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针对太极空间引力波探测任务,建立了太阳系天体引力摄动对日心编队构型影响的数学模型,利用仿真手段分析了太阳系中行星和月球、矮行星和小行星引力摄动对空间引力波探测日心编队构型的影响,提出了一种综合考虑小行星到卫星轨道距离和星等的二重筛选方法,能够快速估计小行星相对加速度的上界.分析了日心编队构型卫星初始相位角变化对太阳系天体引力摄动的影响.仿真结果表明,在行星和月球中,地球、金星和木星引力对空间引力波探测编队构型影响较大,行星和月球的引力叠加影响达到-2.78×10-11km·-2.矮行星的引力叠加影响不大于1.25×10-17km·-2,小行星引力的叠加影响不大于1.1180×10-15km·-2.另外,编队卫星受到的太阳系天体引力摄动对编队构型卫星初始相位角的变化不敏感.   相似文献   

旋转大气下火星探测器轨道捕获   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对大气辅助捕获下多次穿越的方式,分别建立探测器气动捕获段在静止大气和旋转大气模型下的轨道动力学方程并进行相应的动力学仿真,分析旋转大气对轨道捕获的影响.根据仿真结果,给出了在两种大气模型下完成目标捕获时,任务耗时以及探测器所受的热量、过载情况,通过给定不同目标轨道近火点高度,得出两种大气模型下卫星轨道的轨道参数变化形式.结论表明:当目标轨道近火点高度较低时,旋转大气对探测器轨道参数的变化形式影响较大,应该考虑旋转大气的影响.  相似文献   

针对大气辅助捕获下多次穿越的方式,分别建立探测器气动捕获段在静止大气和旋转大气模型下的轨道动力学方程并进行相应的动力学仿真,分析旋转大气对轨道捕获的影响.根据仿真结果,给出了在两种大气模型下完成目标捕获时,任务耗时以及探测器所受的热量、过载情况,通过给定不同目标轨道近火点高度,得出两种大气模型下卫星轨道的轨道参数变化形式.结论表明:当目标轨道近火点高度较低时,旋转大气对探测器轨道参数的变化形式影响较大,应该考虑旋转大气的影响.  相似文献   

太阳同步(准)回归轨道卫星的轨道保持方法研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文中使用解析方法对太阳同步 (准 )回归轨道卫星动力学特性进行了研究 ,分析了非球摄动、大气阻力摄动和太阳引力谐振等主要摄动因素对太阳同步 (准 )回归轨道卫星的影响 ,并以此为依据对太阳同步 (准 )回归轨道卫星的轨道保持方法进行了探讨。定量分析结果表明 ,该方法切实可行 ,可以为轨道设计和轨道控制研究工作提供参考。  相似文献   

基于摄动轨道的卫星自主天文导航仿真研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
针对星光折射间接敏感地平的卫星自主天文导航方法 ,利用推广的卡尔曼滤波方法进行仿真研究。为了准确建立运动模型 ,在系统方程中引入了非球形地球引力中的二阶带谐项 ;在考虑具有指数密度的球状分层大气的基础上 ,建立了以星光视高度为观测量的量测方程。在建立了推广的卡尔曼滤波方程后 ,文章进行了计算机仿真 ,并对仿真结果进行了详细的误差分析 ,结果表明基于摄动轨道的星光折射间接敏感地平的卫星自主天文导航方法能取得较高的导航精度  相似文献   

严格回归轨道的设计基于高阶次的地球非球形引力场模型,属于太阳同步回归、冻结轨道,回归周期始末的地固系空间轨迹高度重合.卫星在轨的自主管道导航以地面设计的严格回归轨道作为参考轨道,卫星与参考轨道形成一个虚拟编队.严格回归轨道的设计未考虑大气阻力,卫星在轨由于大气阻力导致的轨道衰减可由自主定轨与参考轨道的偏差进行估算.为了实现参考轨道的重复使用,严格回归轨道的设计也未考虑历元相关的日月三体引力等摄动影响,轨道倾角的长期运动和周期运动规律需要结合在轨数据进行辨识.本文应用陆探一号的在轨遥测数据,对上述轨道运动特性进行了分析.  相似文献   

惜别“卡西尼”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正"卡西尼-惠更斯"(Cassini-Huygens)探测器为土星而生。作为一名伟大的星际旅行者,历经7年多次行星借力成功抵达土星,向土卫六释放了"惠更斯"着陆器,完成了主任务和两次扩展任务,获得了大量科学发现,为人类展现了宇宙之奇美。在土星轨道上兢兢业业工作13年后,"卡西尼"轨道器已步入风烛残年。为避免与土卫二、土卫六等带有生命迹象的土星卫星发生碰撞造成污染,"卡西尼"于2017年9月15日扑进土星的怀抱,把自己的全部奉献给了追随一生的土星。在生命最后时刻,"卡西尼"仍发回极具价值的科学数据,以  相似文献   

我不想在旅游旺季去人山人海的火星和金星凑热闹,就选择了土卫六作为太空度假韵目的地。土卫六像行星一样呈圆形。像行星一样拥有大气层,却又不是行星。它是土星众多的卫星中最大的一颗。首先,它拥有绝佳的视野!放眼望去,映入眼帘的是光环围绕的美丽土星。  相似文献   

欧空局(ESA)已选定8台搭载在“海更斯"土卫六探测器上的任务仪器,其中美国3台,欧洲5台(详情见表)。“海更斯”探测器将搭载在美航宇局(NASA)卡西尼土星探测器上,是一个进入土卫六的舱段。该舱重192.3公斤,直径3.1米,伞形结构。它进入具有大气的土卫六后,可获得不同高度下的大气组成、气压、风速等数据。土卫六是太阳系中最大的卫星,四周存在甲烷大气。以前曾指出土卫六上可能有生命存在,但NASA以往的探测都因厚云层阻挡而使观测  相似文献   

欧空局(ESA)已确定将探测土星的卫星土卫六(Titan)的卡西尼(Cassini)计划作为ESA的下一步空间科学计划。美国航宇局(NASA)负责研制土星轨道器Cassini并提供发射服务,ESA研制探测器。据估计,NASA将为这项计划投资约8亿美元,ESA投资2.884亿美元。 Cassini计划在2000年10月到达土星。探测器从Cassini释放后,在土卫六上空180公里时,将速度降到每秒266米,然后用降落伞进一步减速。约2~3小时,探测器穿过土卫六大气(氮气)层到达其表面。据认为,土卫六表面覆盖着液态乙烷和甲烷。探测器下降过程中发出的信号将由轨道器中继到地球。这次参与竞争ESA新的空间科学探测  相似文献   

一组新的绳系卫星系统广义坐标   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用一组新的六维广义坐标,在一个统一的力学系统中,研究在外摄动力(地球非球形引力与大气阻力等)及系绳拉力的作用下,绳系系统质心在惯性空间的轨道运动,以及该系统相对于质心的相对运动。系绳模拟为具有质量的弹性连续体,系绳两端的空间飞行器假设为点质量。下列变量取为力学系统的广义坐标:系统质心的向径、赤经、赤纬,主星与子星之间的距离,以及系绳相对于系统质心子午面的两个欧拉角。经典的质心轨道根数,以及系绳在质心轨道面内与轨道面外的摆动角,均可由上述六个广义坐标及其广义速度确定。  相似文献   

Conditions appropriate to gas-surface interactions on satellite surfaces in orbit have not been successfully duplicated in the laboratory. However, measurements by pressure gauges and mass spectrometers in orbit have revealed enough of the basic physical chemistry that realistic theoretical models of the gas-surface interaction can now be used to calculate physical drag coefficients. The dependence of these drag coefficients on conditions in space can be inferred by comparing the physical drag coefficient of a satellite with a drag coefficient fitted to its observed orbital decay. This study takes advantage of recent data on spheres and attitude stabilized satellites to compare physical drag coefficients with the histories of the orbital decay of several satellites during the recent sunspot maximum. The orbital decay was obtained by fitting, in a least squares sense, the semi-major axis decay inferred from the historical two-line elements acquired by the US Space Surveillance Network. All the principal orbital perturbations were included, namely geopotential harmonics up to the 16th degree and order, third body attraction of the Moon and the Sun, direct solar radiation pressure (with eclipses), and aerodynamic drag, using the Jacchia-Bowman 2006 (JB2006) model to describe the atmospheric density. After adjusting for density model bias, a comparison of the fitted drag coefficient with the physical drag coefficient has yielded values for the energy accommodation coefficient as well as for the physical drag coefficient as a function of altitude during solar maximum conditions. The results are consistent with the altitude and solar cycle variation of atomic oxygen, which is known to be adsorbed on satellite surfaces, affecting both the energy accommodation and angular distribution of the reemitted molecules.  相似文献   

It is estimated that more than 22,300 human-made objects are in orbit around the Earth, with a total mass above 8,400,000 kg. Around 89% of these objects are non-operational and without control, which makes them to be considered orbital debris. These numbers consider only objects with dimensions larger than 10 cm. Besides those numbers, there are also about 2000 operational satellites in orbit nowadays. The space debris represents a hazard to operational satellites and to the space operations. A major concern is that this number is growing, due to new launches and particles generated by collisions. Another important point is that the development of CubeSats has increased exponentially in the last years, increasing the number of objects in space, mainly in the Low Earth Orbits (LEO). Due to the short operational time, CubeSats boost the debris population. One of the requirements for space debris mitigation in LEO is the limitation of the orbital lifetime of the satellites, which needs to be lower than 25 years. However, there are space debris with longer estimated decay time. In LEÓs, the influence of the atmospheric drag is the main orbital perturbation, and is used in maneuvers to increment the losses in the satellite orbital energy, to locate satellites in constellations and to accelerate the decay.The goal of the present research is to study the influence of aerodynamic rotational maneuver in the CubeSat?s orbital lifetime. The rotational axis is orthogonal to the orbital plane of the CubeSat, which generates variations in the ballistic coefficient along the trajectory. The maneuver is proposed to accelerate the decay and to mitigate orbital debris generated by non-operational CubeSats. The panel method is selected to determine the drag coefficient as a function of the flow incident angle and the spinning rate. The pressure distribution is integrated from the satellite faces at hypersonic rarefied flow to calculate the drag coefficient. The mathematical model considers the gravitational potential of the Earth and the deceleration due to drag. To analyze the effects of the rotation during the decay, multiple trajectories were propagated, comparing the results obtained assuming a constant drag coefficient with trajectories where the drag coefficient changes periodically. The initial perigees selected were lower than 400 km of altitude with eccentricities ranging from 0.00 to 0.02. Six values for the angular velocity were applied in the maneuver. The technique of rotating the spacecraft is an interesting solution to increase the orbit decay of a CubeSat without implementing additional de-orbit devices. Significant changes in the decay time are presented due to the increase of the mean drag coefficient calculated by the panel method, when the maneuver is applied, reducing the orbital lifetime, however the results are independent of the angular velocity of the satellite.  相似文献   

Measurements of radio waves that have propagated through planetary atmospheres have provided exploratory results on atmospheric constituents, structure, dynamics, and ionization for Venus, Mars, Titan, Jupiter, Saturn, and Uranus. Highlights of past results are reviewed in order to define and illustrate the potential of occultation and related radio studies in future planetary missions.  相似文献   

利用气动力的大气制动过程中近心点高度控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对大气制动轨道转移过程中出现的近心点下降问题,给出了一种利用气动力实现近心点高度控制的方法.设计了以倾侧角为控制变量的大气内飞行控制律,并参考相关星际探测任务进行了仿真验证.通过改变倾侧角调整气动力在高度方向上的分量来实现对制动轨道近心点高度的控制,并根据当前近心点高度与预定近心点高度自动调整反馈增益.在整个大气制动过程中本方法无需燃料消耗即可有效地限制近心点下降并最终减少下降量,同时使飞行过程中的最大动压和最大热流密度逐渐降低,保证了航天器的安全.   相似文献   

针对采用微小推力进行轨道机动的小卫星,考虑复杂摄动力的基础设计了一种高精度轨道外推和推力在轨标定算法.首先,建立了考虑地球复杂摄动力和微小推力的小卫星轨道动力学模型;然后基于动力学模型,利用变步长龙格库塔算法,设计了对微小推力小卫星进行高精度轨道外推的方法.随后通过无迹卡尔曼滤波器(UKF),设计在轨标定算法,对存在误...  相似文献   

Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) recently obtained coordinated lower-atmosphere (thermal and dust) measurements and simultaneous upper atmosphere accelerometer data (densities, scale heights and temperatures) for the purpose of safely aerobraking the spacecraft toward its mapping orbit (Keating et al. 1998). Much useful scientific information was also gleaned that describes the coupling of these atmospheric regions during this Phase I aerobraking period (September 1997–March 1998; Ls = 184–300). The major features of this aerobraking data are presented, and its trends elucidated in order to: (1) illustrate the aerobraking environment experienced by the spacecraft, and (2) decompose the processes responsible for the atmospheric variations observed. Coupled general circulation models of the Mars lower and upper atmospheres are exercised to investigate the solar-orbital, seasonal, wave, and dust variations observed during MGS aerobraking. The precession of the MGS periapsis position during Phase I permits longitudinal, latitudinal, local time, and vertical variations of the thermosphere to be monitored. Future aerobraking activities at Mars will benefit greatly from this MGS aerobraking data and its model interpretation.  相似文献   

The science community has continued to be interested in planetary entry probes, aerocapture, and sample return missions to improve our understanding of the Solar System. As in the case of the Galileo entry probe, such missions are critical to the understanding not only of the individual planets, but also to further knowledge regarding the formation of the Solar System. It is believed that Saturn probes to depths corresponding to 10 bars will be sufficient to provide the desired data on its atmospheric composition. An aerocapture mission would enable delivery of a satellite to provide insight into how gravitational forces cause dynamic changes in Saturn’s ring structure that are akin to the evolution of protoplanetary accretion disks. Heating rates for the “shallow” Saturn probes, Saturn aerocapture, and sample Earth return missions with higher re-entry speeds (13–15 km/s) from Mars, Venus, comets, and asteroids are in the range of 1–6 KW/cm2. New, mid-density thermal protection system (TPS) materials for such probes can be mission enabling for mass efficiency and also for use on smaller vehicles enabled by advancements in scientific instrumentation. Past consideration of new Jovian multiprobe missions has been considered problematic without the Giant Planet arcjet facility that was used to qualify carbon phenolic for the Galileo probe. This paper describes emerging TPS technologies and the proposed use of an affordable, small 5 MW arcjet that can be used for TPS development, in test gases appropriate for future planetary probe and aerocapture applications. Emerging TPS technologies of interest include new versions of the Apollo Avcoat material and a densified variant of Phenolic Impregnated Carbon Ablator (PICA). Application of these and other TPS materials and the use of other facilities for development and qualification of TPS for Saturn, Titan, and Sample Return missions of the Stardust class with entry speeds from 6.0 to 28.6 km/s are discussed.  相似文献   

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