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The initiation of electrification of small farm villages in the Southern States of Mexico is described by examining a one-year history of one village's experience. The system is based on distributed power sources, as the individual residences are a collection of farms rather than contiguous houses. Distributed power systems, with very small loads, require a small modular generator and energy storage system that are reliable, inexpensive, readily available, and easily understood by the populace. The component selection, system design, integral training, installation, and maintenance programs were created to produce a system that would be independent of outside suppliers 相似文献
The performance advantage of Li-ion batteries versus NiCd and NiMH technology has created a worldwide demand for Li-ion cells that is much greater than current manufacturing capacity. This is keeping prices high and supplies scarce-a situation expected to continue for at least several more years. Multichemistry chargers, while challenging to design, keep price-performance points flexible and guard against interruptions in supply. This paper surveys the design issues in implementing chargers that handle NiCd, NiMH, or Li-ion cells interchangeably 相似文献
Performance optimization of cyber-physical systems(CPS)calls for co-design strategies that handle the issues in both computing domain and physical domain.Periods of controller tasks integrated into a uniprocessor system are related to both control performance and real-time schedulability analysis simultaneously.System performance improvement can be achieved by optimizing the periods of controller tasks.This paper extends an existing model to select task periods in real-time for CPS with fixed priority controller tasks scheduled by rate-monotonic algorithm.When all the tasks can be integrated,the analytic solution of the problem is derived by using the method of Lagrange multipliers and gradient descent method is evaluated to be suitable online.To further deal with the condition that the system is overloaded,an integrated method is proposed to select periods of tasks online by selecting a subset of tasks first and then optimizing the periods for them.Experimental results demonstrate that our method yields near-optimal result with a short running time. 相似文献
Leyva R. Alonso C. Queinnec I. Cid-Pastor A. Lagrange D. Martinez-Salamero L. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》2006,42(1):249-258
A stability analysis for a maximum power point tracking (MPPT) scheme based on extremum-seeking control is developed for a photovoltaic (PV) array supplying a dc-to-dc switching converter. The global stability of the extremum-seeking algorithm is demonstrated by means of Lyapunov's approach. Subsequently, the algorithm is applied to an MPPT system based on the "perturb and observe" method. The steady-state behavior of the PV system with MPPT control is characterized by a stable oscillation around the maximum power point. The tracking algorithm leads the array coordinates to the maximum power point by increasing or decreasing linearly with time the array voltage. Off-line measurements are not required by the control law, which is implemented by means of an analog multiplier, standard operational amplifiers, a flip-flop circuit and a pulsewidth modulator. The effectiveness of the proposed MPPT scheme is demonstrated experimentally under different operating conditions. 相似文献
Veerachary M. Senjyu T. Uezato K. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》2002,38(3):969-981
A feedforward maximum power (MP) point tracking scheme is developed for the interleaved dual boost (IDB) converter fed photovoltaic (PV) system using fuzzy controller. The tracking algorithm changes the duty ratio of the converter such that the solar cell array (SCA) voltage equals the voltage corresponding to the MP point at that solar insolation. This is done by the feedforward loop, which generates an error signal by comparing the instantaneous array voltage and reference voltage. The reference voltage for the feedforward loop, corresponding to the MP point, is obtained by an off-line trained neural network. Experimental data is used for off-line training of the neural network, which employs back-propagation algorithm. The proposed fuzzy feedforward peak power tracking effectiveness is demonstrated through the simulation and experimental results, and compared with the conventional proportional plus integral (PI) controller based system. Finally, a comparative study of interleaved boost and conventional boost converter for the PV applications is given and their suitability is discussed. 相似文献
This paper presents an overview of experimental investigations on a 65 deg swept delta wing as part of the International Vortex Flow Experiment 2 (VFE-2). Results obtained in low-speed wind tunnel facilities include oil flow and laser light sheet flow visualization, mean and unsteady surface pressure distributions as well as mean and turbulent velocity components of the flow field and close to the wing surface. Thus, field and near wall distributions of all components of the Reynolds stress tensor are available. Details of the delta wing vortex structure and breakdown phenomenon are discussed and analyzed. Vortex bursting leads to specific spectral densities of velocity and surface pressure fluctuations characterized by narrow band distributions associated with the helical mode instability of the vortex breakdown flowfield. Further, special emphasis is on the occurrence of an inner vortex detected for the low Reynolds number and Mach number regime. This inboard vortex results from a laminar separation close to the apex due to the spanwise pressure gradient in the area of relatively large thickness while the classical leading-edge vortex progressing from the rear part to the apex is fed from the turbulent shear layers shed at the wing upper and lower side. 相似文献
加强管制员资质能力建设的探索 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
安全是民航的根本,管制员是安全保障链条上重要的组成部分。在高高的塔台上、在雷达屏幕前,头戴耳机、手拿话筒、专注蓝天的管制员,他们的每一道指令都关系到生命财产的安全。管制员的工作,职业神圣,责任重大,因此,管制员不仅要具备丰富的专业知识、灵活的处置能力、高超的沟通技巧,还必须具有坚毅的意志品质以及 相似文献
基于Backstepping的设计思想设计了机动轨迹跟踪控制律,以实现战机某些预定的战术机动动作。首先,将飞行动力学模型和运动学模型分解为三轴方向的相对简单的子系统,然后采用反步法分别设计控制律,使得整个系统渐近稳定。由于控制器中含有可调参数,每次跟踪不同的参考轨迹都需要重新设定控制器参数值才能达到良好的跟踪效果,因此利用粒子群算法对控制器参数进行了优化整定,从而保证控制器的自适应性。最后,以机动动作库中战机的某些机动动作为参考轨迹实现全局渐进跟踪,取得了良好的跟踪效果,验证了粒子群算法在控制器参数寻优中的有效性和可行性。 相似文献
This paper presents an auto-tuning method for a proportion plus integral(PI) controller for permanent magnet synchronous motor(PMSM) drives, which is supposed to be embedded in electro-mechanical actuator(EMA) control module in aircraft. The method, based on a relay feedback with variable delay time, explores different critical points of the system frequency response.The Nyquist points of the plant can then be derived from the delay time and filter time constant.The coefficients of the PI controller can then be obtained by calculation while shifting the Nyquist point to a specific position to obtain the required phase margin. The major advantage of the autotuning method is that it can provide a series of tuning results for different system bandwidths and damping ratios, corresponding to the specification for delay time and phase margin. Simulation and experimental results for the PMSM controller verify the performance of both the current loop and the speed loop auto-tuning. 相似文献
Presents a review of some of the progress that is being made in this exciting area of nanosciences and the potential impacts on the future of aerospace systems and capabilities. 相似文献
Galbraith L. Al-Najjar M. Babu A.J.G. 《Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, IEEE》1988,3(2):12-14
An overview of expert systems development and some engineering applications are presented. The characteristics of expert systems are first described. Three applications of expert systems, in factory scheduling, maintenance, and electronic testing, are briefly examined. Their advantages and disadvantages are discussed 相似文献
NASA's Glenn Research Center (GRC) is responsible for the Advanced Communications for Air Traffic Management (AC/ATM) Project, a sub-element task of the Advanced Air Transportation Technologies (AATT) Project of the NASA Airspace Systems Program. The AC/ATM Project is developing new communications technologies and tools that will enable Free Flight, an operating mode in which pilots will have the freedom to select their path and speed in real-time. The goal of the AC/ATM Project is to enable a communications infrastructure providing the capacity, efficiency, and flexibility necessary to realize benefits arising from the future mature Free Flight environment. A key infrastructure element is the Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) that the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) is in the process of fielding. 相似文献
D. Wonnacott 《Space Science Reviews》1989,50(1-2):375-375
Simulations of the Algol-like binary CX Draconis, combined with IUE observations of the stream of material escaping the system can place limits on the inclination of the system and give estimates, via line profile synthesis, of the mass-loss rate at the L1 point. 相似文献
Crosson D 《Aerospace America》1993,31(10):34-37
Applications of human factors to undersea engineering and the relationship to aerospace science are explored. Cooperative ventures include the TEKTITE underwater habitat and development of better procedures to prevent decompression sickness. Other research involved the use of alternate gases in diving systems, remote-operation vehicles, and diving system tests. 相似文献
A. B. Galvin F. M. Ipavich C. M. S. Cohen G. Gloeckler R. von Steiger 《Space Science Reviews》1995,72(1-2):65-70
The Ulysses mission now has an extensive data base covering several passes of the south polar coronal hole as the spacecraft proceeds to higher latitudes. Using composition measurements from the SWICS experiment on the Ulysses spacecraft, we have obtained charge state distributions, and hence inferred coronal ionization temperatures, for several solar wind species. In particular, we present an overview of Oxygen ionization temperature measurements, based on the O7+/O6+ ratio, for the period January 1993 until April 1994 (23°S to 61°S heliographic latitude), and detailed Oxygen, Silicon and Iron charge state distributions of the south polar hole during a two month period of nearly continuous hole coverage, Dec 1993–Jan 1994 (45°S to 52°S heliographic latitude). 相似文献
Selected micro- and nano-systems developed recently at the Physical Electronics Laboratory of ETH Zurich are reviewed: (i) a fluxgate microsystem for detection of the Earth's magnetic field; (ii) a capacitive chemical sensor microsystem for detection of volatile organic compounds in air; and (iii) a parallel scanning AFM chip. The micro- and nano-systems combine sensor structures and readout circuitry on a single chip and are fabricated using industrial CMOS technology in combination with post-processing micromachining and film deposition 相似文献
The direct estimation of optimal steady-state gain in the single filtering process introduced by B. Carew et al. (1973) is extended to multicoordinated systems, and the distributed optimal steady-state gains are directly estimated for adaptive distributed filtering. The correlation method using distributed innovation processes is used. The algorithm assumes little prior information about the unknown covariances and adaptively changes the weights to best integrate the distributed estimates obtained in local filtering processes. The term best is used in the sense that the result of the adaptive distributed filtering is as close to that of the optimal distributed filtering as possible 相似文献
In a decentralized detection scheme, several sensors perform a binary (hard) decision and send the resulting data to a fusion center for the final decision. If each local decision has a constant false alarm rate (CFAR), the final decision is ensured to be CFAR. We consider the case that each local decision is a threshold decision, and the threshold is proportional, through a suitable multiplier, to a linear combination of order statistics (OS) from a reference set (a generalization of the concept of OS thresholding). We address the following problem: given the fusion rule and the relevant system parameters, select each threshold multiplier and the coefficients of each linear combination so as to maximize the overall probability of detection for constrained probability of false alarm. By a Lagrangian maximization approach, we obtain a general solution to this problem and closed-form solutions for the AND and OR fusion logics. A performance assessment is carried on, showing a global superiority of the OR fusion rule in terms of detection probability (for operating conditions matching the design assumptions) and of robustness (when these do not match). We also investigate the effect of the hard quantization performed at the local sensors, by comparing the said performance to those achievable by the same fusion rule in the limiting case of no quantization 相似文献