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二、一次性运载火箭的发展趋势尽管实现可重复使用是航天运载器技术发展的目标,以美国为首的一些航天发达国家也在通过一系列计划推动这一目标的早日实现,但由于可重复使用运载器技术难度大,牵涉的关键技术多,所以近期还无法取代一次性运载火箭。在今后相当长的一段时间内,各国仍会继续重视发展和改进一次性运载火箭,并以其为主执行各类航天发射任务。与此同时,各种型号的一次性运载火箭将在提高运载能力和可靠性的同时,着力降低发射成本。(一)航天发达国家的主流一次性运载火箭仍在纷纷更新换代,大直径、少级数和大运载能力是主…  相似文献   

<正>液氧煤油发动机在运载火箭发展史上具有重要地位。20世纪80年代起,我国开始研究液氧煤油发动机技术,历时三十余年我国成为世界第二个完全掌握液氧煤油高压补燃循环发动机技术的国家,并形成了系列化、型谱化发展路线。液氧煤油发动机作为运载火箭主动力装置,是大规模、低成本进出空间的首选动力装置,在国家重大航天运载项目、商业航天运输系统、重复使用运载器领域占有重要位置,是国家实现航天强国的重要保障之一。  相似文献   

中国航天运输系统的现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
龙乐豪 《中国航天》2004,(8):9-12,16
航天运输系统是指往返于地球表面和空间轨道之间以及轨道与轨道之间运输各种有效载荷的运输工具系统的总称。它包括载人或货运飞船及其运载火箭、航天飞机、空天飞机、应急救生飞行器和各种辅助系统等(见图1)。航天运输系统可分为一次性使用和重复使用两种类型。  相似文献   

孙广勃 《中国航天》2001,(10):21-24
新世纪的航天运输将逐步向低成本、高发射率和可重复使用迈进。但在新一代可复用运载器诞生并取代现役航天飞机及各种一次性使用运载火箭之前,一次性运载火箭仍将在相当长的一段时间内继续充当航天发射的主力。目前有许多国家仍在努力发展自己的运载火箭,几个航天大国还在抓紧改进现有型号或研制全新的型号,过去几年中已有几种新型号陆续投入使用。可以肯定,随着参与竞争型号的增多及运载能力的提高,航天商业发射市场上将会出现更加激烈的竞争。  相似文献   

一、长征系列火箭家族 1970年4月24日,长征一号运载火箭首次飞行,成功地将我国第一颗人造地球卫星东方红一号卫星送入地球轨道.经过40余年的发展,我国航天运载技术已经取得长足进步.目前,我国独立自主地研制了12种不同型号的长征系列运载火箭,适用于发射高、中、低不同轨道的卫星.长征系列运载火箭近地轨道最大运载能力达到9.2吨,地球同步转移轨道最大运载能力达到5.1吨,入轨精度达到国际先进水平,能够承担国内外大、中、小型有效载荷的发射任务,满足不同用户的需求.  相似文献   

面向21世纪的中国航天运载技术   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
一、中国航天运载技术的现状 经过40多年的不懈努力,中国的航天运载技术得到了长足的发展,长征系列火箭已具有发射近地轨道、太阳同步轨道、地球同步转移轨道等多种轨道有效载荷的运载能力,入轨精度达到国际先进水平。该系列火箭近地轨道运载能力覆盖0.3~9.5吨,地球同步转移轨道运载能力达到5.1吨,太阳同步轨道运载能力达到6.1吨。 值得指出的是,80年代后期研制的长征二号E捆绑式火箭是我国运载火箭技术发展的一大飞跃,使我国运载火箭近地轨道运载能力达到9.5吨,为我国实现载人航天的目标打下了坚实的基础。而90年代中期研制成功…  相似文献   

子力 《中国航天》2000,(2):23-27
新世纪航天将会呈现新的气象,航天运输也不例外。未来的航天运输将逐步向低成本、高发射率和可重复使用迈进。但在新一代可重复使用运载器诞生并取代现有的航天飞机和一次性运载火箭之前,一次性运载火箭仍将在相当长的一段时间内继续充当航天发射的主力。目前有许多国家仍...  相似文献   

李平 《火箭推进》2011,37(2):1-7
回顾了航天大国运载火箭及推进技术发展历程,重点分析了美国、俄罗斯等国航天运载器推进技术的发展现状和后续发展思路。通过对当前世界主流运载火箭的构型特点和推进技术水平的对比和发展趋势总结,对中国未来发展载人航天运载器和先进推进技术的主要方向提出了建议。  相似文献   

随着航天运输频次的大幅提升,航天发射需求对航天运输系统的要求越来越高.本文从重复使用航天运输系统出发,着重阐述了以组合发动机为动力的重复使用运载器的发展起源,对组合动力运载器领域的国际发展格局与研究现状进行了分析,并且从技术角度出发,结合空天飞行任务需求和组合动力工作特性,分析了组合动力运载器发展所面临的技术挑战.文章...  相似文献   

印度于1962年成立了印度航天研究机构,开始了航天研究与应用活动,1971年印度制定了10年发展规划,1980年用卫星运载器3运载火箭将罗希尼卫星送入轨道,成为继前苏联、美、法、日、中、英之后第七个用本国研制的运载火箭将本国研制的人造卫星送入轨道的...  相似文献   

空间科学不仅能够推动我国在基础科学研究领域取得重大科学突破,还能够有效牵引、带动航天高新技术的发展。中国科学院空间科学战略性先导科技专项是"十二五"时期我国空间科学领域最重要的系统性进展,开启了中国空间科学发展的新篇章。"十三五"时期,我国将继续研制、发射一系列新的空间科学卫星,这对航天运输系统提出了新的技术发展需求。发展空间科学必将推动我国的航天强国、世界科技强国建设进程。  相似文献   

随着我国航天事业的蓬勃发展,运载火箭发射要求也呈现多样化。北斗卫星导航系统是我国自行研制的全球卫星导航系统,经历三步跨越式发展,目前已经全面建成。CZ-3A系列火箭承担了北斗工程全部发射任务,该工程对火箭倾斜同步转移轨道(IGTO)、中圆转移轨道(MTO)、地球同步转移轨道(GTO)新类型轨道要求。介绍了该类轨道特点,讨论了火箭发射方案、发射轨道设计及高空风双向补偿方法。实际飞行考核充分证明了发射轨道设计的正确性,设计方法确保了北斗工程全部发射任务取得圆满成功,为北斗工程顺利实施奠定了基础。  相似文献   

Rapid development of Chinese commercial launch vehicles brings new challenges under the traditional systems engineering(TSE) working method. A new model-based systems engineering(MBSE) working method was proposed for Smart Dragon 1(SD-1), which is a low-cost commercial launch vehicle developed by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology(CALT). Based on the characteristics of a commercial launch vehicle, the system model based on information cards was established. Through a problem-oriented working method, risk identification and management, the process of Card-MBSE was utilized and verified by the success of the maiden flight of SD-1. This paper introduces a new method and reference for the development of low-cost and high-reliability launch vehicles.  相似文献   

运载火箭新型地面测试发控系统构想   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张晨光  杨华  杨军 《宇航学报》2005,26(3):249-252
为了提高我国地面测试发控系统整体水平,在借鉴和继承国内外成熟型号地面测试发控系统优秀设计思想的基础上,结合现代运载火箭技术需求,通过对总体设计、任务和功能分析、框架组建等方面的分析和论述,提出了新型运载火箭地面测试发控系统方案构想。此方案在总体设计思想、系统框架结构设计、应用模式上提出新的思路,对于适应未来运载火箭发射要求提供了技术途径。  相似文献   

海运及沿海发射期间航天产品的腐蚀风险与应对策略   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
海南发射场投入运行在即,在此发射的航天器在海运和发射场期间将面临着腐蚀的风险。文章对比了海南发射场与酒泉、西昌、太原等内陆发射场的腐蚀环境差异,例举了NASA肯尼迪航天中心在海运和发射场期间航天产品的腐蚀案例,分析了我国未来航天器在海运和海南发射场期间的腐蚀风险,并根据NASA、ESA对沿海发射场航天器腐蚀的应对策略,提出了相应的防腐蚀建议与措施。  相似文献   

运载火箭智慧控制系统技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
总结了国内外先进运载火箭控制系统的特点,结合我国新一代运载火箭的现状,提出目前我国运载火箭控制系统发展亟待解决的问题。在此基础上,提出了适应现阶段智能高可靠需求的自主轨道规划技术、在线故障辨识技术、姿控喷管隔离重构技术和全程四元数控制技术,所提技术可有效提高控制系统可靠性,使全箭在面对非灾难性故障时具有较强的自主性和适应性。  相似文献   

Following the successful maiden flight of the Long March 11(LM-11) launch vehicle from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center in September 2015, the first sea-launched carrier rocket dedicated to provide a launch service for small satellites and their constellations, the Long March 11 Sea Launch(LM-11 SL) has been under development by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology(CALT) and the China Great Wall Industry Corporation(CGWIC). It is planned to commence launch service in 2018. Based on the LM-11, a land-launched four-staged solid launch vehicle which has entered the market and accomplished launch missions for several small satellites in the past 3 years, the newly adopted sea launch technology enables transport and launch of LM-11 SL from maritime ships, providing flexible launch location selection.After inheriting the mature launch vehicle technologies from previous members of the Long March launch vehicle family and adopting a new way of launching from the sea, the LM-11 SL is capable of sending payloads into low Earth orbits with all altitudes and inclinations, from 200 km to 1000 km, from equatorial to sun synchronous, within a shortduration launch campaign. The LM-11 SL provides a flexible, reliable and economical launch service for the global small satellite industry.  相似文献   

Some key aspects and criteria tasks for ensuring an acceptable reliability and safety level for complex technical systems are discussed in the view of successful operation of a launch complex, at the stage of Launch Vehicle (LV) preparation. The standards and principles of adequate characteristics for launch site core technological systems are defined. The tasks for evaluation the probability of faultless operation for the systems, their reliability a posteriori, and safety barriers formation are described. The model of the pre-launch phase is presented as a random process, in the form of “simple Poisson flow”.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2001,48(5-12):869-883
Improvements in the safety, reliability and affordability of current and future space transportation systems must be achieved if NASA is to perform its mission and if the U.S. space industry is to reach its full potential. In response to Presidential Policy in 1994, NASA, working with our industrial partners, initiated several efforts including the X-33, X-34, X-37 and Advanced Space Transportation programs with the goal of demonstrating the technologies that could enable these goals. We have learned that emerging technologies will enable the needed advancements but that more development along multiple, competing paths is needed. We have learned that developing requirements diligently and in partnership with industry will allow us to better converge with commercial capabilities. We have learned that commercial markets are not growing as fast as projected earlier, but there are still possibilities in the near-term to pursue alternate paths that can make access to space more robust. The goal of transitioning NASA's space transportation needs to commercial launch vehicles remains the key aim of our efforts and will require additional investment to reduce business and technical risks to acceptable levels.  相似文献   

Joseph N. Pelton   《Space Policy》2010,26(4):246-248
The Space Transportation System (STS), for better or worse, has dominated the US space program for some 30 years and is now an American icon. The Space Shuttle orbiters have flown over 120 missions and certainly accomplished some amazing feats, including the deployment of the International Space Station (ISS), the launch and double repair of the Hubble Telescope, a number of classified missions for the US defense establishment and the cementing of international cooperation in space. As the remaining Space Shuttle orbiters head toward various museums, it is timely to look at the STS program in terms of key US space policy decisions that have paralleled the Space Shuttle’s often troubled history. This article seeks, from both a historical and a policy perspective, to assess what might have been. While noting the major accomplishments of the STS, it also identifies what can best be characterized as major lost opportunities and flawed policy decisions that have had multi-billion dollar consequences. In this regard, the US Congress, the White House, and NASA leadership have all played a role. If there have been failings, they have not been by NASA alone, but the entire US space policy leadership.  相似文献   

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