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针对无人机空中加油的自主会合问题,进行了相应制导律和非线性控制器的设计。通过改进的带角度约束的三维比例制导律实现对航向角的控制,以协调转弯的方式将航迹角指令转化为姿态角指令。基于无人机六自由度的动力学模型,针对无人机的姿态控制,采用时标分离的方法设计了慢子系统和快子系统,并对这两个子系统分别进行动态逆控制设计。同时,基于滑模控制的方法设计了满足自主会合要求的速度控制律。在保证无人机飞行稳定的基础上,实现了对控制和制导指令的精确跟踪。仿真结果表明,所设计的制导律和控制律能够实现无人机空中加油的自主会合,具有良好的动态特性。  相似文献   

为实现无人机空中加油自主对接控制,建立了尾流影响下的UAV六自由度模型。基于非线性动态逆,设计了空中加油自主对接控制律。在常规非线性动态逆控制律设计的基础上,改进了航迹、姿态、角速率和自动油门等回路。通过设计航迹跟踪控制律和动态逆自动油门,实现了对锥套位置的跟踪和对接;考虑协调转弯约束和爬升速率约束,在设计过程中以姿态角代替气流角,克服了气流角控制带来的幅值、速率过大的问题,使受油机的控制更加稳定。最后通过仿真,验证了动态逆自主对接控制律的有效性。  相似文献   

无人机紧密编队队形构成控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对无人机编队飞行问题,通过借鉴Agent体系结构确定无人机编队的控制结构.建立了以航迹坐标系为参考坐标系的长机与僚机的相对运动模型,根据僚机距离长机最优位置的误差,利用李亚普诺夫稳定性理论设计队形构成中僚机的控制律.最后通过建立的六自由度非线性飞行仿真平台进行仿真验证,结果表明所设计的控制律能稳定引导无人机完成编队的队形构成.  相似文献   

针对由多个非线性系统组成的多子系统的协同控制问题,给出了一种基于输出反馈的协同控制律的设计方法,并将其应用于空间多个刚体的编队控制和姿态的协同控制系统中,给出了空间多刚体系统编队控制及姿态协同控制问题有解的充分条件,设计了多刚体编队及姿态稳定的协同综合控制律。仿真结果表明,这种控制方法是有效的、可行的,所设计的控制器能够使整个刚体系统在空间运行过程中保持一定的队形,并且同时稳定控制描述各个刚体系统姿态的四元数。  相似文献   

自主编队是无人机集群作战的关键技术.提出了一种基于视线的三维无人机双机与多机自主编队方法.制导律采用横纵分离的经典PD控制方式进行设计,建立了加入制导律的双机、多机的质点相对运动学模型,通过求解该模型在平衡点处的雅克比矩阵的特征根,来判断制导律的稳定性.仿真结果表明:设计的制导律能有效导引无人机构成编队,并保持编队飞行.  相似文献   

基于自适应方法的多无人机编队队形控制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张佳龙  闫建国  张普 《航空学报》2020,41(1):323385-323385
针对"长机-僚机"近距编队队形因风场扰动而不能保持期望队形的问题,首先,提出了一种自适应队形保持控制的方法,该方法可用于抵消因风场不确定性对无人机的横侧向和前行方向所产生的距离误差,同时能够保持无人机编队稳定飞行。其次,由于风场的不确定性会引起"长机-僚机"之间的动力学发生变化,因此设计了一种基于"长机-僚机"相对运动模型的自适应控制律用以估计风场在3个方向的大小,进而控制无人机之间的相对运动以消除风场不确定性所产生的距离误差并保持速度的一致性,最终实现保持期望的队形。再次,通过构建合理的李雅普诺夫函数,证明无人机编队在风场干扰下能够保持编队稳定飞行,同时"长机-僚机"之间相对横向、横侧向以及纵向的距离误差均接近零。最后,通过仿真验证:所提出的自适应控制方法具有良好的鲁棒性,这为工程实践提供理论依据。  相似文献   

针对协同飞行飞机的队形保持和轨迹跟踪问题,提出一种基于增量动态逆的协同轨迹控制方法。首先按照时标分离原理,利用增量动态逆设计飞机航迹控制律;然后使用非线性制导法完成复杂轨迹跟踪控制;接着基于一致性理论,设计4架飞机的长机-僚机协同飞行轨迹控制律,长机利用L1轨迹制导跟踪期望飞行轨迹,僚机通过基于一致性协议的协同控制律进行队形变换并跟踪长机。仿真结果表明,该方案能够很好地完成协同队形变换和协同轨迹跟踪控制。  相似文献   

针对低高度、大倾角末端姿态约束问题,提出了一种弹道跟踪制导律.离线优化得到满足终端约束的基准弹道.为了避免出现奇异,将对位置的跟踪转换为对视线角及视线角速度的跟踪.根据当前状态,利用连续时间非线性预测控制,以弹道跟踪误差和控制能量的组合为性能指标,在线滚动优化得到制导指令,分析了制导律的参数选取,最后对该制导律进行了全...  相似文献   

导弹鲁棒高阶滑模制导控制一体化研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对传统制导与控制系统分开设计在拦截高速机动目标时的缺陷,提出一种高阶滑模制导控制一体化方法.综合考虑弹目拦截几何与导弹动态,根据零化视线(LOS)角速率的准则,将导弹制导控制问题转化为一个三阶积分链系统的镇定问题.基于几何齐次理论设计了标称系统的全局有限时间镇定控制律,同时针对目标机动和导弹气动参数摄动等带来的不确定性,利用超扭曲算法(STA)设计了补偿控制律.仿真结果表明,与传统制导与控制系统分开设计相比,本文所提出的鲁棒高阶滑模制导控制一体化方法具有更小的脱靶量,且导弹姿态和控制舵偏角的变化更加平缓.  相似文献   

朱旭  张逊逊  尤谨语  闫茂德  屈耀红 《航空学报》2015,36(12):3919-3929
提出了基于信息一致性的分段式无人机紧密编队集结控制策略,将集结过程分为3步:参考集结点选取和目标集结点分配、形成松散编队以及形成紧密编队。首先,以线切入预定航线的方式计算参考集结点,按照松散编队队形展开生成目标集结点,并利用基于三维距离空间的优化选择算法,将目标集结点快速、准确地分配给每架无人机。然后,使用速度一致性实现向目标集结点定点集结和向松散编队伴航集结,通过非精确的航迹控制快速形成松散编队,提高编队集结的效率。接下来,启动速度、姿态一致性来实现编队最终的精确航迹控制,并逐步压缩编队队形进入紧密编队,避免发生碰撞,完成从松散编队到紧密编队的平稳过渡,同时准确地跟踪预定航线。使用协同修正方法抑制了测量误差、协同误差和通信延迟,提高了紧密编队的稳定性和控制精度。最后,基于MATLAB平台环境对所提三维集结控制策略进行了仿真,验证了其合理性与有效性。  相似文献   

To intercept maneuvering targets at desired impact angles, a three-dimensional terminal guidance problem is investigated in this study. Because of a short terminal guidance time, a finitetime impact angle control guidance law is developed using the fast nonsingular terminal sliding mode control theory. However, the guidance law requires the upper bound of lumped uncertainty including target acceleration, which may not be accurately obtained. Therefore, by adopting a novel reaching law, an adaptive sliding mode guidance law is provided to release the drawback. At the same time, this method can accelerate the convergence rate and weaken the chattering phenomenon to a certain extent. In addition, another novel adaptive guidance law is also derived; this ensures systems asymptotic and finite-time stability without the knowledge of perturbations bounds.Numerical simulations have demonstrated that all the three guidance laws have effective performances and outperform the traditional terminal guidance laws.  相似文献   

For the terminal guidance problem of missiles intercepting maneuvering targets in the three-dimensional space, the design of guidance laws for non-decoupling three-dimensional engage-ment geometry is studied. Firstly, by introducing a finite time integral sliding mode manifold, a novel guidance law based on the integral sliding mode control is presented with the target acceler-ation as a known bounded external disturbance. Then, an improved adaptive guidance law based on the integral sliding mode control without the information of the upper bound on the target accel-eration is developed, where the upper bound of the target acceleration is estimated online by a designed adaptive law. The both presented guidance laws can make sure that the elevation angular rate of the line-of-sight and the azimuth angular rate of the line-of-sight converge to zero in finite time. In the end, the results of the guidance performance for the proposed guidance laws are pre-sented by numerical simulations. Although the designed guidance laws are developed for the con-stant speed missiles, the simulation results for the time-varying speed missiles are also shown to further confirm the designed guidance laws.  相似文献   

The rendezvous and formation problem is a significant part for the unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV) autonomous aerial refueling(AAR) technique. It can be divided into two major phases: the long-range guidance phase and the formation phase. In this paper, an iterative computation guidance law(ICGL) is proposed to compute a series of state variables to get the solution of a control variable for a UAV conducting rendezvous with a tanker in AAR. The proposed method can make the control variable converge to zero when the tanker and the UAV receiver come to a formation flight eventually. For the long-range guidance phase, the ICGL divides it into two sub-phases: the correction sub-phase and the guidance sub-phase. The two sub-phases share the same iterative process. As for the formation phase, a velocity coordinate system is created by which control accelerations are designed to make the speed of the UAV consistent with that of the tanker.The simulation results demonstrate that the proposed ICGL is effective and robust against wind disturbance.  相似文献   

介绍了国内外航天器再入制导方法领域研究的近期进展,分标准轨道制导法和预测-校正制导法详细剖析了各种再入制导律的设计思路与研究框架,指出了自主性、自适应性和鲁棒性、并且能够适应多任务的新型再入制导方法是目前的研究热点和发展方向。  相似文献   

针对一类存在外界干扰和未建模动态的非线性不定系统,特别是含线性定常的参数不确定性及状态关联的非线性不确定性系统,应用直接自适应控制方法,设计了基于李雅普诺夫稳定性理论的鲁棒自适应控制律和修正律;应用李雅普诺夫稳定判据,对系统的稳定性进行了分析,证明所设计的控制律和修正律具有较强的鲁棒稳定性。  相似文献   

An autonomous approach and landing (A&L) guidance law is presented in this paper for landing an unpowered reusable launch vehicle (RLV) at the designated runway touchdown.Considering the full nonlinear point-mass dynamics,a guidance scheme is developed in threedimensional space.In order to guarantee a successful A&L movement,the multiple sliding surfaces guidance (MSSG) technique is applied to derive the closed-loop guidance law,which stems from higher order sliding mode control theory and has advantage in the finite time reaching property.The global stability of the proposed guidance approach is proved by the Lyapunov-based method.The designed guidance law can generate new trajectories on-line without any specific requirement on off-line analysis except for the information on the boundary conditions of the A&L phase and instantaneous states of the RLV.Therefore,the designed guidance law is flexible enough to target different touchdown points on the runway and is capable of dealing with large initial condition errors resulted from the previous flight phase.Finally,simulation results show the effectiveness of the proposed guidance law in different scenarios.  相似文献   

刘刚  刘光斌 《飞行力学》1998,16(4):87-91
讨论了中远程空导弹的自适应控制规律,基于古典控制器模型,设计了自适应自动驾驶仪:通过适当选择自适应参数,保证了系统良好的动态品质和干扰抑制特性;提出了一种基于李亚诺夫稳定性理论的飞行控制系统方案,推导了自适应控制规律,并对导弹多种飞行高度和初如条件进行了仿真计算,仿真结果表明,所设计的自适应控制系统性能明显优于古典控制回路,具有较好的应用价值。  相似文献   

卢山  徐世杰 《航空学报》2009,30(1):127-131
 提出了一种在缺少绝对轨道信息时的航天器椭圆轨道自主交会方法。利用Lawden方程描述椭圆轨道下的两星相对运动关系,并将方程中的时变参数单独归类。在假设这些时变参数无法得到的情况下,采用Lyapunov方法设计了椭圆轨道下自主交会的参数估计规则和自适应学习控制律。仿真结果表明,在只有相对状态信息的情况下,估计参数有效地跟踪了真实参数的变化,所设计的控制律能够实现椭圆轨道下航天器的自主交会。  相似文献   

This paper presents an integrated missile guidance and control law based on adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control. The integrated model is formulated as a block-strict-feedback nonlinear system, in which modeling errors, unmodeled nonlinearities, target maneuvers, etc. are viewed as unknown uncertainties. The adaptive nonlinear control law is designed based on backstepping and sliding mode control techniques. An adaptive fuzzy system is adopted to approximate the coupling nonlinear functions of the system, and for the uncertainties, we utilize an online-adaptive control law to estimate the unknown parameters. The stability analysis of the closed-loop system is also conducted. Simulation results show that, with the application of the adaptive fuzzy sliding mode control, small miss distances and smooth missile trajectories are achieved, and the system is robust against system uncertainties and external disturbances.  相似文献   

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