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2010年1月,空管系统严格按照交通部、民航局对春运保障工作的指示和要求。认真做好春运期间空管安全保障的准备工作,较好地完成了各项任务:并且全系统没有发生管制原因的不安全事件.继续保持了较好的安全态势。现将1月份安全运行形势通报如下:  相似文献   

近年来,空管系统各级领导高度重视空管安全工作,始终坚持“安全第一,预防为主,综合治理”的方针,坚持“抓思想、抓作风、抓纪律”的空管安全工作总体思路,不断深化空管体制改革,努力完善各项规章制度,持续推进规范化管理工作,加大空管安全管理力度,强化空管运行监督,较好地完成了各类飞行保障任务。  相似文献   

管制工作的核心就是保证飞行安全。随着我国空管事业的不断发展和飞行流量的快速增长,安全保障的难度和压力也愈来愈大,来自于人员、设备、环境、管理等各方面的不利因素随时都可能对空管运行安全造成巨大风险。要想保持空管运行安全平稳,作为管理者,就必须首先具备较强的风险分析和控制能力。因此,管制运行的过程,就其本质而言,  相似文献   

在今年3月21日召开的全国民航空管系统“党建和思想政治工作研讨会”上,民航局空管局领导强调指出:“要以推进空管文化建设为重点,构建空管安全工作的新格局”,同时指出,“继承并发扬空管系统特有的优秀安全文化,使广大一线员工成为安全文化的执行者、传播者,使所有空管干部职工成为空管安全文化的实践者、创造者。”作为突显空管行业的安全文化,是全体空管人员价值取向的核心价值观,是实现系统正常运行、空管安全的最有效的管理形式和力量。因此,如何针对基层特点,加强空管安全文化建设,是我们必须面对不断学习研究和探索发展的课题。  相似文献   

今年第一季度,空管系统坚持"安全第一、预防为主、综合治理"的方针,严格贯彻落实民航局关于安全工作的各项要求,紧密结合年初确定的工作思路和工作重点,全体干部职工面对灾害天气、飞行量持续增长、基础建设任务繁重、运行环境有待改善的压力,努力克服困难,正确处理安全与各项工作的关系,积极开展安全管理活动,  相似文献   

现场运行管理是运行安全管理的"终端末稍",是加强空管运行安全管理、提高空管保障能力的基础性工作。各种问题和隐患出现在现场运行中,改进和提高的机会来  相似文献   

2009年11月份,我国大部分地区进入冬季,出现雨雪、低云、低能见度等复杂天气,部分机场被迫关闭,给民航正常运行造成一定影响,给管制运行带来较大压力,并且全系统发生了2起管制原因的不安全事件,空管安全态势出现波动。现将11月份空管运行和安全工作情况通报如下:  相似文献   

“我们是空中航道的守护者,确保航线飞行安全,让空中航线畅通无阻是我们应尽的职责……”这是新疆空管局决策者们立下的一个永恒誓言。为了实现这一誓言,新疆空管局确定了狠抓安全管理,保障航线畅通的基本思路,以科学发展观统领全局,抓安全、严管理、促建设,使各项工作取得了显  相似文献   

2009年9月,空管系统安全形势有所好转,没有发生管制原因的不安全事件,为保障国庆阅兵工作和“十一”黄金周运输工作提供了良好的运行环境。现将9月份空管运行和安全工作情况通报如下:  相似文献   

为认真贯彻落实总局空管局10月16日至17日召开的空管系统安全会议精神,10月19日山东空管分局组织召开了安全生产分析会,就加强安全管理,进一步做好安全工作提出了六项新举措。一是贯彻落实新《办法》,梳理修订现《手册》;二是加强运行监督管理,进一步提高管制部门班前准备会质量;三是转变观念,加大安全监督检查力度;四是充分准备,做实RVSM准备工作;五是规范提示内容,切实发挥作用;六是加强案例分析,做到警钟长鸣。[第一段]  相似文献   

针对信息作战中赛博空间作战的理解问题,分析和总结了赛博空间的发展、概念、组成、特征、武器、作战过程以及信息作战同赛博空间作战的关系,得到了赛博空间作战对军事发展的启示。结果表明,信息作战同赛博空间作战具有较强的交叉性,而且信息作战涵盖了赛博空间作战。  相似文献   

Synchronized Position Hold Engage Reorient Experimental Satellites (SPHERES) is a formation flight testing facility consisting of three satellites operating inside the International Space Station (ISS). The goal is to use the long term microgravity environment of the ISS to mature formation flight and docking algorithms. The operations processes of SPHERES have also matured over the course of the first seven test sessions. This paper describes the evolution of the SPHERES program operations processes from conception to implementation to refinement through flight experience. Modifications to the operations processes were based on experience and feedback from Marshall Space Flight Center Payload Operations Center, USAF Space Test Program office at Johnson Space Center, and the crew of Expedition 13 (first to operate SPHERES on station). Important lessons learned were on aspects such as test session frequency, determination of session success, and contingency operations. This paper describes the tests sessions; then it details the lessons learned, the change in processes, and the impact on the outcome of later test sessions. SPHERES had very successful initial test sessions which allowed for modification and tailoring of the operations processes to streamline the code delivery and to tailor responses based on flight experiences.  相似文献   

李飞  王应泉 《航天电子对抗》2007,23(1):18-20,27
论述了太空信息支援、太空信息进攻和太空信息防御三种行动类型下的主要太空信息作战行动,重点探讨了各种太空信息作战行动中的手段、方法及可达成的作战目的.  相似文献   

The MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, GEochemistry, and Ranging (MESSENGER) spacecraft, launched in August 2004 under NASA's Discovery Program, was inserted into orbit about the planet Mercury in March 2011. MESSENGER's three flybys of Mercury in 2008–2009 marked the first spacecraft visits to the innermost planet since the Mariner 10 flybys in 1974–1975. The unprecedented orbital operations are yielding new insights into the nature and evolution of Mercury. The scientific questions that frame the MESSENGER mission led to the mission measurement objectives to be achieved by the seven payload instruments and the radio science experiment. Interweaving the full set of required orbital observations in a manner that maximizes the opportunity to satisfy all mission objectives and yet meet stringent spacecraft pointing and thermal constraints was a complex optimization problem that was solved with a software tool that simulates science observations and tracks progress toward meeting each objective. The final orbital observation plan, the outcome of that optimization process, meets all mission objectives. MESSENGER's Mercury Dual Imaging System is acquiring a global monochromatic image mosaic at better than 90% coverage and at least 250 m average resolution, a global color image mosaic at better than 90% coverage and at least 1 km average resolution, and global stereo imaging at better than 80% coverage and at least 250 m average resolution. Higher-resolution images are also being acquired of targeted areas. The elemental remote sensing instruments, including the Gamma-Ray and Neutron Spectrometer and the X-Ray Spectrometer, are being operated nearly continuously and will establish the average surface abundances of most major elements. The Visible and Infrared Spectrograph channel of MESSENGER's Mercury Atmospheric and Surface Composition Spectrometer is acquiring a global map of spectral reflectance from 300 to 1450 nm wavelength at a range of incidence and emission angles. Targeted areas have been selected for spectral coverage into the ultraviolet with the Ultraviolet and Visible Spectrometer (UVVS). MESSENGER's Mercury Laser Altimeter is acquiring topographic profiles when the slant range to Mercury's surface is less than 1800 km, encompassing latitudes from 20°S to the north pole. Topography over the remainder of the southern hemisphere will be derived from stereo imaging, radio occultations, and limb profiles. MESSENGER's radio science experiment is determining Mercury's gravity field from Doppler signals acquired during frequent downlinks. MESSENGER's Magnetometer is measuring the vector magnetic field both within Mercury's magnetosphere and in Mercury's solar wind environment at an instrument sampling rate of up to 20 samples/s. The UVVS is determining the three-dimensional, time-dependent distribution of Mercury's exospheric neutral and ionic species via their emission lines. During each spacecraft orbit, the Energetic Particle Spectrometer measures energetic electrons and ions, and the Fast Imaging Plasma Spectrometer measures the energies and mass per charge of thermal plasma components, both within Mercury's magnetosphere and in Mercury's solar-wind environment. The primary mission observation sequence will continue for one Earth year, until March 2012. An extended mission, currently under discussion with NASA, would add a second year of orbital observations targeting a set of focused follow-on questions that build on observations to date and take advantage of the more active Sun expected during 2012–2013. MESSENGER's total primary mission cost, projected at $446 M in real-year dollars, is comparable to that of Mariner 10 after adjustment for inflation.  相似文献   

静电防护是卫星总装过程中质量控制和安全保障的一个重要方面.为了提高航天器总装过程的静电控制水平,文章以某型号卫星为例,针对卫星总装实施特点,对卫星的总装过程进行了静电防护的相关试验和分析研究.首先使用FMEA分析表格,提出静电防护的关键项目,再利用静电检测手段,对这些关键项目进行静电测试.根据测试结果数据分析,查找出卫星总装过程中静电防护的薄弱环节,并针对性地提出相应的静电控制措施.这些研究成果为航天器总装静电控制的具体实施提供了技术支持,是对航天器总装过程静电防护深入研究的有益探索.  相似文献   

电子信息系统及其网络在信息战争中的重要性,决定了它必将成为战争中的首要攻击目标。这种攻击已不再局限于火力摧毁和电子干扰等传统手段,正逐步演变成为信息战争中一种全新的作战模式,即赛博空间作战。赛博空间作战目前还不成熟,有些技术还处于发展阶段,有些理论还处于探索阶段。简要阐述美国赛博空间作战概念及其对赛博空间作战能力的要求,指出了赛博空间作战的作用和应考虑的问题。  相似文献   

D R Criswell 《Acta Astronautica》1981,8(9-10):1161-1171
Mankind has evolved in the biosphere from essentially another animal to the level that his industries and societies are powerful components of the life-cycles of Earth. Terrestrial industrial experience can be extended to the use of matter from the Moon and other non-terrestrial sources to create permanent habitats and industry in space. Space stations in low Earth orbit and small bases on the Moon can be the foci of early space industries for learning how to grow in space with local resources. Several near term and long range research topics appropriate to permanent human occupancy of space are reviewed.  相似文献   

一、问题产生的背景哈尔滨雷达系统自1998年安装后开始运行,在雷达开始运行不久,哈尔滨雷达站发现一次雷达在冬季不能正常工作,射频信号的驻波比过高,而一次雷达本身的工作参数都正常。哈尔滨雷达站经过对一次雷达系统本身及运行环境仔细  相似文献   

On 14 May 2009 the European Space Agency launched 2 space observatories: Herschel (with a 3.5 m mirror it is the largest space telescope ever) will collect long-wavelength infrared radiation and will be the only space observatory to cover the spectral range from far-infrared to sub-millimetre wavelengths, and Planck will look back at the dawn of time, close to the Big Bang, and will examine the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) radiation to a sensitivity, angular resolution and frequency range never achieved before. This paper will present the Flight Dynamics, mission analysis challenges and flight results from the first 3 months of these missions.Both satellites were launched on the same Ariane 5 and travelled to the L2 Lagrange point of the sun–earth system 1.5 million km from the earth in the opposite direction of the sun. There they were injected to a quasi-halo orbit (Herschel) with the dimension of typically 750,000 km×450,000 km, and a Lissajous orbit (Planck) of 300,000 km×300,000 km.In order to reach these Lissajous orbits it is mandatory to perform large trajectory correction manoeuvres during the first days of the mission. Herschel had its main manoeuvres on the first day. Planck had to be navigated on the first day and by a mid-course correction manoeuvre, the L2 orbit insertion manoeuvre was planned on day 50. If these slots were missed, fuel penalties would rapidly increase.This posed a heavy load on the operations teams because both spacecrafts have to be thoroughly checked out and put into the correct modes of their attitude control systems during the first hours after launch.The sequence of events will be presented and explained and the orbit determination results as well as the manoeuvre planning will be emphasised.  相似文献   

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