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简要介绍了海洋一号卫星星载GPS接收机的定位原理、流程和应用,探讨了一种在轨定位结果的确认和互验方法。借助于卫星工具包软件(STK),利用NASA网站公布的HY-1卫星两行根数(TLE)进行卫星轨道推算,生成星下点位置,并与相应时刻星载GPS接收机实测数据得到的星下点位置进行比较,由此得到两种方法定位结果之间的偏差,用实际在轨数据验证了两者的位置符合程度。  相似文献   

China has great progress in the technology and application of ocean color remote sensing during 2004-2006. In this report, firstly, four major technical advances are displaying, including (1) the vector radiative transfer numerical model of coupled ocean-atmosphere system; (2) the atmospheric correction algorithm specialized on Chinese high turbid water; (3) systematical research of hyper-spectrum ocean color remote sensing; (4) local algorithms of oceanic parameters, like ocean color components, ocean primary productivity, water transparency, water quality parameters, etc. On the foundation of technical advances, ocean color remote sensing takes effect on ocean environment monitoring, with four major kinds of application systems, namely, (1) the automatic multi-satellites data receiving, processing and application system; (2) the shipboard satellite data receiving and processing system for fishery ground information; (3) Coastal water quality monitoring system, integrating satellite and airborne remote sensing technology and ship measurement; (4) the preliminary system of airborne ocean color remote sensing application system. Finally, the prospective development of Chinese ocean color remote sensing is brought forward. With Chinese second ocean color satellite (HY-1B) orbiting, great strides will take place in Chinese ocean color information accumulation and application.  相似文献   

During 2012 and 2014, China has two Haiyang(which means ocean in Chinese, referred to as HY) satellites operating normally in space which are HY-1B and HY-2A. HY-1B is an ocean color environment satellite which was launched in April 2007 to observe global ocean color and sea surface temperature, and HY-2A is an ocean dynamic environment satellite which was launched in August 2011 to obtain global marine dynamic environment parameters including sea surface height,significant wave height, ocean wind vectors, etc. Ocean observation data provided by HY-1B and HY-2A have been widely used by both domestic and international users in extensive areas such as ocean environment protection, ocean disaster prevention and reduction, marine environment forecast,ocean resource development and management, ocean investigations and scientific researches, etc.  相似文献   

In 2018, China successfully launched three new Haiyang (which means ocean in Chinese, referred to as HY) satellites which are an ocean color observation satellite HY-1C (operational), an ocean dynamics environment satellite HY-2B (operational) and the China-France ocean satellite CFOSAT (experimental). In 2019, all the three satellites had finished their commissioning phases and were declared operational. HY-2A satellite continues to operate in-orbit, and its operational status is basically normal. So in 2020, China has 4 Haiyang satellites in-orbit, China's ocean satellites enter into a new operational application phase. The operation of the ground application system of Chinese ocean satellites is stable. In 2019, Beijing, Hainan, Mudanjiang, and Hangzhou ocean satellite ground stations had received the data of HY-1C, HY-2A, HY-2B, and CFOSAT 5012 orbits and 26.46 TB data had been distributed to both domestic and international users. Chinese ocean satellite data has played an important role in marine disaster prevention and mitigation, development and management of marine resources, maintenance of marine rights and interests, marine environment protection, scientific researches, and blue economy development.  相似文献   

介绍了宽视场彩色相机工作原理、相机方案及设计结果. 发射前实验室检测结果表明, 整机静态分辨率达180 lp/mm, 信噪比为34 dB. 用户在发射前对宽视场彩色相机的成像效果进行了初步评估, 认为宽视场彩色相机能够正常工作, 数据格式正确, 图像质量优良, 能够进行稳定的数据观测, 采集与下传. 最后介绍了相机在研制过程中采用的一些新技术.   相似文献   

"实践9号"A/B新技术试验卫星于2012年10月14日在太原卫星发射中心成功发射,经过3年多的在轨考核和试验验证,圆满完成了卫星使命,其中离子和霍尔电推进在轨首次试验验证,进行了性能标定,分别进行了200余次的点火试验,各项指标满足要求。为我国的电推进技术的在轨应用奠定了基础。  相似文献   

“嫦娥一号”卫星的调相轨道设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国第一颗月球探测卫星"嫦娥一号"的飞行轨道的设计中采用了调相轨道,在"长征三号甲"运载火箭提供的超地球同步转移轨道与地月转移轨道之间增加了一段由周期为24h和48h轨道构成的环绕地球飞行的调相轨道。为了将几条不同的轨道精确地拼接起来,必须考虑地球引力场对轨道的摄动影响。克服这个难点的做法是基于经典的轨道摄动理论,先将整段调相轨道设计为考虑地球引力场J2项影响的平轨道,在与运载的发射轨道拼接时,先将运载的包括短周期摄动的瞬时轨道转换为平轨道,在与地月转移轨道拼接时将调相轨道转换成拼接点的瞬时轨道。由于采用了平轨道的处理方法使得轨道控制策略的表述十分简明并易于操作。  相似文献   

嫦娥一号卫星双轴天线轨迹规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对嫦娥一号卫星双轴天线指向地球的控制要求,给出双轴天线框架角的计算方法.根据地球可见条件及双轴天线转动角度和角速度的限制。确定星上双轴天线自主跟踪地球的范围.最后,在轨飞行试验结果验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

FY-3A卫星星内辐射剂量评估与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对FY-3A卫星近四年的辐射剂量数据进行分析,结果表明,在1 mm铝的等效屏蔽厚度下,星内辐射剂量存在显著的方向性差异,+Y向剂量增长变化显著大于+Z向.深入分析剂量变化与带电粒子辐射关系后发现,太阳质子事件期间的高能质子增长不会对辐射剂量增长变化产生显著影响;而高能电子是剂量增长变化的主要贡献者,其中扰动导致的高能电子通量强增长是使得辐射剂量显著增加的主要原因,并显著影响到卫星+Y向.进一步与工程常用SPENVIS剂量计算结果的对比表明,实测能更好地反映剂量动态变化和方向差异.综上,实测剂量数据对于同类工程星内器件的合理布局和工程防护设计具有一定指导和参考价值.  相似文献   

CRESDA Application System of CBERS-1 was established in 1999. During the operation of the system for more than two years, about 240 000 scenes of CBERS-1 Level 0 data have been archived and more than 13 000 scenes of Level 2 products have been ordered by end users from different application fields.In this paper, the typical examples of applications in crop yield estimation,calamity alleviation, resources survey and protection, environment monitoring and continuable development, and urban planning are mainly described.  相似文献   

The precipitable water vapor is one of the most active gases in the atmosphere which strongly affects the climate. China's second-generation polar orbit meteorological satellite FY-3A equipped with a Medium Resolution Spectral Imager (MERSI) is able to detect atmospheric water vapor. In this paper, water vapor data from AERONET, radiosonde and MODIS were used to validate the accuracy of the MERSI water vapor product in the different seasons and climatic regions of East Asia. The results show that the values of MERSI water vapor product are relatively lower than that of the other instruments and its accuracy is generally lower. The mean bias (MB) was ?0.8 to ?12.7?mm, the root mean square error (RMSE) was 2.2–17.0?mm, and the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) varied from 31.8% to 44.1%. On the spatial variation, the accuracy of MERSI water vapor product in a descending order was from North China, West China, Japan -Korea, East China, to South China, while the seasonal variation of accuracy was the best for winter, followed by spring, then in autumn and the lowest in summer. It was found that the errors of MERSI water vapor product was mainly due to the low accuracy of radiation calibration of the MERSI absorption channel, along with the inaccurate look-up table of apparent reflectance and water vapor within the water vapor retrieved algorithm. In addition, the surface reflectance, the mixed pixels of image cloud, the humidity and temperature of atmospheric vertical profile and the haze were also found to have affected the accuracy of MERSI water vapor product.  相似文献   

FY-3A卫星是运行于830 km高度的太阳同步轨道气象卫星, 其搭载的空间环境监测器可观测3~300 MeV的高能质子和0.15~5.70 MeV的高能电子. FY-3A卫星在轨工作期间, 太阳活动处于由谷年向峰年过渡期, 空间环境非常平静, 探测结果显示3~300 MeV的高能质子分布主要集中在南大西洋辐射带异常区, 0.15~5.70 MeV的高能电子分布区域除南大西洋异常区外, 还分布在南北两极高纬区域. FY-3A与NOAA卫星测量结果反映出带电粒子强度及分布区域随投掷角变化的空间各向异性特征. 本文在充分考虑了带电粒子时间、空间分布差异以及比对探测器之间自身设计差异的前提下, 经过归一化处理后, 首次对两颗卫星同期探测结果进行相关性分析, 验证了两颗卫星相同时空条件下高能带电粒子通量分布的一致性; 说明FY-3A空间环境监测器不仅具备空间带电粒子辐射监测能力, 且探测结果有效可靠, 可用作辐射带环境数据源的组成部分, 为发展新的模型, 深入研究辐射带高能粒子的分布、起源和传输等提供新的观测依据.  相似文献   

FY-3A卫星与NOOA系列卫星高能带电粒子实测结果的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
FY-3A卫星是运行于830 km高度的太阳同步轨道气象卫星,其搭载的空间环境监测器可观测3~300 MeV的高能质子和0.15~5.70 MeV的高能电子.FY-3A卫星在轨工作期间,太阳活动处于由谷年向峰年过渡期,空间环境非常平静,探测结果显示3~300 MeV的高能质子分布主要集中在南大西洋辐射带异常区,0.15~5.70 MeV的高能电子分布区域除南大西洋异常区外,还分布在南北两极高纬区域.FY-3A与NOAA卫星测量结果反映出带电粒子强度及分布区域随投掷角变化的空间各向异性特征.本文在充分考虑了带电粒子时间、空间分布差异以及比对探测器之间自身设计差异的前提下,经过归一化处理后,首次对两颗卫星同期探测结果进行相关性分析,验证了两颗卫星相同时空条件下高能带电粒子通量分布的一致性;说明FY-3A空间环境监测器不仅具备空间带电粒子辐射监测能力,且探测结果有效可靠,可用作辐射带环境数据源的组成部分,为发展新的模型,深入研究辐射带高能粒子的分布、起源和传输等提供新的观测依据.  相似文献   

正2017年6月15日,珠海-1遥感微纳卫星星座的首批两颗卫星—欧比特视频卫星-1A、1B(OVS-1A、1B)与"慧眼"(HXMT)卫星一起,由长征-4B运载火箭发射升空。"欧比特视频卫星"由中国航天科技集团公司五院所属的航天东方红卫星有限公司研制,目前卫星状态良好,正在紧锣密鼓地进行相关的在轨测试工作。  相似文献   

Chang'E-1 lunar Orbiter was launched by Long March 3A rocket from Xichang Satel-lite Launch Center at 18:05BT(Beijing Time) Oct.24,2007.It is the first step of its ambitious three-stage moon program,a new milestone in the Chinese space exploration history.The primary science objectives of Chang'E-1 lunar orbiter are to obtain three-Dimension(3D) stereo images of the lunar surface,to analyze the distribution and abundance of elements on the surface,to investigate the thickness of lunar soil,evaluate helium-3 resources and other characteristics,and to detect the space environment around the moon.To achieve the above four mission objectives,eight sets of scientific instruments are chosen as the payloads of the lunar orbiter,including a CCD stereo camera(CCD),a Sagnac-based interferometer spectrometer(ⅡM),a Laser Altimeter(LAM),a Microwave Radiometer(MRM),a Gamma-Ray Spectrometer(GRS),an X-ray spectrometer(XRS),a High-Energy Particle Detector(HPD),and two Solar Wind Ion Detectors(SWID).The detected data of the payloads show that all payloads work well.This paper introduces the status of payloads in the first phase and preliminary scientific results.  相似文献   

一种电离层物理模型及其在F1谷区形成讨论中的应用   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
高铭  肖佐 《空间科学学报》1992,12(4):289-297
在电离层F区考虑了三种中性成分的4种离子(O~+、No~+、N_2~+和O_2~+),从严格的电子和离子密度连续方程出发,由中性风所满足的动力学方程和离子运动方程解出水平中性风,从而得到离子垂直漂移速度,由此建立了一种电离层的物理模式;并用此模式,针对我国中、低纬(116°E,30°N)地区,讨论了光化学作用对F_1层的影响和动力学效应在F层中的作用。着重讨论由水平中性风引起的离子垂直漂移运动对F_1谷区的影响。结果表明:在光化平衡模式下,E区明显形成。在太阳活动低年夏季可产生明显的F_1“凸缘”。但仅靠光化平衡作用不能产生深的F_1谷区,也不能解释F_2层的形成;双极扩散是F_2层形成的主要机制;中性风的因素对E层影响不大,却可以在太阳活动低年夏季产生谷深在0.05—0.1的深F_1谷区。用此模式还计算了F_1谷区日变化,结果表明:中性风影响模式能较好地反映我国中低纬地区F_1谷区变化的地域特征。  相似文献   

嫦娥一号卫星的制导、导航与控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嫦娥一号卫星是中国首颗月球卫星。卫星制导、导航与控制(GNC)任务复杂多变,对系统实时性、可靠性和精度要求较高。文章介绍嫦娥一号卫星GNC系统组成、控制方法、系统特点和典型飞行结果。  相似文献   

天宫一号目标飞行器是中国研制的新一代专门用于交会对接的大型载人航天器.为保证其长期在轨安全可靠运行,顺利完成与载人飞船的交会对接任务,以及单体飞行和组合体飞行期间的姿态和轨道控制任务,要求GNC分系统设计充分的容错策略.对GNC分系统软硬件平台进行介绍,对敏感器、执行机构以及控制器的软硬件容错策略进行详述.该策略在实际应用中得到验证,结果表明设计合理,可以有效提高GNC分系统的系统性能和可靠性.  相似文献   

根据天宫一号目标飞行器的特点及交会对接任务需求,天宫一号目标飞行器选择单框架控制力矩陀螺作为姿态控制执行机构,这是控制力矩陀螺首次在国内航天器上应用.阐述了单框架控制力矩陀螺在天宫一号目标飞行器姿态控制上的应用,主要包括四个方面:构形选择、操纵律设计、角动量卸载、故障诊断与重构.天宫一号目标飞行器控制力矩陀螺系统采用五棱锥构形,其操纵律设计为带零运动的伪逆操纵律,控制力矩陀螺系统具备故障诊断和重构功能.  相似文献   

Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) allows to monitor universal time (UT1) by conducting regular international experiments. Such dedicated observation networks are equipped with different hardware components, which require different processing strategies when the data are correlated. As the timing units at each stations are usually offset with respect to universal time (UTC) this effect should be considered during correlation processing. Thus, it is investigated how neglecting of these offsets theoretically impacts the estimation of UT1. Three different strategies for the proper handling of the timing offset will be discussed and their advantages/drawbacks will be pointed out. Moreover, it is studied how neglecting of these timing offsets affects UT1 time-series and how such a missing correction can be applied a posteriori. Although the discussed effect is for most of the UT1 experiments smaller than the formal error of the estimates, it is important to consider station clock offsets properly in next-generation VLBI systems, which are expected to improve accuracy of results by about one order of magnitude.  相似文献   

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