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面向"CE-3号"软着陆过程的深空网干涉测量技术   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
针对"CE-3号"探测器软着陆过程中弹道位置测定的问题,利用中国深空网干涉测量测轨数据,论述并验证了应用深空网干涉测量技术支持探月卫星软着陆过程中弹道位置测定的可行性。针对提取同一时刻观测量的两个核心技术,论述了自适应模型重构算法以及干涉相位解模糊算法,克服了软着陆过程航天器机动不确定性恶化轨道预报精度,进而引起相关引导模型失效的问题;利用跟踪过程中目标干涉相位连续特性递推实现干涉相位解模糊。实测数据的处理分析表明,深空网干涉测量数据处理分析精度在0.3ns量级,对应于约30nrad的角位置精度。  相似文献   


摘要:由于探测距离远,火星探测任务对干涉测量具有很强的精度需求。首先描述了相位参考甚长基线干涉测量(Very Long Baseline Interferometry,VLBI)原理,介绍了弧段内干涉相时延解模糊方法,阐述了弧段之间相互参考解算干涉相时延流程,给出了测量误差分析,并利用中国佳木斯深空站、喀什深空站针对射电源对1633+38和1641+399开展了相位参考VLBI试验验证。结果表明,消除模糊度后,相位参考时延精度优于0.1ns。这为提高中国未来深空探测器角位置精度提供一种可行的技术途径。  相似文献   

提出利用两个深空航天器的通用测控信号进行多频点同波束干涉测量,实现两航天器的高精度相对测量。对差分相位时延进行理论推导,提出了一种针对两航天器测控信号主载波存在频差情况下的差分时延观测量误差的模型修正方法,并对月球轨道上两航天器间同波束干涉测量地面跟踪测量条件进行了分析。仿真结果表明,利用两航天器的通用测控信号进行多频点同波束干涉测量,经误差模型修正后获取了误差小于皮秒量级的差分相位时延,能为深空航天器间相对导航定位提供高精度的观测量信息。  相似文献   

针对深空探测器相对位置精确测量需求,建立了空间三维相对位置测量模型,研究了基于单基线同波束干涉测量(Same-beam VLBI,SBI)的空间三维位置最小二乘解算方法。利用"嫦娥3号"着陆器的测控天线与定向天线的SBI实测数据,验证了测量模型与解算方法的有效性。结果显示:SBI干涉时延随机误差约0.225 ps(0.07 mm);测控天线与定向天线之间距离误差约0.216 m,方向误差约30.4°。该研究结果有望应用于后续深空探测任务譬如"嫦娥5号"器间高精度相对测量中。  相似文献   

基于地基同波束干涉测量,建立了航天器姿态测量数学模型及方程,给出了姿态解算方法,并对方程可解性与解算精度因子进行了分析。通过模拟在轨航天器轨道运行,进行了基于同波束干涉测量的航天器姿态解算数值仿真和误差分析,对解算误差和观测俯仰角的关系进行了分析和验证。结果表明,利用3个地面测站针对航天器上3个下行天线信号开展同波束干涉测量,辅以精度因子约束进行姿态解算,可以获得有效的航天器姿态信息,其精度最高可达0.001°。该方法可以作为在轨航天器姿态测量的备份手段。  相似文献   

基于CE-3的无线电测月研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
CE-3号探测器于2013年12月14日成功着陆于月表虹湾区,在预期1年的生存期内,着陆器能够相干转发下行X波段信号。基于这些信号,地面测控天线以及VLBI(very long baseline interferometry,甚长基线干涉测量)天线能够进行距离、速度、载波相位、VLBI时延以及时延率的测量。传统的激光测月技术只能提供距离测量信息,无线电测月技术能够同时提供更丰富的观测量类型,有可能获取优于激光测月技术的科学成果。为了分析LRM(lunar radio measurement,无线电测月)可能的贡献,MEKAS(Moon Earth kinematical analysis software)软件用于支撑无线电测月的数据分析处理,其能够模拟全部观测量类型,具备协方差分析以及CE-3着陆器定位、测站坐标解算等功能。模拟分析表明无线电测月技术在地月球科学方面具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

月球轨道交会对接航天器相对状态误差分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为分析同波束干涉测量这一高精度相对测角技术对月球交会对接两个航天器的相对位置、速度(状态)影响,文章根据协方差分析理论及各测量量的模型,推导测量量关于相对状态量的信息矩阵,建立了相对状态误差协方差模型;结合月球轨道交会对接仿真轨道,开展测量误差对两个航天器的相对状态误差影响协方差分析。结果表明,在当前测量误差条件下,相对位置、速度误差分别达到米级和厘米每秒级。在分析相对状态误差影响因子的基础上,重点对同波束干涉测量差分相时延整周模糊误差及时延率误差对相对状态影响进行了分析,结果表明整周模糊度误差对相对位置误差影响显著,时延率误差对相对速度误差影响显著。  相似文献   

为了提高"嫦娥3号"探测器(着陆器和巡视器)的相对定位精度,针对两器信标实际设置情况,设计了同波束干涉测量(same-beam interferometry,SBI)观测方案。利用着陆器和巡视器星地对接数据分析检验了由差分群时延解算含微小系统差的差分相时延的方法,给出了甚长基线干涉测量(very long baseline interferometry,VLBI)和同波束干涉测量模型及月面定位方法,并仿真分析了巡视器的相对定位精度。最终,把研究的方法实际应用于"嫦娥3号"巡视器的精密相对定位。结果表明,利用1h左右的连续观测弧段的着陆器数传信号以及巡视器数传信号(或遥测信号),采用事后处理方式,得到了随机误差约1ps的差分相时延数据。利用此数据,把"嫦娥3号"探测器的相对定位精度提高至1m左右。  相似文献   

火星探测VLBI测定轨技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
我国将于2020年首次发射由环绕器和着陆巡视器组成的火星探测器,火星探测器的跟踪及精密测定轨是完成工程任务和科学探测的基础。火星探测器的跟踪和测定轨,目前主要采用基于地面无线电测量的测距、测速和甚长基线干涉VLBI测角3种手段。主要针对VLBI技术予以介绍,主要内容为:△DOR型VLBI技术在国内外的应用情况、火星探测器VLBI测定轨技术分析、基于同波束VLBI的火星车定位技术、火星探测器VLBI观测等。这些内容对我国的火星探测器测定轨有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

高精度VLBI技术在深空探测中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了适合单探测器测定轨的高精度VLBI技术和适合多探测器测定位的同波束VLBI技术的研究进展。利用"嫦娥3号"着陆器的ΔDOR型VLBI观测,得到了误差0.67ns的VLBI群时延数据。利用"嫦娥3号"着陆器和月球车的同波束VLBI观测,得到了随机误差0.3ps的差分相时延数据,以数厘米的灵敏度监测出月球车的移动、转弯等动作,并把月球车的相对定位精度提高至1m。针对深空探测,提出了使VLBI时延测量精度进一步提高所需要开展的部分研究内容。  相似文献   

嫦娥二号于2012-04-15开展对图塔蒂斯小行星的探测试验,至2012-12-13与图塔蒂斯交会,共飞行243 d,这是我国对小行星的首次探测.因为未安装星载导航设备,CE-2 在小行星探测试验的全过程均基于地基USB(Unified S-Band)与甚长基线干涉测量技术(VLBI,Very Long Baseline Interferometry)测量实现导航.对小行星探测期间的定轨计算及精度分析进行了讨论,对我国新建深空站的测量数据进行了分析.针对交会前最后一次轨道机动后,仅有13 d控后数据的现状,提出了快速轨道重建策略.计算结果表明该策略不仅可以有效改进定轨计算精度,还可以实现轨控速度增量的标定.基于重叠弧段的轨道分析比较表明,单独使用USB长弧数据计算可以获得10 km的定轨精度,综合USB与VLBI数据联合定轨,定轨精度可以提高1倍.  相似文献   

FX型相关处理方案及野值剔除算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了甚长基线干涉测量等干涉测量技术中FX型相关处理方案存在的问题,提出了一种新的FX相关处理方案。该方案经过两次整数比特时延补偿将两站接收信号相对时延缩小到1 bit内,从而避免了相位卷绕现象的出现,同时省去了原方案中的小数比特时延补偿,接着对新方案的计算量和相关长度做了深入的分析;改进了一种野值剔除算法,使剔除过程不受相位随频率变化趋势的影响。蒙特卡洛仿真和“嫦娥二号”实测数据处理结果验证了改进的准确性和有效性。  相似文献   

The balloon-borne very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) experiment is a technical feasibility study for performing radio interferometry in the stratosphere. The flight model has been developed. A balloon-borne VLBI station will be launched to establish interferometric fringes with ground-based VLBI stations distributed over the Japanese islands at an observing frequency of approximately 20?GHz as the first step. This paper describes the system design and development of a series of observing instruments and bus systems. In addition to the advantages of avoiding the atmospheric effects of absorption and fluctuation in high frequency radio observation, the mobility of a station can improve the sampling coverage (“uv-coverage”) by increasing the number of baselines by the number of ground-based counterparts for each observation day. This benefit cannot be obtained with conventional arrays that solely comprise ground-based stations. The balloon-borne VLBI can contribute to a future progress of research fields such as black holes by direct imaging.  相似文献   

Space very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) has unique applications in high-resolution imaging of the fine structure of astronomical objects and high-precision astrometry due to the key long space–Earth or space–space baselines beyond the Earth’s diameter. China has been actively involved in the development of space VLBI in recent years. This review briefly summarizes China’s research progress in space VLBI and the future development plan.  相似文献   

The lunar gravity field is a foundation to study the lunar interior structure, and to recover the evolution history of the Moon. It is still an open and key topic for lunar science. For above mentioned reasons, it becomes one of the important scientific objectives of recent lunar missions, such as KAGUYA (SELENE) the Japanese lunar mission and Chang’E-1, the Chinese lunar mission. The Chang’E-1 and the SELENE were successfully launched in 2007. It is estimated that these two missions can fly around the Moon longer than 6 months simultaneously. In these two missions, the Chinese new VLBI (Very Long Baseline Interferometry) network will be applied for precise orbit determination (POD) by using a differential VLBI (D-VLBI) method during the mission period. The same-beam D-VLBI technique will contribute to recover the lunar gravity field together with other conventional observables, i.e. R&RR (Range and Range Rate) and multi-way Doppler. Taking VLBI tracking conditions into consideration and using the GEODYNII/SOVLE software of GSFC/NASA/USA [8 and 10], we simulated the lunar gravity field recovering ability with and without D-VLBI between the Chang’E-1 and SELENE main satellite. The cases of overlapped flying and tracking period of 30 days, 60 days and 90 days have been analyzed, respectively. The results show that D-VLBI tracking between two lunar satellites can improve the gravity field recovery remarkably. The results and methods introduced in this paper will benefit the actual missions.  相似文献   

Within the analysis of space geodetic observations, errors of the applied subdaily Earth rotation model can induce systematic effects in different estimated parameters. In this paper, we focus on the impact of the subdaily Universal Time (UT1) model on the celestial pole offsets (CPO) estimated from very long baseline interferometry (VLBI) observations. We provide a mechanism that describes the error propagation from the subdaily UT1 into the daily CPO.In typical 24-h VLBI sessions the observed quasars are well distributed over the sky. But the observations, if looked at from the Earth-fixed frame, are not homogeneously distributed. The amount of observations performed in different terrestrial directions shows an irregularity which can be roughly compared to the case where the observations are collected in only one Earth-fixed direction. This peculiarity leads to artefacts in VLBI solutions, producing a correlation between the subdaily variations in UT1 and the position of the celestial pole. As a result errors in diurnal terms of the subdaily UT1 model are partly compensated by the estimated CPO. We compute for each 24-h VLBI session from 1990 until 2011 the theoretical response of the CPO to an error in the subdaily UT1 by setting up a least-squares adjustment model and using as input the coordinates of the observed quasars and observation epochs. Then real observed response of the estimated CPO derived from the VLBI session solutions is compared to the predicted one. A very good agreement between the CPO values estimated from VLBI and the predicted values was achieved. The presented model of error propagation from the subdaily UT1 into the daily CPO allows to predict and explain the behaviour of CPO estimates of VLBI solutions computed with different subdaily Earth rotation models, what can be helpful for testing the accuracy of different subdaily tidal models.  相似文献   

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