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远地时钟比对是利用不同实验室的原子钟建立综合原子时尺度的必要条件,因而实现远地时钟比对的高精度时间传递技术的噪声水平,成为影响原子时性能的主要因素之一。本文主要研究了基于EMD的低通滤波方法,及其在远地时钟比对数据消噪中的应用,并将该方法与Vondrak平滑方法进行比较。结果表明:基于EMD的低通滤波结果明显优于Vondrak平滑结果。  相似文献   

本文回顾了半个世纪以来时间同步方法的进展。近期,激光新技术已开始在时间同步工作中应用,并将与卫星技术相结合,有希望成为一种具有毫微秒准确度、全球时间同步的新手段。文中还叙述了激光时间比对的原理。介绍上海天文台已建立的激光测距装置的工作原理以及计划进行的地面激光时间比对实验。最后提出了在我国开展这方面研究工作和推广应用的初步设想。  相似文献   

远地时钟比对是利用不同实验室的原子钟建立综合原子时尺度的必要条件,因而实现远地时钟比对的高精度时间传递技术的噪声水平,成为影响原子时性能的主要因素之一。本文主要研究了基于EMD的低通滤波方法,及其在远地时钟比对数据消噪中的应用,并将该方法与Vondrak平滑方法进行比较。结果表明:基于EMD的低通滤波结果明显优于Vondrak平滑结果。  相似文献   

介绍了北斗/GNSS精密时间频率量值传递技术及其应用研究进展,通过对北斗共视比对技术的研究,设计出利用北斗共视与国家授时中心GNSS CV精密时间服务系统进行比对,从而实现用户与标准时间UTC的溯源完成基于GNSS CV技术的时间频率计量服务系统设计,创新性地提出提高北斗共视比对技术以及研制多模多频GNSS CV量值传递设备的研究方向。  相似文献   

随着北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)的发展与完善,基于BDS的时间传递应用需求越来越迫切。简要介绍了为开展北斗时间传递研究自研的多通道多频GPS/BDS时间传递接收机BM1308-52。接收机可同时接收GPS、BDS的码信息和载波相位信息,输出GPS、BDS的CGGTTS标准共视文件和Rinex观测文件,观测时间、处理方法及数据输出格式符合国际规范。最后,利用实测数据测试了BM1308-52的性能,测试结果表明,GPS单向时间比对和零基线共视比对不确定度优于2ns,BD单向时间比对不确定度优于3ns,与国际水平相当。BM1308-52的系统稳定可靠,观测精度高,可以更好地为时间频率传递服务。  相似文献   

随着北斗卫星导航系统(BDS)的发展与完善,基于BDS的时间传递应用需求越来越迫切。简要介绍了为开展北斗时间传递研究自研的多通道多频GPS/BDS时间传递接收机BM1308-52。接收机可同时接收GPS、BDS的码信息和载波相位信息,输出GPS、BDS的CGGTTS标准共视文件和Rinex观测文件,观测时间、处理方法及数据输出格式符合国际规范。最后,利用实测数据测试了BM1308-52的性能,测试结果表明,GPS单向时间比对和零基线共视比对不确定度优于2ns,BD单向时间比对不确定度优于3ns,与国际水平相当。BM1308-52的系统稳定可靠,观测精度高,可以更好地为时间频率传递服务。  相似文献   

<正>日前,中国计量科学研究院首次利用自主研制的"北斗时间频率传递装置",在超过8200千米的欧亚链路和约1000千米的欧洲内部链路,实现了时间和频率传递。"时间频率传递可以理解为比对两端的时间,实验证明,利用北斗系统传递时间频率,其稳定度、准确度与全球定位系统(GPS)相当。"中国计量科学研究院时间频率所副研究员梁坤介绍说。事实上,高性能的时间频率传递在国民经济建设和许多高新技术产业中发  相似文献   

星地精密激光时间比对具有精度高、系统误差少等优点,因此利用星地精密激光时间比对,不但可以对无线电时间比对进行外部精度检验,而且可以检验并分离无线电伪距测量的系统误差,分析检测设备时延的不稳定性和卫星钟的中短期性能指标,提高卫星钟差的预报精度。  相似文献   

介绍了利用激光测距技术进行时间同步的各种可行方法,包括地面同步系统和卫星同步系统。还介绍了如何利用搬运钟测量激光时间同步精度及测量结果如何评定。  相似文献   

氢钟因其良好的低噪声特性,被广泛应用于高精度时间/ 频率测量和比对。对于物理信号噪声特性要求较高的时间实验室,氢钟已经成为守时钟组不可或缺的频率源。然而由于物理结构和工作方式等多方面的原因,氢钟具有明显的频率漂移特性,此外氢钟的价格较铯钟更为昂贵,因此氢钟的数量成为守时钟组配置中急需解决的核心问题。本文首先分析了氢钟在守时钟组配置中的必要性,然后通过建立守时钟组优化配置数学模型,利用多个时间实验室的原子钟数据资料,采用统计学的方法,提出守时钟组的多种配置方式。并通过分析比较不同配置方式下的守时钟组性能,提出稳定度一定的条件下,中小型时间实验室的守时钟组最优配置方案。  相似文献   

The Time Transfer by Laser Link (T2L2) is a very high resolution time transfer technique based on the recording of arrival times of laser pulses at the satellite. T2L2 was designed to achieve time stability in the range of 1 ps over 1000 s and an accuracy better than 100 ps. The project is in operation onboard the Jason-2 satellite since June 2008. The principle is based on the Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) technology; it uses the input of 20–25 SLR stations of the international laser network which participate in the tracking. This paper focuses on the data reduction process which was developed specifically to transform the raw information given by both space instrument and ground network: first to identify the triplets (ground and onboard epochs and time of flight of the laser pulse), second to estimate a usable product in terms of ground-to-space time transfer (including instrumental corrections), and thirdly to produce synchronization between any pair of remote ground clocks. In describing the validation of time synchronizations, the paper opens a way for monitoring the time difference between ultra-stable clocks thanks to a laser link at a few ps level for Common View passes. It highlights however that without accurately characterizing the onboard oscillator of Jason-2 and knowing the unavailability of time calibrations of SLR stations generally, time transfer over intercontinental distances remain difficult to be accurately estimated.  相似文献   

High-precision time synchronization between satellites and ground stations plays the vital role in satellite navigation system. Laser time transfer (LTT) technology is widely recognized as the highest accuracy way to achieve time synchronization derived from satellite laser ranging (SLR) technology. Onboard LTT payload has been designed and developed by Shanghai Astronomical Observatory, and successfully applied to Chinese Beidou navigation satellites. By using the SLR system, with strictly controlling laser firing time and developing LTT data processing system on ground, the high precise onboard laser time transfer experiment has been first performed for satellite navigation system in the world. The clock difference and relative frequency difference between the ground hydrogen maser and space rubidium clocks have been obtained, with the precision of approximately 300 ps and relative frequency stability of 10E−14. This article describes the development of onboard LTT payload, introduces the principle, system composition, applications and LTT measuring results for Chinese satellite navigation system.  相似文献   

A method for monitoring atomic clocks on board Global Navigation Satellites System (GNSS) satellites is described to address the issue of clock related signal integrity in safety–critical applications of GNSS. The carrier-phase time transfer is employed in the clock monitoring method which enables tight tracking of the satellite onboard clocks and thus improves detectability of clock anomalies. Detecting onboard clock anomalies requires the ability to monitor clocks in real time, and a Kalman filter can then be utilized to estimate the phase offsets between the satellite clocks and ground clocks. This study, using the difference between the measured and predicted phase offset as a test statistic, sets a threshold for clock anomalies based on the prediction interval approach. Finally the validity of the monitoring method is examined by processing a set of real GNSS data that includes two recent incidents of clock anomalies in GNSS satellites.  相似文献   

北斗长河组合导航伪时差测量与ASF修正   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3  
通过时间比对手段把长河二号和北斗一号两个导航系统的原子钟组成一个参考时间尺度,测量导航信号由天线发出时刻相对于同一参考时间尺度的时差改正数,通过卫星微波或地面长波信号把改正数发送给用户接收机,经解调解码,就可以进行北斗长河组合导航的伪时差测量,从而解算接收机的位置和钟差。用模式计算和实测相结合的方法解决长河信号的传播的ASF改正问题,是提高组合导航定位准确度的有效手段。  相似文献   

多通道GPS共视法时频传递接收机的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GPS共视法是国际上流行的远距离时间频率传递技术,核心是共视法接收机。我们成功研制了多通道GPS共视法时频传递接收机系统,硬件部分主要由自主研制的高精度时间间隔计数器和Motorola生产的VPONCORE GPS引擎组成,软件符合时间频率咨询委员会(CCTF)发布的GPS共视法数据处理软件标准化指南的要求,与单通道GPS定时接收机相比,界面更友好,操作更方便,具有很强的分析处理数据功能。经测试证明多通道GPS接收机零基线共钟共视时间比对的不确定度小于4 ns(仰角40°),与国外报道基本相同。  相似文献   

Precise satellite orbit and clocks are essential for providing high accuracy real-time PPP (Precise Point Positioning) service. However, by treating the predicted orbits as fixed, the orbital errors may be partially assimilated by the estimated satellite clock and hence impact the positioning solutions. This paper presents the impact analysis of errors in radial and tangential orbital components on the estimation of satellite clocks and PPP through theoretical study and experimental evaluation. The relationship between the compensation of the orbital errors by the satellite clocks and the satellite-station geometry is discussed in details. Based on the satellite clocks estimated with regional station networks of different sizes (∼100, ∼300, ∼500 and ∼700 km in radius), results indicated that the orbital errors compensated by the satellite clock estimates reduce as the size of the network increases. An interesting regional PPP mode based on the broadcast ephemeris and the corresponding estimated satellite clocks is proposed and evaluated through the numerical study. The impact of orbital errors in the broadcast ephemeris has shown to be negligible for PPP users in a regional network of a radius of ∼300 km, with positioning RMS of about 1.4, 1.4 and 3.7 cm for east, north and up component in the post-mission kinematic mode, comparable with 1.3, 1.3 and 3.6 cm using the precise orbits and the corresponding estimated clocks. Compared with the DGPS and RTK positioning, only the estimated satellite clocks are needed to be disseminated to PPP users for this approach. It can significantly alleviate the communication burdens and therefore can be beneficial to the real time applications.  相似文献   

Over 60% clocks on board of the GPS satellites are working longer than their designed life. Therefore realizing their stabilities in a long time scales is essential to GPS navigation and positioning plus IGS time scale maintaining. IGS clock products from 2001 to 2010 are used to analyze the GPS satellite clock qualities such as frequency stabilities and clock noise level. We find out that for the clocks of Block IIA satellites the frequency stabilities and clock noise are 10 times worse than that of the Block IIR and IIR-M satellites. Moreover, the linear relationships between frequency stabilities and clock residuals have been deduced with an accuracy of better than 0.02 ns. Specially, it is noticed that the clock of the PRN27 is instable and the relationship between the frequency stability and residuals is at least a quadratic curve. Therefore, we suggested that GPS satellite clocks should be weighted by their quality levels in application, and the observations of the Block IIA should not be used for real-time positioning which required precision better than one meter.  相似文献   

原子钟的测量噪声会被引入到频率稳定度评估过程,尤其是对中短期频率稳定度的影响更大。重叠Allan方差可以克服调频闪变噪声和调频随机游走噪声随时间变化出现的非平稳问题,但由于受到测量噪声的影响,评估结果仍会出现误差。为此,本文通过对原子钟的数学模型和噪声特性进行分析,提出了原子钟频率稳定度评估的加窗平滑噪声处理方法,通过对时差观测序列合理的加窗设计和平滑处理,抑制测量噪声对评估结果的影响。实验结果表明,利用铷钟观测序列的100点平滑可以有效地提高短期频率稳定度结果(100~1 000)s的可信度。  相似文献   

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