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吸气式高超声速飞行器制导与控制研究现状及发展趋势   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
制导与控制技术是发展高超声速飞行器的关键技术,同时也是控制学科研究的热点问题,许多先进控制理论在此领域得到应用。鉴于此,分析了吸气式高超声速飞行器动力学模型非线性、强耦合和不确定性等特点,指出高超声速飞行器制导与控制技术面临的挑战。在综述国内外研究成果的基础上,对吸气式高超声速飞行器制导与控制中基于线性化的非线性控制方法和直接针对非线性模型的控制方法分类讨论,分析了尚待解决的问题和不足。最后,结合吸气式高超声速飞行器鲁棒性、自适应性和智能化的目标,从面向机动目标制导律、高速目标拦截器制导律、全空域机动飞行控制和先进智能控制理论等方面展望了此领域研究的发展趋势。  相似文献   

孙磊  付斌  万士正  常晓飞  闫杰 《航空工程进展》2020,11(6):796-802,826
随着各国高超声速技术的武器化进程加快,对反高超声速武器拦截技术的研究也不断深入,高超声速 武器高速度、大范围主动博弈突防的拦截制导问题成为拦截制导律设计领域的研究热点。针对具有主动博弈突防能力的高超声速目标拦截场景进行微分对策问题建模,并采用基于双启发式的自适应动态规划算法,对连 续非线性系统的微分对策纳什均衡解进行求取;通过 Matlab数字仿真对设计的拦截制导方法进行验证。结果 表明:相较于最优滑模制导律,基于自适应动态规划的微分对策制导律对目标的逃逸机动具有更强的适应性, 能够获得更高的拦截精度。  相似文献   

高超声速巡航导弹关键技术的探讨   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
高超声速技术是当今军事强国关注的武器发展方向。文章介绍了高超声速导弹的特点, 探讨了高超声速巡航导弹设计中的几个关键技术,包括弹体外形设计、发动机的研制、控制与制导设计等,最后对高超声速巡航导弹的设计提供了一些研究方向。  相似文献   

舒燕军  唐硕 《飞行力学》2012,30(2):163-166
针对三维导弹-目标相对运动模型,结合反演控制、滑模控制和自适应技术,设计了一种新的自适应反演滑模末制导律。针对目标机动加速度上界难以获取的问题,将目标机动加速度视作模型的干扰,设计了一种自适应律对其进行在线估计,并将估计值补偿到制导律中。运用李亚普诺夫稳定性理论证明了系统的全局渐进稳定性和误差的收敛性。仿真结果证明了所设计的自适应反演滑模末制导律对机动目标的鲁棒性和有效性。  相似文献   

拦截高超声速目标的异类导弹协同制导律   总被引:12,自引:3,他引:9  
对于多导弹协同拦截高超声速目标的问题,设计了一种具有领弹-从弹拓扑结构的异类导弹协同制导律:配备有高性能导引头的领弹采用改进比例导引法拦截目标;未配备导引头的从弹利用通信手段,采用二阶一致性跟踪算法,对领弹进行跟踪。两类导弹同时命中目标,形成"多对一"的拦截态势。异构型的制导策略可以降低对导引设备的需求,具备较理想的作战效费比。领弹与从弹的弹道均源于改进比例导引法,具有较理想的弹道特性。给出了协同制导律在固定拓扑与切换拓扑下成立的充分条件。算例仿真验证了所提出的制导律能够实现对高超声速目标的协同拦截,具有良好的可行性。  相似文献   

导弹鲁棒高阶滑模制导控制一体化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对传统制导与控制系统分开设计在拦截高速机动目标时的缺陷,提出一种高阶滑模制导控制一体化方法.综合考虑弹目拦截几何与导弹动态,根据零化视线(LOS)角速率的准则,将导弹制导控制问题转化为一个三阶积分链系统的镇定问题.基于几何齐次理论设计了标称系统的全局有限时间镇定控制律,同时针对目标机动和导弹气动参数摄动等带来的不确定性,利用超扭曲算法(STA)设计了补偿控制律.仿真结果表明,与传统制导与控制系统分开设计相比,本文所提出的鲁棒高阶滑模制导控制一体化方法具有更小的脱靶量,且导弹姿态和控制舵偏角的变化更加平缓.  相似文献   

飞机相比于攻击导弹,在飞行速度和机动性能等方面存在着劣势.为了提高其生存几率,设计了一种发射防御导弹协同对抗攻击导弹的自适应滑模制导律.该制导律本质是一种视线(Line of Sight,LOS)制导方法,通过对飞机与防御导弹和防御导弹与攻击导弹间的LOS调整以满足特定的几何关系,从而实现对攻击导弹的主动防御.最后,将所设计的制导律与比例导引进行了仿真比较.结果表明,由于与目标间的协同,所设计的制导律在机动性能和拦截性能方面具有明显的优势,且对于三方的飞行速度变化与攻击导弹的机动具有较强的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

针对某些导弹要求限制末端攻击角度的作战要求,基于滑模变结构控制理论,面向机动目标,设计了一种同时满足脱靶量和攻击角度约束要求的制导律.采用自适应滑模趋近律,并将目标机动视为干扰,利用线性变结构制导律推导出目标加速度的估计方程,并通过仿真证实了其有效性.所设计的制导律形式简单、实用.仿真结果表明,该制导律能够以期望的攻击角度命中目标,并对所提出制导律的性能进行了分析,具有一定的工程应用价值.  相似文献   

三维自适应终端滑模协同制导律   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
司玉洁  熊华  宋勋  宗睿 《航空学报》2020,41(z1):723759-723759
针对多枚导弹协同作战的问题,且多枚导弹之间保持有向拓扑通信的条件下,基于终端滑模法设计了视线方向及视线法向的双层协同制导律。其中,视线方向的制导指令能够保证导弹同时完成拦截任务;视线法向上的三维制导律能够保证每枚导弹以期望的视线角攻击目标,从而发挥各枚导弹的最大杀伤力,并且视线角的约束相当于规划了末制导段导弹的弹道问题,在一定程度上避免攻击目标前导弹间发生碰撞。同时,针对所设计的滑模制导律设计了新的自适应律,从而加快了滑模面的收敛速度并且削弱了由符号函数引起的系统抖振现象。基于李雅普诺夫稳定性理论,证明了所设计制导律的正确性,并在最后给出了数学仿真实验,验证了所设计制导律的有效性及优越性。  相似文献   

方科  张庆振  倪昆  程林  黄云涛 《航空学报》2018,39(5):321958-321958
从饱和打击任务需求出发,针对多高超声速飞行器时间协同再入制导问题进行研究,提出时间可控再入制导律和协同再入制导架构,在改善现有制导律实时性、在线约束管理等性能的基础上,重点解决再入飞行时间不可知、不可控问题,最终实现时间协同再入飞行。协同再入制导结构分为两层,其中底层提出了基于神经网络的时间可控再入制导律,以实现再入飞行时间的可知性与可控性为目标;上层根据不同再入阶段特点设计相应的协调函数,生成时间协调信息。该结构适用于集中式或分布式的通讯结构,同时上层协调策略可以根据任务需要进行有针对性的设计与拓展。最后,通过仿真验证了时间可控再入制导律对时间的可控性和协同再入制导结构的有效性。  相似文献   

高超声速飞行器俯冲段制导控制一体化设计方法   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对高超声速飞行器高速俯冲飞行段制导控制系统设计问题,建立了俯冲飞行段制导控制一体化低阶设计模型,提出了一种新颖的六自由度(6DoF)制导控制系统设计方法。基于目标-飞行器三维空间相对运动模型和坐标系转移关系建立了三维全耦合俯冲相对运动模型,推导得到了飞行器加速度在弹道坐标系三轴的分量与飞行器三通道角速率间的解析模型,进而结合飞行器绕质心动力学模型建立了以气动舵偏角为控制输入的俯冲飞行段制导控制一体化低阶设计模型。该制导控制一体化低阶设计模型降低了俯冲飞行段制导控制系统的模型阶数,减少了六自由度制导控制系统的设计参数,省略了传统设计方法中根据期望过载反求气动欧拉角的过程;同时利用解析模型替代了传统方法中姿态控制环路的跟踪控制过程,简化了制导控制系统的设计流程,为制导控制一体化设计提供了一种新的分析思路。数值仿真结果验证了本文提出的制导控制一体化设计方法的有效性和鲁棒性。  相似文献   

Sliding mode control based guidance law with impact angle constraint   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
The terminal guidance problem for an unpowered lifting reentry vehicle against a sta- tionary target is considered. In addition to attacking the target with high accuracy, the vehicle is also expected to achieve a desired impact angle. In this paper, a sliding mode control (SMC)-based guidance law is developed to satisfy the terminal angle constraint. Firstly, a specific sliding mode function is designed, and the terminal requirements can be achieved by enforcing both the sliding mode function and its derivative to zero at the end of the flight. Then, a backstepping approach is used to ensure the finite-time reaching phase of the sliding mode and the analytic expression of the control effort can be obtained. The trajectories generated by this method only depend on the initial and terminal conditions of the terminal phase and the instantaneous states of the vehicle. In order to test the performance of the proposed guidance law in practical application, numerical simulations are carried out by taking all the aerodynamic parameters into consideration. The effec- tiveness of the proposed guidance law is verified by the simulation results in various scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper considers the guidance and control problem of a flight vehicle with side-window detection. In order to guarantee the target remaining in the seeker's sight of view, the line of sight and the attitude of the flight vehicle should be under some constraints caused by the side-window, which leads to coupling between the guidance and the attitude dynamics model. To deal with the side-window constraints and the coupling, a novel Integrated Guidance and Control (IGC) design approach is proposed. Firstly, the relative motion equations are derived in the body-Line of Sight (LOS) coordinate system. And the guidance and control problem of the flight vehicle is formulated into an IGC problem with state constraints. Then, based on the singular perturbation method, the IGC problem is decomposed into the control design of the quasi-steady-state subsystem and the boundary-layer subsystem which can be designed separately. Finally, the receding horizon control is applied to the control design for the two subsystems. Simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

具有碰撞角约束的三维圆轨迹制导律   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
胡锡精  黄雪梅 《航空学报》2012,33(3):508-519
 针对再入飞行器带碰撞角约束的导引问题,设计了一种新型三维(3D)制导律。改进并扩展了圆轨迹导引算法,定义了2个圆轨迹跟踪误差变量。通过对导引任务的分析,提出闭环修正导引方法。在此基础上,对再入飞行器制导过程的动力学方程进行解析推导,设计出能适应再入飞行器速度大小变化的三维闭环圆轨迹制导律(3CCGL)。数学仿真结果表明:此制导律能导引再入飞行器沿终端约束方向精确命中目标;同已有算法相比,该制导算法优势明显,其导引的飞行路径短,终端碰撞速度大,并能实现大角度转向攻击,大幅提高再入飞行器的末段机动能力。  相似文献   

Cooperative guidance of seeker-less missile considering localization error   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
To perform an accurate fire-and-forget attack of seeker-less missile with the consideration of the localization error, a new cooperative guidance strategy of multi-missiles is proposed in this work. Firstly, an estimated position of the seeker-less missile is carefully selected, based on which the slant angle of the line between the estimated and real positions of the seeker-less missile is approximately derived inspired by the localization theory of GPS(Global Position System).Then, respectively based on the guidance law considering the impact angle and time constraints, the consensus theory and the finite-time convergence approach, three cooperative guidance laws employing the previously obtained slant angle are derived for intensive attack to address either a stationary or maneuvering target. Simulation results well demonstrate the effectiveness and advantages of the proposed cooperative guidance strategy.  相似文献   

In the interception engagement,if the target movement information is not accurate enough for the mid-course guidance of intercepting missiles,the interception mission may fail as a result of large handover errors.This paper proposes a novel cooperative mid-course guidance scheme for multiple missiles to intercept a target under the condition of large detection errors.Under this scheme,the launch and interception moments are staggered for different missiles.The earlier launched missiles can obtain a relatively accurate detection to the target during their terminal guidance,based on which the latter missiles are permitted to eliminate the handover error in the mid-course guidance.A significant merit of this scheme is that the available resources are fully exploited and less missiles are needed to achieve the interception mission.To this end,first,the design of cooperative handover parameters is formulated as an optimization problem.Then,an algorithm based on Monte Carlo sampling and stochastic approximation is proposed to solve this optimization problem,and the convergence of the algorithm is proved as well.Finally,simulation experiments are carried out to validate the effectiveness of the proposed cooperative scheme and algorithm.  相似文献   

分析了目前高超声速飞行器的发展现状和发展趋势,指出高超武器已经给现有的防空反导武器系统带来极大威胁和挑战。针对高超声速飞行器的拦截问题,分析梳理了相关的技术难点。为保证拦截成功,采用多枚拦截器编队拦截高超声速目标是目前高效可行的技术途径,而多临近空间拦截器自主协同制导控制技术则是关键技术。针对多临近空间拦截器编队攻击自主协同制导控制技术,分别从建模、决策规划、感知、制导、控制以及评估6个方面提出需要解决的关键技术问题。最后对多临近空间拦截器编队拦截自主协同制导控制技术进行了总结与展望。  相似文献   

Salvo attacking a surface target by multiple missiles is an effective tactic to enhance the lethality and penetrate the defense system. However, existing cooperative guidance laws in the mid-course or terminal course are not suitable for long- and medium-range missiles or stand-off attacking. Because the initial conditions of cooperative terminal guidance that are generally generated from the mid-course flight may not lead to a successful cooperative terminal guidance without proper mid-course flight adjustment. Meanwhile, cooperative guidance in the mid-course cannot solely guarantee the accuracy of a simultaneous arrival of multiple missiles. Therefore, a joint mid-course and terminal course cooperative guidance law is developed. By building a distinct leader-follower framework, this paper proposes an efficient coordinated Dubins path planning method to synchronize the arrival time of all engaged missiles in the mid-course flight. The planned flight can generate proper initial conditions for cooperative terminal guidance, and also benefit an earliest simultaneous arrival. In the terminal course, an existing cooperative proportional navigation guidance law guides all the engaged missiles to arrive at a target accurately and simultaneously. The integrated guidance law for an intuitive application is summarized. Simulations demonstrate that the proposed method can generate fast and accurate salvo attack.  相似文献   

周聪  闫晓东  唐硕 《航空学报》2019,40(10):323122-323122
为了满足临近空间机动目标拦截中制导预测和多约束要求,设计了一种基于圆弧预测的变系数显式拦截中制导方法。首先针对临近空间目标滑翔段飞行特性,提出了基于圆弧的几何目标预测方法,将目标机动轨迹近似为圆弧,通过多个间隔时刻的目标位置确定圆弧参数,依据圆弧预测轨迹估计剩余飞行时间,并以当前速度递推预测拦截点状态,进而推导了三维角约束显式制导律。在此基础上,通过在性能指标中构建动压权重函数,以飞行动压近似可用过载变化,设计了变系数显式制导律,实现了制导增益的自适应更新,从而可以使得需用过载在飞行全程中合理分配,满足可用过载约束。最后结合圆弧预测和变系数显式制导,实现了对机动目标的预测拦截。仿真结果表明所提方法具有较好的目标预测精度,而且可以满足终端交会角以及可用过载约束。  相似文献   

用于越肩发射的方位校正导引   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
当越肩发射攻击后方目标时 ,如果载机不能提供有关目标的完全信息 ,用普通的导引方法完成“越肩”火控过程是不可能的。针对这一问题 ,提出了非完全目标信息方位校正导引方案 ,它不依赖于载机的前视或后视雷达 ,只利用载机上的雷达传感系统提供的有限的目标方位信息 ,让导弹在攻击平面内载机测量到的目标方位线上搜索目标 ,实现越肩发射中的“越肩”。仿真结果表明 ,该方案是一种可行的导引方案  相似文献   

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