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中国民航技术装备有限责任公司隶属于中国航空器材集团公司,是集团的四大主营业务板块之一。经营范围包括民航机场、空管、航空公司专用设备的国际国内招标、进出口、租赁、维修等业务,并从事与此相关的产品展览、服务,技术开发、转让、咨询、培训等,开展合资经营、合作生产、加工装配以及多种形式的对外贸易。  相似文献   

雨水 《航天》2011,(4):62-63
中国西安卫星测控中心是中国航天测控网的核心组成部分,主要承担各类航天器的测控、回收、在轨管理和航天员的搜索救援任务,目前下辖测控技术部、活动测控回收部、渭南站、南宁站、喀什站、厦门站、青岛站、佳木斯站、三亚站等测控部站,可对不同轨道、频段、种类的国内外航天器提供测控支持。  相似文献   

刘洁 《中国航天》2008,(5):19-20
由中国宇航学会与美国国际战略研究中心共同主办的“国际航天发展高峰论坛”4月23~25日在北京举行,来自中国、美国、俄罗斯、日本、印度、法国、德国、英国、意大利、西班牙、挪威、马来西亚、加拿大、马来西亚和韩国共15个国家的航天机构、政府部门、企业界和学术界共150名代表出席会议。举办此次论坛的目的是通过加强国际航天界的对话,探讨政府间开展国际航天合作的框架以及如何在多边航天合作中达成共识,以促进全球空间探索活动的协调开展。  相似文献   

一、学科概况 检测技术与自动化装置是将自动化、电子、计算机、控制工程、信息处理等多种学科、多种技术融合为一体并综合运用的复合技术,广泛应用于工业、交通、电力、冶金、化工、建材等各领域自动化装备及生产自动化过程。  相似文献   

兰州管制区位于我国西北部地区,区域范围横跨甘肃、青海、宁夏三省区及内蒙古、新疆、西藏、四川和陕西部分地区,东西长约1400km,南北宽约1200km,总面积150余万平方公里,按照地理面积是我国第二大高空、中低空管制区。其高空管制区与北京、内蒙、西安、成都、拉萨、乌鲁木齐管制区相邻,中低空管制区与呼和浩特、西安、成都、阿克苏、乌鲁木  相似文献   

2009年4月12日上午,《航天员》杂志第四次编委会暨理事单位年会在北京航天城召开。《航天员》杂志编委会主任陈善广、副主任孙锦云、荣誉主编杨利伟、中国航天员中心副主任宏峰、神六航天员费俊龙、聂海胜、神七航天员翟志刚、刘伯明、景海鹏,以及上级机关领导、各位编委、理事单位的代表等60余人出席会议。会议由中国航天员中心副主任、《航天员》杂志副主编白延强主持。  相似文献   

今年4月至6月期间,福建空管分局先后召开了支部书记、科级干部、台队级干部以及普通职工四级座谈会,并在全局范围内开展了思想动态问卷调查。分局党委根据座谈会、思想动态调查中反映出来的实际情况,在各级领导班子、领导干部、干部与群众之间自上而下、广泛深入地开展了旨在了解局情民意、沟通思想、理顺情绪、化解矛盾、维护稳定、推进分局和谐发展的谈心活动。  相似文献   

国际标准化组织航天分技术委员会(ISO/TC20/SC14)第20届年会于2010年5月10日至14日在英国伦敦的英国标准化协会(BSI)总部召开,来自巴西、中国、法国、德国、以色列、意大利、日本、俄罗斯、英国、美国共10个国家的90多名代表参加了会议。ECSS(欧洲空间标  相似文献   

《航天器环境工程》是由中国空间技术研究院北京卫星环境工程研究所主办的中国科技核心期刊,是国内航天器环境工程专业领域的唯一学术、技术性期刊,广泛报道本专业最新研究成果和技术成就,主要涉及空间环境及效应模拟、试验、评价与防护等,内容涵盖真空与低温、力学、热学、电磁学、辐射与防护、光学、材料科学、可靠性、航天科技管理等多  相似文献   

1.《航天电子对抗》由中国航天科工集团主管、中国航天科工集团8511研究所主办,主要报道与导弹武器系统、空间系统相关的雷达、制导、通讯、导航、C4ISR等电子设备和系统总体的电子、光电及信息攻防对抗技术。来稿应切合本刊报道内容,具备科学性、创新性和逻辑性,要求论点明确、结构严谨、论据可靠、文字和算式推导简练无误,有较高的理论水平和实用  相似文献   

调温热沉设备日益成为部组件热真空试验的首选,它具有经济性好、使用方便、对试件无遮挡等优点。文章通过状态空间描述的分布参数模型,对调温热沉设备进行仿真设计,得出氮气、热沉、试件三者温度的动态关系,对于进口氮气温度、流量的选择和控制方案的制定都进行了深入的分析。所获取的数据可为采用热沉调温方式的热真空试验提供参考。  相似文献   

Prediction that the various stresses of flight, particularly weightlessness, would bring about significant derangements in the metabolism of the musculoskeletal system has been based on various observations of long-term immobilized or inactive bed rest. The only attempt at controlled measurement of metabolic changes in space prior to Skylab, a study during the 14-day Gemini VII flight, revealed rather modest losses of important elements. The three astronauts of Skylab II consumed a planned day-by-day, quite constant, dietary intake of major metabolic elements in mixed foods and beverages and provided virtually complete collections of excreta for 31 days preflight, during the 28 days inflight, and for 17 days postflight. Analyses showed that, in varying degree among the crewmen, urinary calcium increased gradually during flight in a pattern similar to that observed in bed-rest studies: the mean plateau peak of urinary calcium excretion in the latter part of flight was double preflight levels. Fecal calcium excretion did not change significantly, but calcium balance, owing to the urinary calcium rise, became either negative or less positive than in preflight measurement. Increased excretion and negative balance of nitrogen and phosphorus indicated appreciable loss of muscle tissue in all three crewmen. Significant losses also occurred inflight in potassium, sodium, and magnesium. Based on the similarity in pattern and degree between these observations and those in bed rest of the losses in calcium, phosphorus, and nitrogen, musculoskeletal integrity would not be threatened in space flights of up to at least 3 months. However, if similar changes occur, indicative of continuing losses of these elements, in the planned Skylab flights for considerably more than 28 days, concern for capable musculoskeletal function should be serious for flights of very many months' duration, and greater research attention will need to be given to development of protective counter-measures.  相似文献   

The activity of the enzymes involved in aminoacid metabolism (tyrosine aminotransferase, TAT, tryptophan pyrrolase TP, serine dehydratase, SD) with rapid response to glucocorticoids and enzymes requiring for activity increase repeated administration of corticosterone (alanine aminotransferase, ALT, aspartate aminotransferase, AST) in liver, the changes of lipolysis in adipose tissue and the plasma corticosterone levels were studied in rats subjected to space flight (F), in animals from synchron model experiments (SM, simulated conditions of space flight in laboratory) and in intact controls (C). The increase of plasma corticosterone concentration and of the activity of rapidly (TAT, TP, SD) and slowly activating enzymes (ALT, AST) was found in F group 6-10 hr after space flight (18.5 days on biosatellite COSMOS 1129). This suggested the presence of acute-stress (associated primarily with the landing) and chronic stress induced hypercorticosteronemia during the flight. After the short 6-day period of recovery the plasma corticosterone concentrations and the activities of liver enzymes returned to control levels. The exposition of animals to repeated immobilization stress showed higher response of corticosterone levels in flight rats as compared to intact controls. No changes in basal lipolysis were observed in flight rats in comparison to intact controls, however the stimulation of lipolysis by norepinephrine was lower in animals from F and SM groups. This lower response of lipolytic processes to norepinephrine was found in flight animals also after six days period of recovery. These results showed that there are important changes in the regulation of lipolytic processes in adipose tissue of rats after space flight and in the conditions of model experiments.  相似文献   

Empirical relations among age, general spatialability as assessed by psychometric tests,wayfinding-related skills as assessed byexperimental tasks in the laboratory,environmental layout learning as assessed in afield experiment, and wayfinding behavior asobserved in a field experiment were modeled ina study involving 120 younger and 120 olderadults. The best-fitting model showed thatage-related differences in learningenvironmental layout were significantly, butnot exclusively, mediated by a single abilityfactor defined by psychometric tests. Knowledge of environmental layout was theexclusive mediator between general spatialability and wayfinding behavior. Thus, agedifferences in psychometric test performancewere found to be a major factor in accountingfor aging-related decline in learningenvironmental layout, but other variables notassessed in this study also play a significantrole.  相似文献   

文章分为3部分:第1部分简单介绍振动类型、振动引起的失效模式和应用,特别是列表详细介绍了GJB 150.16和GJB 150.16A中规定或推荐的军用喷气式飞机和螺旋桨飞机设备及其外挂和外挂上的设备的振动试验要求、特点和两标准中相关内容的对比分析;第2部分则详细介绍了两标准中规定或推荐的军用直升机和各类飞机发动机设备的振动试验要求、特点以及相关内容的对比分析;第3部分介绍和分析了航空装备研制生产中这2个标准的应用情况和遇到的问题,对一些重大问题进行了分析概括并提出了一些看法和建议。此为第2部分。  相似文献   

在地面上用磁性液体制造流体的超重、失重和微重力环境   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
王正良 《宇航学报》2004,25(2):179-182
磁力和重力均为非接触的力,当作用于磁性液体上的磁力和重力方向相同时,磁性液体处于超重状态;当作用于磁性液体上的磁力和重力方向相反时,磁性液体处于失重状态;当作用于磁性液体上磁力和重力相互抵消,磁性液体呈饱和磁化状态且处在均匀梯度磁场区域中时,磁性液体被表面张力约束成球体,磁性液体处于微重力状态。这一发现使我们在地面上能经济的、方便的、长时间的制造流体的小区域微重力环境,为研究微重力状态下的流体科学、生命科学,材料加工和器件开发等提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

Japan and China, as two advanced spacefaring nations in Asia-Pacific region, are often referred to as rivals in space. China's successful manned space launch program in 2003 and ASAT test in 2007 were considered as turning points which potentially introduces a “space race in Asia”. This article argues that there are three defining arenas in a space race: competition for prestige or soft power, competition over military capability or hard power, and competition of international services or public goods. It analyzes the objectives, norms and logics of space policy in Japan and China, and argues that these two countries have quite different thinking over what to do in space, explaining that they are playing different games in the first two arenas. However, Japan and China are competing for leadership and influence over the region. APRSAF and APSCO, two similar regional space organizations, are the vehicles for this competition. It concludes that there is a space race only in the third arena as a competition for leadership in Asia.  相似文献   

文章分为3部分:第1部分简单介绍振动类型、振动引起的失效模式和应用,特别是列表详细介绍了GJB 150.16和GJB 150.16A中规定或推荐的军用喷气式飞机和螺旋桨飞机设备及其外挂和外挂上的设备的振动试验要求、特点和两标准中相关内容的对比分析;第2部分则详细介绍了两标准中规定或推荐的军用直升机和各类飞机发动机设备的振动试验要求、特点以及相关内容的对比分析;第3部分介绍和分析了航空装备研制生产中这2个标准的应用情况和遇到的问题,对一些重大问题进行了分析概括并提出了一些看法和建议。  相似文献   

The concept of using Earth-return trajectories in connection with missions to comets was originally proposed in 1972. Papers published in the 1970's and 1980's showed that by using multiple Earth-to-Earth transfers, it was possible to construct a trajectory that would encounter several comets. This technique was used for the first time by ESA's Giotto spacecraft. Following its encounter with Halley's comet in March 1986, Giotto used a single Earth gravity-assist maneuver to intercept comet Grigg-Skjellerup in July 1992. Japan's Sakigake spacecraft tried to use Earth gravity-assist maneuvers to reach comet Honda-Mrkos-Pajdusakova in 1996, but was not successful. Earth-return trajectories are essential elements of two Discovery-class missions to comets; Stardust, and the Comet Nucleus Tour (CONTOUR). The Stardust mission will be launched in February 1999, and will return dust samples collected from comet Wild-2 to the Earth in 2006. CONTOUR is scheduled for a launch in June 2002, and will use six Earth gravity-assist maneuvers to carry out three comet encounters: Encke in 2003; Schwassmann-Wachmann-3 in 2006; and d'Arrest in 2008. An extended-mission scenario would allow CONTOUR to accomplish two additional encounters: Tempel-2 in 2015, and Encke for a second time in 2023.  相似文献   

Weiss K  Moser G 《Acta Astronautica》1998,43(3-6):235-248
The long-term bed-rest was organized by ESA and CNES, in order to simulate the physiological effects of weightlessness: eight volunteers had to stay 42 days in bed, in a head down tilt position (-6 degrees). There were two subjects in a room, they could not be alone and it was difficult for them to have their own personal space and intimacy. In these circumstances, as in outer space, interpersonal relationships were of prime importance. This situation enabled us, through systematic observation, to analyze the evolution of the relational behavior in dyads, and to quote some social indicators of adaptation. Results show significant withdrawal, and the time spent alone was marked by the emergence, during the experiment, of specific preferential activities. Behavioral contagion was observed in each dyad (people engaged in the same activities at the same time), except in the one case of abandon. Moreover, the highest rates of inactivity and withdrawal were noted in this case. Verbal indicators were useful to comment these results and showed that, for all the dyads, one of the two subjects always played a regulating role by expressing a very positive perception of the situation. These results emphasize the importance of psycho-sociological factors in isolation and confinement. Thus, it appears that different modalities of interpersonal relationships, and not only verbal interactions, play a significant role in adaptation to stress situations.  相似文献   

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