


空间控制技术与应用 ›› 2021, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (3): 9-15.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1674-1579.2021.03.002

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  1. 中国空间技术研究院
  • 出版日期:2021-06-26 发布日期:2021-07-02
  • 基金资助:
    国家自然科学基金面上资助项目 (61873029)

Adaptive Reentry Guidance Method with Online Trajectory Planning and Tracking Law Online Calculating

  • Online:2021-06-26 Published:2021-07-02

摘要: 针对高超声速飞行器非标称再入飞行任务的高精度自主制导问题,研究了一种基于轨迹在线规划与跟踪律在线计算的全自主自适应制导方法.该方法基于拟平衡滑翔条件与高精度的规划模型在线生成满足多路径约束的参考轨迹,在跟踪参考轨迹时引入符号函数法在线计算线性二次调节器的反馈增益矩阵,以获得高精度的自适应跟踪律.最后通过远程、近程两种工况的蒙特卡洛打靶仿真验证了该方法的精度与鲁棒性.

关键词: 高超声速飞行器, 轨迹在线规划, 拟平衡滑翔条件, 线性二次调节器, 符号函数法

Abstract: For the highprecision autonomous guidance of hypersonic vehicles with the non nominal reentry mission, a fully autonomous adaptive guidance method based on online trajectory planning and tracking law online calculating is studied. The reference trajectory with the multipath constraints is generated online via the quasi balanced glide condition and a higher precision planning model. And the feedback gain matrix of the linear quadratic regulator is online calculated when tracking the reference trajectory, obtaining a high precision adaptive tracking law. Finally, Monte Carlo simulation is presented to validate the high accuracy and robustness of the proposed algorithm, with the longrange and shortrange reentry missions.

Key words: hypersonic vehicle;online trajectory planning, quasi equilibrium glide condition, linear quadratic regulator, symbolic function method


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