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Recent hypervelocity studies have been conducted which simulate the collision of interplanetary dust with rocky planetary satellite surfaces. Preliminary flux-mass distributions of micron and submicron ejecta from these hypervelocity impact studies have been determined. Several models of the flux-mass distribution of primary interplanetary dust are used to determine ratios of satellite surface ejecta and primary meteoroid flux-mass distributions. The results are used in a second model to determine the ejecta spatial mass densities near the surface of the satellite.  相似文献   

The cylindrical column of brittle material processed from soil and rock is a fundamental component of architectures on the surface of solid bodies in the solar system. One of the most hazardous events for the structure is damaging by hypervelocity impacts by meteoroids and debris. In such a background, cylindrical columns made of plaster of Paris and glass-bead-sintered ceramic were impacted by spherical projectiles of nylon, glass, and steel at velocity of about 1–4.5 km/s. Measured crater radii, depth, and excavated mass expressed by a function of the cylinder radius are similar irrespective of the target material, if those parameters are normalized by appropriate parameters of the crater produced on the flat-surface target. The empirical scaling relations of the normalized crater radii and depth are provided. Using them, crater dimensions and excavated mass of crater on cylindrical surface of any radius can be predicted from the existing knowledge of those for flat surface. Recommendation for the minimum diameter of a cylinder so as to resist against a given impact is provided.  相似文献   

It is suggested that the UV radiation, and shock and plasma phenomena which accompanied the hypervelocity impacts of solid bodies (meteorites and comets) onto the surface of the young Earth may have contributed to the synthesis of prebiotic organic molecules in the primitive atmosphere in a larger amount than was thought previously. The mechanisms responsible for this synthesis are discussed using information obtained from recent experimental and theoretical work on macroscopic hypervelocity impacts.  相似文献   

A variety of physical processes can erode the surfaces of planetary ring particles. According to current estimates, the most efficient of these over the bulk of Saturn's rings is hypervelocity impact by 100 micron to one centimeter radius meteoroids. The atoms, molecules, and fragments ejected from ring particles by erosion arc across the rings along elliptical orbits to produce a tenuous halo of solid ejecta and an extensive gaseous atmosphere. Continuous exchange of ejecta between different ring regions can lead to net radial transport of mass and angular momentum. The equations governing this ballistic transport process are presented and discussed. Both numerical and analytic studies of idealized ring systems illustrate that ballistic transport can cause significant mass redistribution in the rings, especially near regions of high density contrast, such as the inner edges of the A and B rings. Ejecta exchanges can also alter local particle sizes and compositions and may produce pulverized regoliths at least several centimeters deep. The meteoroid erosion rate is so high that significant global torques and mass loss are possible on times shorter than a solar system life time.  相似文献   

This paper describes the rationale, methodology, and importance of focusing on the rim and proximal ejecta of small (<5 km in diameter), immature impact craters to explore an underlying crustal lithology. Small Crater Rim and Ejecta Probing (SCREP) describes a methodology and application program that extracts bedrock spectral and compositional information from a remote sensing image. Extracted data can yield the pristine lithologies of a planetary crust that would otherwise be obscured by the products of space weathering processes. SCREP was developed with lunar data, specifically Clementine multispectral image mosaics, therefore the technique is discussed in this context. However, its application to other airless solar system bodies is apparent. Knowledge of the pristine bedrock compositions of a planetary crust provides insight into geological surface processes, which can be used to refine models of planetary interiors and their evolution.  相似文献   

Experimental data are now widely available for the size of craters resulting from hypervelocity impacts of millimetre scale projectiles onto water ice targets. At such size scales the bowl shaped crater formed in ductile materials, or in larger scale impacts, is here surrounded by a large spallation zone due to the brittle nature of the ice. Modelling of these impacts therefore has to take account of this spallation. Here we used the iSALE2 hydrocode to simulate such impacts and compared the results to experimental data. We found that it was possible to reproduce the experimental data over a range of speeds (1–7 km s−1) for aluminium and copper projectiles. Initially, to reproduce the large spallation regions around the craters it was assumed that above a certain degree of damage, material was removed by spallation. However this simple one-parameter model failed to model the crater depth adequately. Accordingly, to obtain the best agreement of the simulations with the experimental data, a two-step ice strength was introduced, whereby above a critical amount of damage (0.95), the yield strength reduced from 1 MPa (intact) to 70 kPa (damaged). As a result, experimental data for crater depth and diameter and the results of the simulations agree to within 6% for diameter and 5% for depth over the impact energy range used in the experiments (1–240 J).  相似文献   

On 15th February 1992, ISAS space engineering satellite HITEN was successfully inserted into an elliptical orbit around the moon with perilune between some 100 km and 8000 km and apolune of about 50.000 km. On board was a small scientific experiment designed to detect cosmic dust particles, MDC - Munich Dust Counter. During a period of more than one year, until Hiten's hard landing on the moon surface at 10th of April 1993 (UTC), measurements of impact velocity, mass and crude flight direction of micrometeoroid particles have been performed. In total 150 cosmic dust impacts were detected and evaluated. From these measurements, the impact rate versus time and the dust flux versus distance from the moon are derived. The evidence of moon ejecta and some indications of particles which are orbiting the moon will be discussed. The spatial distribution of the measured particles is shown in lunarcentric as well as in heliocentric coordinate systems. The directional distribution is also given, showing the different populations of cosmic dust particles. Finally, the gathered data will be compared with previous results from measurements in the vicinity of the Earth and in the geomagnetic tail region.  相似文献   

The surface layer of the Moon preserves vital evidences of lunar impact and cratering processes due to the absence of any Aeolian and fluvial erosion processes acting on it. By examining these evidences, which are recorded throughout the evolutionary history of the Moon, several basic aspects of lunar science can be understood, and this has direct relevance to the surfaces of other airless bodies within the solar system. In this study, rock abundance data obtained from Thermal Infrared (TIR) observations and radar Circular Polarization Ratio (CPR) data sets obtained from polarimetric SAR observations were correlated at some sample sites on the lunar surface. Preliminary results yielded qualitative and quantitative estimates for surface rock abundances. Except at distal ejecta deposits of young, bright craters a general correlation was observed between the two datasets. Mixed results were observed from the impact melt flows where the situation is complex due to the possible subsurface-volume and volume-subsurface interactions of the radar waves. But the flow features were clearly separated from the interior and ejecta regions of their parent craters in terms of CPR and rock abundances. The extent and distributions of pyroclastic deposits and dark haloed regions could not be distinctly identified at the resolution of datasets utilized. Near Gerasimovich D crater, the Diviner Radiometer has provided the first TIR observations of a newly discovered impact melt flow which was not visible in the optical imagery. This facilitated the first ever quantitative comparisons of the radar CPR and rock abundance values near such a region. Also, significant differences in spatial patterns between the radar and rock concentration data sets were observed, owing to the differences in the sensitivity of the two observations.  相似文献   

This paper provides an approach of crater detection and matching to visual navigation in planetary landing missions. The approach aims to detect craters on the planetary surface and match them to a landmark database during the descent phase of a planetary landing mission. Firstly an image region pairing method is proposed to detect the crater by using an image region feature detector. Then a WTA-rule is adopted to match the detected crater to the crater in database. To further reduce the false matching rate, an efficient method for reducing false matches using parameters of crater in 3-D database is proposed. Real images of planetary terrain and a semi-physical planetary landing simulation platform are utilized to test the performance of the approach, simulation results show the proposed approach is able to match the required number of craters to the database for pin-point planetary landing with a low rate of false detection and false matching, which will lead to an improved planetary landing precision.  相似文献   

During the last few decades various techniques have made it possible to accelerate microparticles (10−6 – 10−15 gr) up to tens of km/sec and macroparticles (1 gr or so) up to 10 km/sec, thus furthering our understanding of many impact related phenomena occurring on the surfaces of celestial bodies.

This review will deal with existing techniques for the acceleration of hypervelocity projectiles. The performance of electrostatic accelerators, electromagnetic rail guns and related systems, plasma drag accelerators, light gas guns and explosive accelerating techniques is reviewed, and the capabilities and limitations of each type are briefly discussed. An attempt is made to assess the future promise of existing techniques and the realism of some current suggestions.  相似文献   

Extensive studies have been conducted concerning individual mass, temporal and positional distribution of submicron rocky ejecta existing in the satellite-planetary gravitational sphere of influence. The transit time of the major portion of the ejecta that is transported from the satellite's gravitational sphere of influence to the planetary magnetopause is about one week and represents a mass loading pulse occurring each satellite orbit. The mass-flux distributions of lunar ejecta at the surface of the magnetopause for a complete lunar orbit are presented. Spatial mass densities of lunar ejecta in specific zones of the magnetosphere provide a means to compare sporadic interplanetary dust spatial mass densities in the same zones.  相似文献   

辐射纹是年轻撞击坑周缘呈辐射状分布的明亮细条纹,是月表最显著的地貌特征之一,也是月球科学领域热点研究之一.根据目前对于月球撞击坑辐射纹的形成和类型的认识,分析辐射纹消失相关的空间风化、撞击导致的物质混合等地质过程;比较不同形成年龄撞击坑辐射纹的光学成熟度(OMAT)剖面,发现溅射物逐渐成熟过程中OMAT剖面的演变过程,...  相似文献   

Impact cratering as a geologic process on the terrestrial planets is addressed. The crater densities on the Earth and Moon form the basis for a standard flux-time curve, which can be used to date unsampled planetary surfaces and constrain the temporal history of endogenic geologic processes. The attached uncertainties and the shape of the flux curve (a rapid exponential decay for the period 4.6 – 4.0 by, followed by the establishment of a constant fluid by 3.5 – 3.0 by which continues more or less to the present) are such that only very old (3.8 by) and very young ( 1.0 by) surfaces can be dated with some confidence. Dating of intermediate-aged surfaces is more imprecise; a problem which is most significant for the geologic history of Mars.

The cratering mechanics of simple craters are fairly well understood. A transient cavity of roughly parabolic cross-section results from the combined excavation and displacement of the target rocks by the cratering flow-field, which can be approximated by the Z-model derived from shallow-buried explosive events. The walls of the transient crater are unstable and slump inwards, resulting in a final bowl-shaped crater partially filled by breccia. The formation process of larger, shallow complex structures is less well understood. Recent models favor the complete collapse of the initial cavity, with the dynamic uplift of the excavated cavity floor. Regardless of the driving force for uplift, yield strength of the target rocks must be drastically reduced during cavity modification by an, as yet, imprecisely known process.

The formation of large impact basins had a profound effect on planetary evolution. They define the basic tectonic and stratigraphic framework of the Moon and their secondary effects lasted for 108 y. The evidence is less compelling from other planets, but a general feature appears to be the concentration of later endogenic activity in and around basins. On Earth, it is possible that basin-formation contributed to the establishment of the dichotomy between proto-continental and proto-oceanic crusts. The effects of impact continue into recent geologic history and may be linked to major biological changes on Earth, such as at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary.  相似文献   

Craters are distinctive features on the surfaces of most terrestrial planets. Craters reveal the relative ages of surface units and provide information on surface geology. Extracting craters is one of the fundamental tasks in planetary research. Although many automated crater detection algorithms have been developed to exact craters from image or topographic data, most of them are applicable only in particular regions, and only a few can be widely used, especially in complex surface settings. In this study, we present a machine learning approach to crater detection from topographic data. This approach includes two steps: detecting square regions which contain one crater with the use of a boosting algorithm and delineating the rims of the crater in each square region by local terrain analysis and circular Hough transform. A new variant of Haar-like features (scaled Haar-like features) is proposed and combined with traditional Haar-like features and local binary pattern features to enhance the performance of the classifier. Experimental results with the use of Mars topographic data demonstrate that the developed approach can significantly decrease the false positive detection rate while maintaining a relatively high true positive detection rate even in challenging sites.  相似文献   

Modern techniques for planetary defense from comets and asteroids involve the deflection of the bolide via kinetic, gravitational, ablative, or radiative means. While potentially effective, none of these methods are capable of operating in a terminal interdiction mode wherethe threat is discovered with little time prior to impact. We present a practical and effective method for planetary defense which enables extremely short interdiction time scales, but can also operate within longer time scales and can be effective for extremely large threats. Called PI (“Pulverize It”), the method makes use of an array of hypervelocity penetrators which uses the kinetic energy of the asteroid or comet to disrupt it. In the terminal interdiction mode, the fragments of maximum 10 m diameter disperse laterally as they continue towards the Earth, and then enter the Earth’s atmosphere where they burn up as a series of airburst events which spatially and temporally de-correlate the energy of the original parent bolide for any arbitrary observer on the ground in the form of acoustical shockwaves and optical pulses. We show that terminal interdiction modes ranging from 2 minutes prior to impact for 20-meter class bolides (such as the Chelyabinsk asteroid), 1 day prior to impact for 100 m-class asteroids, 10 days prior to impact for Apophis-class asteroids (370 m), and even 60 days prior to impact for 1 km-class threats are all possible, though longer warning times are always preferred. Using only technologies readily available today, the PI method allows for a cost-effective and practical roadmap towards robust planetary defense capability.  相似文献   

The primordial Mars may have possessed a thick carbon dioxide atmosphere, with liquid water common on the surface, similar in many ways to the primordial Earth. During this epoch, billions of years ago, the surface of Mars could have been conducive to the origin of life. It is possible that life evolved on Mars to be later eliminated as the atmospheric pressure dropped. Analysis of the surface of Mars for the traces of this early martian biota could provide many insights into the phenomenon of life and its coupling to planetary evolution.  相似文献   

行星大气1~3000GHz微波-亚毫米波辐射模拟   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为模拟行星大气在微波elax-elax亚毫米波波段的辐射传输特性,利用逐线积分方法计算行星大气中各气体成分在1~3000GHz的吸收系数.基于HITRAN数据库中各气体分子的跃迁频率及线强等参数,有效模拟了各气体分子在此频段内的吸收特征,并与常用的微波elax-elax亚毫米波大气辐射传输模式进行对比.分析地球大气的组成及特性,利用辐射传输方程模拟临边探测方式下不同频段的大气辐射亮温.研究结果可为后续地球乃至行星大气成分探测模拟、频带选择以及大气成分廓线反演提供模型及理论依据.   相似文献   

对火星大气进行连续高分辨率观测是研究火星大气物理和化学过程的重要手段.太赫兹临边探测技术通过测量火星大气中的风和光化学循环中的重要气体(CO,O3,H2O,H2O2等)提高对火星的认知.针对火星大气遥感的探测需求,分析了300~1000GHz频段的频谱特征.针对探测卫星对于载荷质量、功耗等参数的要求,提出一个560GHz频段的火星大气太赫兹临边探测仪设计方案,并利用辐射传输模型ARTS中的行星工具箱进行仿真.仿真结果显示:火星大气温度的反演精度优于4K,其中45km高度以下优于2K;H2O丰度的反演精度在90km以下优于50%,30km以下优于2%;H2O2的反演精度在40km以下优于50%;O3的反演精度在50km以下优于60%;大气风速度的反演精度在65km以上优于5m·s-1,最高可以达到2m·s-1.研究结果表明,利用太赫兹波段的吸收谱线可以很好地探测火星大气中各成分的丰度、变化趋势以及中高层大气的风,可为后续火星表面及大气探测提供参考.   相似文献   

Different versions of manned closed ecosystems (CES) based on photosynthesis of unicellular and/or higher plants and chemosynthesis or bacteria are considered. Different versions of CES have been compared for applying them on Earth, Moon, Mars and Venus orbital stations, for Mars missions and planetary stations as well as to provide high-quality life in extreme conditions on the Earth. In microgravity [correction of mycrogravity] we recommend CES with unicellular organisms based on photosynthesis or chemosynthesis (depending of the availability of the light or electric energy). For the planetary stations with Moon gravity and higher CES with higher plants are recommended. Improvement of indoor air quality by CES biotechnology is considered.  相似文献   

The ionization profiles produced by galactic cosmic rays in the Earth atmosphere and ionosphere are obtained on the basis of Monte Carlo simulations. Cascade processes in the atmosphere are simulated using CORSIKA 6.52 code with FLUKA 2006 and QGSJET II hadronic interaction subroutines. Proton induced showers are considered using a realistic atmospheric model (US Standard Atmosphere). The energy deposit from different components is taken into account, namely electromagnetic, hadron and muon components. The curvature of the atmosphere is considered in the computer code. On the basis of the computed ionization yield function the ion pair production rate in the atmosphere is obtained for different conditions and locations. The model is applicable to the entire atmosphere, from ground level to upper atmosphere. Several applications of the obtained results are discussed. The Monte Carlo simulation model considers nuclear interactions below the altitude of 35 km. It is compared with analytical–numerical electron production rate model. The latter model which takes into account the electromagnetic interactions above altitudes of 35 km has two main regions of application: above 50 km (thin target model) and between 35 and 50 km (intermediate target model). A good agreement between the CORSIKA results and analytical–numerical model results is found above altitude of 35 km.  相似文献   

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