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西部大开发是国家为促进区域经济平衡发展,加强民族团结而做出的重大的战略决策.但作为西部大开发软环境的教育开发如果跟不上,就会使西部开发缺乏人力资源和发展后劲,无法实现可持续发展.因此,必须大力发展西部教育,才能实现西部地区的快速发展.  相似文献   

西部大开发,人才是关键,教育须先行,这已成为人们的共识。作为高等教育重要组成部分的高职高专教育,应该认清形势,明确使命,抓住西部开发的历史机遇,为西部开发服务,同时在服务西部开发中努力推动高职高专教育的发展。1 在西部大开发的历史背景下,正确认识高职高专的地位、作用及其特点我国的西部大开发是在知识经济时代和全球经济一体化背景下的开发,对高新科学技术和高等教育的依赖将比任何时候都要强,应该把知识发展战略和人力资源开发战略作为开发的优先战略。高职高专在西部整体性人才开发和社会经济发展中,其作用及特点主要表现为以…  相似文献   

一、问题的提出我国国民经济大发展,中央英明决策提出西部大开发方针,新疆作为资源、能源大省发展迅猛,旅游业的发展也非常突出,航空运输市场呈现井喷式快速发展。以乌鲁木齐机场为例,短时期内日均飞行  相似文献   

随着西部大开发战略的实施,西部民航事业的蓬勃发展,西安咸阳国际机场作为西部的枢纽机场,近几年航班起降架次以平均每年16%的增长率持续增长,年总起降架次早已突破10万架次,日起降架次  相似文献   

文章分析西部的主要优势:动植物资源、旅游资源、水力资源、矿产资源等自然资源十分丰富,提出合理开发利用西部自然资源的措施。最后得出结论:只要把自然资源的开发利有和加强生态环境的保护和建设作为开发的根本,西部地区一定会在新的世纪得到发展。  相似文献   

到去年10月,中巴地球资源一号卫星(CBERS-l)已成功运行一周年,中巴地球资源卫星是世界地球资源卫星大家庭中一名重要成员。它的成功运行,不仅为我国,也为全世界提供了新的地球信息资源,当然,也包括为我国实施西部大开发战略提供了新的地球信息资源。本文主要研究中巴地球资源卫星在西部大开发中的应用与展望。  相似文献   

论文分析了目前西部企业人力资源开发中存在的问题 ,对西部企业进行人力资源开发提出了几点建设性意见。  相似文献   

贵州省是位处我国西南部山地高原,喀斯特化面积占73%,山高坡陡、切割强烈,是我国唯一没有平原支撑的省份,具有“一山有四季,十里不同天,百步不同土,,的自然环境。国家西部大开发战略给贵州省发展带来了新的发展机遇,客观地评价贵州省资源与环境的优势和劣势,将为贵州省制定发展战略提供可靠的科学依据。  相似文献   

林芝机场导航设备校验飞行——C560型飞机性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林芝机场的建设是国家实施西部大开发项目,尤其是藏南开发的重点建设工程。林芝/米林机场位于雅鲁藏布江南岸河谷地带,在林芝地区八一镇南方。该机场净空条件非常复杂,机场周围多为4000多米的高山,导航设施信号的遮蔽现象非常严重。机场建在狭长的河谷内,气流不稳定,风切变等复  相似文献   

西藏林芝机场场址航空天气特征的初步分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在国家西部大开发的战略进程中,西藏林芝米林机场(以下简称“林芝机场”)主体工程已于2004年10月30日开工。林芝机场十分复杂的地理气象特征、净空条件和飞行环境,给机场和空管设施等工程建设带来了前所未有的困难,引起了民航各方面的高度重视。  相似文献   

The results of detecting quasi-stationary electric fields onboard the Kosmos-1809 satellite and observing sea storms and typhoons are analyzed jointly. We have detected an amplification of the electric field in the low-latitude ionosphere that is related to the preparatory stage and development of tropical storms and typhoons. In this case, the electric field strength can reach 20 mV/m, an anomalously high value for the low-latitude and near-equatorial ionosphere. High-accuracy estimates of the electric field strength are made on the basis of a model of its origination as a result of the generation of an extraneous electric current in the disturbed region of the lower atmosphere and the impact of these currents on the global atmosphere–ionosphere system of currents.  相似文献   

A system of two-degree-of-freedom force gyroscopes (gyrodynes) is considered to be used for spacecraft attitude control. Possible values of its total angular momentum form some finite region P in the frame of reference rigidly connected with the spacecraft. Near the boundary of this region and singular surfaces located inside it the control of the angular momentum is complicated or impossible. The program angular momentum of the gyrodynes, realizing the law of variation of the spacecraft orientation, should lie inside P and outside some singular surfaces, and due to this fact the boundary and internal singular surfaces should be studied. This work is dedicated to the numerical construction of region P and its internal singular surfaces by the method of parameter continuation. Using the results by E.N. Tokar’ we formalize sufficient conditions which in some cases allow one to determine the type of the singular surface. As an example, a system of six gyrodynes is considered, for which the regions of variations of the intrinsic angular momentum and singular surfaces are constructed. The possibilities of the system are demonstrated for the case when one gyrodyne fails.  相似文献   

乌克兰在运载火箭总体和控制系统方面的研制经验是比较丰富的。乌克兰虽已制定了自己的航天工业发展计划,但近几年内还形不成较完整的体系,需要依靠与俄罗斯的合作。简要介绍“天顶号”和“旋风号”运载火箭的研制情况。  相似文献   

China's space industry has been developed quickly and consistently setting new records for mankind in space exploration in the past 60 years. Four principles are upheld during its development. Systems engineering and overall thinking have played an important role in the development of China's space industry. What's more, the concept of systems engineering which originated from the space industry, being rooted in society, is a successful example of "Chinese theory" answering "Chinese question" and "Chinese wisdom" guiding "Chinese development", which is a trump card for the country and provides a unique business governance mode with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

在西方国家,导师制(mentoring)经过几十年的发展,已形成一套完整的体系和成熟的模式。此项研究旨在把青年教师的导师制培养模式介绍到中国高校英语教师的培训中,以促进教师的职业发展,提高教学质量。本文对导师制的文献进行综述,并分析了目前高校英语教师师资发展现状。  相似文献   

The relationship between proton aurora and geomagnetic pulsations Pc1, which are an indicator of development of ion-cyclotron instability in the equatorial magnetosphere, are studied on the basis of the observations of proton aurora from the IMAGE satellite, observations of particle fluxes onboard the low-orbiting NOAA satellites, and geomagnetic pulsation observations at the Lovozero observatory. A conclusion is drawn that the subauroral spots in the proton emission projected into the magnetosphere near the plasmapause are two-dimensional images at the ionospheric “screen” of the region of intense scattering of energetic protons into the loss cone at the development of an ion-cyclotron instability.  相似文献   

The results of studying the enhancement of solar cosmic ray fluxes on January 28?C31, 2001 in a wide energy range are presented using the ACE spacecraft data. A comparative analysis of temporal variations of the fluxes of charged particles and of the interplanetary medium parameters (interplanetary magnetic field and solar wind) has been performed on the basis of the ??reflection?? model of motion, accumulation, and modulation of cosmic rays. It is shown that a magnetic trap for solar cosmic rays was created by a plasma stream and flare ejection from an active region in the western part of the solar disk. Particles of low energies (<10 MeV) were captured inside the trap; the dispersion of distribution of particles with different energies inside the trap being determined by its complicated magnetic structure. The power-low dependence of the time of maximum for the flux of particles on their energy is found, and softer energy spectrum inside the trap is explained.  相似文献   

We consider the formation of small-scale nonstationary plasma structures in the region of relatively strong field-aligned electric currents. The formation of these structures has been shown to be associated with the density instability developed when the current velocity exceeds a critical value. The conditions for the development of this instability can be most favorable in the region of low-density plasma. Numerical calculations have been performed for the initial nonlinear stage of the structure development. The main parameters of the structure, i.e., the times of its formation and destruction, spatial scales, and electric field, have been estimated. The features of the structures are consistent with the existing data from space experiments in the region of auroral field-aligned currents of the Earth.  相似文献   

Five hot flow anomalies (HFA) recorded by the Tail Probe of the INTERBALL satellite in 1996 are analyzed in present work. For the five chosen events the authors determined the characteristics of current sheets whose interaction with the bow shock front led to formation of an HFA, as well as the directions of external electric fields and the directions of motion of these HFAs over a shock front. The analysis of plasma convection in an HFA body is carried out; the average velocities of plasma motion in the HFA are determined in a coordinate system linked with the normal to a current layer and with the normal to the bow shock. According to the character of plasma convection in an HFA body, these five events may be divided into two types, which also differ in the direction of the motion over the front of the bow shock. In the first-type HFAs, the convection of plasma has a component directed from the intermediate region confirming its identification as a source of energy for the formation of an HFA. In the second-type HFAs, plasma motion from the intermediate region in leading and trailing parts is less expressed. This fact, as well as the great variation of peculiar velocities in the body of anomalies, allowed the assumption that second-type anomalies are nonstationary. Evidence is presented that the anomalies considered in the paper are bordered with shocks formed in solar wind passing a large-scale, decelerated body of heated plasma.  相似文献   

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