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采用二维三分量磁流体力学数值模拟方法,研究了线性无力场对电流片的自发重联的影响。结果表明:电流片的背景场(无力场)对重联的拓扑位形有重要的影响,当无力场因子达到一定值时,在模拟区域内出现大范围的磁岛,磁岛厚度随时间的发展而增加,而无力场因子较小时则没有磁岛形成。当无力场因子为零时,即回到普通的位场情形的单x线重联,位场情形磁场拓扑位形与Scholar的结果一致。   相似文献   

应用二维三维量磁流体动力学方程组模拟,数值研究了压力各向异性等离子体周期多重电流片的演化,发现在β<<1时,微弱的各向异性仅仅使电流片中磁场重联的速度加快,而当β≈1(即热压与磁压相当时,微弱的垂直各向异性不仅大大加速了磁场重联的速度,还使重联位置发生显著变化。初始反对称的磁场重联位形逐步转化为对称的磁场位形,进而再演化为与初始反相的反对称磁场位形,场向各向异性和强的垂直各向异性都导致不稳定性增长率成倍增加。但在场各向异下磁场位形基本不变,只在电流片中心出现不规则扰动,同样参数下向向异性等离子体多重电流片中磁场重联形成的磁岛比各向同性多层电流要小。  相似文献   

日冕冲浪形成的磁流体动力学模拟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
应用二维时变可压缩磁流体动力学模拟,数值研究了双极-单极磁场中电阻撕裂模不稳定性引起的磁场重联过程,用于模拟日冕冲浪的形成.结果表明,在包含有三区——双极场、电流片和单极场的磁静力平衡初态下,双极场和单极场中的磁力线将会直接重联,磁场演变成鞭状(whip)结构.由弯曲磁力线支撑的等离子体团向上运动到最高位置后,逐渐下落和弥散.等离子体团上升速度可达到0.10vA(vA为双极场中的Alfv'én速度).模拟结果证实日冕冲浪的形成可能与双极-单极场中的磁场重联密切相关.   相似文献   

在双极背景场下,光球层反向磁通量的喷发将会在新老磁场之间形成中性电流片.本文从理想磁流体方程组出发,考虑磁场和日冕等离子体的相互作用,对上述电流片的形成过程进行了数值研究.结果表明,对亚音速喷发,将由里向外形成四个区域:(1)由喷发物质直接形成的低温,高密度日珥,位于最里层;(2)紧挨抛射日珥的低温稀疏区;(3)喷发物质和日冕物质向中性电流片集中形成的高温.高密度物质环;(4)在环的周围,由快磁声波形成的,密度略比日冕背景为高的前鞘区.上述结构与典型的环形日冕瞬变的观测特征相符.由此表明双极背景场下反向磁通量的喷发可能是触发这类瞬变的重要机制.   相似文献   

以Harris Sheet作为初始条件, 使用数值模拟的方法, 研究了二级磁岛不稳定重联的一些性质. 在模拟中随着初始扰动的加入, Harris Sheet将演化到非线性阶段, 形成更薄的有剪切速度的电流片, 并伴有一级磁岛产生. 当Lundquist数大于或等于105时, 非均匀剪切速度的Sweet-Parker电流片开始不稳定, 并有二级磁岛出现. 不稳定Sweet-Parker电流片对应的临界长宽比为65. Lundquist数越大, 演化形成的Sweet-Parker电流片越薄, 更多的二级磁岛将出现, 且沿电流片两边向外喷出, 随时间变大, 相互合并. 二级磁岛的出现使重联率增大, 并与Lundquist数之间不再满足S-1/2的关系, 而似乎对它的依赖关系不明显.   相似文献   

磁雷诺数(Rm)是影响磁场重联的重要因素. 真实的物理环境中Rm往往很高, 例如, 在行星际空间和太阳日冕中Rm通常大于104量级. 高Rm条件下的磁重联表现出很多异常特性, 然而高Rm条件下的磁场重联数值模拟需要很高的时空分辨率, 否则很难分辨出重联过程中形成的薄电流片. 本文基于自适应软件包PARAMESH将并行自适应网格技术引入磁场重联数值模拟, 建立了一个2.5维自适应磁场重联MHD模式, 研究高磁雷诺数条件下重联的动态演化过程, 进而将不同磁雷诺数的参数进行对比研究. 结果表明, 该模式可以自动捕捉到磁场重联产生的奇性电流片, 高磁雷诺数条件下产生的慢激波结构可提供一种快速磁能释放机制.   相似文献   

太阳大气中自发重联的数值模拟(I)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文在考虑了热传导、焦耳耗散和反常电阻的情况下,研究了日冕电流片中的自发重联过程。结果表明自发磁重联可通过反常电阻的焦耳耗散加热大气,这种作用与苈值的大小密度相关,这也许可以解释活动区日冕环 的稳态加热和耀斑前的预热相;当考虑电流片位形的下边界为固定边界时,由于系连效应会自然形为盔状结构,并且物质以40km/s的速度沿两“腿”下落,这种下落物质速度将造成谱线红移。  相似文献   

本文用多步隐格式求解包含电阻的磁流体力学方程组, 对双带耀斑的主相作数值模拟, 清晰地展示了中性片区由撕裂模线性重联向准稳态重联的过渡以及后随耀斑环的产生和等离子体团的喷发过程.对于在能量方程中计及和忽略焦耳加热两种情况, 分别作了计算.结果表明, 计及焦耳加热时, 电流片中等离子体的温度显著增加(是初始温度的2—3倍), 但等离子体的运动速度却变化不大.两种情况的计算结果均表明:等离子体的运动速度低于声速, 因此不会形成快激波.计及焦耳加热的计算结果显示了两个新的特征:其一是中性片高密度等离子体的受热膨胀, 增大了电流片的有效厚度, 它使重联速率降低, 并逐渐趋于饱和, 其二是同时形成上升和沉降等离子体团, 后者与耀斑环碰撞, 并合并于后随耀斑环内.   相似文献   

1997年 1月 10日磁暴期间, Geotail卫星在向阳侧的磁鞘中观测到了磁层氧离子突增事件.这些氧离子的出现和磁鞘中存在很强的南向行星际磁场有关.事件期间向阳面发生了准静态的磁重联,氧离子流存在由北向南的速度分量.通量突增过程具有逆向和正向能量色散现象,磁层内部只有氧离子有可能被梯度漂移输送到重联区,所以只有氧离子在磁鞘中持续地被观测到.估计氧离子的逃逸速率为 0.61× 1023/s,大约为环电流氧离子输入率的 33%.大量的环电流氧离子由磁层跑到了磁鞘,导致环电流指数 ASY-H呈现明显的非对称性.  相似文献   

本文在考虑了热传导、焦耳耗散和反常电阻的情况下, 研究了日冕电流片中的自发重联过程. 结果表明自发磁重税可通过反常电阻的焦耳耗散加热大气, 这种作用与β值的大小密切相关. 这也许可以解释活动区日冕环的稳态加热和耀斑前的预热相;当考虑电流片位形的下边界为固定边界时, 由于系连效应会自然形成盔状结构, 并且物质以40km/s的速度沿两“腿”下落, 这种下落物质速度将造成谱线红移.   相似文献   

We present observational results and their physical implications garnered from the deliberations of the FBS Magnetic Shear Study Group on magnetic field shear in relation to flares. The observed character of magnetic shear and its involvement in the buildup and release of flare energy are reviewed and illustrated with emphasis on recent results from the Marshall Space Flight Center vector magnetograph. It is pointed out that the magnetic field in active regions can become sheared by several processes, including shear flow in the photosphere, flux emergence, magnetic reconnection, and flux submergence. Modeling studies of the buildup of stored magnetic energy by shearing are reported which show ample energy storage for flares. Observational evidence is presented that flares are triggered when the field shear reaches a critical degree, in qualitative agreement with some theoretical analyses of sheared force-free fields. Finally, a scenario is outlined for the class of flares resulting from large-scale magnetic shear; the overall instability driving the energy release results from positive feedback between reconnection and eruption of the sheared field.  相似文献   

The energy needed to power flares is thought to be stored in the coronal magnetic field. However, the energy release is efficient only at very small scales. Magnetic configurations with a complex topology, i.e. with separatrices, are the most obvious configurations where current sheets can form, and then, reconnection can efficiently occur. This has been confirmed for several flares computing the coronal field and comparing the locations of the flare loops and ribbons to the deduced 3-D magnetic topology. However, this view is too restrictive taking into account the variety of observed solar flaring configurations. Indeed, “Quasi-Separatrix Layers” (QSLs), which are regions where there is a drastic change in field-line linkage, generalize the definition of separatrices. They let us understand where reconnection occurs in a broader variety of flares than separatrices do. The strongest electric field and current are generated at, or close to where the QSLs are thinnest. This defines the region where particle acceleration can efficiently occur. A new feature of 3-D reconnection is the natural presence of fast field-line slippage along the QSLs, a process called “slip-running reconnection”. This is a plausible origin for the motions of the X-ray sources along flare ribbons.  相似文献   

太阳大气的诸多观测事件(如耀斑、喷流等)均被归因于磁重联产生的能量转换. 近年来, 关于太阳风起源, 有研究提出了磁重联使闭合磁圈开放为太阳风供应物质的新模式. 在该模式中, 闭合磁圈被光球超米粒组织对流携带, 向超米粒边界运动, 与位于边界的开放磁场相碰撞进而发生磁重联. 该模式中磁重联的驱动及其效应是本文的研究目标. 磁流体力学(MHD)数值模拟是研究太阳大气磁重联物理过程的重要途径. 本文建立了一个二维MHD数值模型, 结合太阳大气温度和密度的分层分布, 在超米粒组织尺度上模拟了水平流动驱动的闭合磁圈与开放磁场的重联过程. 通过对模拟结果的定量分析, 认为磁重联确实能够将闭合磁圈的物质释放, 进而供应给新的开放磁结构并产生向上流动. 该结果为进一步模拟研究太阳风初始外流奠定了基础.   相似文献   

One phenomena Yohkoh has observed is plasmoid eruption in flares. Thus this is a key factor that must be explained in any flare mechanism. In order to understand the dynamics of a plasmoid, we performed a numerical MHD simulation and investigated the evolution of the coronal magnetic field, which is initially a force-free configuration. The main results are as follows. At first, small amount of dissipation, induced by the initial perturbation, occurs in the current sheet where the plasmoid forms. This plasmoid is slowly going upward by magnetic tension force of the reconnected magnetic fields produced by initial dissipation. The crucial point comes when the perpendicular magnetic fields are washed away from the reconnection point, after that the reconnection proceeds effectively so that the magnetic tension force of the reconnected fields becomes strong, which make the plasmoid be rapidly erupted upward. These are consistent with the observational results, which say that before the main energy release the plasmoid slowly rises and when the flare sets in it is rapidly accelerated upward. In this paper, we emphasize on the role that the perpendicular magnetic fields play in the evolution of flare.  相似文献   

A semi-analytical model for the electrodynamic development of two-ribbon flares is presented. A current filament above a bipolar active region starts rising according to the model of Van Tend and Kuperus. Due to this motion large induced electric fields arise at a magnetic neutral line far below the filament, resulting in and associated with magnetic reconnection and the formation of a current sheet. The interaction of this current sheet with the original current filament, the background magnetic field and the boundary layer of the photosphere determine the further electrodynamic development of the flare. The model predicts the energy release, the time of maximum, the height of the energy source and other quantities reasonably well.  相似文献   

本文从完整的磁流体动力学方程组出发, 研究太阳大气中磁力线管根部的扭转储存能量。通过数值方法, 研究了包含太阳表面过渡区在内的非线性无力场的动力学演化。假设初始磁场位形为势场, 根部等离子体运动使活动区磁场扭转。磁能蓬新分布, 在局部区域中储存大量的磁能。计算结果给出非线性无力场的定量关系, 可以解释太阳耀斑的储能过程。   相似文献   

On 27 October, 2003, two GOES M-class flares occurred in an interval of 3 h in active region NOAA 10486. The two flares were confined and their associated brightenings appeared at the same location, displaying a very similar shape both at the chromospheric and coronal levels. We focus on the analysis of magnetic field (SOHO/MDI), chromospheric (HASTA, Kanzelhöhe Solar Observatory, TRACE) and coronal (TRACE) observations. By combining our data analysis with a model of the coronal magnetic field, we compute the magnetic field topology associated with the two M flares. We find that both events can be explained in terms of a localized magnetic reconnection process occurring at a coronal magnetic null point. This null point is also present at the same location one day later, on 28 October, 2003. Magnetic energy release at this null point was proposed as the origin of a localized event that occurred independently with a large X17 flare on 28 October, 2003 [Mandrini, C.H., Démoulin, P., Schmieder, B., Deluca, E., Pariat, E., Uddin, W. Companion event and precursor of the X17 flare on 28 October, 2003. Solar Physics, 238, 293–312, 2006], at 11:01 UT. The three events, those on 27 October and the one on 28 October, are homologous. Our results show that coronal null points can be stable topological structures where energy release via magnetic reconnection can happen, as proposed by classical magnetic reconnection models.  相似文献   

Magnetic reconnection occurs during eruptive processes (flares, CMEs) in the solar corona. This leads to a change of magnetic connectivity. Nonthermal electrons propagate along the coronal magnetic field thereby exciting dm- and m-wave radio burst emission after acceleration during reconnection or other energy release processes in heights of some Mm to ⩾700 Mm. We summarize the results of some case studies which can be interpreted as radio evidence of magnetic reconnection: under certain conditions, simple spectral structures (pulsation pulses, reverse drift bursts) are formed by simultaneously acting but widely spaced radio sources. Narrowband spikes are emitted as a side-effect during large-scale coronal loop collisions. In dynamic radio spectra, the lower fast mode shock formed in the reconnection outflow appears as type II burst-like but nondrifting emission lane. It has been several times observed at the harmonic mode of the local plasma frequency between 250 and 500 MHz and at heights of ≈200 Mm.  相似文献   

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