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空间脑科学研究   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
梅磊 《空间科学学报》1984,4(4):324-330
根据作者20多年有关载人航天的大脑研究结果,结合文献资料,强调了空间脑科学研究的重要性。总结了航天员脑功能研究的理论和技术。提出了与重力场有关的大脑演化理论和人脑功能整合中的神经对抗原理、功能态突变原理和额叶化原理。讨论了对地外文明的看法。并指出了空间脑科学试验的方向。   相似文献   

“2019全国时间频率学术会议”是由四个专业委员会联合每两年举办一次的20周年纪念会。20年来,我国原子钟事业已有长足发展,成为世界上原子钟研制与开发的大国。但总体上说,我们的工作还是以跟随为主,真正属于自主创新的较少。不改变这种局面,我们还难以成为独立自主的时间频率强国,为国家经济和国防建设作出应有贡献。本文回顾了我国原子钟研发的情况,提到一些从基础研究上属于原始创新的案例。阐述了这些案例是在简陋的实验条件下依靠对原子钟内各类实验现象进行深入的物理分析基础上出现的。同时,也指出了在比较粗糙的工艺条件下实现精细的技术指标中能工巧匠所起的特殊作用。文章也约略提到国内各单位间无私协作的崇高精神。本文将讲述一些故事,并就原子钟产业的问题表示一点看法。中国要实现“强国梦”,阻力和困难还很多很艰巨,我们必须拥有丰富的原始创新来加以克服。为此,坚韧的奋斗钻研精神和传统仍不失借鉴与继承意义。  相似文献   

阐述了空间引力波探测任务中无拖曳控制技术对推进系统的特殊要求,介绍了目前主要的备选推进类型:冷气推进、离子电推进、会切型霍尔电推进、胶体电推进。针对面向空间引力波探测任务的电推进系统的寿命评估工作进行了任务分析,报告了目前微牛级电推进系统寿命试验研究现状,举例说明了目前主要应用的电推进装置寿命预测方式,包括半经验模型预测、数值模拟预测、基于数据驱动的预测以及系统层面的可靠性评估方法。对目前微牛级电推进系统的寿命评估研究现状进行总结,给出了发展思路。  相似文献   

主要介绍了冷原子干涉的基本概念和原子干涉重力仪的发展;介绍了原子干涉的基本原理和在微重力环境下原子干涉重力仪的优势;阐述了国际上微重力环境下原子干涉重力仪的研究现状及其可能的应用。相对其他重力仪而言,原子干涉重力仪成为深空重力场测量的上佳选择,并且深空微重力环境可以有效延长原子干涉仪的干涉时间,提高仪器灵敏度。  相似文献   

通过对文献[4, 5]关于空间引力红移实验原理与精度的分析,根据爱因斯坦惯性力与引力等效的原理,提出在航天器内部,重力的大部分被惯性力抵消,因而其中的微重力比轨道重力小很多(失重).因此,应当把星载原子钟的重力势取为与微重力相当的有效重力势,而不能简单地将星载钟的重力势取为轨道重力势.另外,检验相对论红移需要将理论值与实验值进行对比,这两种数值均具有误差,而检验精度取决于误差较大者.因此,如果不提高地球重力模型(例如EGM2008)精度而只提高测量精度则不能提高检验精度.  相似文献   

强不规则天体引力场中的动力学研究进展   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
小行星探测与彗星探测是深空探测的重要方面。一般来说,小行星和彗星因质量都不足以使得万有引力克服应力达到流体静力学平衡,而具有强不规则的外形。研究强不规则天体引力场中的动力学行为及其内在机制,是探测器被不规则天体捕获并对其形成近距离探测轨道的基础。从引力场模型和动力学行为两个方面综述了强不规则天体引力场中动力学的研究进展,在引力场模型的研究方面介绍了强不规则天体引力场建模的球谐函数摄动展开模型、简单特殊体模型及多面体模型的研究现状,在动力学机制的研究方面介绍了强不规则天体引力场中的周期轨道和拟周期轨道、平衡点、流形、分岔与共振以及混沌运动的研究现状,指出了这些方面研究的重点与难点。分析了强不规则体引力场中动力学的研究趋势。  相似文献   

随着航天技术的发展,卫星的微型化对热控技术提出了挑战。可变发射率热控器件作为一种重要的航天器热控技术,对于航天器减小负载和体积,适应复杂多变的空间热环境具有重要的意义。基于热致变色技术的智能可变发射率热控器件可以根据环境温度实现智能热控,其结构简单,能最大限度地减小热控系统的体积和质量,是一种非常有潜力的航天器热控技术。概述了主动型和被动型两类可变发射率热控器件的基本原理和进展,并对钒氧化物基热致变色可变发射率热控器件的研究进展、存在问题予以了重点介绍,展望了未来航天器用可变发射率热控器件的发展趋势。  相似文献   

In some space missions especially in the field of space gravitational wave detection, the telescope needs to point to a certain target through attitude movement and pointing control. In several mainstream gravitational wave detection missions, the detector usually consists of a cluster of three identical satellites, flying in a quasi-equilateral triangular formation with a big edge length, so every satellite needs two telescopes to point each other and constitute three giant Michelson-Type interferometers. Therefore, a satellite platform system with two telescopes is researched in this paper. This research helps to characterize the attitude motion of a telescope for space astronomical observation or space gravitational wave detection, provides new method on the telescope’s high-precision pointing control. For this purpose, we derive a satellite-telescope coupling attitude model, design the sliding mode controller for satellite and the stacked recurrent neural network adaptive controller for telescope. In the stacked recurrent neural network adaptive controller design, a sliding mode control technology is adopted. In addition, we propose a combinatorial optimization method for network weights in the stacked recurrent neural network training process, that is, the output layer is corrected by the adaptive law, and the correction of other layers adopt the error backpropagation method. Finally, a numerical simulation method verifies the effectiveness of the controller design.  相似文献   

空间技术的快速发展使得利用空间卫星的编队飞行构建大型空间星座成为可能,在引力波探测、射电望远镜编队、星座组网等任务方面具有重要作用。超精度控制是实现卫星高精度编队飞行的关键技术。推进系统是实现卫星编队长期高度稳定飞行的保证,从而实现内部科学装置的正确运行。不同于常规的推进系统,卫星精密编队超精度控制对推进系统的推力可调范围、分辨率、响应时间、推力的一致性等有着极高的要求。根据卫星精密编队任务需求,对微牛级推进系统的功能及技术要求进行了分析,提出了基于M2微波离子推力器的卫星超精度控制推进系统。阐述了M2超精密微牛级推进系统的关键技术和研究进展,为后续M2推力器在无拖曳控制方面的应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

In vertebrates (including man), altered gravitational environments such as weightlessness can induce malfunctions of the inner ears, based on irregular movements of the semicircular cristae or on dislocations of the inner ear otoliths from the corresponding sensory epithelia. This will lead to illusionary tilts, since the vestibular inputs are not confirmed by the other sensory organs, which results in an intersensory conflict. Vertebrates in orbit therefore face severe orientation problems. In humans, the intersensory conflict may additionally lead to a malaise, commonly referred to as space motion sickness (SMS), a kinetosis. During the first days at weightlessness, the orientation problems (and SMS) disappear, since the brain develops a new compensatory interpretation of the available sensory data. The present review reports on the neurobiological responses--particularly of fish--observed at altered gravitational states, concerning behaviour and neuroplastic reactivities. Recent investigations employing microgravity (spaceflight, parabolic aircraft flights, clinostat) and hyper-gravity (laboratory centrifuges as ground based research tools) yielded clues and insights into the understanding of the respective basic phenomena.  相似文献   

Mei Lei 《空间科学学报》1991,11(2):118-123
The brain function is of crucial importance in space adaptation and astronaut performance. According to the theory of nonequiliblium fluctuations a new technology, ET (Elec-troencephalofluctuography [EEFG] Technology), has been developed in our laboratory for space application. Information of different attracters, especially the dominant supra-slow (S) oscillations of the brain can be abstracted from the fluctuating brain waves. Specific Sspectral lines related to neurophysiological and neuro-chemical activities have been identified and charcteristic spatial patterns have been figured out. ETanalysis has been carried out in a series of ground experiments: (1) 20 degrees head lowered suspension experiments in rabbits; (2) 2Gz hypergravity experiments in rabbits; (3) effects of antimotionsickness drugs on rabbits during suspension; (4) clincal observations on patients with brain circulation diseases. Valuable information has been collected in all these experiments, which can hardly be obtained by means of other existing techniques. The potentiality of ETapplication in space research was discussed.   相似文献   

空间站组合体惯性系内角动量管理控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对惯性系内重力梯度力矩与气动力矩的常值部分积累引起控制力矩陀螺饱和的问题,在惯性系内建立空间站的动力学模型并进行线性化,利用滤波变量将系统状态方程扩维,采用LQR方法设计系统反馈控制增益矩阵,实现空间站在惯性系内的角动量管理控制.惯性系内重力梯度力矩、气动力矩由轨道角速度整数倍的频率成份构成,可以根据实际情况增加抑制不同频率成份的滤波变量,用于抑制不同频率成份干扰力矩对空间站姿态或控制力矩陀螺角动量的干扰,从而使空间站长期在惯性系内飞行而不需要进行角动量的卸载.仿真验证了控制器的性能.  相似文献   

精密热控技术在太极一号卫星上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探测空间引力波,中国科学院提出了太极计划,其第一步是通过近地轨道卫星太极一号对核心载荷的关键技术进行验证.由于温度稳定性直接影响干涉仪测距和加速度的测量精度,太极一号卫星提出了(T±0.1)K的高精度、高稳定度温控指标.针对该指标要求设计热控方案,从热组件的选取到单机设备的应用均依照高指标进行控制.为了保证方案实施的有效性,在热设计实现过程中进行了详细的控制.热控方案采用“恒温笼”的设计思路以及三级控温方式,采取主动与被动相结合的原则,实现了在轨飞行(T±0.005)K的高稳定性温控指标.通过对高精度、高稳定度技术的应用研究发现,热控加热方案、漏热控制、控温仪单机的分辨率、测温电路、控制算法、控制精度、测温元件的测温分辨率仍然是制约高精度控温技术的重要因素.   相似文献   

中国航天器工程 40多年来经历了技术准备阶段、技术试验阶段和工程应用阶段 ,已形成了返回式遥感卫星系列 ,通信广播卫星系列 ,气象卫星系列和科学探测与技术试验卫星系列 ,而地球资源卫星系列和导航定位卫星系列也即将形成 ;至今中国已发射成功人造地球卫星 5 1颗 ,发射成功试验载人飞船 4艘 ,取得了举世瞩目的成就 ,为国民经济、国防建设、文化教育和科学研究作出了重大的贡献。进入 2 1世纪 ,根据中国航天近期和远期的发展目标 ,中国航天器工程将迎来新的辉煌  相似文献   

The effect of long-term (10 days) altered gravitational conditions upon succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) reactivity in total brains as well as in individual brain nuclei of developing cichlid fish larvae had been investigated by means of semiquantitative histochemical methods (densitometric grey value analysis). Increasing accelerations from near weightlessness (spaceflight) via 1g controls to 3g hyper gravity (centrifuge) resulted in slightly increasing "all over the brain" (total brain) SDH reactivity. When focusing on distinct neuronal integration centers within the same brains in order to find the anatomical substratum of the gross histochemical data, significant effects of altered gravity only within vestibulum related brain parts were obtained.  相似文献   

Spores of different strains of Bacillus subtilis and the Escherichia coli plasmid pUC19 were exposed to selected conditions of space (space vacuum and/or defined wavebands and intensities of solar ultraviolet radiation) in the experiment ER 161 "Exobiological Unit" of the Exobiology Radiation Assembly (ERA) on board of the European Retrievable Carrier (EURECA). After the approximately 11 months lasting mission, their responses were studied in terms of survival, mutagenesis in the his (B. subtilis) or lac locus (pUC19), induction of DNA strand breaks, efficiency of DNA repair systems, and the role of external protective agents. The data were compared with those of a simultaneously running ground control experiment. The survival of spores treated with the vacuum of space, however shielded against solar radiation, is substantially increased, if they are exposed in multilayers and/or in the presence of glucose as protective, whereas all spores in "artificial meteorites", i.e. embedded in clays or simulated Martian soil, are killed. Vacuum treatment leads to an increase of mutation frequency in spores, but not in plasmid DNA. Extraterrestrial solar ultraviolet radiation is mutagenic, induces strand breaks in the DNA and reduces survival substantially; however, even at the highest fluences, i.e. 3 x 10(8) J m-2, a small but significant fraction of spores survives the insolation. Action spectroscopy confirms results of previous space experiments of a synergistic action of space vacuum and solar UV radiation with DNA being the critical target.  相似文献   

The German Spacelab mission D-l was performed from 30 October through 6 November 1985. Payload operation in orbit was managed by DFVLR for the Federal Ministry of Research and Technology. The scientific program of the mission placed emphasis on microgravity research. In bioscience, the role of gravity in vital functions of biological systems was investigated, such as intracellular and intercellular interactions, developmental processes as well as regulation and adaptation in highly organized systems including human beings. In addition, the biological significance of cosmic radiation or altered zeitgeber within the complex matrix of all relevant spaceflight components were studied. Most of the experiments were accommodated in the following three payload elements: The Bioscience Experiment Package, and the ESA facilities Vestibular Sled and BIORACK. The information gained from the individual experiments will be compiled to help answer pending questions of space bioscience.  相似文献   

基于DCS机理的机场供油自动化系统的设计与实现   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为提高国内民用机场供油系统的自动化水平,采用DCS(Distributed Control System)的原理和方法设计并实现机场供油自动化系统.根据DCS的"分散控制,集中管理"的思想,系统在结构上划分为3级:现场设备级、直接控制级和监控管理级.概述了每一级的功能、硬件配置和软件的组成及开发.本方案已被成功地应用于多个机场供油自动化系统的建设.实际运行表明,系统稳定可靠,自动化程度高.   相似文献   

In Xenopus laevis tadpoles, we studied the static vestibuloocular reflex (rVOR) in relation to modifications of the gravitational environment to find basic mechanisms of how altered gravitational forces (AGF) affect this reflex. Animals were exposed to microgravity during space flight or hypergravity (3g) for 4 to 12 days. Basic observations were that (1)the development of the rVOR is significantly affected by altered gravitational conditions, (2) the duration of 1g-readaptation depends on the strength of the test stimulus, (3) microgravity induces malformations of the body which are related to the rVOR depression. Future studies are based on the hypotheses (1) that the vestibular nuclei play a key roll in the adaptation to AGF conditions, (2) that the stimulus transducing systems in the sense organ are affected by AGF conditions, and (3) that fertilized eggs will be converted to normal adults guided by physiological and morphological set points representing the genetic programs. Developmental retardation or acceleration, or otherwise occurring deviations from standard development during embryonic and postembryonic life will activate genes that direct the developmental processes towards normality.  相似文献   

Long-term space flight creates unique environmental conditions to which the vestibular system must adapt for optimal survival of a given organism. The development and maintenance of vestibular connections are controlled by environmental gravitational stimulation as well as genetically controlled molecular interactions. This paper describes the effects of hypergravity on axonal growth and dendritic morphology, respectively. Two aspects of this vestibular adaptation are examined: (1) How does long-term exposure to hypergravity affect the development of vestibular axons? (2) How does short-term exposure to extremely rapid changes in gravity, such as those that occur during shuttle launch and landing, affect dendrites of the vestibulocerebellar system? To study the effects of longterm exposures to altered gravity, embryonic rats that developed in hypergravity were compared to microgravity-exposed and control rats. Examination of the vestibular projections from epithelia devoted to linear and angular acceleration revealed that the terminal fields segregate differently in rat embryos that gestated in each of the gravitational environments.To study the effects of short-term exposures to altered gravity, mice were exposed briefly to strong vestibular stimuli and the vestibulocerebellum was examined for any resulting morphological changes. My data show that these stimuli cause intense vestibular excitation of cerebellar Purkinje cells, which induce up-regulation of clathrin-mediated endocytosis and other morphological changes that are comparable to those seen in long-term depression. This system provides a basis for studying how the vestibular environment can modify cerebellar function, allowing animals to adapt to new environments.  相似文献   

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