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采用球坐标下二维三分量理想MHD模型,研究部分开放多极背景磁场中日冕磁绳的灾变现象.背景磁场由含3个闭合双极场的冕流和带赤道中性电流片的开放场构成,磁绳位于中心双极场的下方,其特性由环向磁通和轴向磁通表征.对给定的环向磁通,存在轴向磁通的一个临界值;对给定的轴向磁通,也存在环向磁通的一个临界值.在该临界值以下,磁绳附着于太阳表面,系统处于平衡状态;该临界值一旦被超越,磁绳将脱离太阳表面向上喷发,说明部分开放多极背景磁场中的日冕磁绳系统存在灾变现象.本文算例表明,灾变点对应的磁能阈值超过对应部分开放场(中心双极场开放,两侧的双极场仍维持闭合)能量约15%,其超过部分可为日冕物质抛射一类太阳爆发提供能源.  相似文献   

1998年5月2日日冕亮度观测图的数值研究   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
采用数值手段模拟了1998年5月2日日冕亮度观测图,计算模式改进为球坐标下系下特殊的二维理想磁流体(MHD)模型,即把(r,φ)坐标建立在SOHO观测日冕亮度的子午面上,消除了子午面极区的几何奇异性,根据SOHD日冕观测布置磁极子得到初始磁场位形,内边界条件采用自治的投影特征边界条件,计算迭代出稳态的多 磁场结构,得得到了与观测基本一致的亮度图,计算结果表明在太阳表面附近磁场位形对太阳凤等离子参数分布起控制作用。  相似文献   

本文数值研究了二维磁流体动力学平衡基态下开场区日面冷物质径向喷射所引起的日冕动力学响应。结果表明:(1)在高密度环前方有一弱扰动区近似以Alfvén速度向外传播;(2)高密度环前缘移动速度随着径向距离而增加, 其增加值近似为局地太阳风速度;(3)高密度环中等离子体的最大径向速度约在4个太阳半径处趋于局地逃逸速度;(4)对于强开放场, 环形结构在θ方向上没有明显的扩张。这些结果可以更好地解释伴随有日珥的日冕物质抛射事件。   相似文献   

本文从完整的磁流体动力学方程组出发,通过太阳大气中磁力线管根部有限振幅磁场的扰动,研究了非线性磁场的动力学演化。假设初始磁场位形足β<<1的势场,根部磁力线管磁场扰动,驱动等离子体运动,一部分磁能转换为等离子体动能。等离子体压缩运动具有快磁声波的特性。计算结果给出非线性磁场演化的定量关系,可以解释太阳大气中日冕活动过程。也可用于模拟实验室里高β实验装置中的等离子体的持性。   相似文献   

日冕背景下的等离子体尾场效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算了高能脉冲电子束在冷背景和热背景等离子体条件下产生的等离子体尾场(PWF)大小,讨论了高能电子束的速度、密度、长度对等离子体尾场分布的影响。在这基础上,研究了太阳耀斑脉冲相产生的向外逃逸高能脉冲电子束在日冕背景等离子体条件下激发的等离子体尾场分布以及对其捕获电子的加速。   相似文献   

基于解析和数值相结合的方法,进一步讨论了非均匀引力场中日冕的二维磁流体动力学平衡。对临界点进行了比较仔细的处理。得到了包含闭场区、中性片和开场区的大尺度日冕磁场位形,闭场区和中性片构成冕流结构。在高纬和低纬地区几个太阳半径之外,等离子体径向流动速度超过了局地声速和局地Alfvén速度。在1AU处,太阳风速度可达到400kms-1以上   相似文献   

本文综述了日冕瞬变现象的主要观测特征及其理论模型.日冕瞬变是从太阳日冕中向行星际空间大量抛出物质的过程,每次事件可有5×1015克的物质在103秒的时间内以约500公里/秒的典型速度被驱动流到日球中.日冕瞬变与太阳耀斑和爆发日珥事件有密切的相关性.作为一种新的太阳活动现象,近年来对日冕瞬变提出了许多理论解释.一种数值模拟方法将瞬变看成是由于热力学量或磁力在日冕底部的脉冲增长所产生的结果.许多分析模型认为是由磁环内部的电磁力或外部的磁压力驱动所致,或者是环中磁浮力驱动的结果.考虑到瞬变与耀斑和爆发日珥的相关性,活塞驱动模型认为,瞬变是稠密等离子体喷射,像活塞驱动机制.观测和理论都有待于进一步的研究.   相似文献   

本文从完整的磁流体动力学方程组出发, 研究太阳大气中磁力线管根部的扭转储存能量。通过数值方法, 研究了包含太阳表面过渡区在内的非线性无力场的动力学演化。假设初始磁场位形为势场, 根部等离子体运动使活动区磁场扭转。磁能蓬新分布, 在局部区域中储存大量的磁能。计算结果给出非线性无力场的定量关系, 可以解释太阳耀斑的储能过程。   相似文献   

陈丹 《太空探索》2010,(6):62-64,F0003
<正>日全食与日冕我们知道,日冕是太阳大气的三个层次(光球、色球和日冕)的最外层,温度极高而密度极低,其范围延伸到太阳半径数倍处。日冕气体极其稀薄,导致其白光辐射极其微弱,即使在日冕下部亮度较大的部分,也只有太阳光球表面中部区域平均亮度的百万分之一,远低于地面天空的亮度。因此,平时是看不见日冕的,只有日全食时,当明亮的光球被月球遮挡之后,全食带地区的天空亮度可下降到比日冕更暗,这时才可以看到日冕。  相似文献   

日冕冲浪形成的磁流体动力学模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
应用二维时变可压缩磁流体动力学模拟,数值研究了双极-单极磁场中电阻撕裂模不稳定性引起的磁场重联过程,用于模拟日冕冲浪的形成.结果表明,在包含有三区——双极场、电流片和单极场的磁静力平衡初态下,双极场和单极场中的磁力线将会直接重联,磁场演变成鞭状(whip)结构.由弯曲磁力线支撑的等离子体团向上运动到最高位置后,逐渐下落和弥散.等离子体团上升速度可达到0.10vA(vA为双极场中的Alfv'én速度).模拟结果证实日冕冲浪的形成可能与双极-单极场中的磁场重联密切相关.   相似文献   

The excitation (flares, ejections, heating, …) of the corona can be understood in terms of the dynamics of the confectively driven magnetized plasma. In particular, anomalous ohmic heating may be a consequence of the formation and rapid dissipation of small-scale magnetic fields in the corona. We have performed numerical simulations of the loop heating model proposed by Parker (1972, 1994), and have studied its dynamics and global power balance in order to assess its viability as a coronal heating candidate, with promising results. Our results suggest the following view of the small-scale dynamics of coronal loops. First of all, photospheric granular motions quasi-statically twist the magnetic field of the corona in a random-walk fashion. In topologically closed structures, the perpendicular magnetic energy increases, causing magnetic shear to build up at the quasi-separatrices of the resulting close-packed magnetic flux tubes. At some point, the boundary driving causes this stressed configuration to cross the threshold of an ideal time-scale MHD instability (possibly magnetic coalescence or resistive tearing) or a point of nonequilibrium and the field lines pinch toward a small-scale sheared configuration. It then becomes energetically favorable for dynamic reconnection to occur, producing narrow current sheets and an Ohmic heating rate sufficient to balance the input Poynting flux.  相似文献   

This is a survey of solar phenomena and physical models that may be useful for improving forecasts of solar flares and proton storms in interplanetary space. Knowledge of the physical processes that accelerate protons has advanced because of gamma-ray and X-ray observations from the Solar Maximum Mission telescopes. Protons are accelerated at the onset of flares, but the duration of any subsequent proton storm at 1 AU depends on the structure of the interplanetary fields. X-ray images of the solar corona show possible fast proton escape paths. Magnetographs and high-resolution visible-band images show the magnetic field structure near the acceleration region and the heating effects of sunward-directed protons. Preflare magnetic field growth and shear may be the most important clues to the physical processes that generate high energy solar particles. Any dramatic improvement in flare forecasts will require high resolution solar telescopes in space. Several possibilities for improvements in the art of flare forecasting are presented, among them: the use of acoustic tomography to probe for subsurface magnetic fields; a satellite-borne solar magnetograph; and an X-ray telescope to monitor the corona for eruptions.  相似文献   

We investigate magnetic reconnection in a multiple current sheet configuration by means of three-dimensional resistive MHD simulations. This configuration might be of interest in the solar corona context, e.g. for coronal helmet streamers. We present results of our simulations of the linear and nonlinear development of the tearing mode instability. In particular, we highlight the changes in magnetic topology and the resulting plasma dynamics. Our results indicate that reconnection in complex coronal neighboring magnetic flux systems efficiently converts magnetic field energy into thermal energy and leads to small-scale tongue outflows rather than large-scale coronal mass ejections.  相似文献   

The disposition of energy in the solar corona has always been a problem of great interest. It remains an open question how the low temperature photosphere supports the occurence of solar extreme phenomena. In this work, a turbulent heating mechanism for the solar corona through the framework of reduced magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) is proposed. Two-dimensional incompressible long time simulations of the average energy disposition have been carried out with the aim to reveal the characteristics of the long time statistical behavior of a two-dimensional cross-section of a coronal loop and the importance of the photospheric time scales in the understanding of the underlying mechanisms. It was found that for a slow, shear type photospheric driving the magnetic field in the loop self-organizes at large scales via an inverse MHD cascade. The system undergoes three distinct evolutionary phases. The initial forcing conditions are quickly “forgotten” giving way to an inverse cascade accompanied with and ending up to electric current dissipation. Scaling laws are being proposed in order to quantify the nonlinearity of the system response which seems to become more impulsive for decreasing resistivity. It is also shown that few, if any, qualitative changes in the above results occur by increasing spatial resolution.  相似文献   

We present observational results and their physical implications garnered from the deliberations of the FBS Magnetic Shear Study Group on magnetic field shear in relation to flares. The observed character of magnetic shear and its involvement in the buildup and release of flare energy are reviewed and illustrated with emphasis on recent results from the Marshall Space Flight Center vector magnetograph. It is pointed out that the magnetic field in active regions can become sheared by several processes, including shear flow in the photosphere, flux emergence, magnetic reconnection, and flux submergence. Modeling studies of the buildup of stored magnetic energy by shearing are reported which show ample energy storage for flares. Observational evidence is presented that flares are triggered when the field shear reaches a critical degree, in qualitative agreement with some theoretical analyses of sheared force-free fields. Finally, a scenario is outlined for the class of flares resulting from large-scale magnetic shear; the overall instability driving the energy release results from positive feedback between reconnection and eruption of the sheared field.  相似文献   

The outermost atmosphere of the Sun, called the corona, is some 200 times hotter than the surface of the Sun. The main source of energy for heating the corona is believed to be the magnetic field which dominates the corona. Magnetic reconnection is probably the most important mechanism for releasing magnetic energy and may, therefore, be important for coronal heating or micro-flaring. The best observational examples of reconnection in the corona are thought to be X-ray bright points, which are small-scale brightenings seen randomly throughout the whole corona. Theoretical models can not only explain the key observations relating to bright points, but they can also explain the complex three-dimensional structures often seen in bright points. In these models magnetic neutral points play a significant role as the centres for reconnection both in two and three dimensions.  相似文献   

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