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1 "国际空间站"合作现状与运行机制 1)"国际空间站"的国际合作是全方位的.截至2020年底,"国际空间站"由NASA、俄罗斯国家航天集团公司(ROSCOSMOS)、欧洲航天局(ESA)、日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)和加拿大航天局(CSA)共同运营,是有史以来规模最大、耗时最长且涉及国家最多的空间国际合作项目...  相似文献   

自由号国际空间站上航天员的称呼本世纪末开始运行的自由号国际空间站上搭乘的航天员,经美航宇局(NASA)与参加该计划的日本、欧空局(ESA)及加拿大等国协商,根据这些航天员的工作性质及承担的任务不同,其称呼为:空间站科学家(SS),负责搭载在空间站上的生命科学或材料实验及观测装置的应用与管理;空间站操作人员(SO),负责电力及通信等整  相似文献   

美国在“国际空间站”上的技术开发与验证应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正作为全球最大的在轨航天器,"国际空间站"(ISS)已实现连续有人驻留超过15年,并在空间应用领域取得了众多成果。"国际空间站"成员国一致认为,最大限度地提高"国际空间站"研究能力可能带来新的探索机遇、促进商业发展并对教育事业产生积极影响。"国际空间站"已在人体学研究、生物学与生物技术、物理科学、技术开发与验证、地球与空间科学、教育等六大领域发挥了重要作用,技术开发领域的应用是其重点。由于美国对"国际空间站"应用的组织管理、项目规划和实施最为系统,因此本文以美国为主,介绍应用情况。  相似文献   

易林 《太空探索》2014,(5):38-39
<正>国际空间站由美国、加拿大、日本、俄罗斯、比利时、丹麦、法国、德国、意大利、荷兰、挪威、西班牙、瑞典、瑞士和英国等15个国家联合建造和运营,全球有10万人为其服务。(开始有16个国家参与,后来巴西退出)1998年11月20日,国际空间站第一个部件"曙光"号功能货舱发射升空,同年12月,由美国制造的"团结"号节点舱升空并与曙光号连接,2000年7月"星辰"号服务舱与空间站连接。  相似文献   

正2024年"国际空间站"(ISS)即将结束运行,尽管美俄两国都有延长其寿命的意愿,但专家们已经开始思考后"国际空间站"(ISS)时代载人航天的发展方向。2017年,美国国家航空航天局(NASA)提出建设现代化美国近月空间站的想法,希望以此来取代"国际空间站",成为下一个载人航天发展平台。自2017年以来,NASA一直在研究月球轨道站的概念,起初近月空间站名为"深空之门"(DSG),NASA  相似文献   

□□俄罗斯奥兰-M(又译作海鹰-M)航天服是"国际空间站"舱外活动使用的主要航天服之一,其功能和实用性得到了"国际空间站"航天员的一致认可.为了便于在"国际空间站"上使用,俄罗斯曾对奥兰-M航天服进行了修改(分2个阶段完成),其中也适当地考虑了航天服在和平号空间站上的使用经验.  相似文献   

<正>自从中国公布空间站建设计划以来,"我们去空间站干什么"就一直是大众关心的问题。不久前,来自17个国家的9个项目成为中国空间站科学实验首批国际合作项目。现在,中国空间站面向国内公开征集空间科学实验和技术试验项目活动也已经开始正式申报。那么,中国空间站究竟能提供哪些实验条件,又有哪些项目有望入选呢?为此,中科院空间应用中心应用发展中心主任张伟回应了各界的关切。  相似文献   

至今,一共有59个国家参与“国际空间站”的建造或应用。美国航空航天局目前正在与“国际空间站”其他成员国共同努力拓展“国际空间站”的应用,以便使科研人员拥有更多机会进行站上微重力实验。该站有两个主要功能:进行科学实验的国家实验室和开发新技术的试验平台。“国际空间站”已基本建成,正成为近地轨道上有人直接参与各种科学研究活动的基地。它能进行最先进的生物学、化学、物理学及其他学科的研究,并有望执行载人绕月飞行任务。由于“国际空间站”将至少工作到2020年,所以可充分利用其设备开展多项科研;美国也将借助私营商用飞船将航天员送入“国际空间站”。因此,它不仅将发挥更大的作用,还将采用新的运营模式。  相似文献   

<正>国际空间站是人类历史上第一座国际合作建设的空间站,建造这个空间站的主要目的是利用太空的特殊环境(例如辐射、真空、微重力)进行地面无法进行的科学实验。国际空间站的参与国自空间站一开始建立,就利用它进行了各种科学实验,至2011年11月2日"国际空间站"有人值守的11周年之日,共进行了1400多项科学实验。这些实验促进了地面医药、生物、环境科学等方面的发展,并加深了人类对宇宙的了解。美国航宇局认为他的科学实验成果可以向美国的纳税人作交待,在向国会申请航天飞  相似文献   

1 各国围绕"国际空间站"积极开展空间活动 "国际空间站"连续有人驻留15年,延寿已成定局 2000年11月2日,第1批长期考察组进驻"国际空间站",自此之后15年,这一迄今规模最大的在轨航天器始终保持有人驻留的状态.空间站从1998年11月开始建造,共有代表15个国家的5个空间机构为此付出了财力和物力,总花费超过1600亿美元.最初预计于2006年完工,但是2003年"哥伦比亚"(Columbia)事故使航天飞机计划搁浅长达2.5年,空间站的建造也从2002年11月开始停滞,直到2006年9月复工.  相似文献   

2005年3月30日到4月2日为期4天,在美国拉斯维加斯举行的全球特警挑战赛(Original World SWAT Challenge,OWSC)中,总计有18支队伍参赛。[编者按]  相似文献   

An infrared sounder is being developed in France to observe in 1986 Comet Halley from the Soviet “VEGA” flyby probes. The instrument, called “I.K.S.”, has three measuring channels. Two of these channels will provide the spectrum of the comet emission in the spectral intervals 2.5–5.0 μ and 6–12 μ, at a constant resolution λ/Δλ = 50.The third channel analyzes the comet I.R. image at a spatial frequency of about 1 arc minute?1; two I.R. colours are used in this channel: 7–10 μ and 10–14 μ. From the results expected, it is hoped that (1) most primary simple molecules emitted by the nucleus will be identified; (2) the chemical composition and perhaps crystalline structure of the dust grains and ices released by the comet will be derived; and (3) the diameter of the nucleus and its brightness temperatures will be measured.  相似文献   

Observations of the Galactic center region with the H.E.S.S. telescopes have established the existence of a steady, extended source of gamma-ray emission coinciding with the position of the super massive black hole Sgr A*. This is a remarkable finding given the expected presence of dense self-annihilating Dark Matter in the Galactic center region. The self-annihilation process is giving rise to gamma-ray production through hadronization including the production of neutral pions which decay into gamma-rays but also through (loop-suppressed) annihilation into final states of almost mono-energetic photons. We study the observed gamma-ray signal (spectrum and shape) from the Galactic center in the context of Dark Matter annihilation and indicate the prospects for further indirect Dark Matter searches with H.E.S.S.  相似文献   

The C.E.B.A.S.-Minimodule, a closed aquatic ecosystem integrated into a middeck locker and consisting of a Zoological (animal tanks), a Botanical (plant bioreactor), a Microbial (bacteria filter) and an Electronic Component (data acquisition/control system) was flown on the STS-89 spaceshuttle mission in January 1998 for 9 days. Preflight the plant bioreactor was loaded with 53 g of Ceratophyllum demersum (coontail) and the animal tanks with 4 adult pregnant females of the fish, Xiphophorus helleri (sword-tails), 200 juveniles of the same species less than 1 week of age, 38 large and 30 juvenile Biomphalaria glabrata water snails. The filter compartment was filled with 200 g of lava grain inoculated with laboratory strains of ammonia-oxidizing bacteria. A ground reference was undertaken with the same biological setup with a delay of 4 d. After an adaptation period of 5 d the system was closed and integrated into the spaceshuttle one day before launch. Video recordings of the animals were automatically taken for 10 minutes in 2-hour periods; the tapes were changed daily by the astronauts. The chemical and physical data for the aquatic system were within the expected range and were closely comparable in comparison to the ground reference. After 9 d under space conditions, the plant biomass increased to 117 g. The plants were all found in very good condition. All 4 adult female fish were retrieved in a good physiological condition. The juvenile fishes had a survival rate of about 33%. Almost 97% of the snails had survived and produced more than 250 neonates and 40 spawning packs. All samples were distributed according to a defined schedule and satisfied all scientific needs of the involved 12 principal investigators. This was the first successful spaceflight of an artificial aquatic ecosystem containing vertebrates, invertebrates, higher plants and microorganisms self-sustained by its inhabitants only. C.E.B.A.S. in a modified form and biological setup is a promising candidate for the early space station utilization as a first midterm experiment.  相似文献   

A general outline of the symposium titled "Mechanisms underlying cellular radiosensitivity and R.B.E." will be given in the introduction. The essential topics of molecular radiation biology are described with respect to the damage, repair and mutagenesis caused by high-LET irradiation to cellular DNA. The importance of clustered DNA lesions (locally multiply damaged sites) formed in vivo is discussed. This symposium is devoted to the mechanisms of the biological effects of radiation with high LET, especially with regard to the effects of heavy ions and neutrons which may cause possible risks in space flight, (e.g. carcinogenesis and mutagenesis). Detailed understanding of these risks, however, demands knowledge of the molecular mechanisms involved in the biological effects of high-LET radiations. Thus, it was the organizers' idea to hold a symposium dealing with primary physical and chemical events caused in cellular deoxyribonucleoproteins by densely-ionizing radiations and to relate them to track structures and energy transfer processes. The mechanisms of DNA damage were regarded from different points of view including those considering DNA repair and mutagenesis. Problems associated with cell survival and radiation protection were discussed as well. Our knowledge of the molecular mechanisms of high-LET radiation actions, however, is limited compared to what we know about low-LET radiation effects (e.g. from gamma-rays or X-rays). To emphasize this statement, I would like to summarize briefly the open questions in molecular radiation biology, what we know already about low-LET effects and what is lacking describing the effect of high-LET radiation.  相似文献   

The C.E.B.A.S. MINI-MODULE is the miniaturized space flight version of the Closed Equilibrated Biological Aquatic System (C.E.B.A.S.). It fits into a large middeck locker tray and is scheduled to be flown in the STS 85 and in the NEUROLAB missions. Its volume is about 9 liters and it consists of two animal tanks, a plant cultivator, and a bacteria filter in a monolithic design. An external sensor unit is connected to a data acquisition/control unit. The system integrates its own biological life support. The CO2 exhaled by the consumers (fishes, snails, microorganisms) is assimilated by water plants (Ceratophyllum demersum) which provide them with oxygen. The products of biomass degradation and excretion (mainly ammonia ions) are converted by bacteria into nitrite and nitrate. The latter is taken up by the plants as a nitrogen source together with other ions like phosphate. The plants convert light energy into chemical energy and their illumination is regulated via the oxygen concentration in the water by the control unit. In ground laboratory tests the system exhibited biological stability up to three month. The buffer capacity of the biological filter system is high enough to eliminate the degradation products of about one half of the dead animal biomass as shown in a "crash test". A test series using the laboratory model of the flight hardware demonstrated the biological stability and technical reliability with mission-identical loading and test duration. A comprehensive biological research program is established for the C.E.B.A.S. MINI-MODULE in which five German and three U.S.-American universities as well as the Russian Academy of Sciences are involved.  相似文献   

The original Closed Equilibrated Biological Aquatic System (C.E.B.A.S.) is a long-term multi-generation research facility for experiments with aquatic animals and plants in a space station the development of which is surrounded by a large international scientific program. In addition, a miniaturized laboratory prototype, the C.E.B.A.S. MINI MODULE, with a total volume of about 10-12 liters for a Spacelab middeck locker was developed and a first version was tested successfully for two weeks with a population of fishes (Xiphophorus helleri) in the animal tank and a Ceratophyllum spec. in the illuminated higher plant growth chamber. The water recycling system consisted of a bacteria filter and a mechanical filter and the silastic tubing gas exchanger was separated by valves for the utilization in emergency cases only. Data were collected with the acquisition module of the original C.E.B.A.S. process control system. In addition, an optimized version was tested for 7 weeks with fishes and plants and thereafter with fish and with plants only for 2 and 1 weeks, resp.. The paper presents the relevant water parameters (e.g., pH, pressure, temperature, oxygen saturation, flow rate, ion concentrations) during the test period as well as morphological and physiological data of the enclosed animals and plants. On the basis of the given results the possible role of the C.E.B.A.S. system as a scientific tool in artificial ecosystem research and for the development of a combined animal-plant intensive aquaculture system and its utilization in bioregenerative life support is discussed.  相似文献   

The Closed Equilibrated Biological Aquatic System (C.E.B.A.S.) is an artificial aquatic ecosystem which contains teleost fishes, water snails, ammonia oxidizing bacteria and edible non-gravitropic water plants. It serves as a model for aquatic food production modules which are not seriously affected by microgravity and other space conditions. Its space flight version, the so-called C.E.B.A.S. MINI-MODULE was already successfully tested in the STS-89 and STS-90 (NEUROLAB) missions. It will be flown a third time in space with the STS-107 mission in January 2003. All results obtained so far in space indicate that the basic concept of the system is more than suitable to drive forward its development. The C.E.B.A.S. MINI-MODULE is located within a middeck locker with limited space for additional components. These technical limitations allow only some modifications which lead to a maximum experiment time span of 120 days which is not long enough for scientifically essential multi-generation-experiments. The first necessary step is the development of "harvesting devices" for the different organisms. In the limited space of the plant bioreactor a high biomass production leads to self-shadowing effects which results in an uncontrolled degradation and increased oxygen consumption by microorganisms which will endanger the fishes and snails. It was shown already that the latter reproduce excellently in space and that the reproductive functions of the fish species are not affected. Although the parent-offspring-cannibalism of the ovoviviparous fish species (Xiphophorus helleri) serves as a regulating factor in population dynamics an uncontrolled snail reproduction will also induce an increased oxygen consumption per se and a high ammonia concentration in the water. If harvesting locks can be handled by astronauts in, e. g., 4-week intervals their construction is not very difficult and basic technical solutions are already developed. The second problem is the feeding of the animals. Although C.E.B.A.S.-based aquaculture modules are designed to be closed food loop systems (edible herbivorous fish species and edible water plants) which are already verified on Earth this will not be possible in space without devices in which the animals are fed from a food storage. This has to be done at least once daily which would waste too much crew time when done by astronauts. So, the development of a reliable automated food dispenser has highest priority. Also in this case basic technical solutions are already elaborated. The paper gives a comprehensive overview of the proposed further C.E.B.A.S.-based development of longer-term duration aquatic food production modules.  相似文献   

Very Large Array (V.L.A.) measurements at 20 cm wavelength map emission from coronal loops with second-of-arc angular resolution at time intervals as short as 3.3 seconds. The total intensity of the 20 cm emission describes the evolution and structure of the hot plasma that is detected by satellite X-ray observations of coronal loops. The circular polarization of the 20 cm emission describes the evolution, strength and structure of the coronal magnetic field. Preburst heating and magnetic changes that precede burst emission on time scales of between 1 and 30 minutes are discussed. Simultaneous 20 cm and soft X-ray observations indicate an electron temperature Te 2.5 × 107 K and electron density Ne 1010 cm?3 during preburst heating in a coronal loop that was also associated with twisting of the entire loop in space. We also discuss the successive triggering of bursts from adjacent coronal loops; highly polarized emission from the legs of loops with large intensity changes over a 32 MHz change in observing frequency; and apparent motions of hot plasma within coronal loops at velocities V > 2,000 kilometerspersecond.  相似文献   

3月19日,美英法三国开始对利比亚实行军事打击。在当天进行的空袭行动中,部署在地中海的美军和英军军舰与潜艇就向利比亚首都的黎波里郊区和东部城市米苏拉塔等地发射了110多枚战斧巡航导弹,袭击了20多处防空设施和民事目标。在随后的几天里,每天又都发射了一批这种导弹。截止到4月1日,美军共发射了221枚、英军共发射了7枚战斧巡航导弹。那么,战斧巡航导弹究竞  相似文献   

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