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A deduced cutting force prediction model for circular end milling process is presented in this paper. Traditional researches on cutting force model usually focus on linear milling process which does not meet other cutting conditions, especially for circular milling process. This paper presents an improved cutting force model for circular end milling process based on the typical linear milling force model. The curvature effects of tool path on chip thickness as well as entry and exit angles are analyzed, and the cutting force model of linear milling process is then corrected to fit circular end milling processes. Instantaneous cutting forces during circular end milling process are predicted according to the proposed model. The deduced cutting force model can be used for both linear and circular end milling processes. Finally, circular end milling experiments with constant and variable radial depth were carried out to verify the availability of the proposed method. Experiment results show that measured results and simulated results corresponds well with each other. 相似文献
Machining of carbon/carbon (C/C) composite materials is difficult to carry out due to its high specific stiffness, brittleness, anisotropic, non-homogeneous and low thermal conductivity, which can result in tear, burr, poor surface quality and rapid wear of cutters. Accurate and fast pre-diction of cutting forces is important for milling C/C composite materials with high quality. This paper presents an alternative cutting force model involving the influences of the directions of fiber. Based on the calculated and experimental results, the cutting forces’ coefficients of 2.5D C/C com-posites are evaluated using multiple linear regression method. Verification experiment has been car-ried out through a group of orthogonal tests. Results indicate that the proposed model is reliable and can be used to predict the cutting forces in ball-end milling of 2.5D C/C composites. 相似文献
In a milling operation, there must be processes of a cutter entering and exiting the work-piece boundary. The cutter exit is usually in the feed direction and the dynamic response is different from that in the normal cutting process. This paper presents a new time-domain modeling of mechanics and dynamics of the cutter exit process for the slot milling process. The cutter is assumed to exit the workpiece for the first time with one tooth right in the feed direction. The dynamic chip thickness is summed up along the feed direction and compared with the remaining workpiece length in the feed direction to judge whether the cutter is ready to exit the workpiece or not. The developed model is then used for analyzing the cutting force and machining vibration in the cutter exit process. The developed mathematical model is experimentally validated by comparing the simulated forces and vibrations against the measured data collected from real slotting milling tests. The study shows that stable cutting parameters cannot guarantee stable cutting in a cutter exit process and further study can be performed to control the vibration amplitude in this specific process. 相似文献
以苏通长江大桥为研究背景,研发了一套测压装置,通过测压法对苏通长江大桥施工状态主梁断面三分力系数进行了现场实测研究,并把现场实测所得结果与风洞试验结果进行了对比,研究了雷诺数对三分力系数的影响。结果表明:雷诺数对阻力系数影响较大,现场实测值比风洞试验所得值小约15%,对升力系数及力矩系数影响较小。因此,针对特大桥梁,在利用风洞实验获取三分力系数时应尽量使雷诺数接近实际情况,否则结果可能偏于保守。 相似文献
切削过程有限元仿真研究进展 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
得益于高性能计算机和软件技术的发展,数值仿真为深入理解切削过程、研究刀具磨损、提高加工表面质量等提供了强大的技术支持。总结了现有几种本构模型的特点,对构建切削仿真有限元模型中的几个关键问题进行了分析和总结,综述了有限元仿真技术在金属切削过程中切屑形成研究、切削温度和切削力、刀具磨损、刀具优化和残余应力预测以及加工表面显微组织演变模拟等方面的研究成果。最后,系统地分析了切削过程有限元仿真研究中存在的问题,探讨了该研究领域未来的发展趋势和需要进一步探索的热点问题。 相似文献
TC17钛合金铣削刀具磨损对残余应力影响研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
为了获得高性能航空发动机用TC17钛合金材料铣削过程中刀具磨损对残余应力的影响规律,通过对不同刀具后刀面磨损量下铣削工件表层残余应力的测试,建立了刀具磨损对残余应力的影响关系,并对影响机理进行了分析。结果表明,硬质合金刀具低速铣削钛合金时,刀具对已加工表面的挤光效应引起的残余压应力占主导地位;不同刀具后刀面磨损量下,残余压应力沿深度方向先增大达到一个最大压应力值后,然后减小趋向于零应力;表面残余应力、最大残余压应力以及残余应力的影响深度都随刀具后刀面磨损量的增大呈增大趋势。 相似文献
辽宁创意产业发展的驱动力分析 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
辽宁是我国重要的装备制造业基地,然而面对新经济的增长速度、产业结构的调整、城市竞争力的提升以及可持续发展理念的现实,发展创意产业已经刻不容缓。从创意产业发展的现实入手,通过基础驱动、问题驱动分析描述辽宁创意产业发展的优势和存在的问题,同时为今后我省创意产业的发展提出建设性的建议。 相似文献
An aerodynamic force and moment measurement was conducted in JF12 long-testduration detonation-driven shock tunnel of Institute of Mechanics,Chinese Academy of Sciences.The test duration of JF12 is 100–130 ms.The nominal Mach number is 7.0 and the exit diameter of the contoured nozzle is 2.5 m.The total enthalpy is 2.5 MJ/kg which duplicates the hypersonic flight conditions of Mach number 7.0 at 35 km altitude.The test model is the standard aerodynamic force model of 10° half-angle sharp cone.The length of the test model is 1500 mm and the weight is 57 kg.The aerodynamic forces were measured with a six-component strain balance.The angles of attack were set to be à5°,0°,5°,10° and 14°,respectively.The experimental results show that in the 100–130 ms test duration,the signals of strain balance have 3–4 complete vibration cycles.So,the aerodynamic forces and moments can be obtained directly by averaging the signals of balance without acceleration compensation.The force measurement error of repeatability of JF12 is less than 2%.The aerodynamic force coefficients of JF12 are in good agreement with those of conventional hypersonic wind tunnels.For this test model at Mach number 7.0 and total enthalpy of 2.5 MJ/kg,the real-gas effects on aerodynamic force characteristics are not very evident. 相似文献
Accurate prediction of the aerodynamic response of a compressor under inlet distortion is crucial for next-generation civil aircraft,such as Boundary Layer Ingestion(BLI)silent aircraft.Therefore,research on the Body Force(BF)model plays a significant role in achieving this objec-tive.However,distorted inlet airflow can lead to varying operating conditions across different spa-tial locations of the compressor,which may cause some regions to operate outside the stability boundary.Consequently,the accuracy of BF model simulations might be compromised.To address this issue,this paper proposes a numerical simulation strategy for acquiring the steady axisymmetric three-dimensional flow field of a compressor operating at low mass flow rates,which is known as the Underlying Axisymmetric Pressure Rise Characteristic(UAPRC).The proposed simulation accounts for two different rotor speeds of a transonic compressor and identifies initial positions in the flow field where deterioration occurs based on prior experimental investigations.Moreover,simulation results are incorporated into the BF model to replicate hub instability observed in exper-iments.Obtained results demonstrate that this strategy provides valid predictions of the UAPRC of the compressor,thereby addressing the limitations associated with the BF model. 相似文献
基于微铣削刀具轨迹建立了考虑刀具偏心、最小切削厚度的塑性材料微铣削底面粗糙度的预测模型,预测结果表明粗糙度表面形貌呈锯齿状,刀具偏心会影响表面粗糙度的形貌周期和高度,并进行微铣削加工实验,对粗糙度预测模型进行了验证。采用回归统计方法,建立了脆性材料微铣削加工表面粗糙度预测模型,对加工表面形貌进行观察,利用响应曲面法得到了各铣削用量对表面粗糙度的影响规律。 相似文献
壁湍流主要表现为条带和流向涡为主要特征的拟序结构和间歇性的湍流猝发事件,这些都会导致壁面阻力的增加,因此,为了实现减阻,需控制或消除壁面附近的流向涡进而抑制湍流的猝发。在该研究中,利用展向振荡电磁力对槽道湍流的近壁流向涡进行控制,以达到减阻的目的;并利用PIV测试系统对其进行了实验研究,讨论了这种电磁力的减阻效果及其减阻机理。结果表明:展向振荡电磁力具有减小壁面阻力的功能,其减阻机理为展向振荡的电磁力可以使条带倾斜,在流场中产生附加的负展向涡,导致近壁区域平均流向速度梯度的减小,因此,壁面阻力减小。 相似文献
立铣切削力分类研究及精确铣削力模型的建立 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
提出了一种根据切削力变化曲线的形状特征精确建立铣削力预测模型的方法。以立铣加工过程为研究对象,基于静力模型,研究铣削力的变化规律和切削用量的关系,总结了6种不同切深组合下的铣削力类型并分别给出理论的切削力随刀具旋转的变化曲线图,基于切削力交叠程度又将切削力细分为10类。在此基础上通过定义切削力分析指标,得到了基于切削力曲线形状特征的实际切深的计算方法。根据理论分析结果,提出在不同切深组合下分别建立铣削力模型的观点,实际切深的应用使得模型更加精确,更重要的是根据该切削力分类来组织试验,针对性加强,试验数据更可信。通过合理安排试验,验证了该理论的正确性。 相似文献
设计了一种使微管道中导电液体得到混合的方案,利用电场和磁场耦合作用下产生的电磁力作用,使流体产生往复运动及流体界面的弯曲延伸,不同流体的接触面积大大增加,从而提高混合效率。在此基础上搭建了实验平台,利用Micro—PIV系统进行了详细的实验研究,得到了微管道中流体流动的速度场,并对不同电极排列方式下的流场进行分析比较。在实验基础上进行数值验证,并对不同工况下的混合效率进行了分析。结果表明:通过电磁力的扰动作用,确实能有效地提高微管道中流体的混合效率。 相似文献
从研究超声速气流中简化液滴(刚性小球)的气动力着手,比较分析使用CFD方法与使用两相流理论中已有的颗粒阻力系数模型得到的简化液滴气动力结果,得出Charles B.Henderson给出的阻力系数经验关系式适用于计算简化液滴在超声速气流中的运动。进一步,对不同直径简化液滴的运动开展工程方法的计算。在来流Ma=2.7的二维平板超声速流场中选取一个截面,作为气相流场,结果显示:(1)简化液滴与主气流存在相对超声速运动,当简化液滴直径dk≤0.12mm时,纵向相对超声速运动区域约为0.15m~0.4m,当dk0.12mm时,作用区域明显增大;(2)以10m/s喷射出的简化液滴,其横向穿透深度与纵向运动距离比约为0.004m/1m~0.021m/1m;(3)以100m/s的速度喷射出的30~120μm直径简化液滴,其横向穿透深度与纵向运动距离比约为0.02m/1m~0.055m/1m,实际过程中,小尺寸简化液滴的汽化很快,其穿透深度很小。 相似文献
旋转超声钻削碳纤维复合材料钻削力和扭矩的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对碳纤维增强树脂基复合材料(CFRP)加工过程中的问题,对金刚石套料钻旋转超声钻削CFRP-T700型复合材料展开了研究。研究发现,钻削力随主轴转速的增加具有减小的趋势,而扭矩则随着主轴转速的增加,呈现增大的趋势;与传统加工相比,旋转超声振动钻削可降低切削力及扭矩达56.6%和39.1%,有效抑制加工缺陷的产生。初步建立了切削力和扭矩之间的数学模型,并通过试验对切削力和扭矩之间的比例常数k加以验证。研究结果表明,旋转超声钻削CFRP在降低切削力和扭矩方面有较大优势。 相似文献
In the process of composite prepreg tape winding, the compaction force could influence the quality of winding products. According to the analysis and experiments, during the winding process of a rocket motor nozzle aft exit cone with a winding angle, there would be an error between the deposition speed of tape layers and the feeding speed of the compaction roller, which could influence the compaction force. Both a lack of compaction and overcompaction related to the feed-ing of the compaction roller could result in defects of winding nozzles. Thus, a flexible winding sys-tem has been developed for rocket motor nozzle winding. In the system, feeding of the compaction roller could be adjusted in real time to achieve an invariable compaction force. According to exper-iments, the force deformation model of the winding tape is a time-varying system. Thus, a forgetting factor recursive least square based parameter estimation proportional-integral-differential (PID) controller has been developed, which could estimate the time-varying parameter and control the compaction force by adjusting the feeding of the compaction roller during the winding process. According to the experimental results, a winding nozzle with fewer voids and a smooth surface could be wounded by the invariable compaction force in the flexible winding system. 相似文献