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Waveform Design for Multistatic Radar Detection 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
We derive the optimal Neyman-Pearson (NP) detector and its performance, and then present a methodology for the design of the transmit signal for a multistatic radar receiver. The detector assumes a Swerling I extended target model as well as signal-dependent noise, i.e., clutter. It is shown that the NP detection performance does not immediately lead to an obvious signal design criterion so that as an alternative, a divergence criterion is proposed for signal design. A simple method for maximizing the divergence, termed the maximum marginal allocation algorithm, is presented and is guaranteed to find the global maximum. The overall approach is a generalization of previous work that determined the optimal detector and transmit signal for a monostatic radar. 相似文献
Yarovoy A.G. Ligthart L.P. Matuzas J. Levitas B. 《Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, IEEE》2008,23(5):36-40
UWB radar for detection and positioning of human beings in a complex environment has been developed and manufactured. The novelty of the radar lies in its large operational bandwidth (11.7 GHz at -10 dB level) combined with high time stability. Detection of respiratory movement of a person in laboratory conditions has been demonstrated. Based on experimental results, human being radar return has been analysed in the frequency band from 1 GHz to 12 GHz. The novel principle of human being detection is considered and verified experimentally. 相似文献
A problem f requently encountered by radar systems analysts is the evaluation of the "double-threshold" or M out of N detection process. Detection probabilities of this process are binomially distributed, making it difficult to obtain exact results for large values of the number of samples and for low probabilities of false alarm. In this paper, the M out of N detection algorithm is defined and detection performance is calculated for the special cases of the nonfluctuating target and Swerling cases I and 11 for false alarm probabilities of 106, 10-8 and 10-10. 相似文献
The threshold value required to obtain a specified false-alarm probability, when postdetection integration follows a square-law or an envelope detector, is frequently needed in theoretical and practical studies of radar signal processor performance. The determination of such threshold values requires a substantial numerical computational effort. In this correspondence, simple expressions are presented with which these thresholds can be determined with excellent accuracy using only a scientific calculator. 相似文献
Target Detection and Parameter Estimation for MIMO Radar Systems 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》2008,44(3):927-939
We investigate several target detection and parameter estimation techniques for a multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar system. By transmitting independent waveforms via different antennas, the echoes due to targets at different locations are linearly independent of each other, which allows the direct application of many data-dependent beamforming techniques to achieve high resolution and excellent interference rejection capability. In the absence of array steering vector errors, we discuss the application of several existing data-dependent beamforming algorithms including Capon, APES (amplitude and phase estimation) and CAPES (combined Capon and APES), and then propose an alternative estimation procedure, referred to as the combined Capon and approximate maximum likelihood (CAML) method. Via several numerical examples, we show that the proposed CAML method can provide excellent estimation accuracy of both target locations and target amplitudes. In the presence of array steering vector errors, we apply the robust Capon beamformer (RCB) and doubly constrained robust Capon beamformer (DCRCB) approaches to the MIMO radar system to achieve accurate parameter estimation and superior interference and jamming suppression performance. 相似文献
There is a problem in deciding whether a radar observation of an object in outer space is of a known catalogued satellite or of a newly launched satellite. With some radar systems joint or dumbell radar images of two satellites cause occasional confusion, and appropriate decision theory for this situation is derived. Decision theory for the individual image is given in an appendix. 相似文献
《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》1986,(6):670-680
The optimum rank detector structure, in the Neyman-Pearson sense and under Gaussian noise conditions, is approximated by a suboptimum structure that depends on an adjustable parameter. This new rank detector, which operates on radar video signal, includes other well-known detectors as particular cases. The asymptotic relative efficiency (ARE) of the proposed rank detector is computed, with its maximum value the ARE of the locally optimum rank detector (LORD). The detection probability versus signal-to-noise ratio, and the effects of interfering targets are also calculated by Monte-Carlo simulations for different parameter values. 相似文献
雷达检测性能是雷达最基本、最重要的性能,雷达检测性能试验是雷达试验的重要内容。由于各种原因,针对雷达的系统级原型试验常常难以开展或者只能极少量地开展,通常只能通过进行大量等效试验来辅助雷达性能的鉴定评估工作。本文针对缺乏原型试验条件下的雷达检测性能评估问题,提出了一种基于试验数据分析的雷达检测性能等效推算方法。首先给出了等效试验与原型试验之间的差异性度量方法,它是等效推算和性能评估的基础;接着对存在原型试验条件下的等效推算方法进行了研究;而后针对通常无法进行原型试验的实际情况,提出了一种基于预测模型和仿真试验相结合的零子样原型试验条件下的等效推算方法;最后通过仿真实例验证了本文方法的合理性和可行性。 相似文献
A scheme is presented for the identification of naval vessels via active multiple-frequency radar interrogation. A major virtue of the described method is the use of a response waveform synthesized using amplitude data only. A prediction correlation using natural resonances associated with substructures on the vessels is applied to synthetically generated matched-filter response waveforms. The identification scheme is tested using measured model data for 8 vessels on a simulated sea surface. A correct identification probability of roughly 77 percent is obtained. 相似文献
Radar Detection in Weibull Clutter 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Radar detection in Weibull clutter is examined from a statistical detection viewpoint. Weibull clutter parameters are determined and related to measured values of land and sea clutter. Optimum performance in Weibull clutter is determined, and practical receivers that approach this performance are identified. Receiver performance in Rayleigh, log-normal, and Weibull clutter is evaluated and compared. 相似文献
Consider the design of a minimum dwelltime set of coherent, range-unambiguous pulse bursts that will provide a specified target detection performance in a clutter-free ("clear") range interval [Rmin,Rmax]. Practical procedures are presented here for finding these optimal waveform sets versus Rmax/Rmin, subject to a peak transmit power constraint. It is always possible to design a multiple-PRF clear mode that achieves the same effective use of energy as a single-PRF waveform with a 33 percent duty ratio. Slightly higher effective duty ratios can be achieved if the radar is capable of transmitting and processing two interleaved pulse bursts at the same PRF. 相似文献
In this paper we describe the existing and planned radar measurements of the planetary bodies. The dielectric properties of water ice and other potential surface and subsurface materials are discussed, as well as their dependency on temperature and structure. We then evaluate the performance of subsurface sounding radars using these parameters. Finally we describe some laboratory technique to help interpret the radar data, presenting some results obtained using dielectric spectroscopy methods. 相似文献
Interference in the form of multipath or uncooperative targets can seriously degrade the angle-of-arrival estimation accuracy of mutiplebeam processors. In this paper, the generalized likelihood ratio test is used to derive a test to detect the presence of interference for multiple beam processors. The detector performance is then analyzed in detail with respect to its dependence on signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), signal-to-interference ration (SIR), and on the relative phase between the target and interfering signals. It is shown that good detection performance can be obtained unless the phase difference between the target and interference signals is either in or out of phase. 相似文献
This paper provides general models of radar echoes from a target. The rationale of the approach is to consider the echoes as the output of a linear dynamic system driven by white Gaussian noise (WGN). Two models can be conceived to generate N target returns: samples generated as a batch, or sequentially generated one by one. The models allow the accommodation of any correlation between pulses and nonstationary behavior of the target. The problem of deriving the optimum receiver structure is next considered. The theory of "estimator-correlator" receiver is applied to the case of a Gaussian-distributed time-correlated target embedded in clutter and thermal noise. Two equivalent detection schemes are obtained (i. e., the batch detector and the recursive detector) which are related to the above mentioned procedures of generating radar echoes. A combined analytic-numeric method has been conceived to obtain a set of original detection curves related to operational cases of interest. Finally, an adaptive implementation of the proposed processor is suggested, especially with reference to the problem of on-line estimation of the clutter covariance matrix and of the CFAR threshold. In both cases detection loss due to adaptation has been evaluated by means of a Monte Carlo simulation approach. In summary, the original contributions of the paper lie in the mathematical formulation of a powerful model for radar echoes and in the derivation of a large set of detection curves. 相似文献
The probability of detection and false-alarm rates are developed for laser radar systems perturbed by background radiation, fluctuating targets, and atmospheric turbulence. In particular, some results on the decibel loss due to atmospheric turbulence are presented. 相似文献
A game between an intelligent jammer J and decision maker DM is considered. DM seeks to detect a coherent slowly fading narrowband signal under a Neyman-Pearson criterion. His observations are corrupted with additive narrowband noise, the source of which is J's jamming with a power constraint, but otherwise almost arbitrary statistics. DM knows J's action but the converse is not true. When the number of samples increases asymptotically, a minimax solution for the game exists where the jamming is Gaussian, independent of the desired signal amplitude level and probability distribution. The same result also holds for detection of a nonrandom baseband signal. 相似文献
雷达目标识别是防空武器系统雷达信息处理的一个关键环节.在小波变换与粗糙集基础上提出一种雷达目标识别方法.小波变换能够提高了时--频分频率;粗糙集理论是一种新型的处理不确定性知识的数学工具.利用小波变换对目标原始信息进行分解,得到目标的能量特征向量;通过粗糙集简化关系表,删去冗余信息,用逻辑推理算法表示判别规则.应用小波变换与粗糙集能够满足利用不精确信息进行目标识别的需要. 相似文献
Cumulative probability distributions such as occur in radar detection problems are approximated by a new version of the saddlepoint method of evaluating the inverse Laplace transform of the moment-generating function. When the number of radar pulses integrated is large, the approximation of lowest order yields good accuracy in the tails of the distributions, yet requires much less computation than standard recursive methods. Greater accuracy can be achieved upon summing the residual series by converting it to a continued fraction. The method is applied to evaluating the error-function integral and the Mth-order Q function, and to approximating the inverse of the chi-squared distribution. Cumulative distributions of discrete random variables, needed for determining error probabilities in optical communication receivers that involve counting photoelectrons, can be approximated by a simple modification of the method, which is here applied to the Laguerre distribution. 相似文献