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深空探测器三程多普勒建模与算法实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对高精度深空探测多普勒应用,提出了一种间接使用中心天体、航天器的速度与加速度进行多普勒建模的方法。避免了计算机字长截断误差、星历表插值误差对建模精度的影响。使用该算法对环火星探测器进行了连续1周的多普勒计算,通过常规的距离差分方法检验了算法的正确性,对计算的1小时多普勒数据进行10阶多项式拟合,拟合后数据残差小于0.002 mm/s.分析结果表明该算法计算多普勒结果正确,计算精度较常规距离差分算法在精度上得到1个量级的提升。  相似文献   

郑为民  马茂莉  王文彬 《宇航学报》2013,34(11):1462-1467
针对深空探测器的单程多普勒测量需求,研究了被动式高精度多普勒测量方法及其实现技术。该方法基于探测器测控信标残留载波等点频信号和VLBI测站高精度氢原子钟频标,构造出与实际接收信号频率接近的参考信号;再通过本地相关处理,完成高精度开环多普勒测量。其特色在于完全不需要精确的先验轨道模型。所开发的专用被动式多普勒测量设备,在国内第一次成功用于欧空局环火星探测器“MEX”的多普勒测定轨试验。探测器X频段信号5s积分的单程多普勒测量精度达到 0.2mm/s ,与欧空局测量水平相当。采用该多普勒测量数据的MEX定轨结果与欧空局精密轨道在数百米至千米量级一致。  相似文献   

介绍了萤火一号(YH-1)火星探测器星地对接测控试验任务及过程.给出了参与试验的YH-1火星探测器、俄罗斯与欧空局地面站设备等的组成和主要技术指标.介绍了试验项目及其原理,分析了副载波多普勒频移测量和电磁屏蔽等关键技术.列出了试验确定的主要技术指标.试验结果证明YH-1火星探测器星地测控参数匹配,相关技术参数可满足火星探测要求,同时确认了地面改造建设是成功的.  相似文献   

易林 《航天》2014,(9):22-27
8月6日,飞行了10年的欧洲空间局"罗塞塔"探测器与"丘留莫夫-格拉西缅科"(67P)彗星相遇,进入彗星研究方面最为激动人心的阶段,期待"罗塞塔"这位率先与彗星"亲密接触"的使者为我们带来的惊喜。另外,印度首个火星探测器"曼加里安"和美国"火星大气与挥发物演变"探测器即将进入火星轨道,日本将发射"隼鸟"-2小行星探测器。当这些人类的使者与星星相遇后,会发生什么故事呢?  相似文献   

文章针对"火星探路者",对火星探测器在进入火星大气减速过程中的运动稳定性问题进行了研究,分析了质心位置、进入条件、大气参数等因素对火星探测器运动稳定性的影响。分析结果表明,在马赫数大于1.2时,探测器处于一个比较稳定的状态。  相似文献   

2011年11月9日,搭载有中国首颗火星探测器萤火一号的俄罗斯"福布斯-土壤"探测器,在位于哈萨克斯坦的拜科努尔航天中心,由天顶-2SB41.1火箭发射升空,688s后探测器与火箭分离,进入近地点207km、远地点347km的椭圆轨道。  相似文献   

闻斋 《航天》2014,(9):32-32
2014年拟有2个火星探测器进入火星轨道。2013年11月5日发射的印度第一个火星探测器"曼加里安"计划于今年9月进入近火点372千米、远火点80000千米的椭圆形火星轨道。2013年11月18日发射的美国"火星大气与挥发物演变"探测器也计划于今年9月进入近火点150千米、远火点6200千米的火星轨道。  相似文献   

正火星探测器在实施火星着陆过程中有一段伞系减速段(见图1),需要在火星稀薄大气的条件下采用降落伞进行减速,在距火星表面约11 km的高度打开降落伞,将探测器速度由460 m/s减速到95 m/s左右[1]。这个过程中,能否成功实现高空开伞是关键一步。  相似文献   

中国CHINA中国火星探测器模型曝光3月7日,"十一五"国家重大科技成就展在北京国家会议中心拉开帷幕。在这次展览中,我国自主研发的火星探测器模型首次与公众见面。火星探测器模型在公众面前展露真容,引起了在场观众的极大关注。火星探测器主要由火星环绕探测器和小型着陆探测器组成。将对火星地形地貌、地下水源、物质的化学成分进行探测、分析。同时,也会对火星表面的气压、温度和风沙等气候情况进行监测,并将拍摄的照片和数据及时传回地面,为后续火星探测任务作准备。火星作为距离地球最近的类地行星,由于独特的科  相似文献   

易轩 《航天》2011,(8):64-64,F0003
这是"勇气"号火星探测器在火星所见的最终景色。已经超期服役近8年之久的"勇气"号在调查火星表面的这个火山坑时,因为困在火星泥沙之中而终结了它的探索之旅。照片的中上部分,有着浅色山顶的山丘是"冯布朗山",是"勇气"号陷入困境前的规划探索区域,  相似文献   

中国VLBI网火星快车卫星跟踪资料的定位归算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我国已经启动了火星探测计划, 中国VLBI网(CVN)将肩负起相关探测器的测轨与定位任务  相似文献   

Steve Connor   《Space Policy》2002,18(4):100-269
Humans appear to be obsessed with the idea of finding life on Mars and have latched on to any evidence—however improbable—that might support its existence. Charting the history of the often deceptive scientific (not to mention literary) findings made about Mars, this viewpoint suggests that our desire to find extraterrestrial life says more about the human need for companionship and communication than about the true past of the planet. Nevertheless, ESA's Mars Express should give us a better understanding of the true likelihood of life ever having existed there after its launch in 2003.  相似文献   

深空探测中多普勒的建模与应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对深空探测中的多普勒观测资料的单程和三程模式,分别给出了瞬时和积分的观测模型,双程多普勒观测模型是三程模式的一个特殊情况.通过比较瞬时和积分多普勒的差异,推断在积分周期取得足够小时,瞬时观测模型与积分模型是一致的.利用2009年8月份对火星探测器MEX的三程多普勒测轨资料的处理,检验了三程多普勒资料观测模型的正确性,利用约一个圈次8小时三程多普勒数据进行轨道计算,定轨结果与欧空局重建轨道位置差约几百米.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2003,52(2-6):203-209
The spacecraft designed to support the ESA Mars Express mission and its science payloads is customized around an existing avionics well suited to environmental and operational constraints of deep-space interplanetary missions. The reuse of the avionics initially developed for the Rosetta cometary program thanks to an adequate ESA cornerstone program budget paves the way for affordable planetary missions.The costs and schedule benefits inherited from reuse of up-to-date avionics solutions validated in the frame of other programs allows to focus design and development efforts of a new mission over the specific areas which requires customization, such as spacecraft configuration and payload resources. This design approach, combined with the implementation of innovative development and management solutions have enabled to provide the Mars Express mission with an highly capable spacecraft for a remarkably low cost. The different spacecraft subsystems are all based on adequate design solutions. The development plan ensures an exhaustive spacecraft verification in order to perform the mission at minimum risk. New management schemes contribute to maintain the mission within its limited funding.Experience and heritage gained on this program will allow industry to propose to Scientists and Agencies high performance, low-cost solutions for the ambitious Mars Exploration Program of the forthcoming decade.  相似文献   

Abstract The OMEGA/Mars Express hyperspectral imager identified gypsum at several sites on Mars in 2005. These minerals constitute a direct record of past aqueous activity and are important with regard to the search of extraterrestrial life. Gale Crater was chosen as Mars Science Laboratory Curiosity's landing site because it is rich in gypsum, as are some desert soils of the Cuatro Ciénegas Basin (CCB) (Chihuahuan Desert, Mexico). The gypsum of the CCB, which is overlain by minimal carbonate deposits, was the product of magmatic activity that occurred under the Tethys Sea. To examine this Mars analogue, we retrieved gypsum-rich soil samples from two contrasting sites with different humidity in the CCB. To characterize the site, we obtained nutrient data and analyzed the genes related to the N cycle (nifH, nirS, and nirK) and the bacterial community composition by using 16S rRNA clone libraries. As expected, the soil content for almost all measured forms of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus were higher at the more humid site than at the drier site. What was unexpected is the presence of a rich and divergent community at both sites, with higher taxonomic diversity at the humid site and almost no taxonomic overlap. Our results suggest that the gypsum-rich soils of the CCB host a unique microbial ecosystem that includes novel microbial assemblies. Key Words: Cuatro Ciénegas Basin-Gale Crater-Gypsum soil microbial diversity-Molecular ecology-Nitrogen cycle. Astrobiology 12, 699-709.  相似文献   

为了满足我国首次火星探测任务的需要,确保探测器有效载荷科学数据的顺利下传,将采用天线组阵的方式进行数据接收。天线组阵数据接收技术在航天工程中的应用国内尚属首次,为此开展了信号合成方法和处理流程的研究,提出了利用模型计算和基于科斯塔斯环的搜索估计相结合的初始时延和多普勒频差快速估计方法。利用现有的密云站50 m天线和昆明站40 m天线,以嫦娥3号着陆器数传信号为实验对象,开展了天线组阵与数据接收技术检验实验。研究和实验结果表明,全频谱合成方法优于符号流合成方法,其合成损耗小于等于 0.45 dB ,可用于我国首次火星探测任务天线组阵的信号合成;初始时延和多普勒频差快速估计方法可提高广域组阵信号互相关的搜索效率;所确定的信号合成技术流程和数据处理方法可用于后续信号合成软硬件设备的研制和开发。  相似文献   

In the implementation of the space projects Rosetta and Mars Express, a large-scale series of experiments has been carried out on radio sounding circumsolar plasma by decimeter (S-band) and centimeter (X-band) signals of the Rosetta comet probe (from October 3 to October 31, 2010) and the Mars Express satellite of Mars (from December 25, 2010 to March 27, 2011). It was found that in the phase of ingress the spacecraft behind the Sun, the intensity of the frequency fluctuations increases in accordance with a power function whose argument is the solar offset distance of radio ray path, and when the spacecraft is removed from the Sun (the egress phase), frequency fluctuations are reduced. Periodic strong increases in the fluctuation level, exceeding by a factor of 3–12 the background values of this value determined by the regular radial dependences, are imposed on the regular dependences. It was found that increasing the fluctuations of radio waves alternates with the periodicity m × T or n × T, where m = 1/2, n = 1, аnd T is the synodic period of the Sun’s rotation (T ≈ 27 days). It was shown that the corotating structures associated with the interaction regions of different speed fluxes are formed in the area of solar wind acceleration and at distances of 6–20 solar radii already have a quasi-stationary character.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2003,52(2-6):79-86
While ESA has never adopted the mantra of “cheaper, faster, better” there has been considerable pressure to reduce mission costs in recent years. To this end, ESA has implemented a number of changes to its procurement procedures which are now being implemented in missions such as SMART-1, Mars Express and which will be applied to future missions such as the Mercury Cornerstone. This paper outlines the approach taken to each and describes the missions.  相似文献   

Human interplanetary missions are constrained by the problem of astronaut exposure to galactic cosmic radiation. This paper surveys the existing on-line near-Earth object (NEO) data base in an effort to identify NEOs that cross both Earth's ad Mars’ orbits and could be used as cosmic ray shields by interplanetary voyagers. The search concentrated on low-inclination Mars-crossing NEOs that approach Earth, Mars, and main-belt asteroids in the 2020–2100 time frame. Both outbound and return transfers were searched for. Several candidates for Earth–Mars, Mars–Earth, and Earth–Vesta transfers have been found from the very incomplete August 2008 data base. Other aspects of this interplanetary transfer option are considered.  相似文献   

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