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涡扇发动机铝合金碗形件的粘性介质压力成形   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
涡扇发动机铝合金碗形件由于局部塑性变形较大,采用已有的成形方法得到的零件壁厚局部减薄严重或尺寸精度不满足要求。粘性介质压力成形(VPF)技术采用一种粘性介质作为传力介质,适合于成形该类零件。通过粘性介质压力胀形试验和数值模拟,分析了粘性介质的粘度对铝合金球面碗形件厚度分布及极限成形高度的影响,对涡扇发动机铝合金带凸台碗形VPF件进行了分析。研究结果表明,粘性介质与板材之间的粘性附着应力提高了碗形件厚度分布的均匀性和极限成形高度,随着粘性附着力增大,对带有局部变形较大凸台的碗形件,可以抑制局部壁厚的减薄。采用VPF技术,获得了尺寸和壁厚均合格的涡扇发动机带凸台铝合金碗形件。  相似文献   

涡扇发动机异形曲面壳体零件单位长度直径变化较大,传统的制造方法是采用分体成形、组合焊接工艺,所需工序多、质量控制环节多、使用可靠性差,采用粘性介质压力整体成形方法则可以较好地解决这一问题。通过有限元模拟和试验方法,分析了成形工步、粘性介质粘性附着应力对板材流动及壁厚变化的影响。研究结果表明,粘性介质压力成形可以控制变形区板材的流动,提高成形试件壁厚分布的均匀性,使直径比为1.38零件的壁厚减薄率控制在12%,适合于涡扇发动机异形曲面壳体零件的整体成形。  相似文献   

由于厚板冲压毛坯具有比铸造、锻造等毛坯重量轻,强度比高,耐疲劳性好,加工方便,生产周期短,省材,成本低,并且能加工出用其他方法无法加工的复杂形状零件等优点,因此,在国外很多发动机制造公司非常重视这一技术,凡发动机机匣的内外安装边,需要通过切削加工的薄壁筒形件,锥简形件和曲面形筒件等,几乎都采用厚板冲压毛坯来加工。厚板冲压成形与薄板冲压成形有许多不同点。合理选择拉深成形的冲模间隙和凹模圆角半径,对于厚板的拉深成形能否顺利进行具有决定性的意义。下面是有关厚板拉深成形时冲模间隙和凹模圆角半径的确定方法:  相似文献   

变摩擦控制厚度分布的TC4深筒形件正反向超塑成形   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以正反向超塑成形厚度均匀的TC4钛合金深筒形件为背景,采用MARC有限元模拟分析了正反向超塑成形时预成形模和终成形模的表面摩擦系数对成形件壁厚分布的影响.结果表明:合理地增大预成形模的表面摩擦力能显著增加预成形的局部减薄作用,对于提高零件最终壁厚分布均匀性有利.同时,合理减小终成形模的摩擦力,可以使板料褴体变形均匀化,壁厚分布趋于均匀.根据模拟结果,采用机械加工方法增加预成形模表面粗糙度以增大摩擦力,在终成形模表面喷涂润滑剂以降低摩擦力,通过正反向超塑成形实验制得厚度分布在1.50~1.78mm范围内的航天用TC4钛合金深简形件,比普通正反向超塑成形件厚度分布(1.18~2.24mm)有了很大改善.  相似文献   

铝合金热冲压工艺可用于一次性成形形状复杂的零件.本文以热冲压某铝合金大尺寸板件为例,利用数值模拟软件研究了热冲压过程中的应力、应变和厚度分布变化情况.冲压过程中,极限应力应变值由凸模圆角处转移到零件侧壁区.冲压成形后,厚度最小值也在侧壁区附件,与应力应变分布具有较高的一致性.从而对铝合金热冲压工艺有更深入的了解,为该工艺的研究和应用提供一定的理论参考.  相似文献   

针对GH536燃烧室帽罩翻边异形孔边缘应力及变形难以控制问题,进行了翻边成形有限元研究,根据凸模形状及合模方式的不同,建立了3组翻边成形数值模型,探究了凸模形状及合模方式对GH536帽罩翻边成形异形孔边缘及环形凸起区域应力、塑性应变分布的影响,结果显示,凸模前缘过渡特征可增加成形区域应力分布均匀性,帽罩环形凸起区域两侧...  相似文献   

由于钛合金冷成形性能差、回弹大、不容易贴模、容易出现裂纹等现象,所以一般稍复杂形状的弯曲件、成形件都需要采用热成形。电阻加热成形是热成形方法之一。下面介绍斯贝发动机两种钛合金零件采用该工艺的情况。一、零件形状及技术要求零件材料为T/Cu,属钛、铜二元合金,含铜量为2.5%;厚度1.2毫米;成形后厚度允许变薄至0.94毫米,零件型面在以基本形状为中心的±0.51公差带内;5处焊接边要求较高,见图1。  相似文献   

介绍了用曲面过渡法成形高锥形件的原理及确定过渡形状的方法。采用该方法成形的零件,表面光滑、无压痕。  相似文献   

赵安安  张贤杰  高国强  刘立彬  王永军 《航空学报》2019,40(2):522635-522635
大型机翼整体壁板是现代大型飞机重要的大型承力整体结构件并且通常直接构成飞机的气动外形。喷丸成形是现代大型轻质高强铝合金整体壁板件成形制造的首选技术方法,但如何实现大型机翼整体壁板的精确喷丸成形一直是现代航空制造技术领域的一个难点问题。针对这一工程问题,本文采用系统化的方法,将影响大型机翼整体壁板喷丸成形精度的因素分解为壁板平面板坯误差、成形参数设计准确度、成形参数控制精度、环境因素。针对这些因素,采用基于变形位能最小的板坯优化设计来减小由板坯导致的成形误差;采用数据拟合、人工神经网络以及解析模型计算相结合的喷丸成形参数综合设计方法来提高喷丸参数设计的精度和效率;建立了板坯修正模型以修正环境温度、喷丸设备参数波动等因素对成形件形状和尺寸的影响;对于从喷丸设备上下线后仍存在的外形贴模误差,则采用手提喷丸机进行局部的渐进式校形喷丸至外形贴模。壁板喷丸成形的工程实践表明,本文所提出的系统化方法能够有效提高大型机翼整体壁板喷丸成形的精度和效率,并可满足工业生产的需求。  相似文献   

朱伟  张堃元  南向军 《推进技术》2013,34(4):433-438
根据有旋特征线理论,设计出了沿程马赫数下降规律可控的轴对称基准流场,分析了基准流场的几何参数(前缘压缩角及中心体半径)的影响规律,发现选取较小的前缘压缩角和中心体半径有利于得到性能优良的基准流场;然后在设计状态Ma=6时研究了三种典型的马赫数下降规律对这种轴对称流场性能的影响。最后考虑了粘性的影响,并进行了粘性修正探索,结果表明,采用附面层位移厚度修正方法后,基准流场的壁面压力分布和无粘情况吻合良好。  相似文献   

粘性介质压力成形的应用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
 给出了VPF 在镍基高温合金波纹形薄壁板件、铝合金阶梯形板件和不锈钢球形阀芯板壳件等成形中的应用,研究结果表明: (1) VPF 技术适合于成形高强度超薄壁(壁厚为013 mm) 小半径( r ≤2 mm) 曲面板件,可以避免局部颈缩和开裂,成形的零件尺寸精度高( IT10~11); (2) 对于采用多道次刚模拉深成形的铝合金阶梯形板件,可以一次拉深成形; (3) 可以成形用于密封的高尺寸精度和表面质量的球形阀芯壳件。  相似文献   

To improve the forming quality and forming limit of the numerical control (NC) bending of high-pressure titanium alloy tubes, in this study, using three-dimensional (3D) finite element method, deformation behavior of medium-strength TA18 high-pressure tubes during NC bending with different bending radii is investigated. The results show that the cross-sectional deformation and the wall thickness variation during NC bending of TA18 tubes using a small bending radius (less than 2 times of tube outside diameter) are clearly different from that using a normal bending radius (between 2 and 4 times of tube outside diameter). For bending with a normal bending radius, with or without a mandrel, the distribution of the flattening in the bending area resembles a platform and an asymmetric parabola, respectively. For bending with a small bending radius, with or without a mandrel, the flattening both distributes like a parabola, but the former has a stable peak which deflects toward the initial bending section, and the latter has a more pronounced peak with a bending angle and deflects slightly toward the bending section. The wall thickness variations with a normal bending radius, with and without a mandrel, both resemble a platform when the bending angle exceeds a certain angle. For the bending with a small radius, the distribution of the wall thickness variation without a mandrel follows an approximate parabola which increases in value as the bending angle increases. If a mandrel is used, the thickening ratio increases from the initial bending section to the bending section.  相似文献   

孙营  林鹏  苑世剑 《推进技术》2021,42(11):2617-2624
针对NiAl合金板坯制备及板坯成形锥形薄壳件存在的材料流动及组织性能控制困难的问题,提出了一种制备成形一体化新工艺。该工艺是将塑性成形和反应合成在同一工步中,即先将Ni/Al叠层箔置于模具中进行塑性成形,随后对成形的Ni/Al叠层箔原位加热加压反应合成NiAl合金薄壳件。采用三维扫描仪及Geomagic Studio/Qualify对锥形薄壳件的形状精度进行了分析,采用扫描电子显微镜( Scanning Electron Microscope, SEM )和电子背散射衍射( Electron Backscatter Diffraction, EBSD )技术对其微观组织进行了表征,并对构件的高温力学性能进行了测试。结果表明,采用该新工艺制备的锥形薄壳件成形效果良好,整体型面偏差尺寸在±0.1 mm以内;构件沿轴截面壁厚平均偏差为0.012 mm,沿横截面壁厚平均偏差为0.072 mm,构件轴截面壁厚分布均匀性及组织成分均匀性高于横截面。构件高温力学性能稳定,1000 °C时平均屈服强度为77.8 MPa,平均抗拉强度为82.6 MPa。NiAl合金构件的微观晶粒形貌与Ni箔的初始热处理状态及Ni/Al箔的初始厚度有关,未退火的Ni箔将延缓粗晶区晶粒的长大,减小初始箔材厚度可实现晶粒的进一步细化。  相似文献   

针对钛合金钣金件冷加工成形精度低、热成形机成形成本高的问题,提出一种采用脉冲电流辅助热压成形工艺。以TC1钛合金U型件为对象,研究了脉冲电流辅助热压成形工艺对钛合金钣金件的缺陷、尺寸精度及力学性能的影响。结果表明,脉冲电流加热可提高成形效率,当脉冲电流密度为9.2A/mm^2,合模速度为15mm/s时,补偿了成形过程的热量损失,使钛合金钣金件保持在良好的成形温度区间,增加其成形极限,得到零件表面质量良好、无裂纹。在成形过程中,随着成形压力、保压时间、模具预热温度的升高,零件的尺寸精度逐渐提高,当成形压力10t、保压时间10s、模具不预热时,零件的尺寸精度即可达到±0.2mm。脉冲电流辅助热压成形后零件的晶粒尺寸比热成形机成形的细小,且力学性能也较好。  相似文献   

The Large-size Conical Cylinders with Inner Transverse High Ribs (LCCWITHR) can reduce the weight of the parts while maintaining high rigidity and strength. Radially Loading Rotary Extrusion (RLRE) forming technology can achieve integral forming of LCCWITHR through the synergy of radial and rotary movements of dies. The flow law of the material during the forming process is the key to forming large-size inner ribs. At present, there is no unified understanding of the metal flow law of RLRE forming technology. An analytical expression was derived to predict the Radial Direction (RD) deformation loads. The FE simulation and process experiment were carried out to investigate the effects of the inclination angle, thickness factor and transition arc radius of the split top dies on the spacing of the metal diversion plane, the metal flow velocity of the rib area and the final radius of the inner rib. The influence of the split top dies loading distance and the bottom die rotation angle of each pass on the inner radius of the inner rib was verified. And the optimal combination of dies shape parameters and loading paths which can make the metal flow orderly was obtained: the inclination angle is 140°, the thickness factor is 3.64, the transition arc radius is 16 mm; the top dies loading distance is 15 mm, the bottom die rotation angle is 45°. The FE simulation results have been found to be in close agreement with physics experiment. The research results reveal the metal flow law of rib growth in the RLRE of LCCWITHR, which lays a theoretical foundation for subsequent thorough research and process optimization.  相似文献   

采用薄壁试样研究了温度为980℃、应力为250MPa条件下[001]取向DD6单晶合金的薄壁持久失效行为,结果表明:薄壁试样的持久寿命低于标准圆棒试样,表现出显著的薄壁效应。薄壁试样的厚度和持久寿命之间存在函数关系。薄壁试样持久断口边缘区域氧化严重,内部区域为微孔聚集型断裂,持久断裂模式为“表面氧化-裂纹萌生-扩展”和“内部蠕变损伤”共同作用,且试样越薄,表面氧化程度越大,持久寿命越短。   相似文献   

以机翼前缘典型件为成型目标,研究了玻璃纤维-铝锂合金超混杂复合层板(NFMLs)大曲率构件的自成形工艺。研究发现,自成形工艺可实现NFMLs机翼前缘等大曲率构件的成型,贴膜度高、厚度均匀性好、无显著分层缺陷、成型过程未形成较大的残余应力,为超混杂复合材料在飞机机翼蒙皮结构中的应用研究提供参考。  相似文献   

In this paper, a progressive approach to predict the multiple shot peening process parameters for complex integral panel is proposed. Firstly, the invariable parameters in the forming process including shot size, mass flow, peening distance and peening angle are determined according to the empirical and machine type. Then, the optimal value of air pressure for the whole shot peening is selected by the experimental data. Finally, the feeding speed for every shot peening path is predicted by regression equation. The integral panel part with thickness from 2 mm to 5 mm and curvature radius from 3200 mm to 16000 mm is taken as a research object, and four experiments are conducted. In order to design specimens for acquiring the forming data, one experiment is conducted to compare the curvature radius of the plate and stringer-structural specimens, which were peened along the middle of the two stringers. The most striking finding of this experiment is that the outer shape error range is below 3.9%, so the plate specimens can be used in predicting feeding speed of the integral panel. The second experiment is performed and results show that when the coverage reaches the limit of 80%, the minimum feeding speed is 50 mm/s. By this feeding speed, the forming curvature radius of the specimens with different thickness from the third experiment is measured and compared with the research object, and the optimal air pressure is 0.15 MPa. Then, the plate specimens with thickness from 2 mm to 5 mm are peened in the fourth experiment, and the measured curvature radius data are used to calculate the feeding speed of different shot peening path by regressive analysis method. The algorithm is validated by forming a test part and the average deviation is 0.496 mm. It is shown that the approach can realize the forming of the integral panel precisely.  相似文献   

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