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LEO卫星轨道误差对无线电掩星反演大气参数的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蒋虎  黄珹 《空间科学学报》2001,21(3):253-258
采用数值方法估计了LEO卫星轨道误差对无线电掩星反演大气参数的影响.并将其应用于1995年10月11日的某次掩星事件的观测资料处理和分析,得到了LEO卫星轨道误差对无线电掩星反演大气参数影响的定量结果.  相似文献   

无线电掩星和激光雷达观测结果比较   总被引:10,自引:2,他引:10  
简要阐述了激光雷达和GPS掩星探测大气的基本原理,并利用1996年10月14日1625 UT时 B本 TMU钠和瑞利散射激光雷B(39.23°E、 35.37°N)资#,反演得到 30-55 km高度范围内大气密度和温度的观测结果,与此同时通过激光雷达上空的 GPS掩星观测到的掩星切点处的观测结果进行了比较.结果表明:两种方法获得测出的密度廓线符合得很好;温度廓线的变化趋势也基本一致,但在某些高度上有较大的偏离.文中最后对比较结果作了简要分析,讨论了重力波对大气密度和温度廓线的影响.  相似文献   

利用Abel积分变换通过掩星弯曲角计算折射率需要对高层弯曲角进行统计优化.目前由于所使用的背景场资料和具体反演方法不同,导致所发布的掩星大气数据气候统计值存在一定差异.本文使用2008年1,4,7,10月共4个月的COSMIC大气掩星附加相位数据,从纬圈平均弯曲角廓线反演相应月平均折射率,对反演结果进行比较分析.研究表明,利用掩星折射数据进行气候研究时无需逐一对掩星探测廓线进行统计优化,在40 km以下高度基于平均弯曲角的反演方法与传统统计相比能够获得几乎一致的月平均折射率,在50 km以上高度基于平均弯曲角的反演结果更加接近ECMWF资料统计.  相似文献   

X射线掩星是一种常见的天文现象,基于X射线掩星探测的大气密度反演是一种涉及学科交叉的新方法,其通过处理高能X射线天体辐射源的掩星观测数据实现大气密度的反演,基本原理为X射线在大气中传播时,X射线光子被大气中的原子(包括分子中的原子)吸收和散射,从而导致X射线强度发生衰减,根据衰减后X射线信号的强度反演对应的密度廓线。本文根据X射线掩星探测的应用需求,论证了基于X射线掩星实现大气密度反演的新方法,重点介绍了光变曲线拟合和能谱拟合两种地球中高层大气密度反演算法,分析了X射线掩星探测反演大气密度的研究进展和研究方法,对基于X射线掩星反演大气密度的优点进行分析和讨论,进而对X射线掩星探测的应用场景进行展望。结果表明,作为一种新型中高层大气密度测量手段,X射线掩星探测可对中高层大气密度实现有效探测,弥补了目前中高层大气密度实测数据的不足。  相似文献   

GPS/LEO无线电掩星技术反演地球大气参数剖面已经具有较高的精度. 国外开展了多个GPS/LEO掩星项目, 但中国还尚未深入进行相关的实验, 这制约了中国掩星技术的发展. 本文提出基于STK进行GPS/LEO掩星技术研究的方法; 根据GPS/LEO掩星的原理, 推导出掩星事件发生的条件和掩星切点的计算公式; 利用STK对掩星过程进行模拟, 得到掩星数据. 在大气球对称假设和大气模型已知的条件下, 反演得到中性大气折射指数. 通过比较模型和反演数据, 表明反演数据精度较高, 验证了利用STK模拟GPS/LEO掩星实验方法的可行性.  相似文献   

根据掩星大气探测反演原理,研究了影响系统产品精度的误差源,并对多普勒观测误差、天线相位中心变化误差、多路径误差、卫星质心变化误差、导航卫星钟飘、卫星姿态变化误差和精密定轨速度误差进行分析,根据工程实现可行性提出了系统误差分配建议,为掩星大气探测系统设计提供参考.  相似文献   

研究证明,全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)极化无线电掩星(PRO)技术可以用于探测降雨。利用GPM DPR降雨率数据与PAZ卫星极化相移观测数据匹配,筛选出代表性降雨事件。通过选用TB等7种雨滴形状和MP等5种雨滴谱模型,采用T矩阵法对各事件进行正演,并分析PAZ极化相移的线性校正值、天线相位校正值与正演模拟值之间的关系。对比分析得出线性校正值、相位校正值与模拟值的相关系数分别为0.9994和0.9933,均方根差分别为0.3429和1.2765。模拟值与实测值之间高度相关,且更接近线性校正值。进一步的研究表明,模拟降雨率在1 mm·h–1以下的事件时,雨滴谱采用MP或JD分布,雨滴形状采用SC或PB的模拟精度更高;降雨率在1 mm·h–1以上的事件,雨滴谱采用MP或 SS分布,雨滴形状采用TB的模拟结果最优。  相似文献   

日本SELENE/KAGUYA探测任务提供了研究月球电离层的机会。采用无线电掩星探测技术和趋势外推算法,消除地球电离层和行星际等离子体的干扰影响,残余的信号相位信息的变化反映了月球电离层的信息,估算出月球周围附近近似对称分布的稀薄电离层中电子总含量(TEC)约为每立方米10-14个。  相似文献   

利用FY-3C极轨卫星提供的2014年6月至2015年5月的GPS无线电掩星数据,统计分析了全球范围内抽样频率为50 Hz的C/A码SNR扰动情况,进而对偶发E层进行了研究.结果表明:偶发E层在夏季半球中纬地区的扰动强度远远大于冬季半球同一纬度地区的扰动强度,偶发E层在纬度40°附近扰动明显增强;在E层100 km高度附近,Es层在10:00 LT和22:00 LT达到峰值;Es层在夏季半球的出现率明显高于冬季半球;FY-3C卫星的掩星观测结果与COSMIC系统的观测结果较一致,可以利用FY-3C卫星的掩星数据研究电离层偶发E层等的变化.  相似文献   

电离层掩星数据反演的传统方法是采用改正TEC的Abel 变换反演法, 实际电离层的非球对称性会给电子密度的反演结果带来误差. 文中研究了利用TEC修正方法结合背景场来剔除TEC 受电子密度水平变化的影响, 改善球对称假设适用性, 提高反演精度, 并应用此方法于模拟掩星事件的反演. 结果表明, 与传统的Abel 变换反演相比, TEC 修正反演法能够减小反演误差. 用TEC 修正反演法对不同方法获取的背景场的反演结果比较表明, 背景场与实际场吻合的程度越高, 反演效果越好.  相似文献   

大气折射率干项引起电波折射误差的简便算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
提出了大气折射率干项引起电波折射误差的简便算法。重点给出了在现有条件下获得大气折射率干项的等值高度与地面温度实用模型的方法, 并给出了中国某地的模型系数  相似文献   

The existence of a “dense” lunar ionosphere has been controversial for decades. Positive ions produced from the lunar surface and exosphere are inferred to have densities that are ?106107 m?3 near the surface and smaller at higher altitudes, yet electron densities derived from radio occultation measurements occasionally exceed these values by orders of magnitude. For example, about 4% of the single-spacecraft radio occultation measurements from Kaguya/SELENE were consistent with peak electron densities of ~3×108 m?3. Space plasmas should be neutral on macroscopic scales, so this represents a substantial discrepancy. Aditional observations of electron densities in the lunar ionosphere are critical to resolving this longstanding paradox. Here we theoretically assess whether radio occultation observations using two-way coherent S-band radio signals from the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter (LRO) spacecraft could provide useful measurements of electron densities in the lunar ionosphere. We predict the uncertainty in a single LRO radio occultation measurement of electron density to be ~3×108 m?3, comparable to occasional observations by Kaguya/SELENE of a dense lunar ionosphere. Thus an individual profile from LRO is unlikely to reliably detect the lunar ionosphere; however, averages of multiple (~10) LRO profiles acquired under similar geophysical and viewing conditions should be able to make reliable detections. An observing rate of six ingress occultations per day (~2000 per year) could be achieved with minimal impact on current LRO operations. This rate compares favorably with the 378 observations reported from the single-spacecraft experiment on Kaguya/SELENE between November 2007 and June 2009. The large number of observations possible for LRO would be sufficient to permit wide-ranging investigations of spatial and temporal variations in the poorly understood lunar ionosphere. These findings strengthen efforts to conduct such observations with LRO.  相似文献   

In the coming years, opportunities for remote sensing of electron density in the Earth’s ionosphere will expand with the advent of Galileo, which will become part of the global navigation satellite system (GNSS). Methods for accurate electron density retrieval from radio occultation data continue to improve. We describe a new method of electron density retrieval using total electron content measurements obtained in low Earth orbit. This method can be applied to data from dual-frequency receivers tracking the GPS or Galileo transmitters. This simulation study demonstrates that the method significantly improves retrieval accuracy compared to the standard Abel inversion approach that assumes a spherically symmetric ionosphere. Our method incorporates horizontal gradient information available from global maps of Total Electron Content (TEC), which are available from the International GNSS Service (IGS) on a routine basis. The combination of ground and space measurements allows us to improve the accuracy of electron density profiles near the occultation tangent point in the E and F regions of the ionosphere.  相似文献   

利用2018年1-3月FY-3D卫星的掩星折射率数据,研究了北斗导航卫星系统的掩星分布特点、数据精度以及误差统计特征。北斗导航卫星系统同步静止轨道掩星沿卫星轨道呈弧状分布在南北两极地区,倾斜轨道掩星在东西半球低纬度地区分别形成一小一大两个空洞,中地球轨道掩星则全球均匀分布。北斗掩星折射率数据精度在探测核心区域,即12~32 km范围内,与ERA5再分析资料计算的折射率相比,平均偏差的标准差约为1.5%,在核心区外,标准差从1.5%逐渐增大到6%。静止轨道掩星的平均偏差在高层略大于倾斜轨道和中地球轨道掩星。下降掩星在20 km以上区域的标准差大于上升掩星,20 km以下区域小于上升掩星。高纬地区北斗掩星标准差最小,低纬地区最大,对流层中下层尤其明显。分析结果表明,北斗掩星的数据精度和误差特征与GPS掩星数据相似。  相似文献   

The Global Positioning System (GPS) Radio Occultation (RO) technique has global coverage and is capable of generating high vertical resolution temperature profiles of the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere with sub-Kelvin accuracy and long-term stability, regardless of weather conditions. In this work, we take advantage of the anomalously high density of occultation events at the eastern side of the highest Andes Mountains during the initial mission months of COSMIC (Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere and Climate). This region is well-known for its high wave activity. We choose to study two pairs of GPS RO, both containing two occultations that occurred close in time and space. One pair shows significant differences between both temperature profiles. Numerical simulations with a mesoscale model were performed, in order to understand this discrepancy. It is attributed to the presence of a horizontal inhomogeneous structure caused by gravity waves.  相似文献   

Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver on the CHAllenging Mini-satellite Payload (CHAMP) and the Sounding of the Atmosphere using Broadband Emission Radiometry (SABER) instrument, one of four on board the TIMED satellite, provide middle atmosphere temperature profiles by Radio Occultation (RO) and limb viewing infrared emission measurements, respectively. These temperature profiles retrieved by two different techniques in the stratosphere are compared with each other using more than 1300 correlative profiles in March, September and December 2005. The over-all mean differences averaged over 15 and 35 km are approximately −2 K and standard deviation is less than 3 K. Below 20 km of altitude, relatively small mean temperature differences ∼1 K are observed in wide latitudinal range except for June (during the SABER nighttime observation). In the middle to low latitudes, between 30°S and 30°N, the temperature difference increases with height from ∼0–1 K at 15 km, to ∼−4 K at 35 km of altitude. Large temperature differences about −4 to −6 K are observed between 60°S and 30°N and 31–35 km of altitude for all months and between 0° and 30°N below 16 km during June (nighttime).  相似文献   

The application of the Global Positioning System (GPS) radio occultation (RO) method to the atmosphere enables the determination of height profiles of temperature, among other variables. From these measurements, gravity wave activity is usually quantified by calculating the potential energy through the integration of the ratio of perturbation and background temperatures between two given altitudes in each profile. The uncertainty in the estimation of wave activity depends on the systematic biases and random errors of the measured temperature, but also on additional factors like the selected vertical integration layer and the separation method between background and perturbation temperatures. In this study, the contributions of different parameters and variables to the uncertainty in the calculation of gravity wave potential energy in the lower stratosphere are investigated and quantified. In particular, a Monte Carlo method is used to evaluate the uncertainty that results from different GPS RO temperature error distributions. In addition, our analysis shows that RO data above 30 km height becomes dubious for gravity waves potential energy calculations.  相似文献   

Multi-channel Global Positioning System (GPS) carrier phase signals, received by the six low Earth orbiting (LEO) satellites from the Constellation Observing System for Meteorology, Ionosphere, and Climate (COSMIC) program, were used to undertake active limb sounding of the Earth’s atmosphere and ionosphere via radio occultation. In the ionospheric radio occultation (IRO) data processing, the standard Shell inversion technique (SIT), transformed from the traditional Abel inversion technique (AIT), is widely used, and can retrieve good electron density profiles. In this paper, an alternative SIT method is proposed. The comparison between different inversion techniques will be discussed, taking advantage of the availability of COSMIC datasets. Moreover, the occultation results obtained from the SIT and alternative SIT at 500 km and 800 km, are compared with ionosonde measurements. The electron densities from the alternative SIT show excellent consistency to those from the SIT, with strong correlations over 0.996 and 0.999 at altitudes of 500 km and 800 km, respectively, and the peak electron densities (NmF2) from the alternative SIT are equivalent to the SIT, with 0.839 vs. 0.844, and 0.907 vs. 0.909 correlation coefficients when comparing to those by the ionosondes. These results show that: (1) the NmF2 and hmF2 retrieved from the SIT and alternative SIT are highly consistent, and in a good agreement with those measured by ionosondes, (2) no matter which inversion technique is used, the occultation results at the higher orbits (∼800 km) are better than those at the lower orbits (∼500 km).  相似文献   

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