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为满足数字化研制环境中制造环节的数据需求和对构件可制造性的要求,总结了面向制造的飞机复合材料构件数字化定义的完整构成.通过定义方向坐标系来建立方向基准,并根据构件高斯曲率的不同,给出了3种方向坐标系的定义方法和映射规则.给出了三维模型中几何数据的内容、几何数据和复合材料特征对象的关联关系以及材料铺放数据中复合材料特征对象的层次关系.总结了数字化定义中工艺信息的详细内容和定义方法,并采用基于视图的方式组织管理数字化定义数据集.   相似文献   

前言对于单线摆、双线摆、三线摆和某些绕固定支点振荡构件的摆动周期,常常采用光电法测量,一般情况都能得到较精确的结果,但是若不区分被测对象、不注意测试方法,有时会产生较大的误差。所以本文谈谈用光电法测量摆动周期的误差问题,对  相似文献   

针对20kg微纳遥感卫星相机主承力构件的轻量化需求,以转接环、次镜环和主背板三个主承力构件为研究对象,开展面向选区激光熔化增材制造技术的结构设计与制造关键技术研究。结果表明,设计的0.5mm折边结构具有良好的抗压缩和扭转等力学性能,在实现轻量化的同时,可显著提升构件的支撑强度。通过45°斜壁与微桁架结构,实现无辅助支撑增材制造。从能量输入、结构微调及加快热传导三个方面入手,有效解决了打印过程尖角变形难题。最终获得了质量分别为89g、87g和546g的三个轻量化主承力构件。搭载原理样机开展系统装调与地面力学试验,通过了8G重力加速度测试,实现了卫星相机大型复杂结构主承力构件的高承载和轻量化制造。  相似文献   

基于构件的模型库和方法库的设计和实现   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在智能决策支持系统开发环境的分析和设计的过程中,提出了实现此开发环境的一种设计原理和系统结构,讨论了在决策支持系统设计建模中的模型库和方法库的设计和实现,在对分布式对象技术和对象建模技术分析的基础上,给出了基于对象建模技术和构件对象模型技术的模型库和方法库的分析、设计和实现.  相似文献   

研究输入延迟未知对象特征模型的控制问题.采用闭环系统直接求根方法,结果表明:最小方差控制对未知输入延迟不具有鲁棒性,原型黄金分割控制能应对较小的未知输入延迟变化,λ型黄金分割控制能应对较大的未知输入延迟的变化.针对稳定、临界稳定、不稳定以及双积分特征模型,在未知的输入延迟条件下,进一步研究了原型和λ型黄金分割控制器对未知输入延迟的稳定性和性能鲁棒性.对稳定的被控对象,λ型黄金分割控制器,可应对很大的未知输入延迟,且闭环性能基本不变;对非稳定对象的特征模型,λ型黄金分割控制器,可提高应对未知输入延迟的稳定能力,通过优选λ,可优化闭环性能.  相似文献   

空间站大型伸展机构柔性多体动力学数值计算   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对用kane方法建立的空间站大型伸展机构柔性多体动力学数学模型,从数值计算方法和软件实现方面进行了研究。文章采用局部附着浮动坐标系描述各构件的刚体大范围伸展运动;用截断的子结构正则模态描述各构件的柔性变形;用求解刚性方程的TREANOR方法进行数值积分;用混合法对系统的微分-代数动力学方程组进行求解。还对空间站伸展机构多体系统的约束方程建立、独立坐标选取和动力学方程的stiff病态问题进行了讨论。并针对空间站伸展机构在驱动展开过程中以及展开完成后的动力学响应进行了算例计算。  相似文献   

基于动态孔径聚焦的L型构件相控阵超声检测   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
由于L型构件界面形状复杂,当采用基于全矩阵数据的全聚焦方法时,声波在试样中的传播路径十分复杂,增加了试样中超声传播时间的计算难度.为了解决上述问题,提出了一种根据实际被测对象并使用全矩阵数据的动态调整聚焦方案的"动态孔径聚焦方法";然后,针对L型构件的型面特征,制定了动态孔径聚焦检测方案,并提出了基于Snell定律的声波传播时间计算方法;最后,通过时域有限差分数值仿真方法模拟全矩阵数据,验证了所提出聚焦方法的正确性;定制L型金属试样进行检测实验,检测结果与实际试样参数一致.研究表明:所提出的动态孔径聚焦方法可实现对L型构件的有效检测.   相似文献   

针对薄壁件的轻量化设计要求,在对王莲叶脉分枝结构形态和构型规律分析基础上,以飞机盖板原型为对象,应用结构仿生设计方法,对盖板内部的筋板分布形式进行结构仿生设计,利用ANSYS APDL参数化设计语言建立仿生型结构的参数化模型并进行筋板结构参数优化.有限元分析结果表明,相对于原型盖板,结构参数优化后的仿生型盖板质量减小,比强度结构效能有较大提高,静力学性能明显改善.  相似文献   

SBD技术及其在自动飞行系统设计中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SBD技术是将仿真技术应用于产品研制阶段,在未真正制造出原型系统的情况下,用虚拟原型样机(VP)展示产品的动、静态性能,从而缩短产品研制的周期,减少研制的费用,提高产品的质量。SBD在于提供一个开放、分布和并发的环境。对SBD技术的主要功能框架结构进行了论述,并给出SBD技术在自动飞行系统设计、开发中应用的一个例子。  相似文献   

触觉再现装置的反向驱动性能是衡量触觉再现装置设计成败的重要指标,也是触觉再现装置设计的主要依据.对二自由度触觉再现机构进行设计,得到了二自由度触觉再现机构的物理样机;以二自由度触觉再现机构为对象,用拉格朗日法对其进行动力学分析,在此基础上给出了评价机构反向驱动性能的衡量指标--广义惯性椭球(GIE),并用图形直观地描述了机构的反向驱动性能;通过改变部分构件的材料改善了触觉再现机构的反向驱动性能,以便在设计中选择性能合适的二自由度触觉再现机构.  相似文献   

机器人在空间环境下完成对复杂形状物体的精细操作,要求其具有较强的自主操作规划能力.从学习人类经验出发,模仿人类经验生成来建立经验数据库,提出有效的物体分类方法,在物体类别基础上,识别同类物体的可抓取区域,并提出“单拇指”姿态规划方法,将对物体的操作经验泛化到同类物体的操作规划中.试验证明了算法的有效性.  相似文献   

对象状态测试   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
阐述了面向对象软件测试中对象状态测试的重要性,提出了对象状态测试模型,介绍了从C++源程序构造模型的方法,最后给出了基于OSD的面向对象状态测试的测试策略,测试标准和测试用例的生成方法。  相似文献   

为了提高视频卫星对运动车辆的检测质量,在经典视觉背景提取器(ViBE)算法的基础上,结合遥感的面向对象分类技术,从提升正确检测运动目标数量和抑制虚假运动目标检测数量两个方面着手,提出了一种新的运动车辆检测方法(VOMVD)。首先通过优化ViBE模型参数,尽可能多地获取真实运动目标,但这在一定程度引入了许多的虚假目标。研究继而依据影像上地面小尺度运动目标和道路的依存关系,采用面向对象的分类方法,基于光谱、纹理、空间属性,构建了均值、标准差、卷积核内平均灰度值、卷积核内平均信息熵、面积、长度、紧密度、延伸度等8个特征,用于提取道路信息,以此掩膜ViBE提取的虚假运动目标和伪运动目标。结果表明,基于本研究提出的视频卫星运动目标检测方法较之三帧差分法、ViBE检测方法等,其精度有明显提升。在本研究中,三帧差分法、ViBE和VOMVD对运动目标的检测精度P分别为70.91%,61.49%和85.71%,召回率R分别为84.78%,98.91%和97.83%,F值分别为77.23%,75.83%和91.37%,有效提升了方法对运动目标的检测效果。  相似文献   

随着现代化工业的发展需求日益提升,对于中大型工业部件的加工精度检测也有了更高的要求。对某发动机进行测量检测时,被测物结构较为复杂,测量尺寸较大。由于工作环境特殊,需要尽量避免在非被测物上布设合作标志,而且由于无多余物需求,在待测物表面需要尽量少的布设测量合作标志。因此需要对此需求进行实际研究,对合作标志进行回光性测试,设计了多种复杂分放性测量点布设方式,经试验确定了通过增加测量辅助面的方式可以极大提高测量精度,而且减少一半被测物上测量点布设而不影响测量精度,最后也对测量辅助面与类柱状被测物的布设角度进行相应研究。  相似文献   

Experimental and theoretical models of closed "autotroph-heterotroph" (chlorella-yeast, chlorella-protozoa) ecosystems with spatially separated components have been created and studied. The chart of flows and interaction of components of gas-closed "chlorella-yeast" system have formed the basis describe mathematically the functioning of the given system, experimental results have been found to agree with computer solution of the problem in terms of quality. Investigation of the experimental model of the "producer-consumer" trophic chain demonstrated the role of protozoa in nitrogen turnover. "Production-decomposition" and "production-grazing-decomposition" cycle models has been theoretically analyzed and compared. The predator has been shown to be a more intensive mineralizer than the reducer component.  相似文献   

在轨编目航天器数目已超过了9000,为了保证航天任务的顺利完成,必须对可能威胁到任务轨道的空间目标进行分析,文章首先对两行轨道根数和SGP4/SDP4轨道预报模型进行了分析,在此基础上建立了空间目标数据库及空间碎片环境与碰撞预警仿真和数据可视化系统。  相似文献   

The space environment around the Earth is populated by more than 130 million objects of 1 mm in size and larger, and future predictions shows that this amount is destined to increase, even if mitigation measures are implemented at a far better rate than today. These objects can hit and damage a spacecraft or its components. It is thus necessary to assess the risk level for a satellite during its mission lifetime. Few software packages perform this analysis, and most of them employ time-consuming ray-tracing methodology, where particles are randomly sampled from relevant distributions. In addition, they tend not to consider the risk associated with the secondary debris clouds. The paper presents the development of a vulnerability assessment model, which relies on a fully statistical procedure: the debris fluxes are directly used combining them with the concept of vulnerable zone, avoiding the random sampling the debris fluxes. A novel methodology is presented to predict damage on internal components. It models the interaction between the components and the secondary debris cloud through basic geometrical operations, considering mutual shielding and shadowing between internal components. The methodologies are tested against state-of-the-art software for relevant test cases, comparing results on external structures and internal components.  相似文献   

The number of Earth orbiting objects is constantly growing, and some orbital regions are becoming risky environments for space assets of interest, which are increasingly threatened by accidental collisions with other objects, especially in Low-Earth Orbit (LEO). Collision risk assessment is performed by various methods, both covariance and non-covariance based. The Cube algorithm is a non-covariance-based method used to estimate the collision rates between space objects, whose concept consists in dividing the space in cubes of fixed dimension and, at each time instant, checking if two or more objects share the same cube. Up to now its application has been limited to the long-term scenarios of orbital debris evolutionary models, where considering the uncertainties is not necessary and impractical. Within operative contexts, instead, medium-term collision risk analysis may be an important task, in which the propagation-related uncertainties play a prominent role, but the timescale poses challenges for the application of standard covariance-based conjunction analysis techniques. In this framework, this paper presents an approach for the evaluation of the medium-term collision frequency for objects in LEO, called Uncertainty-aware Cube method. It is a modified version of the Cube, able to take the possible errors in the space objects’ position into account for the detection of the conjunctions. As an object’s orbit is propagated, the along-track position error grows more and more, and each object could potentially be in a different position with respect to the one determined by numerical propagation and, thus, in a different cube. Considering the uncertainties, at each time instant the algorithm associates more than one cube to each object and checks if they share at least one cube. If so, a conjunction is detected and a degree of confidence is evaluated. The performance of the method is assessed in different LEO scenarios and compared to the original Cube method.  相似文献   

军机易损性分析中多重遮挡投影面积计算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用B样条曲线曲面造型方法给出飞机及其各部件外形的数学模型,将其离散化为三角形面元,并采用改进的翼边拓扑结构来描述几何元素之间的关系.在此基础上,根据集合论中的包含互斥理论,提出了一种求取多个复杂几何形体在任意方向的投影面积的新算法.该算法可以有效地应用于飞机易损性分析计算中.实际应用表明该算法稳定、可靠,而且精度高.  相似文献   

Predicting re-entry epoch of space objects enables managing the risk to ground population. Predictions are particularly difficult for objects in highly-elliptical orbits, and important for objects with components that can survive re-entry, e.g. rocket bodies (R/Bs). This paper presents a methodology to filter two-line element sets (TLEs) to facilitate accurate re-entry prediction of such objects. Difficulties in using TLEs for precise analyses are highlighted and a set of filters that identifies erroneous element sets is developed. The filter settings are optimised using an artificially generated TLE time series. Optimisation results are verified on real TLEs by analysing the automatically found outliers for exemplar R/Bs. Based on a study of 96 historical re-entries, it is shown that TLE filtering is necessary on all orbital elements that are being used in a given analysis in order to avoid considerably inaccurate results.  相似文献   

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