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IP网网络时延探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机互联网在世界范围内的广泛应用,许多原来由电信公网承载的业务,逐步移植到了互联网上,如语音业务(VOIP)、视频电话业务、IPTV业务等.采用TCP/IP协议构建的互联网,如何能保证上述业务的服务质量(QoS)是目前业内经常讨论的话题之一,在实际的应用过程中,分析影响服务质量的各种因素,网络时延是主要的原因之一,本文就时延的产生及改善进行深入的探讨.  相似文献   

基于带宽按需分配的DVB-RCS宽带卫星MAC协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多媒体业务的突发性是导致无线资源利用率与业务服务质量之间矛盾的根本原因,基于带宽按需分配的媒体接入控制(Media Access Control,MAC)协议是解决该矛盾的一种有效方式。而在DVB-RCS宽带卫星通信中,带宽按需分配机制的稳定性和业务时延性能均受到星地长时延的不利影响。本文提出一种以控制和业务线性预测相结合的带宽请求算法为核心的DVB-RCS宽带卫星MAC协议,并建立了仿真系统,通过多个场景的仿真表明了协议能够有效的保证系统的稳定性和高资源利用率,以及较低的业务时延。  相似文献   

针对未来航天器中多元化的数据对可靠性、时延等传输服务质量有不同要求的场景,研究了空间数据系统咨询委员会(CCSDS)制定的子网包业务的特点、作用及基本的工作原理,通过分析可知,应用CCSDS子网包业务可以有效克服当前星载数据管理系统的局限性,满足未来航天器数据处理的更高要求。文章提出了其在航天器综合电子系统中的应用场景、可行性、方法和工作模式,对子网包业务在未来综合电子系统中应用的优势进行了展望。  相似文献   

罗煜缤  李洪  周广铭  路娟 《上海航天》2022,39(6):102-111
无线传感器网络技术是新一代火箭测量系统中的关键技术之一,为实现箭上无线传感器节点业务动态变化场景下的信道资源无冲突分配,提出了一种基于优先级的动态业务分配方法——基于优先级的动态占空比节能位图辅助MAC协议(PD-EBMA)。主要思想是利用位图辅助适应业务量的动态变化、搭载预约的方式减少控制信息开销、背包算法提高信道利用率和降低时延,以及在流量较小时延不敏感的场景中使用动态占空比的思想降低能量开销。仿真结果表明:相比传统固定时隙的分配方式,PD-EBMA可以大幅提升网络灵活性,同时能耗和时延特性也得到显著改善。  相似文献   

高速下行链路分组接入技术(HSDPA)是第三代移动通信中引入的分组数据业务主要技术,在承载VoIP业务时的难点在于如何满足严格的时延要求。文章对HSDPA的分组调度算法进行了研究,提出基于QoS的加权比例公平分组调度算法,仿真结果表明所提出的算法可以有效地改进VoIP的服务质量,降低传输时延。  相似文献   

针对空间光通信网络多用户组网和多类型业务传输的需求,提出了一种基于业务特征的光流交换(OFS)和光突发交换(OBS)相结合的空间光通信网络业务调度方法。OFS具有传输时延较大、光链路利用率较低、QoS保证能力强等特点,相比之下OBS以牺牲QoS保证能力为代价,提高了光链路利用率,降低了传输时延。经过对空间光通信网络拓扑结构和业务类型进行研究,以及对OBS交换体制和OFS交换体制进行数学建模仿真,结果表明,该方法能够根据通信业务类型和业务带宽等特征选择更适合的光交换体制,可充分利用两种交换体制的优点,提高空间光通信网络光链路利用率和通信业务统计复用程度,降低传输时延,增强QoS保证能力,可为空间光通信网络的交换体制设计提供参考。  相似文献   

天地联合测控鲁棒性路由算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
针对未来海量飞行器的测控需求与中继卫星有限资源之间的矛盾,在天地联合组网测控架构的基础上,设计了基于时变图的时延保障鲁棒性路由算法,以满足测控任务低时延、高可靠的通信要求。首先,构建时间扩展图(TEG),精准表征天地联合网络的时变拓扑、链路时延与业务需求;然后,将时延保障鲁棒性路由问题建模为最短时延备份路径问题,采用贪心思想和增广路径回退机制,设计基于TEG的最短时延备份路径算法,高效获取两条低时延且互为链路备份的端到端路径,为测控业务传输提供鲁棒性保障;最后,分析了时间复杂度并给出算法应用示例。相比于传统备份路由方法,所提算法能够构建时延性能较好的备份路径(仅增加0.01 s),100%保障单链路失效情况下测控业务传输不中断。  相似文献   

文章提出了带有优先级的最短时延卫星路由策略,将业务分为话音业务和数据业务,根据业务时延要求的不同,优先处理话音业务,再根据源卫星、目的卫星的位置,计算路径延时的度量标准,以此得到经过优劣排序的候选路径集合,并对最佳路径进行计算。仿真结果表明,算法显著降低了话音业务的时延水平,有效提高通话质量。  相似文献   

空间信息网络具有通信环境复杂、节点动态性强、星上处理能力有限和业务种类繁多等特点,导致传输时延大和丢包率高等问题。为此,文章提出一种基于软件定义网络(SDN)架构的空间信息网络路由策略设计。在SDN架构下,控制平面记录某一时刻整个卫星网络的链路状态,获取"源-宿"卫星节点间的路由集,并计算各类业务路由的时延、带宽和丢包率所占的权重,求三者加权和作为路由代价,之后采用改进的遗传算法求得路由代价最小的解,作为业务数据流转发的路由。通过仿真与SDN架构下的数据流退让路由(DFRR)策略和基于变形虫的波纹传播(AR)策略进行对比,结果表明:文章提出的路由策略时延平均降低4.3%,丢包率平均减少14.6%,可有效地保证空间信息网络的高效运行。  相似文献   

ATM网络已成为21世纪宽带通信的关键技术,并被国际电联(CCITT)确定为宽带综合业务数字网(B-ISDN)的基本传送方式。ATM(ASYNCHRONOUS TRANSFER MODE)简称异步转移模式,是一种集传输与交换于一体的通信模式,具有传输速度快、带宽高、时延低、距离不受限制等特点。它具有集语音、图像和数据传输于一体的技术特色,并具有灵活性、高速率、多业务、高可靠性和高安全性等特点。  相似文献   

卫星授时以其安全、可靠、稳定、精准等优势广泛应用于各领域。本文立足遥测地面站对时间的高精度、协同性、实时性、网络化的需求,在简述了几种典型授时技术应用特点的基础上,深入开展了北斗卫星授时技术研究。首先对北斗时间系统的组成,以及单向、双向授时技术优缺点等进行了论证,重点分析了RDSS(Radio Determination Satellite Service,卫星无线电测定业务)双向授时的技术实现、理论推导、误差影响和精度评估等;然后,结合遥测地面站授时现状和需求,提出了遥测地面站组网应用中时统的总体思路,通过三级控制、统一溯源、内外互联、由点到面的模式,构建了“以北斗双向授时为主,NTP(Network Time Protocol,网络时间协议)计算机网络授时为辅”的网络化授时体系,并对遥测地面站组网应用场景和入网策略进行了分析论证。本文研究具有较强的实践性和可行性,可为网络化授时应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Based on international requirements for the application of commercial remote sensing data,an information service system for receiving and processing multi source remote sensing data was developed and introduced.The system consists of an Oversea Fixed Ground Service Station(OFGS),a Transportable Vessel-Borne Service Station(TVBS) and a Data Operation and Management Center(DOMC).Fixed and transportable service stations were developed in Venezuela,Latin America and for the China's Xuelong polar research vessel respectively,and serve the function of remote sensing data receiving,processing and application.The DOMC connects the OFGS and TVBS,so that they constitute a network to provide receiving,distribution,retrieval,browsing,ordering,and downloading functions for multi remote sensing satellite data and products.It validates the competence in providing 40 kinds of typical application products.The development of this system provides a reliable and comprehensive service for commercial remote sensing data applications for users both in domestic and oversea markets.  相似文献   

针对城市车辆监控调度系统设计中业务功能增加与通信手段扩展的难点 ,通过设计合适的移动通信中间件来屏蔽底层通信网络的复杂性 ,为监控调度业务提供一个支撑环境 ,使不同类别的移动网络对应用开发者来说就象一个无缝的通信系统 ,对应用的差别只是 Qo S的变化  相似文献   

The use of the Internet has been grown tremendously within the last decade to more than one billion subscribers. The other five billion people on Earth cannot enjoy the possibilities offered by the Internet.The digital divide is everywhere: in the developing as well as in the developed part of the world.In the developing countries basic communication needs (voice, IP access) need to be provided to a large population not living in cities.In the developed part of the world people residing outside the large cities, on the nice country side, have still difficulties to get broadband access. The reason being, that the investment to install the network infrastructure to this minority part of the population is a major part of the total investment for the network. The benefit for the telecom operators is marginal to get these customers on board.In this paper an analysis of the Internet and satellite development is being presented and based on these historical data a prediction of a possible evolution of satellite communications and broadband access is performed.One result is that the capacity of the GEO ring at the Ka-band alone would allow to provide to each individual on Earth in 2050 (assumed to be 10 billion people) a monthly capacity of about 1 Gbyte for a charge of 1$ per month.  相似文献   

Internet应用领域和业务种类的扩展一方面使得网络信息资源日益丰富,另一方面又迫使原有的网络体系结构暴露出种种弊端。针对基于ATM 的多点传送问题进行了研究。首先,对ATM 和多点传送进行了简介;之后,同单点传送相对照,又对基于ATM 的多点传送性能进行了分析;还对多点传送的ATM 方案进行了探讨,并对相关问题作了总结和归纳。  相似文献   

北斗导航系统在物联网中的应用展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
物联网是信息技术领域又一个重要发展,它使传统网络从人与人的联系扩展到物与物、物与人的联系。北斗导航系统是我国正在建设的全球卫星导航系统。分析北斗导航系统在物联网中应用的可行性,从物联网的组成结构出发,分析北斗导航系统相比于传统电信网络的优势,并对北斗导航系统在物联网中的应用模式进行展望。  相似文献   

As personal mobility increases, people spend more time in their vehicles. Furthermore, a large segment of today's workforce is part of a growing mobile service industry. This mobile society creates opportunities to increase productivity which do not yet exist. Today's commuting time could be better utilized and mobile business transactions could be more efficiently conducted, by integrating mobile IP wireless services in vehicles. By means of a direct to mobile user Internet access, and total IP services, integrated into automobiles, S@tMax services can empower the mobile business movement therefore improving productivity. This paper presents a commercial system architecture that will deliver an optimized solution for direct to mobile user Internet access, through an integration of a ground based network infrastructure, use of existing communications satellites and the development of a proprietary satellite system. As a result of a detailed systems engineering process, the architectures of the space, ground and infrastructures segments will be presented. Furthermore, the benefits of on-orbit servicing were examined in the S@tMax context. The approach proposed is considered as an important step towards enforcing main roadway IP coverage in the US, for near-continuous communications and services.  相似文献   

The University of California at Berkeley (UCB) is a member of a university consortium involved in telescience testbed activities under the sponsorship of NASA. Our Telescience Testbed Project consists of three experiments using flight hardware being developed for the Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer project at UCB's Space Sciences Laboratory. The first one is a teleoperation experiment investigating remote instrument control using a computer network such as the Internet. The second experiment is an effort to develop a system for operation of a network of remote workstations allowing coordinated software development, evaluation, and use by widely dispersed groups. The final experiment concerns simulation as a method to facilitate the concurrent development of instrument hardware and support software. We describe our progress in these areas.  相似文献   

为了提升卫星综合电子系统的标准化、通用化设计能力以及智能化、网络化应用水平,本文提出并设计了一种开放式模块化星载综合电子系统,通过了工程型号的实际应用验证。该综合电子系统以层次化的总线体系结构以及通用化的硬件模块、软件构件为基础构建形成一套标准服务功能包,能够根据不同的任务场景按需选装所需的功能单元,显著提升综合电子系统的货架式集成组装研制能力,同时借助统一的信息通信服务网络和软硬件基础组件,为综合电子系统的模块化升级扩展、设备级的功能重构与重组、系统级的故障容忍和恢复能力奠定了坚实的基础,为实现航天器整体的高质量、高效率、效益研制与运行提供了有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

Some 16 proposed new satellite systems operating at 36 to 46 GHz (Q-band) and 46 to 56 GHz (V-band) have been proposed to the U.S. Federal Communications Commission by U.S. companies. Of these. 14 are intended to provide global, or nearly global, service. One is intended for U.S. domestic service, and one is a package to provide additional store-and-forward capability on an earlier proposed “Little LEO” system. This paper provides a brief summary of the 14 global systems, which for the most part are designed to exploit the wide band of frequencies available for services such as multimedia distribution and Internet access.

Systems are proposed that would use geostationary orbit, medium earth orbit, low earth orbit, and Molniya orbit satellites, and in some cases combinations of two of these orbits. Most of the new systems propose to employ new technologies such as multiple narrow spot-beam antennas, onboard demodulation and routing of traffic between beams, intersatellite links, and in some cases scanning beams to continuously illuminate the service area as the satellite flies by.

Some of the difficulties involved in fielding systems at these high frequencies arise from the propagation impairments that can be expected and the high cost of solid-state power devices for user terminals, which will drive up costs. It is concluded that, while the large amount of bandwidth (3 GHz) proposed by the FCC for these systems is attractive, few if any are likely to be built while spectrum remains available at Ka-band.  相似文献   

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