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胡朝德 《飞行力学》1994,12(3):59-66
主要介绍K-8飞机在鉴定试飞中的操纵性,稳定性试飞方法和结果,其中包括起飞,着陆,速度稳定性,过载稳定性,机动点,中性点的确定,同时还对纵向模态特性,横侧静稳定性,操纵性,滚转效率,横侧动态特性进行了测定,并在各特性的测定中谈了飞行体会。  相似文献   

建设一流的机场,必须有一流的设计,机场跑道确定后旅客航站楼的规划设计历来都是机场设计的核心,其中值得研究,探讨的问题颇多,国内外部在不断地探索和实践,文章根据近几年来在进行旅客航站楼的规划设计中,对一次规划,分期建设,滚动发展之间的衔接,功能性与民族形式,国内设计航站楼的安全等级与国外相同规范的差距,以及旅客站楼工艺流程的设计等问题,进行了有益的思考,并提出一些新的看法,供研究与探讨。  相似文献   

世界经济全球化所催生的产业全球化,加速了各国产业结构的调整、优化、升级。对中国而言,在全球化新的国际分工格局下,立足于比较优势的劳动密集型产业,曼然有较大的发展空间,但其技术含量低,附加值低,处于全球化的劣势地位,继续发展必然使产业固化,难以升级,也无法在激烈的全球竞争中获胜,最终将拉大我们与发达国家的差距,显然不能作为我国产业调整的方向;相反,放眼于发展战略的资本、技术密集的前景产业,虽然面临巨大的冲击,但它具有广阔的发展前景,有无限发展潜力和长久竞争优势,发展它们本身就是产业结构的提升,不仅可以缩小我们与发达国家的差距,而且有助于促进全面小康目标的实现。  相似文献   

基于神经网络的稳M数非线性控制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍风洞稳M数神经网络的非线性控制,包括预测模型,动态优化和反馈校正原理,以实现速度快,精度高,低耗油的优化控制目标,试验表明,该系统不仅稳M数控制精度高,响应速度快,而且鲁棒性好,节省燃油。  相似文献   

由于航空事业的发展,对试飞提出了更高的要求,试飞工作量也在不断增加,新机种,新设备的试飞,又要求试飞机场具备相应的地面保证功能,因此对试飞机场原有的设备,也提出了更新,改造的问题,同进也提出了新的管理问题,这些问题在我们试飞院机场尤为突出,本文通过试飞院机场在使用中表现的问题,作一些分析,对如何搞好试飞机场的管理工作,谈一些个人的体会和意见。  相似文献   

近期我们对我校560名学生进行了问卷抽样调查,调查共发出问卷560份,回收560份,回收率为 100%,全部为有效问卷。为确保调查的客观性、科学性,在抽样过程中,我们充分考虑了专业特色、学制特色,其中中专生175人,占31.3%,高大专178人,占31.8%,五年制大专207人,占37%;电气系207人,占36.96%,机械系178人,占31.78%,计算机系84人,占15%,动力系50人,占8.9%;从家庭来源看,大中城市61人,占10.8%,城镇130人,占23.21%,农村368人,占65…  相似文献   

人发样品是生物类有机样品,用火焰原子吸收光谱法测定人发中Ca,Mg,Cu,Pb,Fe,Zn元素时,采用硝酸:高氯酸=4:1消解体系,电热板加热常压消解大约2小时,样品呈湿盐态,以去离子水稀释定容,测定溶液为无色,透明,分别上机测定以上各元素,本测定方法技术关键在于消解温度不得超过250℃消解完全后要赶尽高氯酸,测定Ca,Mg时,用0.1%SrCl2水溶液定容,以消除共存物的干扰,对各元素的仪器测定  相似文献   

黄强 《国际航空》2001,(11):32-34
我国民用飞机工业的发展又到了生死存亡的关键时刻,如果 再不能抓住机遇,后果将不堪设想,所以我们必须立即停止争论,踏踏实实地进行结构调整,实现强强联合,充分利用现有的资源和体系,调动各方面的积极性,坚持以自力更生为主,尽快发展出我国的新支线飞机,同时也必须强化军用飞机的发展因为只有有了强大的军机工业,才能有强大的民机工业,才能真正实现我国航空工业的腾飞  相似文献   

中国航空运输业:出路何在   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文运用航空运输经济分析方法,对中国民航与世界民航运输收入、成本、市场需求进行比较分析,透析中国航空运输业亏损的原因,指出要使中国航空运输业摆脱困境,必须遵循市场经济规律,从内外入手,通过国家、行业主管部门、空运企业及其相关行业共同努力,采取积极的措施,降低运输成本,提高效率,共同开拓和培育市场,是中国航空运输业发展的根本出路。而要开拓和培育航空运输市场,必须扩大航空运输的“相对需求”,因此,除要在根本上提高国民经济的发展水平外,一是要在价格上做文章,二是要提高运输服务质量,三是定价最终要以市场为取向,四是政府要加强宏观管理。为此,发展中国航空运输业的对策,归纳起来,一是要给航空运输业在中国准确定位;二是国家应有更为积极的扶持航空运输业发展的产业政策;三是要加大改革力度,真正做到政企分开,充分发挥企业的主体作用。  相似文献   

一、“九五”回顾 “九五”期间,我国民航业经历了市场经济的严峻考验。面对前所未有的困难局面,行业上下齐心协力,团结一致,通过深化管理体制改革,加强宏观调控,规范航空运输市场,强化运价管理,调整航空运输结构,加强规章制度建设等一系列强有力的措施,冲破了由卖方市场变买方市场,由高增长变低增长,由高效益变低效益的重重困境,运输生产取得了可喜的成绩。 伴随民航业的发展,“九五”期间,民航飞行学院抓住历史机遇,不断深化以教学训练为中心的各项改革,通过更新训练机型,加大基础建设投入,完善训练设施,合理调整训练…  相似文献   

超燃发动机燃烧室三维化学反应流场的数值模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
梁剑寒  王承尧 《航空学报》1998,19(3):269-274
采用LU隐式方法强耦合求解有限体积法离散的完全N-S方程及组份方程,数值模拟超燃发动机燃烧室内的化学反应流场。计算中采用了AUSM通量分裂格式,两方程及八方程的化学反应模型。计算得到了流场的结构与组份分布,并对两种化学反应模型的结果进行了比较与分析。  相似文献   

Deals with multitemporal sequences of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images with regions possibly affected by step reflectivity patterns of change. Specifically, it addresses the problems of detecting a temporal step pattern with small reflectivity change against a constant pattern and of estimating the transition instant for the step. The statistically optimized signal processing techniques proposed in this work are most appropriate for the new generation of SAR systems with high revisit time that are currently under development. We propose two different techniques, based on the maximum likelihood (ML) approach, that make different use of prior knowledge on the radar cross section (RCS) levels of the searched pattern. They process the whole sequence to achieve optimal discrimination capability between regions affected and not affected by a step change and optimal estimation accuracy for the step transition instant. The first technique (known step pattern (KSP)-detector) assumes complete knowledge of the RCS levels of the searched pattern of change, while the second one (USP-detector) is based on the assumption of totally unknown step pattern.  相似文献   

Wagner problem is originally concerned with inviscid flow and unsteady force due to a small step motion, or attaining of a small angle of attack, of an airfoil in an initially uniform flow and has been studied recently for inviscid flow with large amplitude step motion. Here we propose to consider turbulent Wagner problem for a plate that is initially covered with a mixed laminar-boundary layer on both sides and is set into step motion of small or large amplitude and in direction normal to the plate. The evolution of skin friction and transition region in time are examined numerically. It is found that transition region unexpectedly changes direction of movement for small amplitude of step motion while global transition or laminarization exists for large amplitude step motion. The significance of this study is twofold. First, the present study treated a new and interesting problem since it combines two problems of fundamental interests, one is Wagner problem and the other is boundary layer transition. Second, the present study appears to show that the pressure gradient normal to the airfoil and caused by discontinuous step motion may have subtle influence on transition and the mechanism of this influence deserves further studies.  相似文献   

为完成复杂平面样板的测量,提出了一种循环单纯形边缘特征提取及种子填充的数字图像处理技术,解决了复杂平面样板相位复原的问题;应用波长合成技术和小数重合法在相位偏移干涉系统中实现了阶跃型边界平面样板的干涉级次整数部分及小数的测量。在实验中对两种阶跃型平面样板测量的重复性达到了10nm,将其测量结果和三维纳米测量机的测量结果进行了比较,两种仪器测量数据最大偏差8 nm。分析了实验数据的可靠性以及两种测量仪器的优缺点,为复杂平面样板的测量提供了一种新的思路。  相似文献   

本文采用有限体积Galerkin法和非结构网格数值求解了跨声速三维Euler方程,通量的求解采用VanLeer-阶逆风矢能量发裂方式,并通过外插使其上升为二阶精度,分别采用了显式及隐式两种格式求解。  相似文献   

Small-scale roughness elements or imperfections are inevitable over the surface of a flight vehicle. The aerodynamics of these small-scale structures is difficult to predict but may play an important role in the design of a flight vehicle at high speed. The forward-facing step is a typical type of roughness element. Many experiments have been conducted to study the aerodynamics of supersonic forward-facing step, especially with a step height larger than boundary layer thickness. However, few studies focus on small steps. To improve the understanding of small-scale forward-facing step flow, we perform a series of simulations to analyze its aerodynamic influence on a Mach number 5 turbulent boundary layer. The general flow structures are analyzed and discussed. Several shock waves can be induced by the step even if the step height is much smaller than the boundary layer thickness. Two significant shocks are the separation shock and the reattachment shock. The influenced area by the step is limited. With the increase of the step height, the non-dimensional influence area decreases and gradually converges when the step height reaches the boundary layer thickness. There are two normalized distributions of the skin friction coefficient and pressure coefficient associated with step height. By using the normalized parameters, a power-law relationship between the step height and the drag increment coefficient is revealed and fits the simulation results well. It is further illustrated that this relationship still holds when changing the inlet angle of attack, but needs slight modification with the angle of attack.  相似文献   

为了校正窄角扇束工业CT扫描重建的固体火箭发动机图像中的条状伪影,分析了条状伪影的产生原因.针对条状伪影是由重排和数据对齐后固体火箭发动机投影数据的非光滑连续性引起的,提出了条状伪影校正的两种算法.两种算法均以中间平移步数的投影数据为基准进行投影数据的重排,一种将重排和数据对齐过程分开处理;另一种将重排和数据对齐过程合并处理.为了验证两种条状伪影校正算法的有效性,采用窄角扇束工业CT对某型固体火箭发动机进行3种不同扫描步长的扫描和重建.结果表明重排和数据对齐过程分开处理的校正算法只有在小步长扫描的情况下重建效果较好,条状伪影较少;而重排和数据对齐过程合并处理的校正算法在3种不同的扫描步长下图像重建质量均较好,条状伪影较少.   相似文献   

本文尝试用瞬态实验方法, 在卢德威格风洞实验台上, 对小台阶高度 (H=4.0mm)的前台阶二维流场进行传热实验研究, 测定了当雷诺数为 11800至32200时的流场内热流通量和努谢尔特数的变化规律以及努谢尔特数随雷诺数变化的准则关系式。实验结果是令人满意的。   相似文献   

Deployable high-frequency mesh reflector antennas for future communications and obser- vations are required to obtain high gain and high directivity. In order to support these new missions, reflectors with high surface accuracy are widely required. The form-finding analysis of deployable mesh reflector antennas becomes more vital which aims to determine the initial surface profile formed by the equilibrium prestress distribution in cables to satisfy the surface accuracy requirement. In this paper, two form-finding methods for mesh reflector antennas, both of which include two steps, are pro- posed. The first step is to investigate the prestress design only for the cable net structure as the circum- ferential nodes connected to the supporting truss are assumed fixed. The second step is to optimize the prestress distribution of the boundary cables connected directly to the supporting truss considering the elastic deformation of the antenna structure. Some numerical examples are carried out and the simulation results demonstrate the proposed form-finding methods can warrant the deformed antenna reflector surface matches the one by design and the cable tension forces fall in a specified range.  相似文献   

航空发动机解耦控制器设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
李秋红  孙健国 《航空学报》2006,27(6):1046-1050
提出了一种基于输出拟形的解耦控制器设计方法。设计过程中针对某型涡扇发动机双变量控制系统,首先选取2个理想的一阶环节形成2个独立控制回路,以其在各通路单独阶跃下的无耦合响应为拟形目标。以LQR控制器设计为例,采用遗传算法(GA)来优化LQR控制器的加权矩阵Q和R,使闭环控制系统在各控制回路单独阶跃下的输出与目标相一致,从而达到解耦的目的。通过优化算法,设计出的LQR控制器取得了良好的动、静态解耦效果。  相似文献   

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