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在去年民航总局空管局召开的空管运行工作会议上,局领导针对某空管中心少数管制员由于素质不高、服务意识不强、执行制度不严与飞行人员发生争执而导致航班延误的事件,提出了严肃的批评,并强调要在全行业举一反三引以为戒。细析“事件”发生的原因固然是多方面的,但不可忽略的一点便是少数管制人员“说话”水平低不能不说是重要原因之一。行业内的人都知道,空中交通管制,在一定意义上说是通过“话”的管理实现的。空管系统所有人员的工作着力点就是保障并通过管制员把指挥、通报、调配等用语言及时、准确、果断地送达给机组及其相关人员,以确保飞行安全、正常。 相似文献
为适应低轨小卫星星座体系化应用需求,设计、实践出一套面向批产的小卫星研制模式。某批产小卫星星座通过整星仅一次合板即最终状态,产品交付即落焊,裁剪、简化环境试验,投产管路模板实现卫星结构装配与管路焊装并行实施,发射场带翼运输,全无线测试等批产创新策略,构建了小卫星批产体系,实现了年出厂20颗以上500 kg级小卫星的能力,为建设高密度小卫星星座奠定了基础。批产策略与方法均经实际验证,与传统小卫星研制相比,将批产星总装、集成与测试(AIT)周期由1年以上缩减为3个月以内,将发射场工作周期由35~50天缩减为20天,实现了快速研制、快速发射与快速在轨应用,有效促进了低轨小卫星星座高效规模化部署。 相似文献
A method to improve rock fragmentation with explosives is based on a new way of explosion energy transfer to the solid media. It provides a considerably higher efficiency of the explosion energy by changing the gas dynamic processes of the expansion of detonation products in the charge chamber.In practice this method has been instrumental in developing two new types of charges: the air-spaced charge for rock fragmentation and the air-cavity charge for heaving blasts.The basic idea underlying charge construction in both types consists of a most efficient transfer of explosion energy into rock fragmentation or heaving process by reducing the initial peak pressure and increasing the time of explosive action upon the rock mass. When exploding such charges, shock waves and gas streams undergo gas dynamic interactions in air cavities causing the rock to be repeatedly loaded with a system of shock compressions. This makes it possible to reduce energy losses due to too fine rock fragmentation in the zone next to the charge, as well as to increase the amount of energy directed for a more even breakage of the entire rock material.An application of the new types of charges in both construction and mining industry increased the excavator efficiency by 20–40%, reduced the specific consumption of explosives by more than 20%, diminished seismic influence of explosions, etc.The new method of rock fragmentation described here paves the way for further development of the theory and practice of blasting operations yielding a higher efficiency of the use of explosions. 相似文献
Steven Robert Walk 《Acta Astronautica》2011,68(7-8):853-861
Projecting technology performance evolution has been improving over the years. Reliable quantitative forecasting methods have been developed that project the growth, diffusion, and performance of technology in time, including projecting technology substitutions, saturation levels, and performance improvements. These forecasts can be applied at the early stages of space technology planning to better predict available future technology performance, assure the successful selection of technology, and improve technology systems management strategy.Often what is published as a technology forecast is simply scenario planning, usually made by extrapolating current trends into the future, with perhaps some subjective insight added. Typically, the accuracy of such predictions falls rapidly with distance in time. Quantitative technology forecasting (QTF), on the other hand, includes the study of historic data to identify one of or a combination of several recognized universal technology diffusion or substitution patterns. In the same manner that quantitative models of physical phenomena provide excellent predictions of system behavior, so do QTF models provide reliable technological performance trajectories.In practice, a quantitative technology forecast is completed to ascertain with confidence when the projected performance of a technology or system of technologies will occur. Such projections provide reliable time-referenced information when considering cost and performance trade-offs in maintaining, replacing, or migrating a technology, component, or system.This paper introduces various quantitative technology forecasting techniques and illustrates their practical application in space technology and technology systems management. 相似文献
引言雪情通告(SNOWTAM)是一种专门格式、特别系列的航行通告(NOTAM),用于通知在活动区内的雪、冰、雪浆或积水伴有雪、雪浆和水等危险情况的存在和清除情况。雪情通告由机场现场指挥部门提供相关原始参数,空管飞行服务中心人员负责对外发布,它是保证冬季特殊天气条件下飞行安全、航班正常和航空公司经 相似文献
在全党深入开展的学习实践科学发展观活动(以下简称“学习实践活动”),是党中央做出的重大决策,是全党政治生活中的一件大事,天津空管分局作为参加民航第二批学习实践科学发展观活动的单位,经过5个月即3个阶段6个环节的积极筹划、精心准备、认真组织、扎实落实。完成了规定要求.达到了预期目的,取得了较好效果。 相似文献
高度限制是民用航空飞行活动中最为常见的限制之一。在我国很多地区,由于其他飞行活动、特殊地形以及相邻管制单位边界划分等原因,会对航路上的某一点给予一定的高度限制以保障飞行安全。《浅析高度限制的辅助判断方法四法定位》将管制王作中对高度限制问题归纳出了四种技巧性的方法,简称四法定位,这些方法的出发点是通过简单的方法,使管制员分配最少的精力,却能达到最佳的调配效果。这些方法在管制工作中是否具有实用性?是否能够取得预期的效果?是否可以推广使用?这些问题留待专业的读者给出答案。 相似文献
深入开展学习实践科学发展观,是党中央着眼世情、国情、党情做出的重大战略部署。以胡锦涛同志为总书记的党中央,立足社会主义初级阶段基本国情,总结我国发展实践,借鉴国外发展经验,适应新的发展要求,提出了科学发展观。科学发展观是和马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想一脉相承又与时俱进的科学理论,是我国经济社会发展的重要指导方针,是发展中国特色社会主义必须坚持和贯彻的重大战略思想。 相似文献
以综合电子技术构筑航天器智能化的坦途 总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2
未来航天任务要求航天器具备在轨智能处理的能力,而综合电子系统是航天器智能化的中心。一种为未来智能化应用开发的航天器综合电子系统,将传统的遥控、遥测和数据管理功能集成为一个简便易用的标准服务功能包,同时在具有统一信息网络服务的通信能力,以及支持分布并行计算、模块化扩展升级、系统重构的计算能力和存储能力等,为在轨智能处理建立了所需的硬件和软件支持。利用这些基础结构,应用过程可以专注于航天器智能处理的实现,从而完成各种复杂任务。 相似文献