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通过数值求解无碰撞电流片中可压缩磁流体力学模型下得到的一般形式的色散关系,讨论了无碰撞电流片中引导场对低频电磁波不稳定性的影响.结果表明,平衡态磁场中的引导场,对于三维扰动传播的波不稳定性有很强的影响.(1)在电流片中间平面上(z=0),无引导场时,没有不稳定性发生,但若存在引导场,不稳定性便发生,并随着引导场的增强,不稳定性明显增强,不稳定的波模可能是低混杂模.(2)在中间平面附近(z=0.2),电流片是不稳定的.随着引导场的增强,不稳定性增长率明显地增强,不稳定的波模从平行和反平行两个方向传播变为反平行方向一个方向传播,并且是斜传播的,具有低频哨声模或低混杂模的特征.(3)在电流片边缘附近(z=0.8),引导场对不稳定的波模和增长率没有明显影响,不稳定的波模都是准平行的哨声波.   相似文献   

数值研究Hall电流效应对于重联动力学特征及波动特性的影响.结果表明,具有强Hall效应的算例,重联出流区张角大,重联率高.对于不同Hall效应的算例,应用快速傅里叶变换(FFT),将平面外磁场By分量和(x,z)平面内的速度分量vx,vz位于给定点的时间序列转换为功率谱,并对电场E采用最小方差分析法,确定波的传播方向与偏振特性.研究发现,在强Hall效应的算例中,磁分界线附近存在具有典型特征的哨声波,Hall效应减弱,则波动信号减弱.上述结果表明,Hall电流效应对重联动力学特征具有重要影响,是产生哨声波和快速重联率的关键因素;此外,对于强Hall效应的算例,磁分界线附近哨声波幅度与平面内场向电流Jp间存在正相关关系,它从另一个侧面展示了哨声波与Hall效应间的重要联系.   相似文献   

利用全电流双流体模型分析了地面磁扰动信号在近地层大气中的传播.结果表明磁扰动信号的传播模式受中性粒子elax-elax离子碰撞频率、磁扰动频率、磁粘滞系数以及大气离化系数等参数的影响.中性粒子碰撞效应导致近地层大气中不存在阿尔芬波传播通道.当磁扰动频率远小于0.001Hz时,磁扰动传播存在趋肤效应,且在近地大气中从高往下逐渐增强;当磁扰动频率远大于0.001Hz时,磁扰动以类似于真空电磁波的模式在近地大气中传播.   相似文献   

考虑到低纬地磁场与偶极子磁场偏离较大, 本文用国际参考场(n=6)进行了低纬哨声射线追迹计算.结果表明, 在约9°N和12°N处有两个很窄的哨声波非导传播出口点, 相应射线起点都在雷电活动区.哨声波非导传播出口的截止纬度约在8—9°N处.计算结果也较满意地解释了低纬哨声色散值和f0/F2正相关的事实.   相似文献   

本文分析了极光区上空以低混杂波作为泵波激发静电离子迴旋波的可能性,并计算了增长率。结果表明,当泵波较强时(峰值100mV/m)增长率可达0.5ωci,大于电流驱动不稳定性及离子束流不稳定性等线性理论所可能期待的增长率。从而在某些情况下,离子迥旋波的这种参量激发可能是主要的。   相似文献   

本文分析了磁层内哨声波的丝化不稳定性,并计算了增长率.结果表明,对于L(?)4和电场强度约1mV/m的哨声波最大增长率约0.13/1000km,对应最大增长率的横向波长约400km(赤道位置).并进而指出,这种丝化不稳定性有可能是多路径哨声形成的一种非线性机制.   相似文献   

基于1995-2007年Wind飞船观测到的105个磁云事件, 按照磁云在地球附近是否与日球电流片发生碰撞, 将其分为碰撞和未碰撞两类, 得到初步分析结果. ①可能与日球电流片发生碰撞的磁云事件有51例, 约占事件总数的49%; ②发生碰撞时, 磁云与日球电流片之间的相互作用区内呈现动力学相互作用增强的趋势, 例如多呈现局部的磁场方向间断结构(或称局域电流片结构), 伴随磁场强度下降、质子温度升高、部分质子速度分量出现跃变, Langmuir波或100~250,kHz的离子声波出现增强,这些现象可能与碰撞相互作用区域内发生的磁重联有关; 没有碰撞时这些特征一般不明显; ③至少有15个事例中, 磁云前后背景磁场的极性相反, 或磁场极性反转的位置位于磁云内部, 显示磁云可能正在跨越电流片运动; ④在几个磁云事件中发现磁云的亮环和亮核纤维结构. 这些极为初步的分析结果有利于了解磁云与日球电流片之间的相互作用过程.   相似文献   

具有不同等离子体β值的Hall MHD重联中的低频波研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
数值研究具有不同等离子体β值(等离子体热压与磁压之比)的Hall MHD重联过程.对于β值在0.5≤β≤6.5的算例,稳态重联率(6)A/(6)t|st为0.15≥(6)A/(6)t|st≥0.095.本文研究β值在上述范围内的Hall MHD重联中的波动.通过快速傅里叶变换(FFT),将平面外磁场By分量和xz平面内的速度分量vx,vz位于给定点的时间序列转换为功率谱.结果表明,By,vx,vz功率谱的频率范围为Ωci<ω<8Ωci,其中Ωci为离子回旋频率.随着β值增大,功率谱峰值能量降低,并且朝着低频端移动.对于电场E采用最小方差分析法(MVA)可以确定波的传播方向k,波矢k与局地磁场B之间的夹角α随β值增大而增大.对于β值最大的算例3(β=6.5),α<28°.上述结果表明,k准平行于B.为了研究波的偏振特征,在垂直于k的平面内画出E的矢端图.三个算例的矢端图均表明,波动具有右旋偏振特征,在算例1(β=0.5)中矢端图为右旋椭圆偏振,而在算例2(β=2.5)和算例3(β=6.5)中矢端图变成复杂的右旋偏振图形,这些均为哨声波的典型特征.本文的研究为快速磁重联与哨声波之间提供了一种可能的联系.   相似文献   

二维静电孤立波的粒子模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用二维粒子模拟程序研究了双流不稳定性激发静电波并演化为静电孤立波的物理过程.计算结果表明,在线性增长阶段,主要激发的是沿磁场传播的静电波;在非线性演化阶段,相邻的静电波会互相合并,直至形成静电孤立波,并可激发静电哨声波.还研究了磁场强度和离子温度对此过程的影响.当磁场强度比较小时,无法形成静电孤立波,只有磁场强度达到一定程度后静电孤立波才能形成;同时,离子温度会影响静电孤立波的稳定性,当离子温度比较小时,静电孤立波的稳定性减弱,在演化一段时间后会逐渐瓦解.   相似文献   

波动是无碰撞等离子体中能量重新分配的重要途径。对波动的研究有助于更准确地认识太阳风与火星的相互作用,认识火星空间环境的特征。介绍了火星空间中常见的几种磁场低频波动,包括离子回旋波(Ion-CyclotronWave,ICW)、磁流体动力学(MagnetoHydro Dynamic,MHD)波、镜像模波、哨声波以及磁场锯齿状波动,总结了这几类波动的特征和可能的形成机制,说明不同种类的波动所反映的不同的物理过程。由于波粒相互作用在火星离子逃逸的过程中起到了重要作用,波动可影响火星环境的演化。  相似文献   

Many interplanetary shock waves have a fast mode MHD wave Mach number between one and two and the ambient solar wind plasma and magnetic field are known to fluctuate. Therefore a weak, fast, MHD interplanetary shock wave propagating into a fluctuating solar wind region or into a solar wind stream will be expected to vary its strength.It is possible that an interplanetary shock wave, upon entering such a region will weaken its strength and degenerate into a fast-mode MHD wave. It is even possible that the shock may dissipate and disappear.A model for the propagation of a solar flare - or CME (Coronal Mass Ejections) - associated interplanetary shock wave is given. A physical mechanism is described to calculate the probability that a weak shock which enters a turbulent solar wind region will degenerate into a MHD wave. That is, the shock would disappear as an entropy-generate entity. This model also suggests that most interplanetary shock waves cannot propagate continuously with a smooth shock surface. It is suggested that the surface of an interplanetary shock will be highly distorted and that parts of the shock surface can degenerate into MHD waves or even disappear during its global propagation through interplanetary space. A few observations to support this model will be briefly described.Finally, this model of shock propagation also applies to corotating shocks. As corotating shocks propagate into fluctuating ambient solar wind regions, shocks may degenerate into waves or disappear.  相似文献   

We have restudied electron beam driven whistler waves with a 3-D electromagnetic particle code. In the initialisation of the beam-plasma system, “quiet start” conditions were approached by including the poloidal magnetic field due to the current carried by beam electrons streaming along a background magnetic field. The simulation results show electromagnetic whistler wave emissions and electrostatic beam modes like those observed in the Spacelab 2 electron beam experiment. It has been suggested in the past that the spatial bunching of beam electrons associated with the beam mode may directly generate whistler waves. However, the simulation results indicate several inconsistencies with this picture: (1) the parallel (to the background magnetic field) wavelength of the whistler wave is longer than that of the beam instability, (2) the parallel phase velocity of the whistler wave is smaller than that of the beam mode, and (3) whistler waves continue to be generated even after the beam mode space charge modulation looses its coherence. The complex structure of the whistler waves in the vicinity of the beam suggest that the transverse motion (gyration) of the beam and background electrons is involved in the generation of the whistler waves.  相似文献   

The quasilinear theory of MHD waves excitation by cosmic rays accelerated at a front of supernova shock has been constructed. It is shown that the energetic particles excite the waves propagating from the shock front, the intensity and the spectrum of these waves is obtained. The role of nonlinear Landau damping in the formation of such spectrum has been analysed. The diffusive scattering length of the high energy particles in the preshock region has been calculated and it is shown with the help of these formulae that the effective Fermi acceleration at the shock front is possible upto the values of the relativistic factor = 104 - 105. The injection mechanism for cosmic rays acceleration has been proposed. It is based on stochastic Fermi acceleration of the thermal plasma by MHD waves excited in the preshock region. Different possibilities for wave phase velocity dispersion needed for stochastic Fermi acceleration are analysed, those are the excitation of the oblique magnetosonic waves as well as the excitation of parallel Alfven waves propagating in opposite directions. The distribution function of the suprathermal particles accelerated by MHD waves is obtained, the cosmic rays density as well as the lower boundary of their energy spectrum realised in the proposed mechanism are also calculated.  相似文献   

EUV imaging observations from several space missions (SOHO/EIT, TRACE, and SDO/AIA) have revealed a presence of propagating intensity disturbances in solar coronal loops. These disturbances are typically interpreted as slow magnetoacoustic waves. However, recent spectroscopic observations with Hinode/EIS of active region loops revealed that the propagating intensity disturbances are associated with intermittent plasma upflows (or jets) at the footpoints which are presumably generated by magnetic reconnection. For this reason, whether these disturbances are waves or periodic flows is still being studied. This study is aimed at understanding the physical properties of observed disturbances by investigating the excitation of waves by hot plasma injections from below and the evolution of flows and wave propagation along the loop. We expand our previous studies based on isothermal 3D MHD models of an active region to a more realistic model that includes full energy equation accounting for the effects of radiative losses. Computations are initialized with an equilibrium state of a model active region using potential (dipole) magnetic field, gravitationally stratified density and temperature obtained from the polytropic equation of state. We model an impulsive injection of hot plasma into the steady plasma outflow along the loops of different temperatures, warm (~1 MK) and hot (~6 MK). The simulations show that hot jets launched at the coronal base excite slow magnetoacoustic waves that propagate to high altitudes along the loops, while the injected hot flows decelerate rapidly with heights. Our results support that propagating disturbances observed in EUV are mainly the wave features. We also find that the effect of radiative cooling on the damping of slow-mode waves in 1–6 MK coronal loops is small, in agreement with the previous conclusion based on 1D MHD models.  相似文献   

Based on analytical calculations we have currently argued that spontaneous reconnection through thin collisionless current sheets is an essentially three-dimensional (3 D) process (Büchner, 1996 a, b). Since 3 D kinetic PIC codes have become available, the three dimensional nature of the collisionless current sheet decay are now illustrated by numerical simulations (Büchner and Kuska, 1996; Pritchett and Coroniti, 1996; Zhu and Winglee, 1996). While the latter two claim a coupling to a longer wavelength kink mode as a main factor, destabilizing thin current sheets in 3 D, our simulations have revealed that even shorter scale perturbations in the current direction suffice to destabilize thin sheets very quickly. Since past simulation runs, however, were limited to mass ratios near unity, the influence of the electrons was not treated adequately. We have now investigated the stability of thin collisionless current sheets including 64 times lighter negatively charged particles. We can now show that while the two-dimensional tearing instability slows down for M = Mp/me = 64, the three-dimensional current sheet decay is a much faster process — practically as fast as the mass ratio M = 1 3 D sheet decay, even without kinking the sheet. We further conclude that, unlike the two-dimensional tearing instability, the three-dimensional decay of thin current sheets is not controlled by the electrons. For a sheet width comparable with the ion inertial length, we also recovered signatures of the Hall effect as predicted by Vasyliunas (1975) in the mass ratio M = 64 case. The ion inertial length seems to be the critical scale at which the sheet starts to decay.  相似文献   

Lifetimes and pitch angle distributions of radiation belt electrons injected into the slot region are determined from CRRES/MEA particle flux measurements. The dominant loss mechanism is presumed to be pitch angle scattering due to whistler waves, for which a theoretical formulation is available. The empirical lifetimes are compared to those from recent calculations, which rely on model whistler wave parameters. CRRES measurements of cyclotron-frequency electric fields are also presented and compared to the wave model.  相似文献   

本文我们计算了带电粒子在中性线磁场中运动的解析轨道。其结果是:(1)带电粒子在中性片磁场中的运动是粒子在中性线磁场或在具有北向分量的中性片磁场中的第一级近似形式。(2)带电粒子在中性片磁场中的解析轨道的第三级近似形式与电子计算机计算的数值轨道基本相同。它们仅仅在小扰动区与非小扰动区的交界线上出现一些偏差。(3)带电粒子在整个中性片磁场的运动可以分成三种形式。粒子一方面在垂直于磁场的平面上作闭合的周期性轨道运动, 同时闭合轨道的中心还沿着垂直于磁场平行于中性线方向漂移。另一方面粒子还沿磁力线方向做等速运动。(4)在小扰动区中粒子的闭合轨道是一个圆轨道, 但在非小扰动区中却是一个“8”字形轨道, 其漂移速度与小扰动区漂移方向相反, 其大小也比小扰动区漂移大很多。以上结果本文都给出一个完整的解析形式。   相似文献   

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