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为提高传感器测量数据的有效性、可信性,基于共同工作方程,采用原始对偶内点法对某型涡扇发动机测量数据进行了融合分析。通过案例研究了当可测量参数存在误差时融合模型对流量、温度及压力等参数的预测效果;使用两种初值更新法,测试了不同工况下的物理运算时间;研究了约束违反程度对数据融合效果的影响;测试了关键传感器失效情况下,动态数据融合模型对缺失参数的预测效果,提出了进一步加快计算速度的方法。结果表明:通过数据融合,测量数据和未测量参数的不确定度下降到1%以内;通过算法优化,运算时间减小到5s,为发动机状态监控、传感器维护和传感器失效情况下发动机控制策略的制定提供了支持。  相似文献   

针对多导航传感器的信息融合复杂性的问题,提出了一种基于全源定位与导航的信息融合统一理论框架。该框架将目前导航领域的主要定位导航技术分成了与时间无关的定位导航技术方法以及与时间相关的定位导航技术。首先,主要从数学的角度将各种导航技术的测量模型抽象为统一的表达形式,提出了位置、姿态、速度函数的概念,讨论了各种测量方法的测量函数及其应用;其次,分析了航位、航姿、航速的推算方法;最后根据测量模型和运动模型构建了信息融合的基本方程,并讨论了基于贝叶斯估计的导航参数一般性估计方法。  相似文献   

针对航空发动机多余度智能传感器故障诊断问题,提出一种基于数据融合的故障诊断方法。该方法采用改进的模糊C均值聚类算法对多余度传感器信息进行数据融合,将多余度敏感单元测量值划分为合适的几个类,然后根据少数服从多数的原则,选择含有最多敏感单元测量值的类的中心作为融合值,并通过计算各个敏感单元测量值与融合值之间的残差来监控传感器的故障情况。仿真结果表明,得到的融合值具有较高的精度,绝对误差在0.5℃以内,通过判断残差可完成传感器故障自检测与定位。  相似文献   

误差配准是多传感器信息融合的基础。为解决机载多平台多传感器的误差配准问题,研究并提出了一种基于容积卡尔曼滤波(CKF)的联合扩维误差配准算法。在算法实现中,首先采用状态矢量维数扩展方法建立非线性滤波框架下的系统误差配准模型,其次根据误差配准模型对各传感器的测量系统误差及各平台的姿态角系统误差进行估计,最后通过CKF滤波实现对状态预测值的修正,改善系统误差对滤波精度的影响。仿真结果表明,所提出的算法能够有效融合利用多传感器的测量信息,实现对多传感器系统误差及目标状态的实时联合精确估计。  相似文献   

状态感知、实时分析、自主决策、精准执行是航空智能制造的特征。总结影响飞机部件装配单元定位精度的多种因素,并结合感知技术发展,深入分析部件装配单元的可感知因素及其获取方式,确定了部件装配单元可感知的关键要素:装配现场温度、定位器所受载荷、定位器位移、产品位姿。结合飞机机翼装配单元,设计感知信息获取方式。通过模糊优选方法,构建传感器型号优选模型,完成部件装配单元传感器选型。通过传感器测量偏差平均化的方法,构建多种类、多数量的传感器布局模型,确定部件装配单元传感器的数目与位置,完成了传感器布局设计。基于多传感器信息融合方法,设计多传感器信息融合模型,对感知的多源异构信息进行融合处理,并通过构建状态感知模型,实现对部件装配单元定位状态的直观表达。  相似文献   

针对单一传感器的测量信息难以准确、全面地反映航空发动机转子、轴承和齿轮的工作状况,进而造成振动故障诊断难度大的问题,提出安装多个振动传感器组成传感器网络,建立基于多传感器信息的发动机转子故障决策融合诊断系统。由于多传感器系统不可避免地会存在各传感器信息不一致、信息冲突的情形,因此针对该融合诊断系统的信号测量、信息预处理、特征提取、故障诊断及决策融合5个环节,重点研究了决策融合环节的Dempster-Shafer(D-S)证据决策融合方法存在的冲突证据融合失效问题。通过分析原因,从避免“一票否决”现象和证据加权平均两个方面进行改进,提出了改进D-S证据融合方法,并应用于航空发动机转子的模拟故障决策融合诊断中。结果表明基于D-S证据理论对3个传感器的单一诊断结果进行决策融合,能得到比任一单个传感器更准确、可靠的结果;而改进D-S证据融合方法由于能在一定程度上克服冲突证据融合带来的失效问题,且能同时兼顾处理好非冲突证据的融合,故其对于证据冲突和非冲突情形都取得了较好的融合效果,因此总的分类正确率要高于常规D-S算法和PCR5算法。  相似文献   

状态感知、实时分析、自主决策、精准执行是航空智能制造的特征。总结影响飞机部件装配单元定位精度的多种因素,并结合感知技术发展,深入分析部件装配单元的可感知因素及其获取方式,确定了部件装配单元可感知的关键要素:装配现场温度、定位器所受载荷、定位器位移、产品位姿。结合飞机机翼装配单元,设计感知信息获取方式。通过模糊优选方法,构建传感器型号优选模型,完成部件装配单元传感器选型。通过传感器测量偏差平均化的方法,构建多种类、多数量的传感器布局模型,确定部件装配单元传感器的数目与位置,完成了传感器布局设计。基于多传感器信息融合方法,设计多传感器信息融合模型,对感知的多源异构信息进行融合处理,并通过构建状态感知模型,实现对部件装配单元定位状态的直观表达。  相似文献   

本文在多模型架构下,提出一种航空发动机传感器在线混合故障检测与隔离算法。利用长短期记忆网络逼近航空发动机建模误差、健康参数变化、过程噪声和测量噪声等不确定性源引起的真实发动机与机载模型之间的偏差。将传感器测量输出与不确定性值的偏差用于一种基于多模型的混合卡尔曼滤波器组算法中,利用贝叶斯方法计算每个传感器在健康模式和不同故障模式下的条件概率,然后根据最大概率准则进行传感器故障检测与隔离,克服了阈值难以选取的问题。针对某型涡扇发动机传感器发生偏置故障、漂移故障和间歇性故障的情形进行仿真验证,并对比了不同传感器之间的检测与隔离精度。结果表明:所提出的方法可以在更高水平的退化下诊断出发动机传感器常见的故障,混合方法对不同不确定性源具有鲁棒性。  相似文献   

在灰色关联分析的基础上,对斜关联度进行了修正,引出了点、斜修正关联度分析的概念.通过对影响目标属性识别的各种因素进行分析,结合战术思想利用灰色点、斜修正关联度分析及多目标优化方法建立了数据融合模型,提出了一种基于灰色理论的多传感器数据融合方法.计算多传感器测量数据的灰色关联矩阵,进行灰色优势分析,然后进行数据融合.此方法考虑了各传感器测量数据的精确度,而且删除掉了测量比较差或测量不到的数据.仿真结果表明,应用该方法可进一步提高多传感器的测量精度和可靠性,适用于多传感器的数据融合.  相似文献   

基于干扰解耦思想,针对涡轴发动机工作中传感器瞬时断路硬故障模式,提出一种基于模型的涡轴发动机未知输入观测器传感器硬故障诊断方法。通过对地面、高空工作的涡轴发动机不同传感器故障的模拟,验证了该故障诊断方法的有效性。结果表明,基于模型设计的未知输入观测器(UIO),能够对系统输入中的测量干扰未知输入信号进行有效解耦,同时传感器故障信息通过UIO计算获得的输出估计具有鲁捧残差性能。  相似文献   

An asynchronous data fusion problem based on a kind of multirate multisensor dynamic system is studied. The system is observed by multirate sensors independently, with the state model known at the finest scale. Under the assumption that the sampling rates of sensors decrease successively by any positive integers, the discrete dynamic system models are established based on each single sensor and an asynchronous multirate multisensor state fusion estimation algorithm is presented. Theoretically, the estimate is proven to be unbiased and the optimal in the sense of linear minimum covariance, the fused estimate is better than the Kalman filtering results based on each single sensor, and the accuracy of the fused estimate will decrease if any of the sensors' information is neglected. The feasibility and effectiveness of the algorithm are shown through simulations.  相似文献   

在多被动传感器目标跟踪中,融合中心处理的信息一般是同步的,然而实际情况并非如此。另外,一些被动传感器只能得到目标的方位信息,无法单独形成有效航迹,这就需要将各传感器数据同步到相同时刻,然后应用同步融合算法。针对被动传感器探测系统,采用传感器到传感器融合和系统到传感器融合的分布式融合结构,并对各局部传感器引入全局反馈,对相关信息采用协方差交叉算法进行处理,完成被动传感器异步数据的融合,仿真结果表明,该算法具有较好的融合效果。  相似文献   

We present the development of a multisensor fusion algorithm using multidimensional data association for multitarget tracking. The work is motivated by a large scale surveillance problem, where observations from multiple asynchronous sensors with time-varying sampling intervals (electronically scanned array (ESA) radars) are used for centralized fusion. The combination of multisensor fusion with multidimensional assignment is done so as to maximize the “time-depth” in addition to “sensor-width” for the number S of lists handled by the assignment algorithm. The standard procedure, which associates measurements from the most recently arrived S-1 frames to established tracks, can have, in the case of S sensors, a time-depth of zero. A new technique, which guarantees maximum effectiveness for an S-dimensional data association (S⩾3), i.e., maximum time-depth (S-1) for each sensor without sacrificing the fusion across sensors, is presented. Using a sliding window technique (of length S), the estimates are updated after each frame of measurements. The algorithm provides a systematic approach to automatic track formation, maintenance, and termination for multitarget tracking using multisensor fusion with multidimensional assignment for data association. Estimation results are presented for simulated data for a large scale air-to-ground target tracking problem  相似文献   

Multisensor multitarget bias estimation for general asynchronous sensors   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A novel solution is provided for the bias estimation problem in multiple asynchronous sensors using common targets of opportunity. The decoupling between the target state estimation and the sensor bias estimation is achieved without ignoring or approximating the crosscovariance between the state estimate and the bias estimate. The target data reported by the sensors are usually not time-coincident or synchronous due to the different data rates. Since the bias estimation requires time-coincident target data from different sensors, a novel scheme is used to transform the measurements from the different times of the sensors into pseudomeasurements of the sensor biases with additive noises that are zero-mean, white, and with easily calculated covariances. These results allow bias estimation as well as the evaluation of the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) on the covariance of the bias estimate, i.e., the quantification of the available information about the biases in any scenario. Monte Carlo simulation results show that the new method is statistically efficient, i.e., it meets the CRLB. The use of this technique for scale and sensor location biases in addition to the usual additive biases is also presented.  相似文献   

Target tracking using multiple sensors can provide better performance than using a single sensor. One approach to multiple target tracking with multiple sensors is to first perform single sensor tracking and then fuse the tracks from the different sensors. Two processing architectures for track fusion are presented: sensor to sensor track fusion, and sensor to system track fusion. Technical issues related to the statistical correlation between track estimation errors are discussed. Approaches for associating the tracks and combining the track state estimates of associated tracks that account for this correlation are described and compared by both theoretical analysis and Monte Carlo simulations  相似文献   

The case of data fusion of sensors dissimilar in their measurement/tracking errors is considered. It is shown that the fused track performance is similar whether the sensor data are fused at the track level or at the measurement level. The case of a cluster of targets, resolved by one sensor but not the other, is also considered. Under certain conditions the fused track may perform worse than the worst of the sensors. A remedy to this problem through modifications of the association algorithm is presented  相似文献   

The problem of optimal data fusion in the sense of the Neyman-pearson (N-P) test in a centralized fusion center is considered. The fusion center receives data from various distributed sensors. Each sensor implements a N-P test individually and independently of the other sensors. Due to limitations in channel capacity, the sensors transmit their decision instead of raw data. In addition to their decisions, the sensors may transmit one or more bits of quality information. The optimal, in the N-P sense, decision scheme at the fusion center is derived and it is seen that an improvement in the performance of the system beyond that of the most reliable sensor is feasible, even without quality information, for a system of three or more sensors. If quality information bits are also available at the fusion center, the performance of the distributed decision scheme is comparable to that of the centralized N-P test. Several examples are provided and an algorithm for adjusting the threshold level at the fusion center is provided.  相似文献   

一种基于相邻模块化加权D-S的融合诊断方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
胡金海  夏超  彭靖波  张驭  任立通 《航空学报》2016,37(4):1174-1183
常规D-S (Dempster-Shafter)决策融合方法由于其自身理论不足,不能很好直接处理决策结果偏差大、冲突大的传感器融合问题,因而对于信息高冲突情况下的转子微弱故障融合诊断存在着失效问题。针对该类问题与不足,借鉴复杂网络的舆论传播、社会学习理论及多智能体一致性决策的相关概念与思路,从避免决策结果冲突大的传感器直接进行融合的角度进行改进,提出相邻模块化加权D-S融合方法。该方法首先根据初步结果进行相邻节点与模块划分,只有决策距离在相邻界限值范围内的相邻模块节点才能进行决策融合;对于同一模块内相邻节点,根据各节点决策权重及初步决策结果采用加权D-S融合方法进行决策融合;针对融合结果再进行相邻节点模块划分与融合,依此步骤进行循环划分与融合,直到所有模块与节点均不相邻;最后采用专家权威决策方法确定权重和最大的模块融合结果作为最终的传感器网络一致性决策结果。通过多传感器网络的转子故障模拟实验对所提方法进行验证,应用结果表明:所提方法可以较好解决少数传感器诊断正确、而多数诊断错误的信息高冲突条件下的局部微弱故障融合诊断问题。  相似文献   

Passive tracking scheme for a single stationary observer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
While there are many techniques for bearings-only tracking (BOT) in the ocean environment, they do not apply directly to the land situation. Generally, for tactical reasons, the land observer platform is stationary; but, it has two sensors, visible and infrared, for measuring bearings and a laser range finder (LRF) for measuring range. There is a requirement to develop a new BOT data fusion scheme that fuses the two sets of bearing readings, and together with a single LRF measurement, produces a unique track. This paper first develops a parameterized solution for the target speeds, and then heading, prior to the occurrence of the LRF measurement, when the track is unobservable. At, and after the LRF measurement, a BOT, formulated as a least squares (LS) estimator, then produces a unique LS estimate of the target states. Bearing readings from the other sensor serve as instrumental variables in a data fusion setting to eliminate the bias in the BOT estimator. The result is an unbiased and decentralized data fusion scheme. Results from two simulation experiments have corroborated the theoretical development and show also that the scheme is optimal.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于改进LS-SVM的航空发动机传感器故障诊断与自适应重构控制方法.该方法通过给误差变量赋予不同权值因子提高LS-SVM的鲁棒性,采用修剪算法提高LS-SVM的稀疏性;该方法从某涡扇发动机输入输出空间中建立其正常模型,采用阈值判别法对传感器故障进行实时监视与诊断,并用模型输出值代替故障传感器测量值反馈回闭环控制系统,实现对发动机的自适应重构控制.仿真结果表明,该方法能及时准确地定位故障,并进行有效的自适应重构控制.   相似文献   

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