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随着载人航天事业的不断发展,空间失重环境引起的航天员健康问题(心血管疾病、免疫抑制、肌肉萎缩、骨质疏松等)日益突出,这已成为人类探索空间的一大阻碍.越来越多的研究关注到微重力条件下机体及细胞的变化.近期的研究表明,在细胞水平上,微重力会引起细胞降解,改变细胞骨架,并造成细胞在分子水平(如细胞增殖、分化、迁移、粘附、信号转导等过程)的一系列改变.本文对微重力条件下免疫细胞、内皮细胞、骨细胞、癌细胞的相关研究进行了归纳总结,研究结果可为微重力条件下机体及相关细胞的研究提供指导,为治疗或缓解微重力条件造成的疾病提供方法和思路.   相似文献   

根据近年红外材料在空间生长的研究概况,分析了涵盖熔体、气相、液相外延和分子束外延等生长方法及各个方法生长红外材料的基本原理,在地面生长遇到的问题,以及在空间微重力环境中进行红外材料生长的优势.同时基于中国利用熔体法在天宫二号上已经进行的ZnTe:Cu晶体的空间生长科学实验及地基实验结果,通过对空间和地面实验结果进行对比,提出了在超高真空环境下,利用分子束外延方式生长高性能、大尺寸红外材料的可能性,以及未来在空间微重力条件下进行红外材料生长的研究方向及具体应用.   相似文献   

研究了空间环境对光纤陀螺各项指标的影响,设计了一种新颖的卫星用光纤陀螺三轴组合.针对空间辐射、温度循环和真空环境对光纤陀螺的影响进行了模拟实验,通过分析实验数据得到了空间环境对光纤陀螺主要参数的影响机理.利用最小二乘滤波的方法建立了偏置误差模型,利用查表法建立了标度因数误差模型,并用现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)实时进行零偏和标度因数补偿,补偿后陀螺输出零偏稳定性为0.1(°)/h.同时详细分析了陀螺在空间低角速度环境下产生死区的原因,并利用周期相位扰动调制的方法消除了死区.在卫星用光纤陀螺三轴组合的设计中,实现了光源复用和冗余、空间主动和被动防护措施、在轨故障诊断等技术.   相似文献   

质子引发的单粒子翻转率估算的研究   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
根据质子单粒子翻转事件的物理本质,及空间高能质子环境特性,给出了一种基于重离子单粒子翻转实验数据基础之上的估算质子引发的单粒子翻转的方法.利用这种方法计算了几种器件的翻转情况,与地面模拟实验及飞行观测结果符合得非常好.   相似文献   

正国际空间站是一个在近地轨道上运行的科研设施,是人类历史上第9个载人的空间站。它其实就是一个建设在空间环境中的科学实验平台,这个平台上开展的研究并不仅限于天文、物理等专业,也包括医学、生物学等领域。对在国际空间站种植植物而言,最主要的意义还是满足科研需求。空间站特殊的空间环境,如失重、大气组成、射线等,可以给科学家提供一个观  相似文献   

聚焦式超声悬浮   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
超声悬浮技术在无容器材料制备以及地面空间状态模拟等方面有着广泛的应用前景.利用超声聚焦的原理,把换能器的辐射端设计成曲面,建立了一种单轴式的超声悬浮系统,旨在提高系统的悬浮性能.从理论上分析了此结构中声场的分布情况及其特性,并且对声场作了进一步的数值模拟分析.最后根据此理论设计了几种不同参数的超声悬浮器,进行了一系列的实验验证.实验结果表明此种结构能够提高系统的悬浮性能,系统的悬浮能力以及悬浮稳定性要比平面式超声悬浮系统高.   相似文献   

用电磁力模拟空间微重力效应制备二元偏晶合金   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种在地面利用电磁场与金属熔体的相互作用来模拟失重效应的方法。探讨了实现准失重环境的可能性,建立了准失重模拟装置。并成功地制备了均匀的Pb-Zn二元偏晶合金样品。实验结果表明,用此方法进行微重效应模拟可消除重力造成的斯托克斯(Stokes)沉积,制备的Pb-Zn二元偏晶合金中的弥散体(Pb)分布均匀,铅粒子的形状主要为微米量级的小球。与我们在我国返回式实验卫星上搭载的Pb-Zn合金样品相比较,其弥散体的分布状况无大的差异,只是前者弥散体尺寸略大于空间样品。然而,用该方法在准失重条件下制备的样品,无论在弥散体大小和均匀程度方面都与地面普通条件下(受重力影响)的样品有本质的区别。  相似文献   

赤霉素介导模拟失重诱导的胡萝卜细胞中淀粉粒降解   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
空间微重力环境会影响生命活动,本文利用回转器来模拟微重力(失重)的生物学效应.回转处理可以引起胡萝卜愈伤组织细胞中内源活性赤霉素(GAs)水平上升,总淀粉酶活力提高(其中主要是α-淀粉酶活力增加),淀粉粒降解.且GAs和α-淀粉酶活力的升高趋势一致.GAs合成性抑制剂,ancymidol能显著抑制回转处理中α-淀粉酶活力的增加.由此推测:回转处理中GAs的升高诱导了α-淀粉酶基因表达增加,后者促使淀粉粒降解和能量物质动员,以响应模拟失重的刺激.  相似文献   

啮齿动物是空间研究中常见的模型对象,已开展的空间生物实验中,小鼠表现出对飞行条件的有效适应.通过空间培养,研究者可对失重环境下小鼠的生理行为、骨骼和神经系统变化做进一步研究分析.本文对空间小鼠实验有效载荷的研究进展及其空间飞行实验进行了概述,为中国空间站上的小鼠培养箱设计提供参考.概述了地面小鼠培养技术和装置,为空间小...  相似文献   

绿色荧光蛋白(Green Fluorescent Protein,GFP)已被广泛用作一种强有力的生物发光报告蛋白.但是,其在空间植物培养箱中应用尚存很大困难.本文提出一种在空间植物培养箱中利用LED作为激发光源,对拟南芥中开花基因启动子控制下GFP基因表达的观察与分析方法,为在空间生物学实验中研究基因表达模式提供了新的方法和技术.   相似文献   

失重因素对航天员体温调节影响的分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
系统地总结了实际载人航天及地面模拟中失重因素引起的航天员生理性体温调节功能变化的种种现象和内在联系。指出在失重环境下 ,自然对流消失 ,血液重新分布 ,排尿性失水增加 ,血浆容积变小 ,心血管系统功能下降 ,最大氧摄入量降低 ,这些都可导致体温调节能力受损 ,最终使航天员的高温耐力明显下降。文章同时指出 ,在体温调节系统中 ,行为性调节是生理性调节的补充和延伸 ,前者只有通过后者才能发挥作用 ,因此 ,在航天器座舱温控系统及航天服通风 -液冷系统的设计中 ,应充分考虑失重因素的影响。  相似文献   

在飞行器发射升空之前,需对空间蓄电池进行一系列的测试。而地球上的环境和在太空中的环境存在很大的不同,尤其是太空的失重环境,在地球上很难长时间的模拟,以达到测试的目的。这样在地面上的测试数据可能与实际工作所得有所偏差。针对这种情况,文章提出了一种校准空间蓄电池在不同加速状态下电特性的装置。  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review the potential functional and morphological effects of long duration space flight on the human central nervous system (CNS) and how current neuroimaging techniques may be utilized to study these effects. It must be determined if there will be any detrimental changes to the CNS from long term exposure to the space environment if human beings are to plan interplanetary missions or establish permanent space habitats. Research to date has focused primarily on the short term changes in the CNS as the result of space flight. The space environment has many factors such as weightlessness, electromagnetic fields, and radiation, that may impact upon the function and structure of the CNS. CNS changes known to occur during and after long term space flight include neurovestibular disturbances, cephalic fluid shifts, alterations in sensory perception, changes in proprioception, psychological disturbances, and cognitive changes. Animal studies have shown altered plasticity of the neural cytoarchitecture, decreased neuronal metabolism in the hypothalamus, and changes in neurotransmitter concentrations. Recent progress in the ability to study brain morphology, cerebral metabolism, and neurochemistry in vivo in the human brain would provide ample opportunity to investigate many of the changes that occur in the CNS as a result of space flight. These methods include positron emission tomography (PET), single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).  相似文献   

Cichlid fish larvae were reared from hatching to active free swimming under different gravity conditions: natural environment, increased acceleration in a centrifuge, simulated weightlessness in a clinostat and near weightlessness during space flight. Cytochrome oxidase activity was analyzed semiquantitatively on the ultrastructural level as a marker of regional neuronal activity in a primary, vestibular brainstem nucleus and in gravity receptive epithelia in the inner ear. Our results show, that gravity seems to be positively correlated with cytochrome oxidase activity in the magnocellular nucleus of developing fish brain. In the inner ear the energy metabolism is decreased under microgravity concerning utricle but not saccule. Hypergravity has no effect on cytochrome oxidase activity in sensory inner ear epithelia.  相似文献   

壁虎脚的粘着机理对航天机器人脚掌的研制和开发具有重要启发意义.通过单根刚毛与光滑表面黏着力模型与计算、卫星粗糙表面分布模型与接触概率与计算、刚毛阵列与卫星粗糙表面黏着力模型与计算等,分析仿壁虎刚毛阵列对卫星表面的吸附能力,发现在一定条件下仿壁虎刚毛阵能够在太空失重环境中黏着在卫星表面,对航天舱内爬行机器人、管道机器人的...  相似文献   

为了验证挠性卫星快速机动控制方法,搭建单轴挠性卫星快速机动试验平台.该平台基于单轴气浮台,令柔性板的挠性频率和刚挠耦合系数与真实卫星的接近.平台充分模拟了卫星在太空中的失重和无阻尼环境,被激发的挠性振动在开环情况下衰减很慢,特别适合挠性卫星姿态快速机动试验.初步的试验包括挠性参数辨识试验和姿态快速机动PD控制试验,仿真结果表明升级后的平台将可以验证快速机动控制方法.  相似文献   

Chinese scientists studied some of the problems in the field of space life science and achieved success in the area during 2000-2001. Space biological experi ments were carried out in the orbit and the results of ground studies on protein crystallization, space radiation, space motion sickness were introduced in this paper. The influences of simulated weightlessness on the brain-function, the car diovascular, endocrine hormones, immunity, skeletal and muscle systems were presented. In addition, gravity medicine and space environment medicine, as well as countermeasures to space deconditioning, such as the traditional Chinese medicine, were also reported.  相似文献   

The indicators of adrenomedullary activity (catecholamine content (CA) and the activity of the catecholamine-synthesizing enzymes tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH)) were measured in the adrenal glands of rats living in a state of weightlessness for 18.5–19.5 days on board the biosatellites COSMOS 936 and COSMOS 1129. None of these indicators was significantly changed by space flight, neither in the group living in a state of weightlessness nor in the group living in a centrifuge on board the spacecraft and exposed to artificial gravity of 1 g (COSMOS 936). Animals exposed after space flight to repeated immobilization stress on Earth showed a significant decrease of adrenal adrenaline and an appreciable increase in adrenal TH activity compared to stressed animals which were not in space. These results suggest that a prolonged state of weightlessness during space flight does not by itself represent an intensive stressful stimulus for the adrenomedullary system but potentiates the response of cosmonauts to stress after return to Earth.  相似文献   

Research in cellular reproduction, differentiation and vital activity, i.e. processes underlying the development and functioning of organisms, plants included, is essential for solving fundamental and applied problems of space biology. Detailed anatomical analysis of roots of higher plants grown on board the Salyut 6 orbital research station show that under conditions of weightlessness for defined duration mitosis, cytokinesis and tissue differentiation in plant vegetative organs occur essentially normally. At the same time, certain rearrangements in the structural organization of cellular organelles--mainly the plastid apparatus, mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and nucleus--are established in the root meristem and cap of the experimental plants. This is evidence for considerable changes in cellular metabolism. The structural changes in the subcellular level arising under spaceflight conditions are partially absent in clinostat experiments designed to simulate weightlessness. Various clinostatic conditions have different influences on the cell structural and functional organization than does space flight. It is suggested that alterations of cellular metabolism under weightlessness and clinostatic conditions occur within existing genetic programs.  相似文献   

Weightlessness acts on human breast cancer cell line MCF-7.   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Because cells are sensitive to mechanical forces, weightlessness might act on stress-dependent cell changes. Human breast cancer cells MCF-7, flown in space in a Photon capsule, were fixed after 1.5, 22 and 48 h in orbit. Cells subjected to weightlessness were compared to 1 g in-flight and ground controls. Post-flight, fluorescent labeling was performed to visualize cell proliferation (Ki-67), three cytoskeleton components and chromatin structure. Confocal microscopy and image analysis were used to quantify cycling cells and mitosis, modifications of the cytokeratin network and chromatin structure. Several main phenomena were observed in weightlessness: The perinuclear cytokeratin network and chromatin structure were looser; More cells were cycling and mitosis was prolonged. Finally, cell proliferation was reduced as a consequence of a cell-cycle blockade; Microtubules were altered in many cells. The results reported in the first point are in agreement with basic predictions of cellular tensegrity. The prolongation of mitosis can be explained by an alteration of microtubules. We discuss here the different mechanisms involved in weightlessness alteration of microtubules: i) alteration of their self-organization by reaction-diffusion processes, and a mathematical model is proposed, ii) activation or deactivation of microtubules stabilizing proteins, acting on both microtubule and microfilament networks in cell cortex.  相似文献   

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