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跟踪弹道导弹时预警卫星姿态前馈协同控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于角动量守恒定理,推导了跟踪弹道导弹时,具有活动部件的预警卫星姿态前馈协同控制。该控制算法基于角动量守恒方程估计红外相机运动产生的角动量扰动以及为抑制该扰动所需的期望飞轮转速,将期望飞轮转速与实际转速的偏差作为前馈信号加入到传统控制系统中,推导出预警卫星姿态前馈控制模型。最后通过数值仿真验证了控制方法,仿真结果与理论分析具有很好的一致性。并且该控制方法简单、可靠,能够适应卫星在轨实时控制。  相似文献   

基于加速退化模型的卫星组件寿命与可靠性评估方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对卫星产品长寿命、高可靠性的特点,提出了使用加速退化试验的方法来评估卫星用微波接收机的寿命与可靠性指标.首先,在确定微波接收机关键模块与相应失效机理的基础上,选择了适用的加速模型.然后,通过分析产品性能的实际退化过程,选择漂移布朗运动对此进行拟合,并结合漂移布朗运动首达时(first passage time)服从逆高斯分布的特点,建立了产品的可靠性模型.最后,采用极大似然结合最小二乘的评估方法,对该关键模块的恒定应力加速退化试验的蒙特卡罗仿真结果,进行了产品的寿命与可靠性评估并且得到了合理的结果,从而验证了本文方法的正确性.  相似文献   

梁健  刘磊  唐硕 《飞行力学》2017,(6):57-60,69
为提高卫星的指向精度和稳定度,通常在飞轮系统中设计了被动减振器。而对于有敏捷机动要求的卫星,被动减振器的低刚度设计可能会破坏姿态控制系统的动态性能和稳定性。因此,针对飞轮减振情况,建立了卫星刚柔姿态动力学方程,用来准确分析卫星敏捷机动时的动态性能、稳定性问题以及飞轮扰动对卫星稳定度的影响。仿真结果表明,不合适的隔振器刚度设计将会影响指向的动态性能和稳定性,甚至诱发姿控系统失稳。  相似文献   

张世杰  赵亚飞  陈闽  曹喜滨  贺亮 《航空学报》2011,32(7):1260-1268
反作用飞轮在卫星姿态控制中具有重要作用,配置3个以上飞轮的卫星构成一类过驱动系统,能够提高姿态控制系统的可靠性.针对期望控制力矩到冗余飞轮的指令分配问题,提出了一种基于伪逆法的动态控制分配方法,并针对传统伪逆法难以考虑飞轮最大力矩等物理约束问题,采用零空间方法对传统伪逆法给出的分配结果进行了修正.基于稳定控制模式下姿态...  相似文献   

本文建立了陀螺飞轮的多体动力学模型,用于精确描述其动力学现象.基于简化的多体动力学方程,建立了陀螺飞轮转子两维摆角对力矩器及壳体角速度的传递函数.以此为基础设计了陀螺飞轮转子两维摆角伺服控制系统.仿真结果表明:该控制系统在时变参数条件下能够实现高速转子两维摆角解耦及稳定控制,对实现陀螺飞轮闭环控制具有重要意义.  相似文献   

俄罗斯空间有机热控涂层发展的现状及动向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评述了俄罗斯卫星及空间站常用的两类空间有机热控涂层-高反射率白色涂层和高太阳吸收率黑色涂层的技术水平,并对其发展的新动向作了分析,为我国发展新一代长寿命卫星和空间站计划所需的有机热控涂层预研工作提出了几点建议。  相似文献   

基于失效物理的动量轮贝叶斯可靠性评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘强  黄秀平  周经伦  金光  孙权 《航空学报》2009,30(8):1392-1397
作为卫星姿态控制系统关键部件的动量轮,其可靠性关系到卫星发射的成败。但是由于有小子样、高可靠性和长寿命等特点,受技术、费用和时间等条件的限制,无法获得大样本失效寿命数据,因此利用传统的大样本寿命数据统计推断方法进行可靠性建模、分析与评估存在困难。为此,从失效物理分析的角度出发建立性能退化模型,用贝叶斯方法融合性能退化模型和寿命模型得到产品的可靠性评估模型,并基于该模型充分利用失效物理试验中的性能数据和少量的寿命数据来进行可靠性评估。实例分析表明,该方法与伪寿命方法相比更加符合工程实际,评估精度更高。  相似文献   

在飞轮原有螺纹连接设计的基础上,利用飞轮轮体热胀冷缩原理,增加了胶接的连接方式.研制的飞轮经受了振动试验以及高低温试验的冷热循环交替的考核,实现了对飞轮动不平衡的有效控制,卫星整星姿态角速率偏差从1.04×10-4°/s降低至4.8×10-6°/s;经过微振动测试,飞轮最大扰动力、扰动力矩分别降低了44%、45.76%...  相似文献   

在空间飞行环境中,航天器承受着各种环境的作用,而每种环境因素都在一定程度上影响着航天器的工作寿命。光子晶体光纤是一种新型光纤,其比传统保偏光纤更耐辐照,是长寿命光纤陀螺(Fiber Optical Gyroscope,FOG)的首选,可以满足长寿命卫星的应用需要。将光纤陀螺特征寿命定义为强度,将热、辐照和振动等环境因素定义为应力,运用应力强度分析理论,采用最坏情况分析方法,分析了在常见应力联合作用下光纤陀螺的薄弱环节,评估了光纤陀螺的在轨工作寿命,验证了光子晶体光纤陀螺在某长寿命通信卫星上的适应性。分析结果表明,热和辐照是影响光子晶体光纤陀螺的重要因素。研究结论可用于有针对性地进行改进设计,为长寿命高可靠卫星提供技术支撑,具有显著意义。  相似文献   

研究设计了一种以超级电容为能量存储单元的双向逆变电源来满足飞轮大力矩输出过程中瞬时大功率供电需求.在飞轮反向制动过程中,该电源还具有快速回收能量功能.实验结果表明该方案不仅可以使常规飞轮实现短时间大力矩输出功能,满足卫星快速机动要求,还可以有效抑制飞轮高速反向制动时泵升电压对星上电源母线输出端干扰.  相似文献   

This describes a robot system that can be used to look for the tell-tale signs of life on Mars. Currently, NASA has satellites in orbit that can identify broad regions to explore in its search for life. NASA also has instruments that can examine samples of Martian soil to see if they contain any indications of biological activity. This leaves the problem of deciding specifically where to look for suitable samples in the large area around a landing site. This also describes a robot system that can rapidly search thousands of square meters around the landing position to find sources of biogenic gas samples that may harbor important clues in the search for extra-terrestrial life.  相似文献   

随着北斗卫星导航系统全球星座部署即将完成,其应用领域不断扩大,实时精密服务性能受到了极大关注。基于动力学精密定轨方法,设计了北斗卫星实时轨道、钟差算法流程和解算策略。利用不同频点信号,分别计算了BDS-2和BDS-3卫星的实时精密轨道和钟差,建立了完整的轨道和钟差精度评定方法,重点对解算的实时产品的精度进行了评定。结果表明:BDS-2和BDS-3实时精密轨道和钟差产品精度均可满足大部分实时用户的需求。对于B1IB3I频点,BDS-3 MEO卫星的实时轨道精度约为26cm,径向精度约为6cm,实时钟差精度约为0.45ns,且相较于BDS-2,性能更加稳定;对于B1CB2a频点,BDS-3 MEO卫星的实时轨道精度优于20cm,精度和稳定性较高。  相似文献   

The visibility for low earth orbit(LEO) satellites provided by the BeiDou-2 system is analyzed and compared with the global positioning system(GPS). In addition, the spaceborne receivers' observations are simulated by the BeiDou satellites broadcast ephemeris and LEO satellites orbits. The precise orbit determination(POD) results show that the along-track component accuracy is much better over the service area than the non-service area, while the accuracy of the other two directions keeps at the same level over different areas. However, the 3-dimensional(3D) accuracy over the two areas shows almost no difference. Only taking into consideration the observation noise and navigation satellite ephemeris errors, the 3D accuracy of the POD is about30 cm. As for the precise relative orbit determination(PROD), the 3D accuracy is much better over the eastern hemisphere than that of the western hemisphere. The baseline length accuracy is 3.4 mm over the service area, and it is still better than 1 cm over the non-service area. This paper demonstrates that the BeiDou regional constellation could provide global service to LEO satellites for the POD and the PROD. Finally, the benefit of geostationary earth orbit(GEO) satellites is illustrated for POD.  相似文献   

In determining the orbits of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites using spaceborne GPS, the errors caused by receiver antenna phase center offset (PCO) and phase center variations (PCVs) are gradually becoming a major limiting factor for continued improvements to accuracy. Shiyan 3, a small satellite mission for space technology experimentation and climate exploration, was developed by China and launched on November 5, 2008. The dual-frequency GPS receiver payload delivers 1 Hz data and provides the basis for precise orbit determination within the range of a few centime-ters. The antenna PCO and PCV error characteristics and the principles influencing orbit determi-nation are analyzed. The feasibility of PCO and PCV estimation and compensation in different directions is demonstrated through simulation and in-flight tests. The values of receiver antenna PCO and PCVs for Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and Shiyan 3 satellites are estimated from one month of data. A large and stable antenna PCO error, reaching up to 10.34 cm in the z-direction, is found with the Shiyan 3 satellite. The PCVs on the Shiyan 3 satellite are estimated and reach up to 3.0 cm, which is slightly larger than that of GRACE satellites. Orbit validation clearly improved with independent k-band ranging (KBR) and satellite laser ranging (SLR) measurements. For GRACE satellites, the average root mean square (RMS) of KBR resid-uals improved from 1.01 cm to 0.88 cm. For the Shiyan 3 satellite, the average RMS of SLR resid-uals improved from 4.95 cm to 4.06 cm.  相似文献   

针对如何部署光学探测设备才能更好实现对空间目标的高精度高频度监视问题,考虑光照条件、相对关系及探测性能,构建了天/地基空间目标探测与成像仿真模型;按照轨道特征选取了94颗LEO(Low Earth Orbit,低地球轨道)卫星、63颗GEO(Geosynchronous Earth Orbit,地球同步轨道)卫星和18颗大椭圆轨道卫星,选用春夏秋冬典型季节的特定时间长度,仿真分析了国内地基、南北极科考站、LEO卫星、准GEO卫星等多平台光电手段的位置探测和成像观测能力;比对分析地基平台纬度和季节、天基平台轨道高度和倾角对探测能力的影响得出:南北极科考站相比于国内站点可提高重点季节的探测时效性,98°倾角LEO平台对低轨目标成像时效性方面更具优势,等.在此基础上,提出了我国空间目标光电观测设备天地一体的布局构想.  相似文献   

The forthcoming 10 cm range tracking accuracy capability holds much promise in connection with a number of Earth and ocean dynamics investigations. These include a set of earthquake-related studies of fault motions and the Earth's tidal, polar and rotational motions, as well as studies of the gravity field and the sea surface topography which should furnish basic information about mass and heat flow in the oceans. The state of the orbit analysis art is presently at about the 10 m level, or about two orders of magnitude away from the 10 cm range accuracy capability expected in the next couple of years or so. The realization of a 10 cm orbit analysis capability awaits the solution of four kinds of problems, namely, those involving orbit determination and the lack of sufficient knowledge of tracking system biases, the gravity field, and tracking station locations. The Geopause satellite system concept offers promising approaches in connection with all of these areas. A typical Geopause satellite orbit has a 14 hour period, a mean height of about 4.6 Earth radii, and is nearly circular, polar, and normal to the ecliptic. At this height only a relatively few gravity terms have uncertainties corresponding to orbital perturbations above the decimeter level. The orbit s, in this sense, at the geopotential boundary, i.e., the geopause. The few remaining environmental quantities which may be significant can be determined by means of orbit analyses and accelerometers. The Geopause satellite system also provides the tracking geometery and coverage needed for determining the orbit, the tracking system biases and the station locations. Studies indicate that the Geopause satellite, tracked with a 2 cm ranging system from nine NASA affiliated sites, can yield decimeter station location accuracies. Five or more fundamental stations well distributed in longitude can view Geopause over the North Pole. This means not only that redundant data are available for determining tracking system biases, but also that both components of the polar motion can be observed frequently. When tracking Geopause, the NASA sites become a two-hemisphere configuration which is ideal for a number of Earth physics applications such as the observation of the polar motion with a time resolution of a fraction of a day. Geopause also provides the basic capability for satellite-to-satellite tracking of drag-free satellites for mapping the gravity field and altimeter satellites for surveying the sea surface topography. Geopause tracking a coplanar, drag-free satellite for two months to 0.03 mm per second accuracy can yield the geoid over the entire Earth to decimeter accuracy with 2.5° spatial resolution. Two Geopause satellites tracking a coplanar altimeter satellite can then yield ocean surface heights above the geoid with 7° spatial resolution every two weeks. These data will furnish basic boundary condition information about mass and heat flows in the oceans which are important in shaping weather and climate.  相似文献   

杜耀珂  杨盛庆  完备  王文妍  陈筠力 《航空学报》2018,39(12):322449-322449
研究了近地卫星基于严格回归参考轨道的轨道保持控制方法:将卫星编队理论引入单星绝对轨道保持控制,提出了"虚拟卫星编队"的概念,分析了卫星轨道相对于参考空间轨迹在轨道摄动情况下的偏离状态及变化趋势,然后根据卫星编队相对运动学,推导出了偏离状态与虚拟卫星编队构形参数之间的对应关系,并设计了以轨道参数超调、偏置及阈值触发为特征的管道保持控制策略。数值仿真结果表明,使用该控制策略能够将卫星轨道保持在以空间参考轨迹为中心的轨道管道内,并且有效减少了因周期性轨道摄动波动造成的管道保持控制量和控制频次。研究成果对于有空间轨迹回归要求的卫星轨道保持控制具有指导意义。  相似文献   

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