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多波束相控阵天线是一种利用波束形成网络,同时实现多个独立的高增益波束的多波束天线,具有高灵活性和宽角度扫描等优点,是低轨通信卫星系统的核心载荷之一。旨在针对应用于低轨星座的星载多波束相控阵天线进行归纳和分析。对低轨星座多波束相控阵天线的发展历程、波束形成技术、关键技术进行了介绍,并对低轨星座多波束相控阵天线的未来发展趋势进行了分析,为我国未来低轨卫星星座建设提供技术参考。  相似文献   

为提高对中低纬度带特定区域的时间分辨率,对雷达卫星可选择低倾角地面轨迹重复轨道进行了研究。定义了地面轨迹重复轨道,考虑因地球带谐项摄动地方时存在周期性变化,结合轨道和载荷特点,提出了针对特定区域多星组网、轨道面均分、合理设置纬度幅度使地面轨迹一致,实现互补最大重访时间盲区的组网设计方法。给出了以福州为目标区域的雷达卫星轨道及组网设计,分析了其覆盖能力和重访特性。仿真表明:采用低倾角地面轨迹重复轨道具备对特定区域每天连续4~5轨的覆盖能力,通过3颗卫星组网,最大重访时间即可缩短至2h内,可较好地适于雷达卫星对特定区域成像侦察任务。  相似文献   

<正>通信卫星产业由通信卫星制造、发射、应用与服务构成,是世界商业航天最重要的收入来源,通信卫星产业的发展反映着世界商业航天发展的动向和趋势。近年来,低成本进入空间和低成本卫星宽带服务是通信卫星产业前端能力建设的重点。以高通量、低延时为代表的低轨移动通信卫星技术逐步向前推进,以大数据、人工智能为代表的互联网技术成为卫星通信服务业应用创新和新兴市场开拓的重要手段。与此同时,卫星通信与地面通信解决方案加速融合,构建更灵活的通信连接能力和提供更有针对性的增值服务成为通信卫星产业实现规模化发展的方向。  相似文献   

随着传统产业升级和新兴技术的发展,社会生产和生活对分米级、厘米级的实时精准定位需求日益凸显。低轨卫星轨道高度低、信号强度大、短时间内几何构型变化快,因此应用低轨卫星开展导航增强服务成为研究热点。低轨卫星的增强服务性能依赖于星座的快速组网和设计,低轨卫星星座构型、轨道高度、轨道倾角等是影响其覆盖性能和增强性能的关键因素。全面分析了低轨星座设计的关键要素,包括轨道高度、轨道倾角和单星覆盖性、地面人口密度、空间环境等,在此基础上设计了单构型和复合构型低轨导航增强星座,并进一步分析低轨星座的覆盖性能。结果显示:复合低轨导航增强星座可以实现对全球的连续覆盖,同时满足极地高密度覆盖和低纬度的连续覆盖需求,对北斗导航系统的增强效果明显。  相似文献   

正本文介绍了低轨通信卫星星座的发展概述以及低轨通信卫星星座研制生产面临的挑战,并从组织模式、卫星制造策略、成本管理等多角度对国外低轨通信卫星星座研制采取的有效措施进行了剖析,以期为国内相关星座的建设提供借鉴参考。  相似文献   

随着自动驾驶、精密农业等领域的发展,各领域对高精度导航定位的需求不断增加。在地基增强技术、高轨星基增强技术和传统非差精密单点定位技术的基础上,提出了一种基于低轨卫星增强的非差高精度导航定位技术,研制了基于低轨导航增强技术的低轨导航增强载荷,开发了基于低轨卫星增强的地面自适应卡尔曼滤波非差高精度定位软件,并进行了全球首次基于低轨卫星的信号信息一体化导航增强在轨试验。试验表明:经低轨卫星增强后,地面终端用户定位精度优于30 cm。最后,给出了该技术的后续研究方向,为未来低轨导航增强系统与其他增强系统协同工作,实现广泛应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

<正>近年来,由小卫星或纳卫星组网的遥感星座呈现井喷趋势,"高景"一号星座组网成功、"高分"一号星座组网成功、"长光"一号星座顺利组网,以及"深圳"一号卫星等一批新型星座启动建设。据统计,我国在2030年前规划中的低轨遥感星座卫星总数超过800颗。国外已经有一些关于低轨星座的成功运营案例,如行星(Planet)公司构建了目前具有全球高分辨率、高频次、全覆盖能力的遥感卫星系统。低轨遥感星座目前正在以低成本、近实时、广覆盖、高分辨率、快速获取的方式,提供全球空间大数据,引领数字地球由观测时代进入实时地球新时代。  相似文献   

高通量卫星(HTS)系统是当前通信卫星的发展方向,以高频率复用和多个小点波束为特征,能为用户提供高的信道容量和高质量的服务,主要工作在Ka频段。而国际通信卫星公司(Intelsat)的史诗(Epic)卫星平台,在C、Ku和Ka频段实现高通量技术,是Intelsat下一代高性能的卫星平台。介绍了Epic的系统构成、发展现状,尤其是其先进的数字载荷技术,分析了HTS的发展趋势,为相关载荷研制提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

<正>日本通信卫星运营商天空完美日星公司5月11日宣布,同要建设低轨宽带星座的美国低轨星企业公司签订协议,将向低轨星公司的高通量低轨星座项目投资,并参与其宽带服务推销,投资额未对外公布。低轨星公司的低轨星座拟由108颗卫星组网,采用激光星间链路,号称将提供可同地面光纤系统相媲美的低延迟高通量数据通信服务。这些卫星打算在2019年开始发射。全球各大通信卫星运营商参  相似文献   

随着车联网技术的不断发展,高效的低延时且有效可行的交通控制成为车联网需要面对的主要问题.为了探究分析地区内车联网如何通过高效流量控制,利用现有资料,合理推演,分析了现有车联网通信及交通规划的优点与不足.基于现有低轨道卫星设计架构,提出了两种基于低轨道卫星的车联网地区车辆交通控制构想的方案,分别是基于低轨通信卫星透明转发的车联网实现和基于低轨通信卫星星上处理的车联网实现.经过对车联网数据的分析和估算,得出在星上透明转发的条件下,地面工作站满足每秒处理136.72MB数据的能力即可实现基于低轨道卫星透明转发的车联网交通控制.在低轨卫星星上处理的条件下,同一时空内单颗卫星每秒应处理11.39MB~13.67MB大小的数据即可实现交通控制.由此,论证了基于低轨道通信卫星车联网实现交通控制的可行性,为车联网下交通控制的发展提供了新的思路,也给未来低轨卫星的星上处理能力提出了初步需求.  相似文献   

The Space Shuttle Orbiter will be used as an orbital base for near-term space operations. Its payloads will range from compact satellites to large, flexible antennas. This paper addresses the problem of the dynamics and control of the Orbiter with a flexible payload. Two different cases are presented as examples. The first is a long, slender beam which might be used as an element in a large orbiting structure. The second is a compact satellite mounted on a spin table in the Orbiter payload bay. The closed loop limit cycles are determined for the first payload and the open loop eigenvalues are calculated for the second. Models of both payloads are mechanized in a simulation with the Shuttle on-orbit autopilot. The vehicle is put through a series of representative maneuvers and its behavior analyzed. The degree of interaction for each payload is determined and strategies are discussed for its reduction.  相似文献   

The paper analyses first the satellite growth trend in the past and the specific characteristics of communication satellites, as there are specific mass per channel and payload share vs. spacecraft mass.

With assistance of a cost model (derived from actual spacecraft cost) it is shown that larger satellites are more cost effective. The same applies to the launch cost, also showing a reduction in specific cost (per kg or per channel-year) for larger payloads.

Finally different types of communication satellites/platforms are compared (two smaller satellites, one large satellite, modular docked assemblies) for the same total communication capacity of 72 000 dual telephone channels. It is shown that for each orbital communication capacity a certain optimum spacecraft size exists which leads to minimum space segment cost.  相似文献   

The early sixties witnessed the debate among competing candidate orbits that led to the emergence of perfect geostationary systems as virtually the sole “instruments” for satellite communication. The subsequent problem of overcrowding of geostationary ring on one hand and explosive growth in demand on communication capacity on the other led comsat experts to focus on the alternate routes through various near-earth and medium attitude satellite constellations later proposed for uninterrupted communication. However, the opportunities thrown up by quasi-stationary orbits for augmentation of the space communication capacity have gone abegging. This paper attempts to draw attention of communication satellite designers/planners to the immense potential for utilization of the non-equatorial, 24-hour circular orbits for communication. For the proposed quasi-stationary orbits, the change and/or control of the inclination of the plane is not envisaged in the launch and/or operational phase. The resulting significant payload weight advantage is associated with the problem of periodic as well as secular apparent angular satellite drift relative to the ground terminal. However, the problem may be largely overcome through controlled satellite tilting using solar radiation pressure or through the use of tethered auxiliary mass attachment. Alternatively, it may be possible to overcome the attitude control problem by the use of systems such as on-bard electronically steerable phased array antenna capable of following the line-of-sight to the co-operative ground station.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a complete model for assessing the economics of telecommunications satellite systems, accounting for spacecraft development and manufacturing, launch and operations in orbit. This allows to account for such parameters as the mass and lifetime of the satellites, the number and type of payloads, the number of satellites procured and launched, the spare policy, the launch vehicle, the insurances, the satellite average MTTF and the management of the space segment efforts.

The model is divided into four parts: the spacecraft mass model, the spacecraft procurement cost model, the MTTF model and the space segment cost-effectiveness model. It provides for the rapid solution of a number of problems within a wide range of parameters such as assessing the influence on space segment economics of —certain satellite technologies, —satellite and payload mass, —number of payloads per spacecraft, —satellite lifetime, or —spare policy.  相似文献   

With rich experience of the successful Indian remote sensing satellite series, Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) has started theme-based satellites like Resourcesat and Oceansat. Further taking the advantage of the improved technologies in areas of miniaturization, the micro- and mini-satellite series have been started, which will provide opportunity for the payloads of stand-alone missions, for applications, study or research. These include payloads for Earth imaging, atmospheric monitoring, ocean monitoring, scientific applications, and stellar observation. The micro-satellites are of 100 kg class, planned with a payload of about 30 kg and 20 W power and mini-satellites of 450 kg class for payloads of 200 kg and power of 200 W. The first satellite in the micro-satellite series is an Earth imaging payload followed by the second satellite with scientific payloads with the participation of students. Further the scientific proposals for micro-satellites are under evaluation. Similarly the first two missions of mini-satellites are defined with first one carrying ocean and environment monitoring payloads followed by the Earth imaging satellite with multi-spectral camera with 700 km swath. The current paper touches upon the technology involved in realization of the micro- and mini-satellites and the scope of applications of the series.  相似文献   

微纳合成孔径雷达干涉(Synthetic Aperture Radar Interferometry, InSAR)卫星是对地定量化遥感的重要手段。开展了微纳InSAR卫星系统总体技术研究,给出了使得干涉测量覆盖范围最大的双星编队构型设计方法,建立了低燃料消耗双星轨道参数设计准则,提出高功能密度比InSAR卫星系统的设计方法,包括载荷平台一体化、卫星高集成模块化等总体设计方法,并给出了相应的设计实例。  相似文献   

针对遥感微纳卫星对地高速数传需求,开展面向微纳卫星的激光数传技术研究,突破微纳卫星激光通信终端星地快速捕获建链和协同高精度稳定跟踪、天基终端轻小型化、复合光电组件等关键技术。完成微纳卫星的天基激光终端和地面激光终端研制,并开展星地传输试验验证,实现 1 230 km、10/50/100 Mbps 的星地数据传输,验证了相关技术,为后续我国微纳卫星对地遥感应用提供了理想的星地数传手段。  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》2013,82(2):419-429
This paper describes the design and the manufacturing of a Cubesat platform based on a plastic structure.The Cubesat structure has been realized in plastic material (ABS) using a “rapid prototyping” technique. The “rapid prototyping” technique has several advantages including fast implementation, accuracy in manufacturing small parts and low cost. Moreover, concerning the construction of a small satellite, this technique is very useful thanks to the accuracy achievable in details, which are sometimes difficult and expensive to realize with the use of tools machine. The structure must be able to withstand the launch loads. For this reason, several simulations using an FEM simulation and an intensive vibration test campaign have been performed in the system development and test phase. To demonstrate that this structure is suitable for hosting a complete satellite system, offering innovative integrated solutions, other subsystems have been developed and assembled.Despite its small size, this single unit (1U) Cubesat has a system for active attitude control, a redundant telecommunication system, a payload camera and a photovoltaic system based on high efficiency solar cells.The developed communication subsystem has small dimensions, low power consumption and low cost. An example of the innovations introduced is the antenna system, which has been manufactured inside the ABS structure. The communication protocol which has been implemented, the AX.25 protocol, is mainly used by radio amateurs. The communication system has the capability to transmit both telemetry and data from the payload, in this case a microcamera.The attitude control subsystem is based on an active magnetic system with magnetorquers for detumbling and momentum dumping and three reaction wheels for fine control. It has a total dimension of about 50×50×50 mm. A microcontroller implements the detumbling control law autonomously taking data from integrated magnetometers and executes pointing maneuvers on the basis of commands received in real time from ground.The subsystems developed for this Cubesat have also been designed to be scaled up for larger satellites such as 2U or 3U Cubesats. The additional volume can be used for more complex payloads. Thus the satellite can be used as a low cost platform for companies, institutions or universities to test components in space.  相似文献   

美国对军事航天器的依赖性不断增强,也面临着航天器越来越长的研制周期和越来越高的研制成本,因此,改变军事航天器的发展策略成为当务之急。美国为提升战场实战能力正在进行发展思路的战略性调整,主要包括:拓展搭载军事有效载荷的途径;推进将大型卫星有效载荷拆分成小卫星的模式;开发分布式军事太空系统结构;对运载资源挖潜;优化商业模式实现业务拓展。对已有卫星的后续系统,进行规模改造与能力提升途径的调整,主要包括:对于军事通信卫星,扩大宽带或"超高频"(SHF)系统,突出窄带或"特高频"(UHF)系统及"先进极高频"(AEHF)系统;分步升级GPS的地面部分,将GPS-3提升为国家关键基础设施;确保导弹预警卫星系统重点。在开发新系统时,美国注重提高效能和降低成本,发展有效的支持能力和低成本小卫星系统,提高低成本机动发射和快速进入太空的能力,并以轨道资源利用为目的开拓新途径。  相似文献   

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