体片中的闭合磁力线;(ⅲ)等离子体极其稀薄的磁尾瓣;(ⅳ)等离子体幔;(ⅴ)磁层顶;(ⅵ)张开的磁尾。讨论了等离子体幔的存在对磁尾平衡结构的影响,结论是等离子体幔的存在使磁尾的形状更趋于尾形,于是,至少部分克服了Birn模式的困难。   相似文献   

我们认为,在沉降粒子的形成中,磁尾粒子的散射是极其重要的。本文从粒子的轨道理论人手,通过对近900条粒子轨道的具体计算,研究了磁尾粒子在晨昏电场作用下的投掷角变化。计算结果清楚地显示出了磁尾粒子在晨昏电场的作用下,经历着明显的散射过程。运动经过非小扰动区的磁尾粒子在非小扰动区内经多次反射,磁矩不再是不变的,从而投掷角改变,使得一个原在磁尾为各向同性的投掷角分布,在粒子运动到远离中性线的近地区域时改变成为一个近麦氏分布。我们还研究了这些粒子的空间经历,发现这些离开磁尾进入近地区域的粒子在发生散射的同时还发生了空间分离——晨昏分离、纬向分离以及质子和电子之间的相对空间分离,给出了清晰的粒子沉降图象。   相似文献   

In the Earth’s magnetotail, Japanese Moon orbiter Kaguya repeatedly encountered the plasmoid or plasma sheet. The encounters were characterized by the low energy ion signatures including lobe cold ions, cold ion acceleration in the plasma sheet-lobe boundaries, and hot plasma sheet ions or fast flowing ions associated with plasmoids. Different from the previous observations made in the magnetotail by the GEOTAIL spacecraft, the ions were affected by the existence of the Moon. On the dayside of the Moon, tailward flowing cold ions and their acceleration were observed. However, on the night side, tailward flowing cold ions could not be observed since the Moon blocked them. In stead, ion acceleration by the spacecraft potential and the electron beam accelerated by the potential difference between lunar surface and spacecraft were simultaneously observed. These electron and ion data enabled us to determine the night side lunar surface potential and spacecraft potential only from the observed data for the first time.  相似文献   

We present a novel instrument concept to measure the energy and mass spectra of ions incident on the lunar surface, based on the E-parallel–B or Thomson-parabola device used extensively as a diagnostic in the plasma fusion community. The Apollo-era Suprathermal Ion Detector Experiment (SIDE) was the first instrument package to perform in-situ measurements of ions incident on the lunar surface. The ions can originate from a variety of sources, including the solar wind, the Earth’s magnetotail, and photoionization of the thin lunar atmosphere. The species and energy distribution of ions arriving at the lunar surface depend in a complicated and poorly-understood fashion on the phase of the lunar day, the position of the Moon with respect to the Earth, and on the local plasma environment.  相似文献   

利用理想磁流体LFM模型的模拟数据,基于非参数统计方法对2004年11月14日03:00UT-07:00UT磁暴恢复相期间磁鞘等离子体平均密度进行建模.分析磁鞘等离子体平均密度与上游太阳风参数、行星际磁场参数及地磁扰动参数的统计关系,建立基于数据降维的经验模型.结果表明,电离层扰动强度因子、太阳风-磁层耦合强度因子和日地空间因果链耦合强度因子是影响磁鞘等离子体平均密度的三个主要方面.磁暴恢复相期间电离层上行离子是磁层环电流和磁尾等离子体的重要离子来源.建模分析过程表明,利用经验模型对空间物理过程开展建模,数据的严重多重共线性通常会导致模型的精度较差.而利用SIR和LPR建立的磁鞘等离子体平均密度随相关参数变化的经验模型可以有效解决该问题,具有较好的预测精度,统计特征显著.   相似文献   

本文利用图象分析的方法,将ISEE卫星的等离子体能谱图数值化,以便定量地分析ISEE卫星观测到的磁尾等离子体和磁场资料。以及研究磁尾中性片的纤维结构,对今后研究近地磁尾(22个地球半径以内)各种空间动力学机制,电流结构体系等问题都有很重要的利用价值。  相似文献   

Energetic ion composition measurements have now been performed from earth orbiting satellites for more than a decade. As early as 1972 we knew that energetic (keV) ions of terrestrial origin represented a non-negligible component of the storm time ring current. We have now assembled a significant body of knowledge concerning energetic ion composition throughout much of the earth's magnetosphere. We know that terrestrial ions are a common component of the hot equatorial magnetospheric plasma in the ring current and the plasma sheet out to ? 23 RE. During periods of enhanced geomagnetic activity this component may become dominant. There is also clear evidence that the terrestrial component (specifically O+) is strongly dependent on solar cycle. Terrestrial ion source, transport, and acceleration regions have been identified in the polar auroral region, over the polar caps, in the magnetospheric boundary layers, and within the magnetotail lobes and plasma sheet boundary layer. Combining our present knowledge of these various magnetospheric ion populations, it is concluded that the primary terrestrial ion circulation pattern associated with enhanced geomagnetic activity involves direct injection from the auroral ion acceleration region into the plasma sheet boundary layer and central plasma sheet. The observed terrestrial component of the magnetospheric boundary layer and magnetotail lobes are inadequate to provide the required influx. They may, however, contribute significantly to the maintenence of the plasma sheet terrestrial ion population, particularly during periods of reduced geomagnetic activity. It is further concluded, on the basis of the relative energy distributions of H+ and O+ in the plasma sheet, that O+ probably contributes significantly to the ring current population at energies inaccessible to present ion composition instrumentation (? 30 keV).  相似文献   

During conditions of northward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF), the near-tail plasma sheet is known to become denser and cooler, and is described as the cold-dense plasma sheet (CDPS). While its source is likely the solar wind, the prominent penetration mechanisms are less clear. The two main candidates are solar wind direct capture via double high-latitude reconnection on the dayside and Kelvin–Helmholtz/diffusive processes at the flank magnetopause. This paper presents a case study on the formation of the CDPS utilizing a wide variety of space- and ground-based observations, but primarily from the Double Star and Polar spacecraft on December 5th, 2004. The pertinent observations can be summarized as follows: TC-1 observes quasi-periodic (∼2 min period) cold-dense boundary layer (compared to a hot-tenuous plasma sheet) signatures interspersed with magnetosheath plasma at the dusk flank magnetopause near the dawn-dusk terminator. Analysis of this region suggests the boundary to be Kelvin–Helmholtz unstable and that plasma transport is ongoing across the boundary. At the same time, IMAGE spacecraft and ground based SuperDARN measurements provide evidence of high-latitude reconnection in both hemispheres. The Polar spacecraft, located in the southern hemisphere afternoon sector, sunward of TC-1, observes a persistent boundary layer with no obvious signature of boundary waves. The plasma is of a similar appearance to that observed by TC-1 inside the boundary layer further down the dusk flank, and by TC-2 in the near-Earth magnetotail. We present comparisons of electron phase space distributions between the spacecraft. Although the dayside boundary layer at Polar is most likely formed via double high-altitude reconnection, and is somewhat comparable to the flank boundary layer at Double Star, some differences argue in favour of additional transport that augment solar wind plasma entry into the tail regions.  相似文献   

以2004年9月28日02:53:20 UT的亚暴为例, 通过TC-1在磁尾约12.5 Re 和Geotail卫星在近地磁尾等离子体片约8~9 Re的联合观测, 研究亚暴触发过程中近地磁尾等离子体片中等离子体波动特征. 结果表明, 亚暴触发区是近地磁尾中心等离子体片中较小的一个区域, 在亚暴触发区中低混杂不稳定性在近地磁尾等离子体片中存在, 准垂直传播的低混杂波发生在亚暴触发过程中, 而亚暴触发过程中近地磁尾等离子体片外边界区内的磁场偶极化信号和扰动都非常微弱. 在亚暴触发和亚暴膨胀相过程中出现了多次具有不同特征的磁场偶极化现象.   相似文献   

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