秦海勤,徐可君.基于振动能量积奇异值分解的航空发动机 振动状态识别[J].航空发动机,2016,42(3):38-42
基于振动能量积奇异值分解的航空发动机 振动状态识别
Recognition of Different Vibration States of Aeroengine Based on the Vibration Energy Product SVD
中文关键词:  振动能量积  奇异值分解  状态识别  振动信号  航空发动机
英文关键词:vibration energy product  singular value decomposition  state recognition  vibration signal  aeroengine
秦海勤,徐可君 海军航空工程学院青岛校区 航空机械系山东青岛 266041 xiao_qin_1981@163.com 
摘要点击次数: 1282
全文下载次数: 1257
      In order to improve the accuracy of vibration monitoring and fault diagnosis of aeroengine, a new vibration state recognition method was brought out. Based on the fact that the different harmonic energy of aeroengine rotor system, the method can be completely presented by the product of major axis and minor axis of shaft centerline orbit ellipse. Different harmonic products were treated as general time series. The SVD theorem was used to the array which was formed by the time series. Different vibration states of aeroengine can be identified by characteristic vector which was derived from eigenvalues of the array. The method was used to analysis the real testing data. The result shows that the relative intensity of product singular value has the same varied tendency and better stability in the same vibration state, while the tendency is distinct in different states and different vibration states can be recognized by the relative distance entropies.
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