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李杰1, 杨宏2, 乔军卿1, 赵国清1
1.山东航天电子技术研究所, 烟台 264003;2.中国空间技术研究院 载人航天总体部, 北京 100094
关键词:  可靠性分析  可修复单机  在轨修复  可用度  修复率
A Reliability Analysis Method for On-Orbit Repairable Single-Unit
LI Jie1, YANG Hong2, QIAO Junqing1, ZHAO Guoqing1
1.Shandong Institute of Space Electronic Technology, Yantai 264003, China;2.Beijing Insititute of Spacecraft System Engineering, Beijing 100094, China
During deep space exploration,the ability of being able to be repaired for an on-orbit unit can greatly improve the reliability of spacecraft system. However,researches on single-unit reliability with the influence caused by the on-orbit repair are really scarce. An availability model and its state equations of on-orbit repairable single-units are studied, and its transient availability formula is proposed. The availability with different repair rates of a repairable single-unit is calculated,and compared with a non-repairable one. A method for quick estimating the expected reliability at the end of mission by applying the relationship between repair rate and failure rate is presented. It is shown that the higher on-orbit repair rate,the higher reliability of a singleunit. The high on-orbit repair ability can also reduce the requirement on the reliability of a developing single-unit.
Key words:  reliability analysis  repairable single-unit  on-orbit repair  availability  repair rate