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在球坐标系中,由磁感应强度的计算公式毕奥-萨伐尔定律出发,利用圆电流磁场的对称性推导出全空间磁感应强度B分布公式,讨论了圆电流平面上和中心轴线上的磁场,应用C数值计算方法对全空间磁感应强度B公式求解,绘制出磁感应强度分布的主要区域及磁场的空间分布图,并对全空间磁感应强度B分布特点进行了讨论。  相似文献   

利用立体视觉技术测量弯管轴线需精确计算弯管轴线在图像上的投影位置,现有方法将弯管图像轮廓中心线近似为空间轴线在像平面上的投影,这种近似计算存在误差。为获得弯管轴线的精确投影位置,提高三维测量精度,对弯管成像特征进行了深入研究。首先对弯管任意横截面建立透视投影模型,探索截面图像边缘点与空间轴线投影点间的几何关系,进而提出轴线上任意一点在像平面上投影位置的精确计算方法。采用双目视觉系统对某一航空管件进行重构测量。试验结果表明,相较于现有方法,采用本文方法计算轴线投影位置后,管件测量的重复性精度与前者相当,而测量精度平均提高14.5%。说明本文方法对轴线投影位置计算正确,可有效提高弯管轴线视觉测量精度。  相似文献   

原子磁导引利用载流导线产生的磁场与原子相互作用来操控冷原子,针对冷原子操控和传输的要求,提出了双曲线薄板导引、双平行平板导引、三根等边三角形和四根正方形分布载流导线实现对冷原子进行单路磁导引的方案,利用Ansoft maxwell 2D软件计算各导引的磁场分布和沿特殊轴的磁场变化值,分析其导引特点。这几种磁导引都采用通直流电的载流导体,其结构中心位置的场强存在极小值,形成了沿着导引的方向呈现管状磁场分布,适合导引弱场搜寻态的原子。越接近导体表面的地方,磁场梯度越大,所以原子不易与材料的相互作用而被吸引到导体表面造成损耗,而且使用时不需另加控制磁场,在实验中易于实现。  相似文献   

1.引言 早在1964年,H.W.Carlson和W.D.Middleton提出了一种设计任意平面形状超声速机翼中弧面的数值方法。不久又推广到计算任意平面形状平板机翼的压力分布(见文[1]、[2])。这个方法的最大特点是计算速度很快,所需的计算机内存容量也小。可是计算得到的压力分布跳动得十分历害,特别在亚声速前缘的情况下是如此。  相似文献   

采用平面4节点等参元方法,研究含中心圆孔复合材料迭层板孔边应力分布规律,对比分析了边距、铺层、材料性能常数、外载等因素对孔边应力集中的影响。  相似文献   

有些物理教材,把磁力当作安培力,又把安培力作为洛仑兹力的宏观表现,因而得出磁力对载流导线或载流线圈作功的错误结论。本文指出磁力、安培力和洛仑兹力三者之间的区别和联系,并从能量转换推证,得出磁力对载流导线或载流线圈并不作功的正确结论。  相似文献   

熊昌炳 《航空动力学报》1991,6(4):325-327,375
某型螺旋桨叶坐标系及约束条件,某型螺旋桨叶片均匀安装在整体桨毂上,叶型剖面重心基本上与桨叶径向Z轴线重合,以飞行的反向定为X轴,桨叶旋转平面为Y-Z。桨叶的边界约束条件较方便,只需将桨叶根部剖面1-1沿径向固定即可,为使在其他方向不致移动,在此剖面上的任意一点同时固定三个方向的位移。   相似文献   

提出了采用多根对称分布载流导线构成原子分束器的方法,包括三导线和四导线磁导引。阐述了原子分束器的分束机制,用Ansoft Maxwell 2D软件计算给出了部分载流导线移动到不同位置时的磁场分布图。通过分析了导引中心的变化,发现只要通过改变载流导线之间的相对位置就可以来实现从单路到双路导引和三路导引的转换。由此分别设计由3根对称分布载流导线构成的原子双路分束器和4根对称分布载流导线构成三路分束器,然后运用Monte Carlo方法模拟验证其原子分束功能。最后以三线对称分布分束器为基础构成Mach-Zehnder原子磁干涉仪。  相似文献   

为提高分扭传动系统的均载特性,通过构建误差、载荷的分析图,剖析了影响均载性能的机理;考虑支撑刚度、扭转刚度以及齿轮副的时变啮合刚度,采用集中质量法建立了传动系统的动力学模型。通过龙格库塔法求解传动系统动力学模型,计算了传动系统的均载系数;运用正交试验法获得了齿侧间隙、中心距误差对均载特性的影响规律和权重。研究结果表明:齿侧间隙具有相关性,其取值应满足一定的规则;中心距误差无相关性,并车级中心距误差对均载和动载荷系数的影响权重较大。因此,为提高分扭传动构型的均载特性,齿侧间隙、中心距误差需采用参数匹配的设计方法。  相似文献   

在对KDP晶体潮解抛光原理进行阐述的基础上,对KDP晶体潮解抛光过程进行了运动学分析,得到了KDP晶体表面上一点相对于抛光垫的抛光行程的表达式。根据抛光行程表达式和计算条件,分别计算了载样盘转数、载样盘圆心与抛光垫圆心之间的水平距离、载样盘圆心与其摆动圆心之间的水平距离、摆动周期取不同值时KDP晶体表面上一点相对于抛光垫的抛光行程,并绘制了抛光行程曲线,通过对抛光行程曲线的分析,得到了这些参数对抛光行程的影响规律。  相似文献   

The spectral and polarization properties of thermal cyclotron radio emission from a hot coronal loop with a current along the axis are computed. The magnetic field is supposed to have a component along the loop axis as well as a poloidal part due to the current, both components being of comparable magnitude. In this specific configuration a helical magnetic field is present with a remarkable minimum of its absolute value along the loop axis and a maximum at its periphery. The presence of one or two maxima of magnetic field value along the line of sight results in increasing optical thickness of the gyroresonance layers at appropriate frequencies in the microwave band and, therefore, in enhanced radio emission at those harmonics which are optically thin (for example,s=4). These cannot be observed in models with the commonly employed magnetic field configuration (longitudinal along the loop axis).We show that the frequency spectrum of thermal cyclotron radiation from a hot coronal loop with a helical magnetic field differs from that of the standards-component source (with smooth frequency characteristics and polarization corresponding toe-mode) in that plenty of fine structures (line-like features and cut-offs) are present and theo-mode is prevalent in some frequency intervals. The enhanced radio emission at high harmonics and the complicated form of frequency spectrum in the model considered imply that some microwave sources, which are poorly explained in traditional models of solar active regions, may be associated with helical magnetic fields in hot coronal loops. Computations allow one to indicate spectral and polarizational peculiarities of local sources testifying to the presence of a helical magnetic field.  相似文献   

光磁共振测量地磁场的改进方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据光磁共振原理,通过光抽运,形成原子的能级分布偏极化,再加入射频信号打破塞曼能级偏极化分布,形成并输出光磁共振信号。然后,同时改变扫场和水平磁场方向,调节水平电流大小,再次获得光磁共振信号。根据2次测得的水平亥姆霍兹线圈电流,计算等效磁感强度。由仪器的垂直电流,计算地磁场垂直分量。二者合成,即可得出当地磁感强度。改进后,此方法克服了以往先测定朗德因子再测定地磁场的缺点。  相似文献   

赵本勇  宋凯  宁宁  黄华斌  张丽攀 《航空学报》2020,41(1):423111-423111
远场涡流检测技术因检测深度深和检测结果可靠性高等诸多优点适合飞机多层金属铆接构件的快速检测。针对飞机铆接件铆钉孔沿边隐藏裂纹的原位检测,建立了多层金属铆接构件隐藏缺陷平面远场涡流检测有限元模型,对激励线圈内径、磁路结构以及屏蔽阻尼进行了仿真优化,研制了激励线圈和检测线圈均带组合屏蔽结构的传感器,采用激励-检测线圈环绕铆钉旋转扫描的方式,研究多层金属铆接构件铆钉孔沿边隐藏裂纹信号特征。仿真与试验结果表明:罐形磁芯聚磁效果是柱形磁芯的1.85倍,采用铝+铜组合屏蔽罩能够将远场区提前10 mm,检测线圈位于缺陷正上方时,检测信号的幅值和相位存在极大值,且极大值随着缺陷埋深的增加逐渐下降,研究成果可望用于指导飞机多层金属铆接构件的工程检测实践。  相似文献   

In a multidegree-of-freedom suspension system coupling effects are undesirable because they make the calibration difficult and they can cause deterioration of the dynamic stability of the system. This paper presents an analysis of the coupling problem leading to the design of a particular system configuration. First, the support of spherical models by means of a three-degree-of-freedom magnetic suspension system is analyzed in terms of the forces acting on a magnetized point. It is shown that coupling effects due to displacements are eliminated only if the magnetization, the resultant force to be balanced and the axis of the field providing the balancing force, are aligned with each other. In the case of axisymmetrical models this condition can always be met, except for small disturbances, in a vertical wind tunnel leading through the coil which balances the resultant of the drag and the weight. The same coil provides the magnetization of the model. Orthogonality of the force axis system is achieved by using a pair of coils, operating in push-pull, for each of the force axes perpendicular to the axis of the wind tunnel. This arrangement eliminates first-order coupling effects between the force axes. It is shown that long axisymmetrical bodies can also be supported by the same system. This is made possible by decoupling the angular and the translational degrees of freedom. Restoring moments are produced by the field of the magnetizing coil.  相似文献   

磁场强度及位形对霍尔推力器放电过程有显著影响。根据霍尔推力器通道尺寸和等离子体放电过程建立二维物理模型,采用粒子模拟方法,研究了不同磁场强度及位形等离子体放电特性,讨论了推力、推功比及放电电流的变化规律。模拟表明:当中轴线磁场强度峰值小于200G时,磁场对电子轴向传导约束减弱;当磁场强度峰值在200G~420G时,电子温度、电离率及电子与壁面碰撞频率降低,出口处离子径向速度增大,壁面腐蚀增加;当磁场强度峰值为280G时,加速区最短,放电电流最小。不同零磁点磁场位形会改变通道电离区和加速区位置,影响推力器放电性能。  相似文献   

Radio synchrotron emission, its polarization and its Faraday rotation are powerful tools to study the strength and structure of magnetic fields in galaxies. Unpolarized emission traces turbulent fields which are strongest in spiral arms and bars (20–30?μG) and in central starburst regions (50–100?μG). Such fields are dynamically important, e.g. they can drive gas inflows in central regions. Polarized emission traces ordered fields which can be regular or anisotropic random, generated from isotropic random fields by compression or shear. The strongest ordered fields of 10–15?μG strength are generally found in interarm regions and follow the orientation of adjacent gas spiral arms. Ordered fields with spiral patterns exist in grand-design, barred and flocculent galaxies, and in central regions of starburst galaxies. Faraday rotation measures (RM) of the diffuse polarized radio emission from the disks of several spiral galaxies reveal large-scale patterns, which are signatures of regular fields generated by a mean-field dynamo. However, in most spiral galaxies observed so far the field structure is more complicated. Ordered fields in interacting galaxies have asymmetric distributions and are an excellent tracer of past interactions between galaxies or with the intergalactic medium. Ordered magnetic fields are also observed in radio halos around edge-on galaxies, out to large distances from the plane, with X-shaped patterns. Future observations of polarized emission at high frequencies, with the EVLA, the SKA and its precursors, will trace galactic magnetic fields in unprecedented detail. Low-frequency telescopes (e.g. LOFAR and MWA) are ideal to search for diffuse emission and small RMs from weak interstellar and intergalactic fields.  相似文献   

为了在飞机气动外形设计中获得较为理想的气动性能,必须经过多次的几何建模、模型优化、网格划分、CFD流场数值模拟以及数据采集与分析等过程,其过程耗时耗力且易出错。以DLR-F6翼身组合体为例,基于Star-CCM+软件对飞机外流场数值模拟流程进行二次开发,并给出了部分功能的关键代码。二次开发程序包括以下主要功能:模型导入以及几何处理、网格划分、物理模型选择、边界条件设置、监测点以及监测面设置、计算参数设置以及计算结果查看等等。研究结果表明,使用Star-CCM+二次开发的方法可使飞机外流场的数值模拟按照规范而简单的流程进行,实现一键设置,提高飞机外流场数值模拟的工作效率,保证计算精度以及迭代计算结果的一致性,避免了模拟过程中的遗漏或错误。  相似文献   

实测数据与标准地磁模型的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用国际标准地磁模型,可以计算出任意点的磁场强度。本文对“风云一号”卫星的磁强计测量数据与标准地磁模型计算结果进行了平静期吻合性的比较。分析了地磁强度绝对值的地理分布规律以及平静期南大西洋磁异常区的数据变化情况,为进一步分析地磁扰动时期的变化情况打下基础。  相似文献   

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