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城镇化是现代化的必由之路,尽管在发展的硬指标上新型城镇化的任务还比较艰巨,但也不能因此而忽视城镇化的软指标,即人的现代化.人的现代化的核心在于文化观念的转换,传统文化的观念系统存在着诸多影响现代化发展的因素.开展持久的关于现代文化意识的启蒙教育,在政治、经济制度领域实现彻底的现代转型,是实现人的现代化的关键.  相似文献   

建立学习型组织是知识经济时代发展的要求。民航人力资源的开发对民航行业的发展起着巨大的推动作用。本文试图从学习型组织的提出、学习型组织的内涵、创建学习型组织的意义等方面,结合我国民航的具体情况,阐明如何将学习型组织的理念引入民航人力资源开发以及学习型组织的理念引入对民航人力资源开发具有深远而重大的意义。一什么是学习型组织?所谓学习型组织,是指通过培养组织的学习气氛、充分发挥员工的创造性而建立起来的一种有机的、柔性的、扁平的、人性的、持续发展的组织。它具有如下几个要素:拥有终身学习的理论和机制;建有多元回…  相似文献   

马克思的交往理论不仅揭示了人的活动的前提,而且揭示了前提本身的否定方面,即"非人的"社会关系的存在,亦即人的实践活动的批判维度,从而实现了对抽象的"人"及其关系的彻底颠覆。而主体际交往观所规定的主体本质上是虚幻的。  相似文献   

在总结PDM系统实施经验的基础上,概括性地介绍了PDM系统,特别是IMAN的主要特点和功能,并简要描述了实施PDM系统的主要过程、所建立的系统概况以及下一步的工作内容。文章的重点在于总结PDM系统实施的经验,包括管理制度的科学性、目标的长远性及实施的阶段性、效益的长远性、系统应用的强制性和实施工作的合作性等。旨在对PDM及其系统的实施有一初步的了解。  相似文献   

最美丽的放牧是心灵的放牧,置身于草原才能品食丰饶的思想,放眼于天际才能知觉无垠的动力。 看似孤独的也许并不孤独。 城市的人,应学会为自己创造偶尔的孤独,给自己一片放牧心灵的平静的草原。当面对碧蓝与葱翠交汇的地平线,可以只听到风吹过的声音。这个时候,在宁静的天地间细细地体会,慢慢地梳理,孤独,会成为一种内容丰富的享受。 看似简单的也许并不简单。 城市的人,应学会让自己回归偶尔的简单,带自己到一片可以放牧心灵的平静的草原。当真正面对这碧蓝与葱翠交汇的地平线,当耳际真正只听到风吹过的声音。这个时候,在宁静的天地间…  相似文献   

面对成千上万的旅客.不同的职业、不同的年龄、不同的文化背景、不同的社会习惯和不同的想法.有缘聚集在小小的客舱,自然也有着不同的服务需求。如何在旅客最需要的时候出现在他们面前,为他们提供需要的服务,需要的是乘务员敏锐的慧眼和灵活的反应能力。  相似文献   

在参数的部分先验信息已知的条件下所获得的Г极小极大估计是一种介于有确定的先验分布函数的Bayes估计和无先验信息的极小极大估计之间的估计方法,因而更切合实际。以往的研究对二项分布参数的线性组合及负二项分布的参数在某些限制条件下的Г极小极大估计做了讨论。本文给出了独立指数分布的期望参数在一般的先验矩限制下的Г极小极大估计,同时讨论了两种特殊情况,即给出了在仅有先验二阶矩限制下的以及有确定的先验一阶矩和二阶矩限制下的指数分布的期望参数的Г极小极大估计。  相似文献   

一、发动机融资的概述在激烈竞争的航空市场中,航空公司应用金融的能力——财务管理的能力已变得越来越重要。如何筹措资金,规划与使用资金将直接影响到一个航空公司的生存与发展。航空融资的各种方法为航空公司提供了多种多样的筹措资金与使用资金的渠道。发动机的融资是航空融资的一个组成部分,它与飞机的融资有相似的地方也有它独特的地方。与飞机的融资相比,它的特点是(1)数额较小(2)方法更多样(3)容易操作。因此,发动机的融资已得到越来越多的航空公司的重视和应用。  相似文献   

云冈,凡有幸伫立于它的脚下仰望,必为它的壮美而屏息。当年的繁荣,何样的强盛,数千年后仍能在每一尊佛像的吐纳中被感受。生动的表情,完美的体态,各色的祥纹,如何也让人难以置信,这些宏大却极精巧的石像是几世几代的祖辈们仅用双手不懈凿刻而出。云冈,令人目不暇接的宝藏。头顶,左右,足下;染色的,失色的,原色的;坐者,立者,舞者;数万计的人们不断匆匆走过啧啧赞叹。而云冈的佛,身披霓裟,静静望岁月更替,恬然观世事变迁。秋,金灿灿的秋,内蒙古坝上的金灿灿的秋,这秋色没有丝毫飘零的忧戚,完全尽力溢扬着乐章中最华彩最贵族的气度。白的枝干明…  相似文献   

高度的智力活动、大胆的涉险精神、深奥的研究内容与快活的乐天主义"哥本哈根精神"是由20世纪初丹麦的著名科学家尼耳斯·玻尔所提出的,玻尔的挚友、著名物理学家罗森菲耳德为"哥本哈根精神"下的定义是:完全自由的判断与讨论的美德。不仅如此,玻尔倡导的"平等、自由讨论和相互紧密地合作的浓厚的学术气氛",已经成为放之四海皆宜的团队工作准则。只有在他积极营造的那种"使人感到繁忙、激动、活泼、欢快、无拘无束、和蔼可亲"的气氛中,"工作者"才会是美丽的。"哥本哈根精神"完美地诠释了团队精神,它以一个成功者的姿态存在:相互的沟通配合和较为明显的责任分担,需要更为统一的思想,对目标的认同和个人牺牲。  相似文献   

In this article we argue that the interpreter role serves an important function in the innovation of new products and processes. In our survey of over 1000 United States Air Force engineers and project managers, we found that translating customer requirements into specification and statement of work form is one of the most difficult tasks to do in a program office. In analyzing the reasons for this difficulty, we address possible concerns about the nature of the requirement's definition process  相似文献   

Conclusions The discrepancy between the luminosity scale for Cepheids derived from the intermediate band photometry and the presently accepted scale requires further investigation. We have discussed various factors which might affect the previous work and which might affect the present method but we are unable at this time to provide a definite explanation. However, since there is no obvious problem with the intermediate band photometry we should give serious consideration to the possibility that the Cepheid luminosity scale might require some revision.  相似文献   

近几年随着航空航天领域的不断发展,对航空航天用电机的要求也在不断提高,随之便产生了一批新型电机.其中,比较具有代表性的有超声波电机、磁悬浮电机、开关磁阻电机,分别对这三种电机进行了概念以及原理的表述.接下来分析了这三种电机的优缺点以及其分类方式,并评价了其研究现状以及应用领域.最后着重总结了这三种新型电机在航空航天领域的应用,并对其发展进行展望.  相似文献   

国内航空工业对小型通用飞机的设计及研制还处于起步阶段,在超轻型飞机性能指标制定方面缺少相关的资料和可借鉴的成熟经验。本文从超轻型飞机的飞行使用和飞行特点出发,参考了国内外多个超轻型飞机适航标准,提出了飞机失速速度要求、机动过载包线限制、水平转弯特性、爬升特性、起飞着陆特性5个方面性能要求。另外文中还给出了多款小型通用飞机的最大起飞质量、最大航时及航程特性,为相关工作提供设计参考。  相似文献   

Mercury’s unusually high mean density has always been attributed to special circumstances that occurred during the formation of the planet or shortly thereafter, and due to the planet’s close proximity to the Sun. The nature of these special circumstances is still being debated and several scenarios, all proposed more than 20 years ago, have been suggested. In all scenarios, the high mean density is the result of severe fractionation occurring between silicates and iron. It is the origin of this fractionation that is at the centre of the debate: is it due to differences in condensation temperature and/or in material characteristics (e.g. density, strength)? Is it because of mantle evaporation due to the close proximity to the Sun? Or is it due to the blasting off of the mantle during a giant impact? In this paper we investigate, in some detail, the fractionation induced by a giant impact on a proto-Mercury having roughly chondritic elemental abundances. We have extended the previous work on this hypothesis in two significant directions. First, we have considerably increased the resolution of the simulation of the collision itself. Second, we have addressed the fate of the ejecta following the impact by computing the expected reaccretion timescale and comparing it to the removal timescale from gravitational interactions with other planets (essentially Venus) and the Poynting–Robertson effect. To compute the latter, we have determined the expected size distribution of the condensates formed during the cooling of the expanding vapor cloud generated by the impact. We find that, even though some ejected material will be reaccreted, the removal of the mantle of proto-Mercury following a giant impact can indeed lead to the required long-term fractionation between silicates and iron and therefore account for the anomalously high mean density of the planet. Detailed coupled dynamical–chemical modeling of this formation mechanism should be carried out in such a way as to allow explicit testing of the giant impact hypothesis by forthcoming space missions (e.g. MESSENGER and BepiColombo).  相似文献   

In this work we will try to give the most general panorama, comparatively with the conciseness, on SS Cygni which is the brightest dwarf nova.The dwarf novae form a sub-class of the more vaste panorama of the Cataclysmic Variables (CVs). For this reason firstly we will describe in general the CVs and the current theories which attempt to describe their physical behaviour (Sections 2 and 3). The up-to-date observational properties of SS Cygni (Section 4) and a discussion on their explanation within the framework of theories (Section 5) will allow us to draw the conclusions (Section 6) and to argue the most convenient line of investigation (Section 7) both experimental and theoretical for a better understanding of the underlying physics of these systems.  相似文献   

介绍了多媒体技术中MPEG 的编解码方法。结合电视播放中的实际情况,利用多线程编程技术,设计并实现了多媒体电视播放系统MVZB,从而较好解决了传统录放像系统编解码及节目切换的延时、抖动及漂移问题  相似文献   

介绍了一种新研制的锥度检查仪,并就其测量不确定度进行了评定。  相似文献   

The Solar Dynamo   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
It is generally accepted that the strong toroidal magnetic fields that emerge through the solar surface in sunspots and active regions are formed by the action of differential rotation on a poloidal field, and then stored in or near the tachocline at the base of the Sun’s convection zone. The problem is how to explain the generation of a reversed poloidal field from this toroidal flux—a process that can be parametrised in terms of an α-effect related to some form of turbulent helicity. Here we first outline the principal patterns that have to be explained: the 11-year activity cycle, the 22-year magnetic cycle and the longer term modulation of cyclic activity, associated with grand maxima and minima. Then we summarise what has been learnt from helioseismology about the Sun’s internal structure and rotation that may be relevant to our subject. The ingredients of mean-field dynamo models are differential rotation, meridional circulation, turbulent diffusion, flux pumping and the α-effect: in various combinations they can reproduce the principal features that are observed. To proceed further, it is necessary to rely on large-scale computation and we summarise the current state of play.  相似文献   

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