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针对雷达波形域低截获(LPI)性能评估的问题,提出一种应用改进萤火虫算法(IFA)求解指标权重的犹豫模糊集(HFS)评估方法。首先,介绍基于逼近理想解排序(TOPSIS)的犹豫模糊集理论,并从属性和方案2个角度构建指标权重的优化模型;其次,通过引入混沌理论,解决了萤火虫算法容易陷入局部最优的问题,给出用IFA求解指标权重的流程;再次,从雷达发射方角度,提取脉内、脉间5个波形域LPI性能评估指标;最后,得到利用IFA求解指标权重的犹豫模糊集评估方法。选取4种不同类型的雷达进行仿真对比,获得波形域LPI性能排序,验证了方法的快速性和有效性。   相似文献   

针对不确定信息下的空战目标威胁评估问题,提出了一种基于粗糙集(RS)理论和指标重要性相关(CRITIC)法的目标威胁评估模型。首先,通过CRITIC法确定准确信息下的目标威胁值,利用数据挖掘(MD)启发式算法求解最佳分割集合,将目标威胁值离散化处理后替代粗糙集决策信息系统中的决策属性。其次,基于构建的完备粗糙集决策信息系统,通过决策矩阵实现属性约简和目标威胁评估最小决策规则提取。最后,将规则应用于不确定信息下的目标威胁评估。仿真结果表明:所提模型能够实现信息缺失下的目标威胁评估,减少了主观因素和先验知识的影响,扩展了粗糙集理论应用范围。   相似文献   

氮气为直升机灭火瓶内灭火剂的快速释放提供驱动力,确定氮气充填量和气相空间氮气的摩尔比例,是直升机动力舱灭火系统设计中的关键问题之一。基于Peng-Robinson(PR)状态方程和Wong-Sandler(WS)混合规则,提出了一种灭火瓶氮气充填量预测方法,针对Halon301和HFC-227ea的不同充装工况,通过3层迭代计算确定氮气充填量,与试验和文献结果进行了对比,并分析了灭火瓶内压强和氮气摩尔比例随温度的变化情况。结果表明:对Halon1301充填1/2灭火瓶的试验工况,氮气充填量计算值的平均误差约为4.7%;对充填2/3试验工况,平均误差约为1.1%,计算结果优于PROFISSY和HFLOW软件计算结果。对HFC-227ea充填1/2灭火瓶和2/3灭火瓶工况的平均误差分别为4.3%和2.3%,与PROFISSY软件的计算精度相当。该方法可以用于机载灭火系统工程设计。  相似文献   

空间中子是影响航天器和航天员安全的重要辐射要素之一。优化中子探测器,提高测量效率,提升反演精度是中子测量的难点。中国空间站将搭载一种基于新型中子探测材料Cs2LiYCl6:Ce(CLYC)闪烁体的中子探测器,该探测器具有同时测量热中子和快中子,以及探测效率高等特点。针对该新型探测器的中子能谱反演,分析了不同能量中子在该探测器中的响应特点,分析了中子反演常用的概率迭代法和非负最小二乘(NNLS)法的优缺点,考虑到这2种方法在CLYC探测器反演应用中的不足,提出了基于增广矩阵的非负最小二乘(AM-NNLS)法。数值实验结果表明:AM-NNLS法具有反演运算效率高和反演相对误差小的特点,验证了所提方法的有效性。   相似文献   

针对胶铆混合连接方式单面修补铝合金板的疲劳性能,设计了未修理、铆接修理、胶接修理和胶铆修理4种不同形式的试验件,对其进行了疲劳试验。建立了试验件的有限元模型,得到了结构应力分布,获得了裂纹长度-裂纹尖端应力强度因子(SIF)曲线,并与试验结果进行了对比。结果表明:胶接修理和胶铆修理能有效降低裂纹处应力水平及裂纹扩展速率,且相对于未修理试验件疲劳寿命分别提升184.3%和197.3%;胶铆修理中铆钉能抑制胶层脱黏,相比胶接修理方式修理质量更可靠有效;有限元分析(FEA)结果与试验数据吻合良好,SIF误差基本保持在8%以内。   相似文献   

以2,3,3',4'-联苯四甲酸二酐和2,2'-双三氟甲基-4,4'-联苯二胺为单体、4-乙炔基邻苯二甲酸酐为封端剂合成了不同聚合度的聚酰亚胺低聚物(BETI),将其溶于双氛A型氰酸酯单体制备了改性氰酸酯树脂,对改性氰酸酯树脂的固化行为进行了详细探究,并对其固化物的热学性能、力学性能和介电性能等进行了表征与分析。结果表明:BETI对氰酸酯树脂的聚合有明显的催化作用,可以降低固化温度,缩短凝胶时间。基于BETI和氰酸酯树脂的互穿网络聚合物(IPN)的热性能和力学性能与纯氰酸酯树脂相比都有一定的提高。当加入质量分数30%、聚合度为19的BETI树脂时,固化物的玻璃化转变温度从297 ℃提高到309 ℃,热失重5%时温度从425 ℃提高到了431 ℃;拉伸强度从76 MPa提高到了94 MPa,冲击强度从24 kJ/m2℃提高到了31 kJ/m2。加入BETI后,聚合物的介电常数稍稍高于纯氰酸酯树脂。由于具有良好工艺性和材料性能,BETI改性氰酸酯树脂可作为基体树脂应用于航空航天等领域。   相似文献   

全球导航卫星系统/惯性导航系统(GNSS/INS)组合导航可以提供连续、高精度的位置、速度、姿态信息,被广泛应用于无人机的状态估计。其中滤波算法的构建是其组合关键。不同组合导航的模式会对导航定位结果产生相应的影响。针对直接法和间接法这2种常见的组合模式,分别构建了基于扩展卡尔曼滤波(EKF)的全球定位系统/惯性导航系统(GPS/INS)松组合模式,并将其运用于不同飞行场景下无人机(UAV)的实时动态状态估计。仿真场景以及实际数据验证结果表明,间接法在精度和稳定性方面优于直接法,直接法在滤波计算速率方面优于间接法。因此,当系统具有较高的计算性能,且面向高精度的应用情况下可选择间接法作为无人机导航的技术方案;对于快速求解但精度要求不高的应用情况下,选择直接法作为无人机导航的技术方案可以在一定程度上降低系统的成本。   相似文献   

针对纹理图像的去噪问题,通过分析全变分(TV)去噪模型与方向全变分(DTV)去噪模型,提出了一种具有鲁棒性的基于的DTV去噪模型。为了刻画图像中的不同结构特征,该模型中DTV正则项的指数p由图像的结构来确定在(0,2)中自适应地选取。由于该模型是含有可分性算子的非光滑优化问题,可用交替方向乘子法(ADMM)求解,并能保证算法的收敛性。数值实验结果表明:与其他经典模型相比,提出的模型取得了更高的峰值信噪比和结构相似度,在去除噪声的同时能有效保持图像的细节信息。   相似文献   

目前全球导航卫星系统反射信号干涉测量(GNSS-IR)土壤湿度反演研究仅针对单一频点展开,提出用熵值法将2个频点数据进行融合以改进土壤湿度反演精度。首先,利用频谱分析法分别解析出各频点的信噪比(SNR)序列的振荡频率,计算出对应的等效天线高度,并利用最小二乘法求解各频点信噪比序列相位;然后,通过熵值法进行2个频点的相位观测量融合;最后,利用融合结果与实测土壤湿度建立经验模型,实现土壤湿度反演。利用地基观测实验获得的全球定位系统(GPS)L1和L2信噪比数据对该方法进行了验证,结果表明:L1和L2双频融合反演结果平均标准差为0.6%,比L1单频反演结果提高64.73%,比L2单频反演结果提高32.12%;均方根误差为0.37%,比L1频点降低72.8%,比L2频点降低73.4%。   相似文献   

多粒度概率语言环境下基于PROMETHEE的改进FMEA方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对传统故障模式和影响分析(FMEA)方法中存在关于故障模式评估、风险因子权重和风险优先级排序等方面的固有缺陷,提出了一种多粒度概率语言环境下基于偏好顺序结构评估法(PROMETHEE)的改进FMEA方法。该方法运用多粒度概率语言术语集(PLTS)刻画了专家评估信息的多样性和不确定性,并基于二元语义转换函数为引入工具的语言计算模型统一各专家多粒度风险评估信息,运用最优最劣法(BWM)和熵权法相结合的综合赋权法确定风险因子权重,将PROMETHEE拓展到概率语言环境中用于确定故障模式风险优先序。最后,运用托盘交换架故障风险评估案例来验证该方法的适用性和有效性,并进一步通过敏感度与对比分析以显示该方法的优越性。   相似文献   

The binding of adenosine to Na(+)-montmorillonite 22A is greater than 5'-AMP, at neutral pH. Adenine derivatives bind more strongly to the clay than the corresponding uracil derivatives. These data are consistent with the protonation of the adenine by the acidic clay surface and a cationic binding of the protonated ring to the anionic clay surface. Other forces must be operative in the binding of uracil derivatives to the clay since the uracil ring system is not basic. The reaction of the 5'-AMP with water soluble carbodiimide in the presence of Na(+)-montmorillonite results in the formation of 2',5'-pApA (18.9%), 3',5'-pApA (11%), and AppA (4.8%). When poly(U) is used in place of the clay the product yields are 2',5'-pApA (15.5%), 3',5'-pApA (3.7%) and AppA (14.9%). The cyclic nucleotide, c(pA)2 is also formed when poly(U) is used. AppA is the principal reaction product when neither clay nor poly(U) is present in the reaction mixture. When 2'-deoxy-5'-AMP reacts with carbodiimide in the presence of Na(+)-montmorillonite 22A the products are dpApA (4.8%), dAppApA (4.5%) and dAppA (17.4%). Cyclic 3',5'-dAMP is the main product (14%) of the reaction of 2'-deoxy-3'-AMP.  相似文献   

We investigated the efficiency of estimating characteristics of stellar populations (SP) and Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) emission using ULySS code. To analyze simultaneously AGN and SP components in the integrated spectrum of Type 2 active galaxies, we modeled the featureless continuum (FC) and emission lines, and we used PEGASE.HR stellar population models provided by ULySS. In order to validate the method, we simulated over 7000 integrated spectra of Seyfert 2 galaxies. Spectra were generated using different characteristics of the featureless AGN continuum, signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), spectral ranges, properties of emission lines and single stellar population (SSP) model whose initial mass function (IMF) and abundance pattern is similar to the solar neighborhood. Simulated spectra were fitted with ULySS to evaluate the ability of the method to extract SP and AGN properties. We found that the analysis with ULySS can efficiently restore the characteristics of SP in spectra of Seyfert 2 AGNs, where signal-to-noise ratio is higher than 20, and where SP contributes with more than 10% to the total flux. Degeneracies between AGN and SP parameters increase with increasing the AGN continuum fraction, which points out the importance of simultaneous fitting of the FC and SP contributions.  相似文献   

CeO2纳米粒子的自组装结构合成、表征及催化特性   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用微乳液方法(以AOT为表面活性剂)自组装合成了叶脉状结构的CeO2(氧化铈)纳米粒子;使用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、括展X射线精细结构(EXAFS)对其进行了研究表征;并对其催化特性进行了测试. XRD结果表明CeO2纳米粒子为立方面心结构;EXAFS结果表明与体相CeO2微粒相比,Ce-O键长变长,Ce原子周围O原子配位数降低;催化特性研究结果表明,相对于体相材料,CeO2纳米微粒的催化分解H2O2的活性大大提高.  相似文献   

After subtracting the intense dust-scattered continuum from the original spectra transmitted by the Vega 2 three-channel spectrometer, a broad-band emission emerges in the 342-375 nm spectral range when the cometocentric projected distance p is smaller than 5000 km. This newly detected emission varies as p-1, which implies that the involved molecule(s) has a parent-type behavior. The emission band presents four peaks at 347, 356, 364 and 373 nm. It is tentatively identified as being due to phenanthrene, a three-cycle aromatic condensed hydrocarbon. A determination of the gQ product, where g is the fluorescence quantum efficiency and Q the production rate gives gQ = 1.2 x 10(25). If g = 0.012, it comes Q = 1 x 10(27) s-1. The detection of phenanthrene in Halley's inner coma is an important argument in favor of a similarity of composition between cometary material and interstellar matter. It supports the hypothesis that comets have kept trace of the interstellar composition through the solar system formation epoch.  相似文献   

针对飞机目标的识别问题,将一种用于语音识别中的积谱特征引入雷达目标一维距离像识别领域.积谱定义为功率谱与群延迟的乘积,该特征能够充分利用目标一维距离像的幅度谱与相位谱信息.在目标分类阶段,选择基于弹性传播(RPROP)算法的多层前馈神经网络作为分类器.利用4种飞机模型的重点散射源二维分布测试数据和频率步进法得到目标的一维纵向距离像,对距离像积谱的分类性能进行了测试,结果表明基于积谱的特征对于一维距离像具有较高的识别率,并具有较好的抗噪性能.   相似文献   

太阳宇宙线在电离层D层中的电离   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文根据带电粒子对D层大气电离的理论,导出了太阳宇宙线在D层的电子产生率Q(h)的表达式,并计算了不同级别的太阳宇宙线事件、不同能谱参数下,Q(h)在极区随高度的分布。结果表明,不同级别、不同能谱的太阳宇宙线事件在极区产生的电离有显著的差别。同一级别,能谱指数γ越大,在较高的高度上电子产生率越大;能谱指数越小,在较低的高度上电子产生率越大。电子产生率的分布曲线出现明显的双峰,一个峰位于60公里左右,另一个峰位于85公里左右。前一个峰主要由太阳宇宙线中质子产生的,后一个峰主要是z≥2的重粒子成分产生的。本文所得结果明显好于Velinov等人的结果。   相似文献   

When the solar wind dynamic pressure is high, the Venus ionosphere usually contains a belt of steady magnetic field at the very lowest altitudes to which Pioneer Venus probes. The current layer that flows on the high altitude side of this low altitude belt is centered at an altitude which ranges from 170 to 190 km with a most probable altitude of 182 km. This altitude is independent of solar zenith angle and hence the current system is flowing horizontally rather than vertically as proposed by Cloutier and co-workers. The lower edge of the magnetic belt was probed only on the lowest altitude passes of Pioneer Venus. This boundary is even more stable in location. The belt has decayed to 90% of its maximum strength usually by 162 km and to 50% of its maximum strength by 155 km. We interpret these data to indicate that the observed magnetic structure of the Venus ionosphere is a product of temporal evolution rather than of spacecraft motion through a spatially varying static structure.  相似文献   

This study addressed the recycle of carbon from inedible biomass to CO2 for utilization in crop production. Earlier work identified incineration as an attractive approach to resource recovery from solid wastes because the products are well segregated. Given the effective separation of carbon into the gaseous product stream from the incinerator in the form of CO2 we captured the gaseous stream produced during incineration of wheat inedible biomass and utilized it as the CO2 source for crop production. Injection rate was based on maintenance of CO2 concentration in the growing environment. The crop grown in the closed system was lettuce. Carbon was primarily in the form of CO2 in the incinerator product gas with less than 8% of carbon compounds appearing as CO. Nitrogen oxides and organic compounds such as toluene, xylene, and benzene were present in the product gas at lower concentrations (< 4 micromol mol-1); sulfur containing compounds were below the detection limits. Direct utilization of the gaseous product of the incinerator as the CO2 source was toxic to lettuce grown in a closed chamber. Net photosynthetic rates of the crop was suppressed more than 50% and visual injury symptoms were visible within 3 days of the introduction of the incinerator gas. Even the removal of the incinerator gas alter two days of crop exposure and replacement with pure CO2 did not eliminate the toxic effects. Both organic and inorganic components of the incinerator gas are candidates for the toxin.  相似文献   

基于构型项的飞机研制建模技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
飞机制造业的业务过程是一个复杂的、动态的、数据量大的系统工程.如何建立简单完整的产品研制模型一直是业务过程优化(BPI,Business Process Improvement)中的难题.通过借鉴波音公司关于飞机构型管理和产品结构模块化的相关思想,强调构型管理技术在飞机研制的全生命周期过程中的重要性,明确构型项(CI,Configuration Item)准确的数学定义.依据构型管理简化产品的信息模型和Petri 网(PN,Petri Net)描述、优化产品过程模型的特点,将Petri 网理论与构型项结合起来保证全生命周期过程中飞机研制模型的一致性和完整性.提出CI-PN模型来描述整个飞机研制的信息和过程模型,并给出对翼盒研制过程模型描述、分析和优化的实例.   相似文献   

N_2O/C_3H_8点火器初步实验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
为了研究氧化亚氮与丙烷的点火特性,首次提出了N2O/C3H8火炬式点火方案,设计、加工了点火器,并组建了点火实验系统,在不同的流量和余氧系数下进行了点火实验.结果表明:点火方案可行,喷嘴设计合理,雾化效果和余氧系数是决定点火器能否点燃的关键,余氧系数在0.222~0.321内点火器能可靠地被重复点燃并形成稳定的点火火炬.实验为N2O/C3H8点火器的进一步研究提供了参考,并为以后实现该点火器对发动机的成功点火奠定了基础.  相似文献   

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