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盘绕式伸展臂是一种空间伸展臂,可用于太阳电池阵、太阳帆、探测臂等空间伸展机构.它有2种展开模式:逐层展开和螺旋展开.以三角形横框铰接盘绕式伸展臂为对象,分析了以逐层展开模式伸展的原理.首先,由于斜拉索不可伸长,导致横杆在伸展臂变形过程中会发生弯曲,并有一个最大弯曲形态.通过在MSC.ADAMS中建立盘绕式伸展臂模型进行仿真计算,可以得到横杆刚度对伸展臂展开过程的影响.以此工作为基础,提出判据:纵杆对第2层横杆的压缩能力和横杆的抗弯能力决定了伸展臂的展开模式,利用相关仿真模型,对这一结论进行了验证.最后,用弹性细杆的Kirchhoff动力学研究了纵杆变形,得到了伸展臂构型参数和展开模式之间的规律.该结果可以作为盘绕式伸展臂设计阶段的参考.  相似文献   

小号 《太空探索》2010,(8):30-31
<正>2010年5月21日,日本在发射黎明号金星探测器时还搭载放飞了耗资15亿日元(1600万美元)的"太阳辐射加速星际风筝"(简称"伊卡洛斯")的太阳帆航天器,以检验是否能够利用太阳能实现加速飞行。日本宇宙探索局6月10日称,在距地球约770万千米的太空,通过转动直径1.6米、高0.8米的圆柱形机体,利用离心力,"伊卡洛斯"已成功展开了折叠收藏在机体外侧的14平方米的薄膜帆。6月15日,从太阳帆中心机  相似文献   

为了保证薄膜结构构成的充气式可展开天线、网状可展开天线和太阳帆等航天器的表面精度、信号增益等工作性能,需要对空间薄膜结构的动力学展开性能进行分析。由有限元离散方法将整个薄膜反射面离散为众多常应变三角形单元,这些单元的节点可视作质点;考虑这些三角形单元的弹性势能,由最小势能原理得到三角形单元的平衡方程,从而实现单元上点的应变和单元三条斜边线应变之间的转换;最后,为了防止展开过程中单元间接触,建立接触模型,由薄膜反射面的离散拓扑组集结构的质量矩阵和刚度矩阵,并建立动力学方程。基于文中方法对具体算例进行计算和分析,结果表明,动力学模型能够很好的模拟薄膜的展开过程,可应用于薄膜结构的展开性能分析中。  相似文献   

太阳帆航天器的关键技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
将太阳帆航天器所涉及的关键技术划分为4个方面:总体设计、轨道和姿态动力学与控制、太阳帆材料及其性能、太阳帆折叠与展开。针对每项关键技术,基于对国外长期研究结果进行分析并阐述主要技术特征,梳理国内相关研究进展,包括笔者与合作者的研究成果,分析存在的主要问题。根据上述分析,指出我国发展太阳帆航天器应该重视的若干问题。  相似文献   

对于觅音计划的光学系统而言,太阳光是其杂散光的首要来源,是影响成像质量的重要因素。通过将仿生技术和折纸理论相结合,完成光学系统的遮光罩设计。依据花朵开放过程,获取遮光罩的拓扑构型,完成遮光罩折展设计,并根据光学系统任务需求,优化遮光罩拓扑构型。采用底面为正六边形的拓扑构型时,遮光罩的折展比为8,且折叠后的包络空间和卫星星体所占用的空间相重合,能够更好地利用空间。选用两层薄膜作为遮光结构,一方面提高了遮光性能,另一方面遮光罩本身具有一定的隔热功能,更好地保护了光学系统。最后通过ABAQUS仿真模拟薄膜的展开过程,并进行应力水平分析。结果表明,遮光罩薄膜展开过程顺利,展开后最大应力为40.63MPa,满足聚酰亚胺薄膜材料的使用要求。  相似文献   

1993年2月4日,俄罗斯进行了世界上首次太阳帆展开试验,将太阳光反射到地面。这次试验的成功为下一步在空间部署大型太阳帆取得了经验。这个试验型太阳帆安装在进步号飞船的前端,展开后直径为20米。进步号飞船是1992年10月30日上天的,一直与和平号空间站对接在一起。莫斯科时间2月4日上午4时,进步号飞船与和平号空间站分离。15分钟后,进步号漂移到距离和平号空间站约200米处,开始展开太阳帆。太阳帆的展开过程由俄罗斯能源科学生产联合体操纵。该联合体的工程技术人员说,盘形太阳帆的展开是一项十分细致的空间操作,但是,展开工作进展得非常顺利,比预定的速度快。  相似文献   

充气薄膜桁架结构可应用于大型空间充气薄膜航天器的展开部件和支撑结构。研究了充气薄膜桁架结构的协同折叠设计方案,首先推导了蒙皮结构的折叠状态几何公式,然后设计充气桁架的折叠方案,以几何适应于蒙皮结构折叠状态。建立了协同折叠设计方法,并得到了参数化模型。方案实现了横向和纵向同时折叠,横向折叠率为267,纵向折叠率为882。基于改进的弹簧 质点系统,完成了充气薄膜桁架结构的充气展开动力学仿真,得到了展开动力学行为和参数。仿真结果表明展开过程平稳可靠,未发生各构件间的物理干涉,从而评估了协同折叠设计方案的合理性,为此类结构的工程应用提供了技术支撑。  相似文献   

输入成型法无法消除姿态机动过程中的柔性振动,残留的柔性振动将改变大柔性太阳帆航天器的结构参数,影响姿态机动的控制精度。为此,基于两种控制手段(作用于太阳帆中心的喷气和作用于支撑杆顶端的电推进)的组合,提出复合控制方法,以消除姿态机动过程中的柔性振动。采用将帆面质量等效到支撑杆的简化方法,建立太阳帆航天器姿态运动与柔性振动的耦合动力学模型,并从减小振动模态的外加激励出发,根据简化的动力学模型,得到了两种复合控制的设计方法:消除某一阶的柔性振动方法和减小前n(n>1)阶的柔性振动方法。仿真结果表明,相比输入成型法,第二种复合控制方法不但机动时间短,还能够将姿态机动过程中的柔性振动抑制到5%,使机动角度精度优于0.003°。由于仅利用已有的控制手段,复合控制方法算法简单,适合于实际应用。  相似文献   

为了进一步缩减折叠翼飞行器(如舰载机、无人机、飞行汽车等)的展向尺寸来节省储存、运输空间,设计一种新型的折叠翼机构方案.它由内翼、中翼和外翼3部分组成,采用连杆机构作为翼面折叠机构,能进行两次折叠.简化运动模型,建立运动微分方程,分析折叠翼机构在地面(无气动载荷)情况下的运动特性;利用多刚体动力学软件进行动力学仿真分析;通过在内翼和中翼间的铰链添加扭力弹簧,改善了折叠翼的驱动性能;开展折叠翼地面折叠/展开实验,实验结果与计算机仿真基本吻合.翼面折叠/展开运动平稳,大幅缩减了折叠翼飞行器地面展向占用空间.   相似文献   

俄太阳帆试验失败 7月20日,俄罗斯从一艘潜艇上用一枚改装过的波浪导弹发射了名为“宇宙-1”号的太阳帆飞船。发射时,太阳帆处于折叠状态装在导弹弹头。然而,由于火箭的第三级没有与太阳帆飞船分离,太阳帆未能展开,试验失败。太阳帆飞船这一概念诞生于20世纪20年代,是一种利用太阳光的压力进行太空飞行的航天器。由于太阳光子具有源源不断、方向固定等特点,借助太阳帆为动力的航天器无须携带任何燃料,在太阳光子的撞击下,航天器的飞行速度会不断增加,并最终飞抵距地球非常遥远的天体。根据理论计算,直径约300米的太阳帆可使总重约0.5吨的飞船在200多天  相似文献   

Heliophysics is a new research field that explores the Sun–Solar System Connection; it requires the joint exploitation of solar, heliospheric, magnetospheric and ionospheric observations.  相似文献   

We address the problem of interacting relativistic current sheets in self-consistent kinetic plasma simulations within the framework of the Particle-In-Cell model. The interaction is enforced in head-on collisions of up to 10 current sheets at relativistic bulk speeds. The simulations are motivated by the general problem of Poynting flux dissipation in ‘striped wind’ configurations presumably governing the relativistic outflows pervasive in pulsar winds and gamma-ray bursts. We identify the generation of non-thermal particles and formation of a stable power-law shape in the particle energy distributions f(γ) dγ ∝ γs dγ. In 1D, a spectral index s ∼ 2 is observed and attributed to a stochastic Fermi-type acceleration mechanism. In 2D, the generic index of s ∼ 3–4 is retained as in previous simulations of individual current sheets. Whereas in 2D the high energy cut-off is constrained by the limited dissipation of magnetic energy, in 1D the process converts the bulk motion of current sheets towards directed particle momentum of an exclusive class of non-thermal particles.  相似文献   

绳驱动三自由度机器人可以实现空间的自由转动.由于绳索只可拉伸不可压缩的单向特性,研究驱动绳索张力对机器人的控制具有重要意义.运用几何和矩阵的方法可以分析绳索的张力分配情况;在存在张力约束的条件下,提出张力系数作为评价张力分配优劣状况的指标,通过计算可以得到张力系数分布图,从而对机器人工作空间有直观的认识,进而提出有效的张力优化算法;通过对最小预紧力影响因素及选取方法的讨论,可以得到动态最小预紧力实时计算公式,保证绳索时刻处于张紧状态;通过样机的力检测系统张力反馈的实验可以验证理论推导.通过对以上几部分的分析和研究,可以对四绳驱动三自由度机器人的张力问题有综合全面的认识.   相似文献   

A monthly average solar green coronal index time series for the period from January 1939 to December 2008 collected from NOAA (The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) has been analysed in this paper in perspective of scaling analysis and modelling. Smoothed and de-noising have been done using suitable mother wavelet as a pre-requisite. The Finite Variance Scaling Method (FVSM), Higuchi method, rescaled range (R/S) and a generalized method have been applied to calculate the scaling exponents and fractal dimensions of the time series. Autocorrelation function (ACF) is used to find autoregressive (AR) process and Partial autocorrelation function (PACF) has been used to get the order of AR model. Finally a best fit model has been proposed using Yule-Walker Method with supporting results of goodness of fit and wavelet spectrum. The results reveal an anti-persistent, Short Range Dependent (SRD), self-similar property with signatures of non-causality, non-stationarity and nonlinearity in the data series. The model shows the best fit to the data under observation.  相似文献   

火卫二(Deimos)是火星自然卫星之一,研究人员利用火星探测器对其地形地貌开展了大量研究。首先对火卫二的基本参数及起源假说进行了介绍,进而全面梳理了与火卫二相关的航天探测活动,重点对地形地貌探测活动进行了详细介绍,并对围绕火卫二地形地貌的研究成果进行了归纳分析,结果表明火卫二表面分布有撞击坑、风化层、明亮的反射物质及块状物,并存在物质移动。最后针对火卫二探测不全面的情况,给出了中国关于火卫二探测的建议。  相似文献   

针对传统软件可靠性验证测试方法均不考虑软件测试性可能会对验证测试用例数量产生影响的现状,提出一种引入测试有效性对软件可靠性验证测试最小量进行改进的方法.分析了软件测试性的定义及其对软件可靠性测试集合的影响,提出软件测试有效性的概念.比较了考虑测试有效性前后软件可靠性验证测试集合在数量上的差异,证明经典统计方法和无先验知识的Bayesian统计推断方法确定的均为假定测试有效性为零情况下的保守估计.提出结合测试有效性的验证测试量的量化表示模型和验证测试方案的改进方法,基于统计故障注入的原理,提出测试有效性的定量评估方法,最后通过示例给出定量评估过程和方法.   相似文献   

The combined attitude and thermal control system (CATCS) combines the conventional attitude control and thermal control subsystems. Its principle is based on circulating a heat conducting fluid inside a closed duct wielding the excess onboard heat in order to produce the attitude control torques. Previously only the proportional-integral (PI) controller has been tested for CATCS. In this paper two other control options for CATCS were designed based on the H2 and H control methods to improve the attitude control performance of a small satellite. The control gain matrix with the minimum cost function is obtained by solving the Riccati equation and fed back to the system in order to achieve the system’s performance. The designed controllers can efficiently control the roll, pitch and yaw satellite attitudes. Simulations for the two techniques were carried out using Matlab and Simulink for ideal and non-ideal system models. Results show that the H2 controller has a better attitude control performance over the H controller and PI controller itself.  相似文献   

In the present work, we focused on the possible isotopic fractionation of carbon during the processes involved in the formation of Titan’s tholins. We present the first results obtained on the 12C/13C isotopic ratios measured on Titan’s tholins synthesized in laboratory with cold plasma discharges. Measurements of isotopic ratio 12C/13C, done both on tholins and on the initial gas mixture (N2:CH4 (98:2)) used to produce them, do not show any evident deficit or enrichment in 13C relatively to 12C in the synthesized tholins, compared to the initial gas mixture. This observation allows to go further in the analyses of the ACP experiment data, including part of the Cassini–Huygens mission.  相似文献   

In the frame of the 2009 Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) mission a new sample preparation system (SPS) compatible with gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) has been developed for the in situ analysis of complex organic molecules in the Martian soil. The goal is to detect, if they exist, some of the key compounds that play an important role in life on Earth including carboxylic acids, amino acids and nucleobases.  相似文献   

Nighttime medium-scale traveling ionospheric disturbances (MSTIDs), which have tilted frontal structures in the midlatitude ionosphere, are investigated by the midlatitude ionosphere electrodynamics coupling (MIECO) model in this study. It has been proposed that the electrodynamic coupling between the E and F regions plays an important role in generating MSTIDs within a few hours. An intriguing aspect of MSTIDs is that they were simultaneously observed at magnetic conjugate locations in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. In order to study the hemisphere-coupled electrodynamics, the MIECO model has been upgraded to consist of two simulation domains for both hemispheres in which the electrostatic potential is solved by considering electrodynamics in both hemispheres. The simultaneous occurrence of MSTIDs at the magnetic conjugate stations has clearly been reproduced when the F-region neutral wind satisfies the unstable condition in both hemispheres and a sporadic-E layer is given only at the Northern (summer) Hemisphere. Even if the unstable condition is satisfied in the summer hemisphere, an unfavorable F-region neutral wind in the winter hemisphere largely suppresses the growth of MSTIDs in both hemispheres.  相似文献   

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