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四棱锥单元平板式可展开收拢机构的运动特性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于7杆闭环机构提出一种新型四棱锥单元,其可作为一种基本可展机构单元,组合成大型可展机构.利用机构学方法研究,分析了单元机构的自由度、运动学和奇异性,给出了单元组合方法并基于四棱锥单元机构设计了一平板式可展开收拢机构,最后计算了机构的伸缩比.分析结果表明,这种单元机构组合方便简单,组合后的机构自由度为1,便于机构的展开收拢控制.当机构完全展开时,由于其奇异特性,机构有较好的力学性能.利用这种单元可以设计出新型大型可展开收拢机构,在航空航天领域有很好的应用前景.  相似文献   

针对现有基于四面体单元的构架式天线机构结构复杂、收拢率低、运动副数量多等问题,基于3RR-3RRR四面体组合单元和基于3RR-3URU四面体对称组合单元分别提出了两种新型模块化可展结构。以3个组合单元组成的模块化结构为分析对象,首先,详细介绍了模块化结构的组成及虎克铰轴线布置,并利用组合单元本身的自由度数目及性质,采用拆杆-等效-复原的思想,应用螺旋理论和G-K公式分别对提出的两种模块化结构进行了自由度分析,得到了自由度数目及性质。其次,应用Adams动力学仿真软件对两种模块化结构进行运动仿真,仿真结果验证了自由度分析的正确性。以完全展开和完全收拢时机构所占的空间体积比值表征该机构的收拢率,计算现有基于四面体单元的非模块化机构与提出的模块化机构的收拢率。最后,对比分析非模块化机构与模块化机构的自由度数目、运动副数目及收拢率。分析结果表明,基于3RR-3URU四面体对称组合单元的模块化结构既能实现较大收拢率,自由度及运动副数目也相对减少,且组成大型天线时杆件类型较少。研究结果为该类模块化构架式可展天线结构的设计与分析提供一定理论依据。  相似文献   

韩博  许允斗  姚建涛  郑东  张硕  赵永生 《航空学报》2019,40(4):422536-422536
提出了一种空间对称型7R机构,可利用此机构组合构造空间可展开机构。通过旋量拓扑图分析了其整体自由度,得到了其运动副轴线方位变化时整体机构自由度数目的变化情况;基于反螺旋理论分析了运动副轴线方位不同的情况下运动输出构件的自由度数目和性质,并针对其瞬时性做了判别,发现其在不同运动副轴线方位布置情况下会出现局部自由度与瞬时自由度;分析了机构在不同驱动情况下的奇异特性,得到了机构在不同的驱动下处于奇异位形时的几何条件;最后选定自由度为1时的空间对称型7R机构组合构造了一类单自由度多棱锥型空间可展开机构,通过设置其运动副轴线方位,可以使其具有较大收拢率,同时当机构完全展开时,奇异特性使得其具有较好的力学性能。通过多个棱锥型空间可展开机构的组合,可以构造出新型大尺度空间可展开机构,在航空航天领域具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

提出了一种空间单自由度(DOF)可展单元机构3R-3URU。首先,基于螺旋理论和修正的G-K公式分析了RURUR单闭环机构的自由度,建立了该机构中主动关节和被动关节速度之间的解析关系式,基于此关系式和3个RURUR机构共用首尾转动副的结构特点推导了3R-3URU单元机构的自由度,得到了3R-3URU机构具有1个自由度时各运动副的方向和位置满足的几何关系式。其次,将3R-3URU机构应用于3RR-3RRR四面体可展单元及其组成的球面构架式可展天线中,得到了具有收拢和调姿两种自由度的新型可展机构。最后,利用Adams软件对3R-3URU可展单元机构的自由度和其在四面体构架式可展天线中的应用进行了仿真验证。该3R-3URU可展单元机构具有单自由度、铰链种类少、结构简单等优点,可用于曲面构架式可展天线的支撑机构中,实现大折叠比。  相似文献   

为提高环形桁架可展开天线机构的刚度,提出了一种剪叉联动式双层环形桁架可展开天线机构,介绍了其具体结构及特点;对整体桁架机构进行了单元划分,将其分解为多个六面体可展单元,分析了整体桁架结构的运动过程及特点,并对六面体基本可展单元进行了结构分析与简化;基于反螺旋理论分析了六面体可展单元的自由度及运动形式,得到了其只有一个收展运动自由度的结论,最后建立了整体双层环形桁架可展开机构的仿真模型,模拟了整个双层环形桁架机构的收拢与展开过程,验证了其整体的可展性。  相似文献   

为满足更大物理口径的平面可展开天线,提出了一种新的可拓展的双向平板折展单元机构,并对其拓展方式、自由度和运动学特性进行了分析。首先,结合四棱锥和三棱锥机构,设计了一种新的双向平板折展单元机构构型,并简述其基本组成和拓展规律。其次,根据展开运动特性,将机构简化为平面机构,并计算了自由度,确定了驱动数目和位置。最后,采用闭环矢量法建立其运动学模型,分析了展开轨迹、奇异位置及杆件角度、角速度和角加速度等运动特性。将运动学模型的解析解与仿真结果进行对比,验证了运动学模型的正确性。  相似文献   

一类空间对称6R机构的运动学研究及组合应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨毅  张武翔 《航空学报》2014,35(12):3459-3469
可展开平板机构已广泛应用于平板天线、太阳翼等航天机构产品。为提高可展开平板机构的刚度和展收比,将空间对称6R机构应用于可展开平板机构设计。首先,根据约束条件,计算后给出了一种空间3R运动链的几何参数关系;然后,结合螺旋理论,分析了该3R运动链的约束螺旋系;进而根据对称性,研究了空间对称6R机构的自由度、奇异性等运动特征;在此基础上,提出了一种特殊的空间对称6R转动机构;最后,研究了空间对称6R机构的组合方法,设计出一种新型单自由度可展开平板组合机构,并对其进行了运动学仿真验证。该可展机构具有二维方向的展开收拢能力,为可展开平板机构的创新设计提供了有益参考。  相似文献   

针对四面体构架式可展天线机构的多环耦合特性,提出了一种空间多环耦合机构的自由度分析方法——拆杆等效法。首先拆除四面体基本可展单元机构的耦合约束链,将剩余部分视为一个并联机构,然后应用螺旋理论分析各输出节点的自由度数目及性质,进而构造各输出节点与定节点之间的等效串联运动链,最后复原拆除的耦合约束链得到四面体基本可展单元的等效机构,应用修正的G-K公式计算等效机构的自由度数目,并基于反螺旋理论分析等效机构的自由度性质,从而获得四面体基本可展单元的运动特性。根据四面体基本可展单元的等效机构及其组合方式对最小组合单元及大尺寸构架式可展天线机构的结构进行了化简,并根据其几何特征约束方程推导了最小组合单元及大尺寸构架式可展天线机构的自由度。建立了由27个四面体基本可展单元组成的构架式可展天线机构的仿真模型,对该机构的自由度进行了验证,结果表明提出的拆杆等效法求得的自由度正确,为进一步分析此类天线机构的运动学和动力学奠定了基础,同时为其他类型的空间多环耦合机构的自由度分析提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

空间站展开机构是典型的大型多柔体系统,其展开收拢过程涉及非线性大变形以及接触碰撞问题。首先采用绝对节点坐标法作为柔性体的建模方法,建立了梁单元的有限元单元格式,然后基于拉格朗日方法和Hertz接触理论建立了考虑接触碰撞问题的柔性多体系统动力学方程,采用向后差分方法数值求解柔性多体系统的微分代数方程,最后以自由梁、简支梁和柔性单摆进行数学仿真验证。结果表明,该方法可用作我国空间站大型柔性太阳电池翼的设计分析参考。  相似文献   

套筒驱动的大型可展收柔性太阳翼地面展开重力卸载研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大型空间展开机构在微重力环境工作,自身不具备克服地面重力展开的能力,在地面进行展开试验验证时,需对机构进行重力卸载。套筒驱动的大型可展收柔性太阳翼存在在轨展开步骤多路径复杂、活动部件多、收拢构型紧凑而展开尺度大的特点,地面重力卸载难以实现。以过程无需调整航天器姿态就完成全部展开步骤为目标,利用气浮法、配重法、悬吊法等对展开过程的不同步骤设计了相应的重力卸载方案。采用特殊构型的工装解决了干涉问题,采用主动牵引的方法消除了工装引入的摩擦力。方案得到地面展开试验验证,具有工程借鉴价值。  相似文献   

As the deployment, supporting, and stability mechanisms of satellite antennas, space-deployable mechanisms play a key role in the field of aerospace. In order to design truss deployable antenna supporting mechanisms with large folding rate, high accuracy, easy deployment and strong stability, aiming at the geometric division of the parabolic reflector, a novel method based on symmetric hexagonal division and its corresponding modular truss deployable antenna mechanism is proposed, and the original method based on asymmetric triangular division and its corresponding mechanisms are presented for comparative analysis. Then, the screw theory is employed to analyze the mobility of different mechanisms. Furthermore, the improved three-dimensional mesh method is used to divide the reflector surface of a large parabolic antenna designed by the two different methods, and the profile accuracy and the type of links are taken as the evaluation indexes to quantitatively analyze the division results. Finally, a three-dimensional model of the modular deployable mechanism based on the symmetric hexagonal design is developed, and the deployable mechanisms with different configurations based on the two design methods are compared and analyzed from the mechanical perspective. The research results provide a good theoretical reference for the design of deployable truss antenna mechanisms and their application in the aerospace field.  相似文献   

Space deployable antenna is the key equipment in realizing the communication and data transmission between the spacecraft and the earth. In order to enrich the configurations of deployable antennas, the type synthesis of deployable mechanisms for ring truss antenna is conducted in this study. First, the principle of the constraint-synthesis method based on screw theory is briefly described, the structure of the ring truss deployable antenna and its folding principle are analyzed, and the ring truss mechanism is divided into upper edges, lower edges and linkages. Then, based on the constraint-synthesis method, the type synthesis of the basic unit edges is carried out, a series of basic unit mechanisms are obtained from combining the basic unit edge mechanisms, and five mechanism units with fewer joints and simple structures are selected. Furthermore, simulation models of the five ring truss deployable mechanisms are built in Solidworks and Matlab software, and the deploying process is verified by the movement simulation. Finally, mechanism characteristics of the five mechanisms are analyzed and discussed, and a prototype is manufactured, verifying the analysis in this paper. This research provides a new way for the type synthesis of spatial deployable mechanisms, and the ring truss deployable mechanisms obtained in this study can be well applied in the field of aerospace.  相似文献   

Deployable mechanisms with light weight and high storage ratio have received considerable attention for space applications. To meet the requirements of space missions, a parabolic cylindrical deployable antenna based on cable-rib tension structures is proposed and verified by a physical prototype. The parabolic cylindrical antenna adopts simple parallel four-bar mechanisms to construct the basic deployable unit, and the cylindrical direction dimension can be easily extended by modularization, which has obvious advantages in storage ratio and area density. Considering the complexity of the entire antenna structure design, including cable networks and flexible trusses, the form-finding design optimization model of a parabolic cylindrical antenna is established using the force density sensitivity method, and then the kinematics analysis of the deployable mechanism is carried out. Finally, a single-module prototype with a deployable diameter of 4 m × 2 m was designed and fabricated. The results of the ground deployment process test and surface accuracy measurements show that the antenna has good feasibility and practicability.  相似文献   

Calculations are made to obtain the raw electrical power that can be generated by using an ATS-6 type deployable parabolic dish as a surface for mounting solar cells without seriously interfering with its normal function as an antenna. A minimum of a few hundred watts to a maximum of a few kilowatts are generated during the apparent course of the Sun around the spacecraft. Academically, it seems that deployable solar cell panels along with their booms can be avoided.  相似文献   

Space deployable structures with large calibers, high accuracy, and large folding ratios are indispensable equipment in the aerospace field. Given that the single-DOF 3RR-3RRR deployable unit cannot be fully folded, this study proposes a 3UU-3URU deployable unit with two kinds of DOF: folding movement and orientation adjustment. First, based on the G-K formula, the DOF of the 3UU-3URU unit is analyzed. Then, the 3UU-3URU unit is used to construct a deployable truss antenna with a curved surface, and the DOF of the whole deployable antenna containing multiple 3UU-3URU units is calculated. The structural design of a deployable antenna with two loops is carried out with specific parameters and geometric relations. Next, a DOF simulation of a basic combination unit composed of three 3UU-3URU units is performed. Finally, a prototype of the basic combination unit is manufactured, and the DOF of the mechanism is experimentally verified.  相似文献   

大型航天器SGCMG系统基于模糊决策的操纵律设计研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为航天器制导、导航和控制系统的执行部件,单框架控制力矩陀螺是较为理想的大型航天器姿控系统的选择,但是单框架控制力矩陀螺系统(SGCMG)存在严重的奇异现象,增加了操纵律的设计与开发的难度。本文对SGCMG系统的奇异性进行了分析,利用模糊决策的思想确定了奇异测度,根据奇异测度梯度搜索法设计了基于模糊决策的SGCMG系统操纵律。仿真试验表明该方法有效地保证了系统能够回避可避的奇异状态,为大型航天器操纵律设计提供了新的思路。  相似文献   

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