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<正>引言交运行李分层管理系统是史密斯检测(亚太)有限公司根据民航机场交运行李安检的要求,为加强机场安全防范能力,提高安检工作的有效性而专门开发的。它的推广应用给机场提高安检质量、规范安检管理,预防劫机、炸机事件的发生,保证空防安全方面起到了突出性的作用,受到安检部门的普遍欢迎。采用C/S体系架构的交运行李分层管理系统软件,无论从数据存储、用户管理、业务实现还是软件操作来讲,都有了质的改变。  相似文献   

一、前言 当前安全形势严峻,国际上的恐怖主义越来越猖獗,犯罪手段也越来越高明;同时近几年经济的发展和国际交流更为广泛,旅客流量的巨增对传统的安检模式提出了新的挑战;传统的安检模式已不适应形势的发展,既要确保空防安全,又要提高服务水平,这就要求加强安检工作的科技含量,用新理念和信息化技术提高安检水平、提高安检速度、降低安检成本。  相似文献   

正1总体设计"空防安全责任重于泰山",这是世界民航业用鲜血和生命换来的教训。作为机场货站安检工作的核心,航空货运安检信息管理系统(简称货检系统)在提高安检质量、规范安检管理,预防恐怖事件的发生,保证航空货物安全运输方面具有突出的作用。货检系统的开发和应用,使传统的手工和简单机器检查向信息化、网络化的安检方式转变。它的最大特点是充分利用网络、多媒体技术,存储、处理通过安检的货物图像等信息。一旦出现突发性事件,只需数十秒就能准确提供  相似文献   

2012年全国民航工作会议上,李家祥局长提出"实现民航安全发展要把握好八个关系"。"八个关系"理论的提出与"落实四个责任、建设四个体系"、"前移九个防范关口"等安全工作的理论和要求相辅相成、与时俱进,既深化了持续安全理念的内涵,又突出了民航人文内涵式管理的重点,明确了新形势下做好安全工作的思路、目标、  相似文献   

新形势下,员工思想活动的独立性、选择性、多变性、差异性明显增加,各种思想和观念相互交织,相互影响,对民航企业特别是思想政治工作者提出了更高更新的要求。本文就如何在新形势下有的放矢做好安检队伍的思想政治工作,确保空防安全万无一失,谈几点看法。  相似文献   

王平 《民航科技》2005,(4):69-71
现代机场建设一般都会有地面调度或者称集成系统、离港系统、航班信息显示系统、自动广播系统、内部通信系统、无线对讲系统、安检信息管理系统、时钟系统、有线电视系统、行李系统、货运系统、楼宇自动控制系统、安全防范系统、消防及联动控制系统、X光机等,其中主要服务于内部保障的系统是集成系统、内部通信系统、无线对讲系统、时钟系统、楼宇自动控制系统、安全防范系统、  相似文献   

<正>机场安全检查是民航空防安全"地面防"的重要关口,是贯彻执行民航空防安全法规的第一线。长期以来,民航安检给人的印象就是威严有余而温馨不足,总是板着一副脸孔。然而,从去年开始,在白云机场出发的旅客高兴地看到,机场安检员的脸上多了微笑,声音变得亲切甜美,产生的亲和力着实让旅客惊喜。是什么力量推动白云安检这种服务形象的转变呢?安检服务难在哪里安检的工作性质就是从旅客及其货物中查堵威胁飞机和乘客安全的违禁物品,专家称为"索取型"服务,所以,民  相似文献   

<正>民航安全,包括飞行安全和空防安全,具有公共属性,属于社会安全领域,是国家安全的重要组成部分。在当前“三新一高”的宏观发展要求下,本文以总体国家安全观为指导,结合民航安检多年从业经验,着眼民航空防安全管理,从风险分级防控角度,尝试探讨新形势下民航安检高质量发展之路。  相似文献   

2001年11月,为了提高美国境内各种运输模式的安全性,美国国会出台了航空和运输安全法案(ATSA)。在航空系统的安全保障方面,ATSA提出了几项重要措施,其中第一项就是在2002年11月19日前实现由联邦政府提供美国民用机场的安全检查服务。ATSA的第108条款要求在美国运输安全局(TSA)的监督下,在五家民用机场保留私营航空安全检查人员。这五家机场分别是:旧金山国际机场(SFO)、堪萨斯城国际机场(MCI)、大罗彻斯特地区国际机场(ROC)、杰克逊霍机场(JAC)和图珀洛地区机场(TUP)。鉴于准确评估和测定私营承包商和联邦安检业务运营的能力将对航空旅行的安全性产生重要影响,TSA雇佣了一家独立的评估人开展了美国联邦安检与私营安检的绩效对比研究。在研究过程中,评估组确定了对比私营安检业务营运与联邦安检业务营运的工作绩效的三个标准,即:安全有效性、成本以及客户和股东影响;针对每个标准,又设计出对比工作成果的定量方法;此外,还审查了私营安检计划,以便了解那些可能影响工作成果的定性因素。在评估期间,评估组共安排了29次机场临检,同联邦和私营部门中涉及安检工作的人员进行了240多次采访,收集了与安检业务营运有关的数据,进行了统计分析,并且得出了调查结论。  相似文献   

1月20日.全国民航空防安全暨公安保卫工作会议在京召开.总结去年经验,分析当前形势,部署今年工作。民航局局长李家祥在会上发表重要讲话,提出了三点要求。第一,要保持高度警惕.做好防范工作;第二,狠抓落实,确保平安:第三,要下工夫抓好队伍建设。  相似文献   

Airports are unique as no two airports are designed the same and, while each is a single facility, each is occupied by many different tenants who provide many different services. Each service may include one or more information systems, both automated and manual, running independently from all others. Because of high visibility events such as the bombing of Pan American Flight 103 in 1988, the explosion of TWA Flight 800 in 1996, and the most recent catastrophic events of September 11, 2001, increased security measures have been put in place to protect the flying public from terrorists. The need to share and exchange information effectively and in a timely manner between airport services and systems, with other airport facilities, outside organizations and government agencies, becomes greater each day. The increased requirements defined by previous policy, threat, vulnerability, and risk assessments can be used to derive security services for NAS Air Traffic Control (ATC) operations, as well as Airport Facility (AF) operations. However, conventional solutions may not be suited to the unique needs of an airport environment and may be operationally unacceptable in some cases. This discusses some of the ways that information systems security can help ensure that key security services, including access control and authentication, are available and implementable in all systems as needed in these unique airport environments.  相似文献   

On measurement of operational security   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ideally, a measure of the security of a system should capture quantitatively the intuitive notion of “the ability of the system to resist attack.” That is, it should be operational, reflecting the degree to which the system can be expected to remain free of security breaches under particular conditions of operation (including attack). Instead, current security levels at best merely reflect the extensiveness of safeguards introduced during the design and development of a system. Whilst we might expect a system developed to a higher level than another to exhibit “more secure behavior” in operation, this cannot be guaranteed; more particularly, we cannot infer what the actual security behavior will be from knowledge of such a level. In the paper we discuss similarities between reliability and security with the intention of working toward measures of “operational security” similar to those that we have for reliability of systems. Very informally, these measures could involve expressions such as the rate of occurrence of security breaches, or the probability that a specified “mission” can be accomplished without a security breach. This new approach is based on the analogy between system failure and security breach, but it raises several issues which invite empirical investigation. We briefly describe a pilot experiment that we have conducted to judge the feasibility of collecting data to examine these issues  相似文献   

It is widely known that information technology applications should be secured. During the last years, special efforts have been applied to achieve a great level of security. These efforts have increased security in some aspects, such as cryptographic algorithms and authentication techniques, etc. But many other security holes have appeared in these applications, making the improvements achieved a "waste of time and money". In this paper, some of these security holes are exposed. Using security hardware modules can overcome some of these holes, if they are designed according to the applications specification.  相似文献   

Network management is one of the key technologies needed to fulfill the requirements. In other words, a new paradigm for network management is also needed, in order to address the requirements arising both from the ATN side and the telecommunication side of the new telecommunication infrastructure. In particular, the new network management paradigm will incorporate the ATN management framework consisting of related standards, along with the telecommunication management framework, notably Telecommunication Management Network (TMN) standards from ITU-T.  相似文献   

The Washington Watch column reports on President Bush's recently announced human space flight program, which includes new policies for returning the shuttle to flight, finishing the International Space Station by 2010, and developing a new space vehicle to return to the Moon; challenges in the airline industry; and selection of a helicopter for use by the President.  相似文献   

Although weaknesses have been demonstrated in some security techniques (encryption, protocols, mobile code such as Java, etc.), current security technology is quite strong in many areas. Despite this, information security has proved difficult to achieve in large modern software systems. Many problems have been reported in which supposedly secure systems have been penetrated and, in some cases, significant damage done. One problem considered is a buffer-overrun attack. The idea called a 〈wrapper〉 which is a layer of software that logically surrounds a software artifact and enhances the functionality of the artifact in some way, is then discussed. Most proposals for the use of wrappers assume that their presence is transparent to the artifact being wrapped. In other words, the artifact sees its operating environment as unchanged and the artifact does not have to be modified in i order to permit it to be wrapped. Wrappers have been proposed as an approach to dealing with deficiencies in existing systems, deficiencies in security for example. The use of shells as a feasible solution to the problem of security is also considered  相似文献   

西安咸阳国际机场地处我国内陆腹地。近几年来,依托西部大开发和建设民航强国等宏观政策带来的强劲动力,咸阳机场积极开拓航空市场,全力推动主业发展,生产保持旺盛增长,增幅连年位处全国大型机场前列,2010年旅客吞吐量超过1800万,国内机场排名稳居前八。为满足生产发展需要,机场二期建设正如火如荼,新的创业  相似文献   

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