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Two bed rest analog studies of space flight were performed; one 14 d and the other 28 d in duration. Exercise response was studied in detail during the 28 d study and following both the 14 d and 28 d studies. This paper relates the results of these studies to physiologic changes noted during and following space flight. The most consistent change noted after both bed rest and space flight is an elevated heart rate during exercise. A second consistent finding is a postflight or postbed rest reduction in cardiac stroke volume. Cardiac output changes were variable. The inability to simulate inflight activity levels and personal exercise makes a direct comparison between bed rest and the results from specific space flights difficult.  相似文献   

The paper sums up results of a 7-day space flight experiment (D-l-Mission-BW-STA 00-STATEX) using growing frog embryos and larvae (Xenopus laevis) as a model system. Evaluation of photographs taken from the surface of sectioned deep-frozen objects, and micrographs using TEM and SEM show no aberrations in the shape, size, position, or respective electron density of the otolith membranes in larvae developed for 154 h under near-zero g. The further evaluation of the "weightless larvae" revealed a probably not yet described otolith-like formation below the dorsal wall of the vestibulum. In the weightless larvae this formation outnumbers, also qualitatively, strongly the 1-g control samples. The swimming behavior of the tadpoles which was observed about one hour after landing of the Space Shuttle showed a typical anomaly (loop swimming), which is known from larvae developed on the clinostat or from fish flown aboard Apollo capsules. An extra result is the lack of striking effects of cosmic radiation on the embryonic development of the flown Xenopus eggs.  相似文献   

文章介绍了Ma(马赫数)<6的飞行器典型部位的气动加热与热响应耦合分析及试验验证技术。气动加热计算模块采用的是工程算法,同时将其集成到自主开发的结构有限元三维温度场计算ASTSA软件平台上,实现了气动加热与热响应耦合分析功能。在结构地面热试验方面,成功研发了全方程热流密度PLC控制热模拟试验系统,并利用该系统进行了高速飞行器结构气动加热与热响应耦合地面模拟试验。试验与数值分析的结果对比显示,二者吻合较好,验证了本数值分析方法的正确性。  相似文献   

The cardiovascular function is one of the main disturbed by weightlessness: it is particularly affected by the astronaut's return to Earth, where symptoms linked to the cardiovascular deconditioning syndrom appear in the following forms: (1) orthostatic intolerance with its risk of syncope: (2) higher submaximal oxygen consumption for an equivalent work load. Lower Body Negative Pressure (LBNP) is intended to stimulate the venous system of the lower limbs; however, the specific effects of periodical LBNP sessions on the orthostatic intolerance have never been studied. With this objective in mind, 5 volunteers took part in two recent antiorthostatic bedrest experiments for 30 days. In the first experiment 3 subjects were submitted to several sessions of LBNP experiment per day and 2 others were controls; in the second experiment the LBNP group of the 1st one became controls and vice-versa. Two orthostatic investigations were performed: (1) 5 days before the bedrest; (2) at the end of the 30 day bedrest period. The results showed: (1) when the subjects were control, a high orthostatic intolerance post bedrest with 3 syncopes and one presyncopal state during the first minutes of the tilt test; (2) when the subjects were submitted to LBNP sessions, no orthostatic intolerance.  相似文献   

The present paper reports a kinetic analysis of changes of some physiological parameters, obtained from international literature, after changes in gravitational environment. The overall phenomenology of the adaptation to weightlessness is characterized by a rapid process followed by a slow one. The two processes show half time values differing by about five times. Also in the case of readaptation to gravity, after recovery on the Earth, two well resolved processes, showing different half time values, are observed. It is of interest to notice that the rate of response to weightlessness is lower than that to gravity. Of course, the half time values observed depend on the different physiological parameters considered. In any case, the experimental data suggest a general trend of many adaptive changes, that may all be described by a simple mathematical model.  相似文献   

A structure of a mathematical model of the unsteady gas flow phenomena in an internal combustion engine is discussed. The emerging inhomogeneous non-linear system of partial differential equations is solved by the Method of Differences as proposed by Lax and Wendroff (1960). The numeric solution was implemented in a program system PROMO which permits the complete examination of unsteady gas flow problems in multi-cylinder IC engines.An analysis of the actual exhaust system of a six-cylinder automobile engine is presented as well as a synthesis of a new, improved exhaust system.  相似文献   

The investigation of cardiovascular function necessarily involves a consideration of the exchange of substances at the capillary. If cardiovascular function is compromised or in any way altered during exposure to zero gravity in space, then it stands to reason that microvascular function is also modified. We have shown that an increase in cardiac output similar to that reported during simulated weightlessness is associated with a doubling of the number of post-capillary venules and a reduction in the number of arterioles by 35%. If the weightlessness of space travel produces similar changes in cardiopulmonary volume and cardiac output, a reasonable expectation is that astronauts will undergo venous neovascularization. We have developed an animal model in which to correlate microvascular and systemic cardiovascular function. The microcirculatory preparation consists of a lightweight, thermo-neutral chamber implanted around intact skeletal muscle on the back of a rat. Using this technique, the performed microvasculature of the cutaneous maximus muscle may be observed in the conscious, unanesthetized animal. Microcirculatory variables which may be obtained include venular and arteriolar numbers, lengths and diameters, single vessel flow velocities, vasomotion, capillary hematocrit anastomoses and orders of branching. Systemic hemodynamic monitoring of cardiac output by electromagnetic flowmetry, and arterial and venous pressures allows correlation of macro- and microcirculatory changes at the same time, in the same animal. Observed and calculated hemodynamic variables also include pulse pressure, heart rate, stroke volume, total peripheral resistance, aortic compliance, minute work, peak aortic flow velocity and systolic time interval. In this manner, an integrated assessment of total cardiovascular function may be obtained in the same animal without the complicating influence of anesthetics.  相似文献   

Leach CS 《Acta Astronautica》1979,6(9):1123-1135
This review describes the renal-endocrine mechanisms related to the early losses of fluid-electrolytes from the body during weightlessness as well as their contribution to longer term adaptation of fluid-electrolyte balance. The hypotheses presented were generated by a systematic analysis of body fluid and renal dynamics observed under conditions of actual and simulated spaceflight. These have increased our understanding of the effects of acute headward fluid shifts on renal excretion, the factors promoting excess sodium excretion and the regulation of extracellular fluid composition.  相似文献   

富氧环境模拟绝热层烧蚀试验方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
发展了一种能模拟固体火箭冲压发动机补燃室富氧环境并用于绝热层烧蚀研究的试验方法。用常规燃气发生器产生的燃气,与补进的氧气(氮气)、空气混合,通过控制流量,模拟固冲发动机补燃室内的压强、流量、燃气温度和富氧度等参数。组建了试验系统,对燃气参数进行了校测,并开展了4种绝热材料在富氧环境下的烧蚀试验。结果表明,该系统能够模拟富氧烧蚀环境,可利用该试验方法开展富氧环境下绝热层配方筛选和烧蚀机理研究。  相似文献   

The paper presents the results of developing of physical and mathematical model making it possible to take into account the effect of droplets non-uniformity in space and size distribution on ignition conditions for fuel sprays. The influence of condensed phase volume fraction on ignition and combustion of sprays was studied, physical and mathematical models for multi-phase flows, mixture formation and combustion of liquid fuels based on solving Navier–Stokes equations for gas phase accounting for thermal and mechanical interaction with poly-dispersed droplets array. The problems of particulate phase dynamics are regarded accounting for the interaction with gas phase atomization, evaporation and combustion.It was shown that depending on droplet size distribution and aerosol cloud density different flow scenarios were possible.Several ignition zones could be formed behind incident shock wave depending on mixture properties and initiation parameters. The possibility of numerical simulation permitting variation of definite parameters only made it possible to explain this fact.  相似文献   

针对固体火箭发动机前封头人工脱粘缝隙,设计了二维实验装置,用来模拟发动机点火过程中前封头人工脱粘位置受到点火冲击后的应力-应变情况.同时,采用流固耦合的数值方法,对比计算了实验工况,计算得到人工脱粘根部的应力-应变与实验吻合很好.通过数值研究发现,点火初期燃气对人工脱粘部位的冲击,会引起缝隙内部的压强振荡及装药表面的振...  相似文献   

固冲发动机沉积数值模拟与试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
分析了液滴撞壁模型的发展概况,基于Mundo模型,分析了粘附、反弹、飞溅3种状态的固冲发动机沉积模型,并对发动机内沉积问题进行了数值模拟与试验研究.结果表明,发动机内沉积主要集中在补燃室头部、进气道下游、冲压喷管收敛段;颗粒粒径分布对沉积位置影响很大;由试验压强-时间曲线换算得到的冲压喷管喉部沉积速率与数值模拟结果基本相符.  相似文献   

Experiments of prolonged bedrest in antiorthostatic position are conducted in order to simulated cardio-circulatory modifications observed in weightlessness. Until now, no studies of r.C.B.F. have been effected in these conditions. Six young, healthy volunteers (average age 23.8) were placed in strict bedrest and in antiorthostatic position -4 degrees for 7 days. The r.C.B.F. measurements were studied by 133Xe inhalation method using a 32 detectors system. Studies were made first in basal conditions, then between the 6th and 12th hr, and finally between the 72nd and the 78th hr after the beginning of the experiment. Three of the subjects received 0.450 mg of Clonidine daily during the experiment. In the subjects having taken no Clonidine, we observed a constant increase in r.C.B.F. (12, 17 and 16% respectively) in the first 12 hr; at the 72nd hour, all values had returned to basal state. This findings agrees with the well known notion of a rapid correction of hemodynamic disturbances observed in the first days of weightlessness. In the subjects treated with Clonidine, the increase of r.C.B.F. did not occur. Several mechanisms of action are possible; the Clonidine affecting either the heart by inhibiting volemic atrial receptors or the brain by direct vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

通过多方案二元混压超音速进气道的设计分析,优选出5种方案进行了数值仿真,确定了用于试验研究的进气道方案。在此基础上,进行了1∶3缩比模型风洞吹风试验,获得了多种工况下进气道的工作特性,分析了马赫数、攻角和侧滑角等参数对进气道性能的影响。结果表明,设计分析方法可行,可用于弹用超音速进气道的设计和验证。  相似文献   

Scano A 《Acta Astronautica》1982,9(12):745-747
A simple method is described to evaluate the energetic expenditure of graded muscular exercises carried out on the ground in such a way as to approximate the state of space microgravity. Consumption of O2 measured at different rates of execution is shown as well as a tentative computation of the mechanical work on the basis of the accelerations impressed alternately on the mass of the trunk and upper limbs. The practicability of the method proposed under space conditions is pointed out; it does not require any ergometer, in fact, but only the fixing of the subject's feet to the floor of the vehicle.  相似文献   

以某仿真试验验证系统为例,在仿真试验验证系统VV&A 工作的基础上,运用层次分析法(A HP)对仿真试验验证系统的可信度进行了评估,得到了量化的可信度评估结果。该方法直观、条理性强、切实可行,具有一定的实际应用价值。  相似文献   

An experimental verification of Marangoni convection in the liquid inter-space between two-coaxial discs is carried out at reduced gravity effect using small Bond's number obtained by choice of small characteristical diameter. Silicon oil is used as working fluid. The upper or lower disc can be heated electrically. The flow is visualized by illuminating fine powder of Titandioxide in the fluid with a vertical “light cut” of about 0.1 mm thickness, which is produced by a laser with a cylindrical glass rod and a microscope objective. Photographs and moving pictures are taken from a TV monitor. From these the vortex configuration and the velocity distribution can be determined, which would be expected for the Marangoni convection in the zero-g condition, for example in the spacelab.  相似文献   

The manned exploration of the solar system and the surfaces of some of the smaller planets and larger satellites requires that we are able to keep the adverse human physiological response to long term exposure to near zero and greatly reduced gravity environments within acceptable limits consistent with metabolic function. This paper examines the physiological changes associated with microgravity conditions with particular reference to the weightless demineralizatoin of bone (WDB). It is suggested that many of these changes are the result of physical/mechanical processes and are not primarily a medical problem. There are thus two immediately obvious and workable, if relatively costly, solutions to the problem of weightlessness. The provision of a near 1 g field during prolonged space flights, and/or the development of rapid transit spacecraft capable of significant acceleration and short flight times. Although these developments could remove or greatly ameliorate the effects of weightlessness during long-distance space flights there remains a problem relating to the long term colonization of the surfaces of Mars, the Moon, and other small solar system bodies. It is not yet known whether or not there is a critical threshold value of 'g' below which viable human physiological function cannot be sustained. If such a threshold exists permanent colonization may only be possible if the threshold value of 'g' is less than that at the surface of the planet on which we wish to settle.  相似文献   

在地面上用磁性液体制造流体的超重、失重和微重力环境   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
王正良 《宇航学报》2004,25(2):179-182
磁力和重力均为非接触的力,当作用于磁性液体上的磁力和重力方向相同时,磁性液体处于超重状态;当作用于磁性液体上的磁力和重力方向相反时,磁性液体处于失重状态;当作用于磁性液体上磁力和重力相互抵消,磁性液体呈饱和磁化状态且处在均匀梯度磁场区域中时,磁性液体被表面张力约束成球体,磁性液体处于微重力状态。这一发现使我们在地面上能经济的、方便的、长时间的制造流体的小区域微重力环境,为研究微重力状态下的流体科学、生命科学,材料加工和器件开发等提供了新的方法。  相似文献   

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